GHANA GAZETTE Published by Authority No. 43 FRIDAY, 26th SEPTEMBER 2003 CONTENTS Page Notice of Publication of a Bill 310 Notice of Publication of an Executive Instrument 310 Nolice of Publication of Official Bulletin 310 The National Mid-Week Lotto Results .. 310 The Nalional Weekly Lotto Results 310 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (Ref. Kingdom Hall of .Jehovah's Witnesses, Legon, Accra) 310 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (Ref. tlMother of Good Council Catholic Church, Dzorwulu, Accrav) 310 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (Ref. Emmunuel Methodist Church, Old Tafo Circuit, Mamponteng Society, Maniponteng) 311 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (Ref. Maranatha Assemblies of God, Kentinkrono, Kumasi) 311 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (/?<;/' The Great Anointing Worship Centre, Atwiinu Techinian, Asuoyeboah-Kumasi, (ihana) 311 I Jccncc for (he Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (Ref. Salvation Church of Christ, Ahensan-Kinnasi, (Jhana) 311 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (Ref. Christian Life Centre) 312 Licence for (he Cclcbraiion of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (Ref. Grace Clavary Ministry, La) 312 Appointineni of a Marriage OlTicer—(Kingsway International Cliristian Centre, Ghana) 312 Appointment of Murriage OlTiccrs—(Triumphant (ilobal Ministries Inc.) 312 Appoininient of Marriage Olficers—(Cliarisinntic Evangelistic Ministry) .. Appoinimenl of Marriage Ofllccr一(Majestic (Jlory Church) 313 Change of Names .. .. .. .. .. .. 313 Change of Date of Birth .. .. 314 310 GHANA GAZETTE. 26th SEPTEMBER, 2003 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF A BILL The following Bill is published today: The Judiciary (Retention of Revenue) Bill NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF AN EXECUTIVE INSTRUMENT The following Executive Instrument is published today: Prohibition of Entry Order 2003 (E.I. 7) NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF OFFICIAL BULLETIN COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL No. 29 is published today Summary of Contents Companies Page Notice of Dissolution of a Partnership (Klokpa Contract Works) 365 Notice of Dissolution of a Partnership (J. Bampo Barnafo and Associates) 365 Notice of Intention to Strike the Name of a Company Off lhe Register (Green Power Assembling Limited) Official Liquidation (Prestea Gold Resources Limited) 365 Trade Marks Paniculars of Application for the Registration of Textile Designs 366 Applicaiion for Registration of Trade Marks 367 THE NATIONAL MID-WEEK LOTTO RESULTS It is hereby certified that a National Mid-Week Lotto Draw was held on Wednesday. 17th September, 2003 in accordance with the provisions of the National Weekly Lolio Act. 1961 and the Regulations published thereunder and that lhe following numbers were drawn in successive order: 40- 1 -72-32-77 SIGNED Director of National lx)tleries THE NATIONAL WEEKLY LOTTO RESULTS It is hereby certified that a National Weekly. Lolio Draw was held on__________ Saturday.八 ____20th 一September.,________ ______2003 in accordance uitliith the provisions[ of the National Weekly Loho Aci, 1961 and the Regulations published thereunder and that (he following numbers were drawn in successive order: 6-23-75-60-54 SIGNED Director of Naiional Lolleries PUBLIC' PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR HIE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provision of section 8. subscciion (I.) of the Marriages Ordinance (Cap. 127) as amended. I, F. T. Nartcy, KegionaJ Co-ordinaling Director. Office of lhe Greater Accra Regional Co-ordinating C(mncii7d(; hereby license lhe following public place of worship for lhe celebra(ioi)of Marriages: Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Legon, Accra. Given under my hand at the ofliuc of lhe Grealcr Accra Regional Co-ordinating Council. Accra this I5ih day of AugiiM, 2003. F. T. NARTEY Regional ('o-ordin(ilin(i /)irector PUBLIC PLACE Ol; WORSHIP LICENCE FOR I HE CEIJJ5KAI ION OF MARKIA(;ES Under the proyis.on ofscchon 8. subscciion (I)of lhe Marriages Ordinance (C 叩.127) as amended. I, E T. Nartey, Regional Co-oi dinating Duet lor, OlTice ol lhe Greater Accra" Regional Co-ordinating Council, do hereby license the following public place of worship for the celebraiion ol Marriages “Mother of Good Council Catholic Church Dzorwuhi, Accra”. Given很"盐 my hand al (lie oil ice ol the (greater Accra Regional Co-ordinating Council, Accra this 1st day of August. 2003. F T. NARTEY Regional ((f-ordinaiin(> Director GHANA GAZETTE. 26th SEPTEMBER. 2003 311 LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provision of section 8, subsection (1) of lhe Marriages Ordinance (Cap. 127) as amended. I, Emelia Ayebeng Botchvvay, Assistant Director 1 of Admmistradon^ signing for Regional Co-ordinaling Director, Office of inti Regional Co-ordinating Council, do hereby license the following public place of worship for lhe celebration)n of Marriages:arriagcs: Emmanuel Methodist Church Old Tafo Circuit Mamponteng Society . P.O. Box 2 P Mamponteng. 八 Given under my hand at lhe office of the Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council. Kumasi this 15th day of September, 2003. EMELIA BOTCHWAY (MRS.) Assistant Director I for Regional Minister PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provision olof section 8, subscciion (1) of the Marriages Ordinance (Cap. 127) as amended. I, Emelia Ayebeng.—J ~ 一一g Botchway,liotchl , — J , Assistant..〜 = .、 Director•-*y 1■ of Administration osigning I 11> I forVZI Regional Co-ordinalingVZ-VZl VII I I mill 二 LZDirector, [ I J . IVI , Office| |VV Ulof the Ashanti‘ CVF"'"-Regional Co-ordinating---------------------……O -----------Council,3 3, do “ Jhereby license …theX, .V..Vfollowing .1|& public placc'ofVI worshipWVldllip 1VIfor IIthe lC celebration of Marriages: Maranatha Assemblies of God Kentinkrono P.O. Box KS 7500 Kumasi, Ghana. Given under my hand at the office of the Ashanli Regional Co-ordinating Council, Kumasi this 2nd day of September. 2003. EMELIA BOTCHWAY (MRS.) Assistant Director 1 for Regional Co-ordinating Director PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under lhe provision of section 8. subsccuon (I) of lhe Marriages Ordinance (Cap 127) as amended. I. Emelia Ayebeng Botchway, Assistant Director I of Adminislraiion signing for Regional Co-ordinalins Director. Office of lhe AshantiAshanli Regional Co-ordinatingCo-ordinaling Council, do hereby license lhe following public place"of worship for lhe cclcbraiion of Marriages: The Great Anointing Worship Centre Atwiina Techiman P.O. Box AY 129 Asuoyeboah-Kumasi Ghana. Given under my hanci al lhe oflkc of the Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council. Kumasi this 3rd day of Scpicinbcr, 2003. EMELIA BOTC'H\VAY(MRS.) Assistani Director I lor Rc}>iuntil ('o-orduialin\> Di reel or PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE EOR THE CELEBRAI'ION OK MARRIAGES Under the provision of section 8. subscciioii (I) of (he Marriages Ordinance K':ip. 127) as amended. I. Emelin Ayebeng BoteWay, Assistani Director 1 of Administraiion signing lor Regional Co-ordinating Director. OITicc of the Ashanti Regional Co-ordinaling Cmincil. do hereby license lhe following public place of worship for the cclcbraiion of)f Marriages: Salvation Chtirdi of Christ P.O. Box All 8508 Alicnsan-Kuinasi (>han:i. Given under my hand al lhe office of lhe Ashanti Regional Co-ordinaling Council. Kumasi this 28ih clay of Augilsl. 2003. EMELIA BOTCIIWAY(MRS ) Ass is l(u it Di rector I for Regional Minister 312 GHANA GAZETTE. 26tii SEPTEMBER. 2003 PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR TIIE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provision of section 8. subsection (1) of the Marriages Ordinance (Cap. 127) as amended, I, F. T. Nartey, Regional Co-ordinating Director, Office of the Greater Accra Regional Co-ordinating Council, do hereby license the following public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages: Christian Life Centre Given under my hand at the office of ihc Greater Accra Regional Co-ordinaiing Council, Accra this 4th day of September. 2003. F. T. NARTEY | Regional Co-ordinating Director PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provision of section 8. subsection (1) of the Marriages Ordinance (Cap. 127) as amended, I, F. T. Nartey, Regional Co-ordinating Director. Office of the Greater Accra Regional Co-ordinating Council, do hereby license the following public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages: Grace Calvary \Iinistry La. Given under my hand ai the office of the Greater Accra Regional Co-ordinating Council, Accra this 19th day of Scpiembcr, 2003. F. T. NARTEY Regional Co-ordincuing Director APPOINTMENT OF A MARRIAGE OFFICER Under the provisions of see I ion 6 of the Marriage Ordinance (Cap. 127) as amended by the Minister's Functions Instrument, 1971 (L I. 707)ihc following Minister of Religion is hereby appoimed as Marriage Officer for Kings way International Christian Centre. Ghana : Rev. Andrew Yawson Made this 4ih day of August, 2003. PAPA OWUSU-ANKOMAH. MP Aitoniey-General and Minister for Justice APPOINTME'T OF MARRIAGE OFFICERS Under the provisions of seciion 6 of the Marriage Ordinance (Cap. 127) as amended by ihc Minister's Functions instrument. 1971 (L.l. 707) the following Ministers of Religion ure hereby appointed as Marriage Officers for Triumphant Global Minislries Inc. Pastor Lawrence Asomaning Pastor Mrs. Uduak Aiyclabowo Pastor Edmund Erirnj)ong Made this i 8th day 砂 August. 2003. PAPA OWUSU-ANKOMAIL MP A frorney -( ieneral and Minister for Justice AITOINTMEN J' OF MARR1A(;E ()1 I ICERS Under ihc provisions of section 6 of ihc Marriage Ordinance (Cap. J27) as amended by ihc Minister's Functions Instrument. 1971. (1.1 707)lhe folknsing Minislcis of Religion arc hereby appointed as Marriage Officers for Chansinuiic Evangeljsue Mnnslry. Rev. Ellen Sey (Mrs.) Rev, John VVeswood /\dja)c Rev. Elisna Alsu Maglo Rev. Cephas Wotorchie Rev. Anthony Kwasi Anivdzukey Rev. Peter Kojo Nyadanu Rev. Michael Kwarne Amfo Made this 28th day of Novcniber, 2002. NANA AKIJFO ADDO. MP /\llonie\ (/enenil and Minister for Jitsi ice GHANA GAZETTE, 26th SEPTEMBER, 2003 313 APPOINTMENT OF A MARRIAGE OFFICER Under 小?於?冷'?11?急 section,6 of the Marriage Ordinance (Cap.
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