The Glengarry News THS rnrxsT WEEKLY NSWSPAPES m EAJTESH OETAXIO Alexandria, Ont., Friday May 23, 1947 $2.00 A TXA% VOL. LV—No 21 Hon. Farquhar Oliver Elected Lochiel To Vote Glen Gordon Joins Rev. S.P. Quinn Prime Minister Joined In Impressive Leader Of Ontario Liberals On Sale Of Beer Football League To Be Ordained , Last Rites For Late Dr. MacDiarmid Council Sets, June 25 Five-Team Glengarry Members of Commons, Medical Men And Enthusiastic Convention At Toronto Last Weak Loop Opens Season Native Of Bainsville As Date For To Become Priest Thousands Of Friends At Maxville Attended By More Than 600 Delegates — Saturday. May 24th Regret Expressed In Death of Dr. MacDiarmid Ballot On Referendum At Montreal., Mav 31st Friday Afternoon, To Attend Funeral Lochiel Township will hold a refer, Glengarry Football League will be a On Friday afternoon of last week Rev Stanley Patrick Quinn son of An impressive last tribute of res- endum cm Wednesday, June 25th on 5-team loop this year with the entry Mrs. Elizabeth Quinn and the late Mr the Ontario Libérai Convention elec- the question of legalizing the sale of of a Glen Gordcn team to represent the Lochiel Gives Grant pect was paid the late Dr. W.B. Mac ted Honourable Farquhar Oliver as Joseph P Quinn formerly of Hatosvihe Diarmid, ex-M.P Glengarry, when beer in the municipality. A proclama- southern section of the county. An- will be ordained to the priesthoed to To Flood Relief Leader of the Liberal party in Ontario tion is being issued; this week announ- nouncement of the move was made yes- an estimated three thousand people, amid scenes of enthusiasm which au. St. James Cathedral Montreal Satur- among them Canada’s Prime Minister cing the date and notifying the electors terday, by League President J. Alex.- A grant of $200. to the fund being gur well for the future of the Liberal day May 31 by His Excellency Most attended the funeral held last Friday that a meeting will be held in the Macdonell. raised for British Flood Relief was cause in this Province. Mr. Oliver Rev Joseph Charbonneau Archbishop of at Maxville. In addition to Mr. King Township Hall, June 18th, when the Entry of Glen Gordon has necessita- Montreal. Father Quinn will sing his made at the last meeting of Lochiel had been acting as House Leader to names of managers for the Affirmative the offical party from Ottawa, includ- the Legislature since the General Elec ted a revision of the schedule which we First Solemn High Mass on Sunday Township Council. and the Negative will be announced. ed Hon. James G. Gardiner Minis- were to publish this week. The season June 8 at 11.15 a.m. to St. Patrick’s The Alexandria collection of cloth- ter of Agriculture, five other members tion of 1945 but had not had much The by.law authorizing the vote was opportunity of displaying his fighting will open Saturday, May 24th. as sche- church Montreal. ing and food for the Relief Fund was of Parhament and Col. W.J. Frank- passed at a meeting of the Lochiel qualities to view of the small repre- duled and we append dates of the Father Quinn received his primary shipped to Barriefield, Ont.., Wednes- lin, M.C., V D. Sergeant—At—Arms council. May 6th, following receipt of sentation of Liberals elected and of first four games. Glen Gordon will education at his home school Bains- day. It comprised 14 cartons weighing of the House cf Commons. a largely signed petition circulated, make its bow at Lochiel on June 2nd. the fact that he had not received a ville and following graduation from 570 pounds. Among cash donations Dr. MacDiarmid, who represented we understand, by Philip St. Onge, May 24—Pine,Grove vs. Lochiel . mandate from the Party as a whole Williamstown High Schoc^ studied at was the sum of $23. collected among Glengarry at Ottawa from 1940 to proprietor of the Glengarry House. May 26—Greenfield vs Dunvegan the Seminary’ of Philosophy Montreal students of Alexandria High School. to assume the leadership. Glen Robertson. 1945, died suddenly at his home in Seven candidates for leadership were May 29—Lochiel vs Greenfield. and St. Augustine’s Seminary Toronto Maxville, Tuesday evening. May 13th. There will be two ballots, one seeking nominated, two of whom. Honourable May 31—Dunvegan vs Pine Grove Other members cf Father Quinn’s opinion on the sale of beer under pu- The very large number of sympa- P.M. Dewan former Minister of Agri- family are Clarence; Florence and MacLeod Chief Not thising relatives and friends attending culture to the Hepbura administra, blic house licence for men only, the se-- Agnes Quinn R.N. Mrs R. J. Azar cond on licensed premises to which the funeral from every section of tion and W A. Moore of Toronto Mrs J. B. Murdock’of Ottawa; Rev Glengarry and from many outside withdrew before the ballotting took women are admitted. Polls will be op- Dunvegan Football Sister Quinn, Hotel Dieu Hospital Corn To Visit Glengarry en from 8 a m. until 7 p.m. points included fellow membea-s of the place. Opposing Honourable Farquhar wall; Hugh Quinn and Mrs W. J. Some time ago word was received medical profession, representatives of HONOBABLE FARQUHAR OLIVER A complete report of the meeting Oliver in his bid for the leadership Club Re-Organizes Cunningham of Montreal. that Chief Flora Mrs MacLeod of Mac the Glengarry Liberal Association and M.P P. for Grey South since 1926, held to Lochiel Township Hall, May were Colin Campbell, a former mem- Leod, Dunvegan Castle, Isle of Skye a large representation of members of who last Friday was selected as Lea- 19th, to organize the “dry” forces of On Tuesday evening May 13, a meet- ber of the Hepburn Government; Mr. Scotland was to come to St Ann’s Nova the Masonic Order, in which Dr. Mac der of the Ontario Liberals at the par- the township, will be carried in our ing was held in the Orange Hall, Dun- Navy League Al. Cadeau, Burhngton industrialist Scotia for the 1947 Gaelic Mod. Diarmid held a prominent place. ty convention to Toronto. Leader of next issue. vegan for the purpose Of re organizing a leader of the young Liberal group; In other parts of Canada than the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church the Official Opposition for the past o the Dunvegan Football Team for the Tag Day, May 31 Allan Lamport, Toronto Insurance Maritimes the hope was expressed that was filled to its capacity long before two years Mr. Oliver is but 43 years to?! season. The large crowd of play, Broker and William A. Gunn, also of J. S. Stark B.A. will be to charge the MacLeod of MacLeod would be the hour of the service and hundreds old. Charlottenburgh ers and supporters present reviewed Toronto. of arrangements for the annual Navy able to visit more than one section of were unable to gain admittance. The In his opening remarks Mr. Colin the activities of the past season and Tax Rate Is Up expressed confidence that the forth- League Tag Day to be held in Alex- the Dominion. The Clan MacLeod funeral was held at 2.30 o’clock from Campbell warmly endorsed the can- andria Saturday, May 31st. The Navy Glengarry sent an Invitation but is Dr MacDiarmid’s late home and the didature of Honourable Farquhar Oli- Couple Honored Charlotetnburgh township’s general coming season would be a successful one. League of Canada for mere than 50 sorry to armounce Chief Flora Mrs cortege was one of the largest ever ver and explained that he had mere- A largely attended and enjoyable re- tax rate for 1947 has been struck at years has been the official agency deal MacLeod of MacLeod cannot come to seen in Glengarry. ly bowed to the wishes of a number of 23 6 mills an increase of 4.1 mills over The following officers and commit- ception was tendered Mir. and Mrs ing with men of the sea and it finds Glengarry to 1947. Chief mourners were his widow: prominent Liberals to allowing his teet were elected Hon. Presidents — Howard Morris in Alexander Hall, last year’s rate, it has been annormced its peacetime activities increasing. A Mi's. MacDiarmid, the former Eva name to go before the Convention, by L. C. Kennedy clerk-treasurer. Rev Dr. D.N. MacMillan, Jbhn D There is a hearty invitation from Friday night, following their return generous response is indicated. those, in charge of the Nova Scotia Smillie, one son, J/ohn William Mac- thus paving the way for the Oliver MacLeod; President —Stewart Grant; from their wedding trip. Relative^ This year’s county rate is set at o gathering to all officers and members! Diarmid; a brother, John MacDiar- Jtatd slide which followed. 1st Vice Pres. —Wallace MacKinnon; and friends were present from every 8.2 mills an increase of 1.8 mills over mid of Winchester; and two sisters: Over six hundred delegates from Sec. Treas — Donald I. MacLeod; of the Clan MacLeod Glengarry to join section of the county and from out. 1946; the township rate of 7.7 mills re Three Received Mrs. R.A. Brodie of Montreal and. Kenora to the Quebec border parti- Coach and Manager —Cameron Mac- the crowd in doing honour to the Mac side points as well. presents an increase of one mill and is Leod of MacLeod on July 31 1947 at Mrs. T. Fraser McOuat of Sher- cipated in the voting, and the Con- Dancing was enjoyed to the music of due chiefly to increased road expend! Campbell; Publicity Secretary—Fraser Degrees At Queen’s Campbell; Orange Bearer—Archie Ste St.
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