-W- m ( The Newsletter of the Political Studi The UFC review persists in under-rating the research record of British political studies, although the discipline emerges with a strong overall assessment STEP FORWARD The UFC Research Selectivity Exercise results, published on 24 August 1989, show a marked improvement in the standing of political Volume l,:Number 4 studies in the UK. However, in view of the enormous investment in the review, it is surprising that the outcome did not reflect more . accurately the outstanding international reputation of the discipline. Academics in political studies can take some The PSA now has data with which to provide l pleasure in the results and particularly in the a diagnostic service to all departments seek- EDITOR: John Benyon improvements since 1986, when undoub- ing to maintain and improve their rankings. tedly the discipline was very badly treated As a further step in its programme to prom- Editorial Assistants: Kate Cambridge, by the UGC. Then only two departments ote political studies the PSA is establishing Yvo~eJewkes and Georgina Roberts received an 'outstanding' ranking whereas in an Annual Research Report which will in- this year's exercise six departments received clude publications by all departments. Centre for the Study of Public Order, the highest Grade 5 rating. University of Leicester, However, there are just four departments Further details of the UFC Ratings in the second Grade 4 category. Given the appear on pages 11-16 acknowledged international excellence of much British politics research, it is odd to Professor Mike Goldsmith Assumes the PSA Chair find that significantly more departments International reputation / Pressure of commitments has forced Professor Trevor Smith to stand down after five years of assiduous and energetic work on the PSA Executive. The Exercise cost some E4 million and in- I volved some 36,000 person-days, but it Trevor Smith's period on the Executive, first seems that even this enormous investment Trevor Smith's presence on the Executive as Vice-Chair (Universities) and then as has not enabled the UFC to discover the will be greatly missed, for he has been a Chair, were years during which the PSA considerable achievements in British politi- source of wisdom, guidance and encourage- developed considerably. Professor Smith cal studies that are respected by so many ment. The Executive unanimously recorded contributed a great deal of energy, drive and colleagues overseas. its appreciation and conferred a Vice-Presi- ideas and assiduously promoted the study of The UFC has said that a further selectivity dency of the Association. politics. exercise will take place, probably in 1993. The new Chair of the PSA is Professor He established and chaired the PSA The PSA will continue to campaign for a Michael Goldsmith, Pro-Vice-Chancellor at Shadow Panel, which closely monitored the more realistic recognition of the quality of the University of Salford. Mike Goldsmith is UFC Research Selectivity Exercise, and he politics research. well-known to PSA members through his took a leading role in the PSA's campaign for research activities, and is a senior and much- I the defence idpromotion of the profession. I respected member of the profession. l PSA NEWS ISSN 09554281 Australasian Political Studies Journal The editorial control and production of Politics: Journal of the Australasian Political Studies Association has been awarded to a team based in the Department of Politics, University College, University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, Australia 2600. The new Editor is Professor Ian McAllister; Managing Editor is Dr David Lovell; Review Editor is William Maley. Articles and books for review should be sent to the appropriate member of the editorial team at Canberra (Telephone: 062.68.8147; Facsimile: 062.68.8852). IPSA begins discussions on Formal Cooperation with BA ~h,~~.~i~h ~~~i~~ and the Persian Gulf Mr Ali-Reza Moussavizadeh is undertaking -- -IA L2TSISA research on the British Empire in the Persian Gulf in the postwar period, especially under William Welsh, Executive Director of the the Churchill and Eden administrations. He International Studies Association (ISA), and has asked for PSA members' assistance in Francesco Kjellberg, Secretary General of his work and particularly wants to trace rhe International Political Science Associa- material on Britain's role in, and impact tion (IPSA), have begun discussions on ways upon, the Persian Gulf. Mr Moussavizadeh in which the two organisations can coordi- can be contacted at: PO Box 96, Swansea, nate activities to their mutual benefit. SA1 1AP. Kjellberg and Welsh met in connection with the 17th General Assembly of the Inter- national Social Science Council (ISSC) in Barcelona in December 1988. ~0thIPSA I Goldsmith Goes Forth and ISA are among the 15 full organisational members of the ISSC. As some members of the PSA will be aware, The major proposal is the possibility of Maurice Goldsmith has taken early retire- selected IPSA Research Committees and ment and will be living in New Zealand, Study Groups holding formal sessions as part following the appointment of his wife, Dr of ISA Convention Programmes. IPSA meets Elizabeth McLeay, to a post at Victoria every three years while ISA convenes yearly. University, Wellington. Several IPSA research and study groups Maurice came to Exeter in January 1969 have expressed interest in having more fre- as Professor of Political Theory, but, with quent opportunities to meet within the con- the sudden death of Victor Wiseman in text of a broader set of academic sessions. November of that year, rapidly found him- self head of department pending the appoint- Substantive intellectual overlap ment of a successor to Victor. That successor was Tony Birch, who was Head of Depart- ment from 1970 to 1977. After Tony's depar- The motivations for the prospective ISA- ture to Canada, Maurice again found himself IPSA cooperation come from both the sub- Head of Department and subsequently Dean stantive intellectual overlap of interests of of the Faculty of Social Science. The political many members of the two organisations and theory programme at Exeter was largely also from practical organisation considera- Maurice's creation and in this and many tions. As the ISA-based network of As- other respects a considerable debt is owed sociated Organisations in International to him. Studies continues to expand, a number of Maurice Goldsmith also played a leading the members of the network are national role in the Political Studies Association, first political science associations, or component as Chairman and then as President. Eie has units of them. worked tirelesslv for the advancement of IPSA members who have thoughts about political studies, and has continued to play these possible modes of co-operation with a key part in the affairs of the Association. ISA, are invited to communicate them to the We wish him well in his new life and have IPSA Secretariat at the Institute of Political no doubt that he will maintain his involve- Science, University of Oslo, Box 1097, Blin- ment in the PSA from the other side of the dern, 0317 Oslo 3, Norway. globe! The Chair of Politics at Exeter will be filled in 1990. PSA NEWS Two Grants in I Dissertation Prizes Canada Heads of Department are reminded that doctoral dissertations for the 1989 competi- Wyn Grant (University of W&k) and tion should be submitted by 39 June 1990. Grant Jordan (University of Aberdeen) One copy of each dissertation should be sent attended a conference on 'Organisedhterests to: Professor J. E. Spence, Department of and Public Policy' at the University of Politics, University of Leicester, LE1 Toronto in May 1989. Wyn Grant gave a 7RH. The winners of the 1988 competition paper on policy making in relation to will be announced shortly. Canada's forest and forest products industry while Grant Jordan helped participants to see the wood for the trees by acting as a discussant for two papers. Later in the week, OFFICIAL STATISTICS at McMaster University in Hamilton, Grant Jordan gave a paper on commercial lobbying Improving official statistics is one of the in Britain and Wyn Grant participated in the three specific aims of the Social Science discussion. Forum's programme for action. To move this part of the campaign forward, a meeting was held with representatives from a number of member associations at which it was PSA Membership decided that a statement of principle for the Membership of the Association is open collection and use of official statistics should to any person holding an appointment in be produced. political studies or allied subjects in an A number of the objectives which will be institution of higher education, and is pursued within the statement of principle also open to anybody whose participation will be concerned to stress that datasets and in the PSA is likely to further political statistics collected with public funds should studies. The current annual. fee is £25. be in the public domain. Although the Social The PSA invites applications fmm Science Forum does not want to get into the political journalists and lobby corns- pasition of having a 'shopping list' of statis- pondents, politicians, civil servants and tics it would like to see collected and availa- others with a professional interest in the ble, it would like to compile a list of key field of political studies. public datasets that would be accessible to A membership form is enclosed with researchers for further analysis. Assistance this issue of PSA NEWS. Full details of from PSA members for datasets that should membership are available from Ian be on this list is requested. Forbes, Executive Director, Political ' The Forum would also like to have infor- Studies Association, Department of mation about any major gaps in the statistics Politics, University of Southampton, that are collected which might suggest new Southampton, S04 5NH (Telephone: statistical series, or additions to current sur- 0703.592635; or a703.583669).
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