All the Newt ol BED BATH and Surrounding Town* fold Fearlessly and Without Blaa, RED BANK REGISTER Ulued Weeklj. Entored a. S«cond-Oln«« Mutloi at.fho foot- Subscription Prlcji Ons Iiu t2.00. VOLUME LVII, NO..45. offlc« at Rod Bank, N. J.. under the Act of Much' 1. 1870. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1935. Sii Monthi SI.00. Simile Cop? <«. PAGES 1. TO 12. 1 Quadrangle Play Coming Illustrated SIGNS Ol' 11EC0VJSUY. ! J AI.K ON CHINA. Dr.AxtellToStay; A Fine New House Good News About lteul Estate Con- HealtB Center Ball Shrewsbury Foreign Missionary So- Tomorrow Night Lecture On Africa ditlonH At Belford. ciety To Hold Tea May 'J. Mr. Steinle To Go J. Crawford Compton of BaygJdii The Foreign Missionary society of Near Tinton Falls Margaret Carson Hubbard to Holghtu, near Bolt'ord, who la cn- Went Over "Big Guns" e Shrewsbury Presbyterlan church The Board of Education of Mid- "Big Hearted Herbert" to be Pre- gagod in thn real estate busjnctiH nnd will hold a tea on the aflcrnonn of It is Being Built for Mrt. Violet sented by Amateur Playert— Talk on Something New in who in the owner of tjovora! develop- Thursday, May 0, in thr Sund.iy- dletown Township So Decided Glemby of New York on Land! : Mra. Matthew Greig Headi Courage Regarding Her Per-ment a, atattiH ' that iiu fur us he schonl loom a! Ihu Shrewsbury Last Thursday — Insurance Which She Recently Bought known thorn IH no house In Belford Event at the Molly Pitcher Hotel Saturday Night Was church . MIHS Kvnline Valentine, Direction. sonal Experiences, . Broker's Report. with improvements ihul .Is for rent Attended by More Than 500 Persons— president of the moiety, will preside from Judge Thomas Haight, FlntU riicii] rehearual will be held Feeding pythons, once they aro at thia time. Mr, Compton, who 1B at the 'jneetins. The board of etlncMtinn of Middle- Mrs. Violet Glemby of Now York tonight la the "Rod Bank Catholic safoly housod, SOUIHIH like a simple iu Charge of the Compton Realty \ Those present will have tin? pleas- town township has voted to re-enRiige is having n. house built for her own " high achool auditorium for the pre- matter, but Margaret Carson Hub- compiuiy, the tiayHlde Holghtu com- The Profits Will Exceed $700. ure of hearing Mins Ooiy of the Lo Dr. Pn\i! H. Axlell a:< supervising occupancy on tim aisrea of land In sentation tomorrow night of what la bard, who speaks aa she shows some pany and tho Bt-limd- Building, ••or- Branch hospital talk on China. Miss jnincipjil for ;i year and not U) re-en- .Shrewsbury township, ^opposite the expected to bo one of tho beat and hix reels of motion pictures ot the pornflon, Jinyn that thin \a the host Finiineiully and in,every other way plause and outbursts of laughter. Gory has spent four years in China, EHRC William A. Steinle an district polo Hold of tho Monmouth County mo3t entertaining plays to bo given Carlton theater at Red Bank on real estate year he; hna enjoyed since the charity ball at the Molly Pitcher One thing which contributed mater- having- bet'li seui there to work by clerk. Dr. Axtell's salary is 5-1,fif)0 iountry club, which aha recently In this vicinity in some ttaie. "Big Saturday morning, May .11, at ton 1928. hotel at Red Bank Saturday night ially to iu success was the clear the Rockerfellcr Institute. She knows per year. Mr. .Steinle"s salary i.s $1,-bought from Judge Thomns Haight. Hearted Herbert" will bo presented o'clock, lells how puzillnjv a prob- lie advertised In The "Register a for tho benellt of the Health Center enunciation of Mr. Miller as master the life of China and pre^nta a very 750, but. several weekn agn the board The sale waa made by Ruy H. Still- by tho Bed Bank Quadrangle club In Icni ii. i in bc^nmv. bungalow for rent In the Bayside of Middletown township was 311c- of ceremonies and announcer. interesting word picture. Miss Cory voted to make the compensation $2,- man of Eatontown. The property la tho Catholic school auditorium. The Heights seclion and has ticked us to ceawful beyond the most sanguine ex- "A word of commendation should will be introduced by Mrs. C. Harold 000 for the coming flscar ye'ax The on the north side of the road, about play has been expertly coached by 'iiscontiniiQ this udvertlH.ment, as he pectations of Its sup porter, a. The be given to Mr. Miller for his a'r- Ncvhis. Mrs. W. C. Colby of Ttum- terms of Dr. Axtell and Mr. Steinlo a mile and a half from tho Tinton Mra. Matthew Greig of Shrewsbury, ould have rented thu dwelling a oxact amount cleared is not yet duouti work In preparing the banquet son will entertain wilh a solo, accom- will expire July 1. Falls village center. panied at the piano by Miss Ella assisted by her brother, Harry Worth, lozen tlmoH. He has iilao rented his known, but it is certain, to be at hall of the Molly Pitcher hotel for Nevhis & Quackenbush of Shrews- a well known actor. A largo nalo of t'lghteen other hou.sna in Btlford this leaat $700 and it may amount to $750 thia broadcast," said Mra. Cross in King, Miss Mary Borden heads th refreshment committ:o. bury have the contract for the new tickets In reported by members of •printf, or more. Thomas B, Day, chairman talking with a Register reporter. residence. It will be of tho colonial tho club. Mr. Compton further states that ho of tho executive committee of the "Everything waH brought especially type, with two-story pillars facing has seven applications for Federal ball, atateti that too much pralae can- for this affair," she added. "The The three-act comedy presented by not be accorded to his assistants and Tinton avenue. On the first floor will special arrangomont with Samuel C. j Housing administration guaranteed wires were strung, amplifiers set up be a living room, dining room, kitch- mortgage loans and as «oon ria they to others who helped to mako the and other work don^1 by Mr. Miller Game Preserve French company was formerly a event successful. It is probable that en, master's bedroom and bathroom, .iiovio production starring Guy Kib- nio approved by the Federal Hous- and his engineers. Miss Helen Mazza servant's bedroom and bathroom and ing adminintration, construction will the ball will be macie an annual spoke daily over the air, thus giv- ble and Alice McMahon and was evont. And Hunting Land an attached garage. Tho second written by Sophlo Kcrr and Anna begin, " ing valuable publicity for the char- story will have three bedrooms and • ity ball. It is just such co-operation Stccso Richardson. It was recently More than 500 persons were pres- Building Operations Under Way bathroom and a gardener's bedroom produced at Billmoro theater by Ed- ent and th'S festivities continued un- of our cit.izons that makes for sue and bathroom, tho latter being over die Dowling in a star cant headed by Army Engineers til a late hour. Not only residents cess, and the citizens of this com- on Big Brook Farm in Atlantic the garage. The house will be equip- J. C. Nugent. of Mlddletown township but of many munity should be apprised of the val- Township, Which Was Recent- ped with a steam heating- plant with other communities attended the af- uable assistance given," Mra. Cross a Gar-Wood burner. Tho contract Tho cast Is headed by James Han- concluded. ly Bought by F. Burghard. ley, uluylng.tho part of Big Hearted Surveying River fair. A large numbfer of handsome calls for the completion of the resi- Herbert, a self-niado business . man, gowns' wore in evidence. Also prom- A prize of a year's membership In . Building operations arc under wa> dence by August 15. who insists that his family be brought Federal Boat Arrives at Red inent at th'c festivities were many the American Automobile association on Bi^ Brook Farm, in Atlantic The property was formerly part of up in tho plain traditions. When his county and municipal oillce holders was awarded at the ball to William township, near Holmdol village, HL the Drummond estate. Mra. Glemby Bank to Make Examination and politicians. Many persons read daughter, Alice, played by Conine Relative to Channel Improve- Krueger, Jr., of East Keansburg. part of a program to convert thi has beautified it with trees and Welch, becomes engaged to a Har- into the financial success of the ball This was given by Al W. Cross of property of mure than W0 acres into shrubbery and with a rustic bridge vard .man and bis wife, played by ment. an Indication that that section is Leonardo, Monmouth county district game preserve and hunting over a brook. In close proximity to Hesaio Thurnc, encourages her. Her- energing from the depression. manager for the association, through grounds. The place was bought n the brook is a large oak tree, under bert nearly goes out of his mind. Hia Engineer!! of the United States nr Mrs. Belle Gold Cross, director of the courtesy of the Trenton Automo- few weeks by Frederick Burghard of my are making a sounding survey of whose branches is a swimming hole. family finally cures him by following tho entertainment feature of the bile club. Fair Haven. He will use it to iaise In addition to the house, Mrs.
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