OFF theSHELF SPRING 2014 A MAGAZINE FROM thE FREE LIbRARy OF PhILAdELPhIA VOLUME 3 • ISSUE 2 3 • ISSUE VOLUME HaRoL yN HoLtoN LIz HeIdemaN Acting head of seCurity maRIoN PaRkINSoN Children’s librarian Cluster leader Parkway Central library PhiladelPhia City institute north PhiladelPhia neighborhood libraries THe FAces oF THe Free BoB RuBeNSteIN VeRoNIca BRItto library assistant 2 branCh head librAry Parkway Central library david Cohen ogontz library Renovation update Also inside News from around the system The Final Word with Helen Oyeyemi SecuRe tHe FRee LIBR aRy’S FutuRe t oday Making a gift through your will—a bequest—to the Free library of Philadelphia Foundation will help to ensure that the Free library will continue to transform lives for generations to come, all while providing your heirs with potential estate tax advantages. A bequest can benefit a wide variety of programs and services at the Free library or be restricted to support your favorite neighborhood library. regardless of how you choose to designate your gift today, your support secures the future of the Free library of Philadelphia for tomorrow’s customers. if you have already made arrangements to provide for the Free Library Foundation through your estate, please let us know so that we may thank you! NOw OFFERING ChARItAbLE GIFt ANNUItIES! To LEARN MORE AbOUt OUR CGA RAtES OR MAkING A PLANNEd GIFt thROUGh A bEqUESt OR GIFt OF INSURANCE, please contact AMANdA GOLdStEIN At 215-567-7710, Ext. 538 OR GOLd [email protected]. Not intended as legal, tax, or investment advice a SeLECTIoN oF uPCOMING AUTHoR eVeNtS FOR MORE INFO: 215-567-4341 • FREELIbRARy.ORG/authOREVENtS aPR 22 • 7:30 Pm aPR 24 • 7:30 Pm aPR 29 • 7:30 Pm MAY 1 • 7:30 Pm MAY 6 • 7:30 Pm FRee tIcket ReQuIRed FRee tIcket ReQuIRed FRee Francine Prose Marlo Thomas Ralph Nader Lovers at the Chameleon It Ain’t Over . Till It’s Over: Amartya Sen Unstoppable: Club, Paris 1932 Reinventing Your Life-- An Uncertain Glory: India The Emerging Right-Left Elise Juska and Realizing Your Dreams-- Alliance to Dismantle with and its Contradictions The Blessings Any Time, at Any Age the Corporate State Mona Simpson with Casebook Akhil Sharma MAY 12 • 7:30 Pm MAY 13 • 7:30 Pm MAY 22 • 7:30 Pm MAY 29 • 7:30 Pm Family Life FRee FRee FRee tIcket ReQuIRed and Sebastian Barry Roz Chast Sandra Tsing Loh Michael Philippe Petit The Temporary Gentleman Can’t We Talk about The Madwoman Cunningham Creativity: The Perfect Crime Something More Pleasant in the Volvo The Snow Queen thE EIGhth annual PhILAdELPhIA bOOk FEStival RUNS APRIL 13 thROUGh APRIL 19. dEtAILS ON page 5 ANd At FREELIbRARy.ORG FROM thE PRESIdENt ANd dIRECtOR Welcome to the spring 2014 edition of Off the Shelf. you’ll no doubt spot a common theme running throughout this issue: Whether we’re celebrating FREE LIbRARy OF PhILAdELPhIA the year of the bard, kicking off the Philadelphia PRESIdENt ANd dIRECtOR Siobhan A. Reardon book Festival, or revolutionizing the way we serve AssociatE dIRECtOR our customers, it is our librarians and staff who truly Dr. Joseph McPeak bring our programs and services to life. VICE PRESIdENt OF Development Melissa B. Greenberg When we underwent our strategic planning process several years ago, VICE PRESIdENt OF ExtERNAL Affairs providing great, focused customer service was at the core of every Sandra Horrocks decision we made. And at the heart of great customer service is our dIRECtOR OF COMMUNICAtIONS richest resource: our dedicated librarians and staff. ANd bRANd MARkEtING Alix Gerz You will read about just a few of them in this issue’s feature article, “The Faces of the Free Library.” Each day, members of our team tirelessly SENIOR wRItER ANd EdItOR Michelle Saraceni Sheffer work to advance literacy, guide learning, and inspire curiosity in Philadelphians of all ages and backgrounds. Working at a library is no COMMUNICAtIONS ANd PROdUCtION COORdINAtOR easy task, yet these individuals make it seem effortless as they lead Eileen Owens storytimes, host lively programs, and ensure that the library is a FREE LIbRARy OF welcoming and safe place for all. PhILAdELPhIA FOUNdAtION 1901 Vine Street, Suite 111 In order to truly let our librarians and staff shine, we recently Philadelphia, PA 19103 underwent an organizational restructuring, creating strategic groups, or 215-567-7710 “clusters,” of libraries that are able to share staff, ideas, and resources to freelibrary.org/support create a more streamlined customer experience. Be sure to turn to From OFF thE ShELF the Neighborhoods to learn more about this groundbreaking initiative. [email protected] freelibrary.org/publications In these pages you’ll also get a peek at a Hidden Gem from The Off the Shelf is published twice annually Rosenbach of the Free Library of Philadelphia, catch up on all the latest for supporters of the Free Library of news and notes from around the system, and read what author Helen Philadelphia Foundation and showcases the Library’s educational, economic, Oyeyemi has to say about life and libraries. Enjoy! and cultural contributions to the region. oN tHe COVeR: fIve of our steLLar Warmly, LIbrarIaNs aNd staff wHo work tIreLessLy to advaNce LIteracy, GuIde LearNING, aNd INspIre curIosIty BeLoW: LIbrarIaNs LIz HeIdeMan aNd veroNIca brItto cHeck out a LIteracy app for cHILdreN. Siobhan A. Reardon pHoto credIt: ryaN braNdeNberG PRESIdENt ANd dIRECtOR WHAT’S INSIde 8 The FaceS oF tHe FRee LIBRaRy: PRoFILeS IN exceLLeNce 4 News aNd Notes 6 HIddeN GeMs: sHakespeare’s LIfe IN paper 7 focus oN: STUNNING SPACES 12 puttING tHe ‘NeIGHborHood’ IN NeIGHborHood LIbrarIes: a New ModeL for LIbrary servIce 14 tHe fINaL word: HeLeN oyeyeMI 15 BOARD LISTS The Library recently completed one of the largest library card drives in its history! Ninety-eight thousand students in the School District of Philadelphia—from Kindergarteners to high school seniors— received cards so that now every student has a Free Library card. All THe World was A stage at THe PArkway cenTrAl librAry on deceMber 7 As guesTs gathered For thE bALL FOR thE bARd To celebrate 450 yeArs oF THe incomparAble WilliAM sHAkesPeAre, FroM THe THeatre stalls oF elizAbeTHAn englAnd To THe vibrAnT sTreeTs oF 21sT-cenTury PHilAdelPHiA. THe bAll For THe bArd oFFered guesTs A sPectaculAr evening oF PoeTry And PerForMAnce, dinner And dAncing—All in Honor oF THe bArd And in suPPorT oF THe Free librAry! Photo Photo C redit: redit: k elly & Massa Photogra & Massa elly P hy CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Left to right: the Bard himseLf with LiBrary President and director sioBhan a. reardon, arthur sPector, miriam sPector, Jim reardon, and shakesPeare’s first foLio Left to right: emiLy riLey, eLeanor davis, and BaLL co-chairs stacey sPector and ira Brind Left to right: Board of directors memBer susan smith with LesLie stiLes, mike stiLes, marJorie rendeLL, and Lyn montgomery BaLL co-chairs cookie and raLPh smith BaLL co-chairs John and Janet haas { 4 } { 5 } PHOTO Credit: Joel niChols 1 R R Around e THe SYSTeM RN TOME S 2 CO cu PAt LEPERA cAn’T reMeMber A TiMe WHen sHe wasn’T A cArd-cArrying Free librAry cusToMer: “THe librAry is THe only club i’ve been A MeMber oF My WHole liFe.” She got her first library card at the age of five, and since then, her neighborhood libraries have tracked her path around the city: from Holmesburg to Katharine Drexel, 3 Chestnut Hill, Bushrod, and now Walnut Street West. Her parents, avid library lovers, instilled in her a deep 4 appreciation of reading and a love of libraries at an early age. Their neighborhood library was Tacony, and her father visited religiously. He returned and checked out new books every third Friday of the month; in fact, it was one of the last things he did before he died. In honor of what would have been her father’s 75th birthday, Pat generously donated funding for benches in Tacony’s reading garden. The benches, which bear her father’s name, create a serene setting for customers to Photo Credit: Curt hudson enjoy the Tacony Library as much as he did. 1 Children at dURhAM LIbRARy exPeriMent with e-textiles, Now President at SteegeThomson Communications and a part Making Plush Monsters with of the Free Library Foundation’s George S. Pepper Society, Pat light-uP eyes. believes in the extraordinary power people gain when they 2 aftersChool PrograM leader blake boeneCke Created have access to a library. “Books changes lives, they broaden our finger PuPPets for Children world,” she says. “It’s a path to lifelong learning.” at INdEPENdENCE LIbRARy to Cut, Color, and aCt out their The love of libraries passed down from Pat’s parents still own Nutcracker. hasn’t left her. “I’ve never gotten over my wonder that all of 3 NORtheast REGIONAL LIbRARy Celebrates its these books were available to me, for free. The library is an 50th anniversary with ribbon danCing. open door to the world.” 4 OAk LANE LIbRARy Celebrates Martin luther king, Jr. day with an oratoriCal Contest. Join us for a celebration of literacy and the arts! This beloved celebration continues with events at neighborhood libraries throughout the city, along with headlining author events in the Parkway Central Library’s Montgomery Auditorium, during National Library week from April 13-19, 2014. The Book Festival now stretches into every Philadelphia community, ensuring that book worms and literacy lovers from across the city can get in on the fun. Headlining authors that will appear throughout the week at Parkway Central include Debbie Macomber, Barbara Ehrenreich, and Food Network stars Pat and Gina Neely.
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