The ThreeEcologies I FELIX GUATTARI Translated by IAN PINDAR and PAUL SUTTON t] t\ncI \f 35564 THE ATHLONE PRESS LONDON and NEW BRUNSWICK,NJ This English edition 6rst published in 2000 by THE ATHLONE PRESS I Park Drive, London NWI I 7SG and New Brunswick, New Jersey @ The AtHone Press 2000 First published in France 1989 This translation is dedicatedto the memorylt Editiotrr Galil6e 1989 Lestrois icologtes @ TeresaAnastasia Smith (19i4-99) Publsher's Note The publishers wish to record their thanla to the French Ministy of Culture for a grant towards the cost of translation British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A cataloguerccoilJor this book is available Jrom the British Library ISBN 0 48s 00408 9 HB 0 485 00608 1 PB Ubrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Guattari, F6Iix. [Trois 6cologies. English] The three ecologies / F6Iix Guattari ; tanslated by Ian Pindar and Paul Sutton. P. cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-485-00408-9 (cloth : alk. paper)-ISBN 0-485-00608-l (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Human ecology-Philosophy. I. Tide. GF21.G83132oOO 304..2-dc2l 99-085086 Distibuted in The United States, Canada and South America by Transaction Publishers 390 Camous Drive Somerset, New Jersey 08873 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Typeset by Cenb'aServe,Salfron Walden, Essex Printed and bound in Great Britain bv Cambridge University Press Contents Fllix Guattari: A Chronologsr Translators' Introduction Note on the Translation and Acknowledgements 2l THE THREE ECOLOGIES 23 Notes The Life and Work of F6lix Guattari: From Transversality to Ecosophy by Gary Genosko 105 Bibliography r6l Index 169 Fdlix Guattari: A Chronologsr 30 April 1930: Born Pierre-F6lix Guattari, he grows up in Villeneuve-les-Sablons,a working-class suburb of nort}-west Paris. 1940s: Participatesin the youth hostelling movement; studies pharmacyand philosophy, and comesinto contact with Fernand Oury (1920-98), who would later elaborateinstitutional ped- agog/r which is still taught at Nanterre and survives in organi- zations such as Association vers la p6dagogieinstitutionnelle. 1950s:Joins the Union des JeunessesR6publicaines de France (UJRF), the youth wing of the Communist Party, but soon forms alliances with various gauchiste dissidents and is eventu- ally suspended.Works with the Parti Communiste Frangais (PCF), assistingin the publication of the newspaper Tfibunede discussion, 1953: Becomesinvolved in establishingLa Borde - an experi- mental psychiatric clinic at the ChAteaude la Borde in the Loir-et-c-her in Cour Cheverny, south of Paiis - under the directorship of Lacanian analyst Dr Jean Oury (b. 1924), brother of Fernand. Guattari had first met Jean Oury in 1945 when he was 15, and at 20 he adopted him as his mentor. La Borde was inspired by the experimental hospital opened in 1940 by FrahgoisTosquelles, who rejected the prison camp- like structure of psychiatric institutions. The aim of La Borde lx FELIX GUATTARI: A CHRONOLOGY was to abolish doctor-patient stereotypes in favour of an Nr'oupesd'6tudes et de recherches institutionnelles (FGERI), interactive group dynamic. ln ChaosmosisGuattari describes La +rnalliance of 300 psychiatrists, psychologists, teachers, town- Borde as a privileged site for social and mental ecology: plirnners, architects, economists, film-makers, academics and 'Everything there is set up so tlat psychotic patients live in a othcrs, dedicated to a general analysis of institutional forms of climate of activity and assume responsibilit/, not only with the n.pression. The FGERI gives birth to the Centre d'6tude, de goal of developing an ambience of communication, but also in rccherche et de formation institutionnelles (CERFI), which order to create local centres for collective subjectification.' lrublishes the interdisciplinary journal Recherches,founded by That same year, Jacques Lacan and others form the Soci6t6 (iuattari in order to 'diversify and radicalize the Left'. The frangaise de Psychanalyse(SFP), after breaking with the Institut lirst edition appears in January 1966. He will edit it for the de Psychanalyse. rrt:xt ten years. He also becomes active in the Opposition de (iauche (OG), an alliance of non-Party gauchistes, 1958: Breaks with the PCF and begins editing and contributing to the dissident newspaper La Voiecommuniste, whose frequent 1958, May: Lesdvinements. Nine million workers go on strike; articles in support of Algerian independence lead to its students seize the Sorbonne; factories are occupied by workers, repeated seizure and the imprisonment of two of its directors. lyc6es by pupils. Students and intellectuals call for a new political order and new forms of social relations free from 1950s: Active as a technical counsellor in the Mutuelle Nation- cxploitation and domination - the PCF supports the govern- ale d'Etudiants (MNE), the national insurance programme for ment. Violent clashes with tlre police and the army. ('I felt students; is also involved in the formation of the Groupe de uncomfortable during the street fighting; I was inhibited in travail de psychologie et de sociologie institutionnelle (GTPSI). terms of physical confrontation with the police.') The FGERI plays a role in the events, notably the occupation of the 1952: Begins training analysis witJr Lacan, which lasts for seven Th6Atre de l'Odeon, where the principles of the 'revolution' years. are dramatically debated for several days. Guattari sees May 1958 as 'perhaps the last revolution in the old style' and the 1963: The SFP collapses and Lacan and his followers found the harbinger of what he calls 'molecular revolution'. 'We were Ecole freudienne de Paris. carried along by events, the slogans that were coined, and the splinter groups. But as the song says, "Je ne reBrctte rien"! | 1965: La Voie communisteceases publication. Guattari founds learned more things in two montls t}an in twenty years.' His the Societ6 de psychoth6rapie institutionnelle (SPI), which is attention shifts to global and international issues, feminism and larger than the GTPSL He also founds the F6d6ration des queer politics. fr XI GUATTARI: A CHFIONOLOGy FELIX GUATTARI: A cHRoNoLoGY 1959: Becomes an analyst at the fcole freudienne and remains I ions' and the 'libidinous outpourings of a perverted minority'. a member until its dissolution ]n 1982. He also continues his All copies are ordered to be destroyed. Guattari writes in his clinical work at La Borde and starts to build up a psychoana- trotcs for the trial: 'Is it really dangerous to let people speak of lytic He practice. meets Gilles Deleuze (1925-95), a professor things as they feel thein, and with their language, their passion, at the new Universit6 de Paris Vlll-Vincennes. They corre- lhcir excesses?'He never pays the fine. spond, then meet for long conversations and eventually decide to write something together. As Deleuze says: 'We were only two, but what was important for us was less our working 1975: With Gilles Deleuze: KaJka: pout une littdrature mineure (KaJka: Toward a Minor Literutute, 1986); Helps found and together than this strange fact of working between the two of us. We stopped being "author".' bccomes an active member of the R6seau International rl'Alternative d la Psychiatrie, an international collective of psychiatrists, nurses, and psychiatric patients, with the aim of 1970s: Forms links with the 'autonomist' groups in France and radically transforming approaches to mental illness. He also Italy. He becomes associated in the French press with the bccomes President of the Collectif de Soutien aux Radios autonomist militants, notably through his close friendship with l-ibres, which he runs from his apartment, and works with and support of Toni Negn, a former philosophy teacher at the I{adio Alice in Bologna, a 'popular free radio' campaign: 'This 6cole Normale Sup6rieure. rlaily guerrilla warfare of the airwaves . the establishment of a veritable feed-back system between the auditors and t}e 7972: Psychanalyseet transversalitl: essaisd'analyse institutionnelle broadcast team: whether through direct intervention by phone, lPsychoanalysis and Transversality: essaysin institutional analysisf through opening "studio" doors, through interviews or pro- (2nd edn: Preface by Gilles Deleuze); With Gilles Deleuze: grammes based on listener-made cassettes, etc. The Italian L' anti-Gdipe: capitalismeet schizophrlnie I (Anti-Oedipus: Capital- cxperience . shows us the immense field of new possibilities ismand SchizophreniaI, 198+). that is opened up in this way.' 1973, March/April: Tried and fined 600 francs for commit- 1977: La rdvolution moliculaire (Molecular Revolution: Psychiatry ting an 'outrage to public decency' by publishing an issue of and Politics, 1984); Guattari signs 'L'appel des intellectuals Recherches (no.12) entitled 'Trois milliards de pervers, grande frangais contre le r6pression en Italie' as a response to the encyclop6die des homosexualit6s' perverts: ['Three Billion The Italian government's repression of the Red Brigade. Other Great Encyclopedia of Homosexualities']. The issueis described signatories include Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault, Philippe in court as a 'detailed display of depravities and sexual devia- Sollers, Roland Barthes and Jean-Paul Sartre. xll xlll GUATTAFT: A CHRONOLOGy FELtx GUATTART: A cHRoNoLocy 1979: Toru Negri
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