The Water Softener Alternative PROOF OF PERFORMANCE Panorama Towers CASE STUDIES Aqua-Rex Conditioners Replace Water Softeners at Panorama Towers Luxury Highrises in Las Vegas! The Panorama Towers are twin, 33-story, 635-unit luxury condominiums just off the Las Vegas Strip. They opened in 2006 with a total of four conventional water softeners installed on the ground floor and top floor of each tower to treat the hot water services. In early 2013, one of the softeners required extensive repairs and the management company decided to investigate the efficiency of Aqua-Rex. A total of four Aqua-Rex units were installed in place of one of the softeners. An extensive evaluation program was carried out over the next six months. In December 2013, the HOA approved the purchase of additional Aqua-Rex units to treat both towers to replace the softeners entirely. In addition to treating the hot water, these units also treat the previously unsoftened cold water services. As a result, problematic scaling is reduced in mixing valves, shower heads, and faucets. The residents now enjoy less scale trouble than before. Panorama Tower Results The cost of the installation was only about $55,000 for both Towers using multiple Aqua-Rex in each 1st Year Savings: $168,000 ✓ pressure zone. The resultant savings in the first year of installation were calculated to be around ✓ $168,000. After three years, the savings are in excess of $500,000. No further expenditure for treating 3-Year Savings: $500,000 hard water is expected over the life of the building, apart from electrical running costs of around $200 Annual total per year. Operating Costs: $200 power bill The property management company, First Service Residential, has since decommissioned softeners and installed Aqua-Rex in four further Condominium properties in Las Vegas, The Martin, One Las Vegas, the Juhl and the Ogden. What Is Aqua-Rex and How Does it Work? First of all, it’s NOT a magnet nor an electro-magnet. It’s actually a radio transmitter that puts ultra-high frequency radio waves in the water that travel in the water in both directions - upstream and downstream. The radio waves change the structure of the iron (Fe) molecules to form nucleation seeds so the scale sticks to them instead of the surfaces where it would normally go. The scale forms as a non-adhesive powder in suspension instead of encrusting surfaces. The radio waves also create a resonance that breaks up existing scale. As a result, a plumbing system can be completely cleaned of old scale over a few weeks. The nucleation process also reduces dissolved calcium in the hot water which makes it softer than it would be otherwise. This softer water does not have a slippery feel as typically happens when salt is used from a conventional softener. All Aqua-Rex units have aerial wires that are wrapped around existing pipework. They are quick and simple to install, requiring no plumbing, no shut down, and no other disruptions. For further information download the Specifier Guide from our website www.aqua-rex.com. Remember Aqua-Rex comes with a no quibble, no condition, 100-day money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose but your limescale! REPLACES WATER SOFTENERS AT THE PANORAMA TOWERS they all sufferd from this problem. The residents thus enjoy less scale problems than previously. REPLACESREPLACES WATERWATER SOFTENERSSOFTENERS The cost of the installation was around $55,000 for both Towers using multiple ATAT THETHE PANORAMAPANORAMA TOWERSTOWERS Aqua-Rex in each pressure zone. theythey allall sufferdsufferd fromfrom thisthis problem.problem.The TheThe resultant savings in the first year residentsresidents thusthus enjoyenjoy lessless scalescale problemsproblemsof installation were calculated to be thanthan previously.previously. around $168,000 and over three years the savings are anticipated to TheThe costcost ofof thethe installationinstallation waswas aroundaroundbe in excess of $500,000. No further $55,000$55,000 forfor bothboth TowersTowers usingusing multiplemultipleexpenditure for treating hard water is Aqua-RexAqua-Rex inin eacheach pressurepressure zone.zone.expected over the life of the building TheThe resultantresultant savingssavings inin thethe firstfirstapart yearyear from electrical running costs of ofof installationinstallation werewere calculatedcalculated totoaround bebe $200 per annum. aroundaround $168,000$168,000 andand overover threethree The Panorama Towers is a twin, 33 tower toyearsyears treat thethethe hot savingssavings water areareservices. anticipatedanticipatedThe to toproperty management company, story, 635 unit luxury condominium In earlybebe 2013 inin excessexcess one ofofof $500,000.$500,000.the softeners NoNo furtherfurtherFirst Service Residential, has de- high rise just off the Las Vegas strip requiredexpenditureexpenditure extensive forforrepairs treatingtreating and hardhard the water watercommissioned isis softeners and installed whichThe Wateropened Softenerin 2006. At Alternativethe time of managementexpectedexpected company overover thethe decided lifelife ofof the theto building buildingAqua-Rex in four further Condominium construction a total of four conventional investigateapartapart the fromfromuse of electricalelectrical Aqua-Rex. runningrunning A total costs costsproperties ofof in Las Vegas, The Martin, water softeners were installed on the of four aroundaroundAqua-Rex $200$200 units perper were annum.annum. installed One Las Vegas, the Juhl and the Ogden. ground floor and top floor of each in place of one of the softeners and TheThe PanoramaPanorama TowersTowers isis aa twin,twin, 3333 towertower toto treattreat thethe hothot waterwater services.services.an extensiveTheThe property propertyevaluation managementmanagement program was company,company, story,story, 635635 unitunit luxuryluxury condominiumcondominium InIn earlyearly 20132013 oneone ofof thethe softenerssoftenerscarried FirstoutFirst over ServiceService the next Residential,Residential, six months. hashas de-de- highhigh riserise justjust offoff thethe LasLas VegasVegas Cosmopolitan stripstrip requiredrequired extensiveextensive repairsrepairs Hotel andand thethe commissionedcommissionedChooses softenerssofteners andand installedinstalled In December 2013 the HOA approved whichwhich openedopened inin 2006.2006. AtAt thethe timetime ofof managementmanagement companycompany decideddecided toto Aqua-RexAqua-Rex inin fourfour furtherfurther CondominiumCondominium the purchase of additional Aqua-Rex constructionconstruction aa totaltotal ofof fourfour conventionalconventionalAqua-Rex investigateinvestigate thethe useuse Over ofof Aqua-Rex.Aqua-Rex. Water AA totaltotal propertiesproperties Softeners inin LasLas Vegas,Vegas, TheThe Martin,Martin, units to OnetreatOne Las bothLas Vegas, Vegas, towers the the to Juhl Juhlreplace and and thethe Ogden. Ogden. waterwater softenerssofteners werewere installedinstalled onon thethe ofof fourfour Aqua-RexAqua-Rex unitsunits werewere installedinstalledsofteners entirely. As well as treating groundground floorfloor andand toptop floorfloor ofofThe each eachCosmopolitan inin placeplace Hotel ofof onewasone constructed ofof thethe softenerssofteners without the any andand waterhot water,softeners these except unitsin the alsokitchens treat for the dishwashers.anan extensiveAfterextensive some evaluationearlierevaluation trials, Aqua-Rexprogramprogram the units waswas previously were installed unsoftened on the plate cold and framewater heat exchangerscarriedcarried supplying outout hot overover water thethe to nextnext both sixsixtowers months.months. andservices. the low rise.This Subsequently, means that additional scaling units is were reduced in mixing valves, shower installed onInIn the DecemberDecember recirculation 20132013 loops thethe in HOAtheHOA towers. approvedapproved Shortly afterwards, it was found that scale could be heads and faucets, whereas previously brushed awaythethe purchasefrompurchase the work ofof topsadditionaladditional around the Aqua-RexAqua-Rex faucets leaving them completely scale free. The total installed costunitsunits of to toall treat treatthe units bothboth was towerstowers less than toto replace replace$100,000. thethe No issues caused by scaling have occurred in theAQUA-REX propertysoftenerssofteners on the areas entirely.entirely. treated TRIAL AsAs by well wellAqua-Rex asas IN treating treatingsince THE they were TREASURE installed. This contrasts with ISLAND similar HOTEL propertiesAqua-Rexthe theusing conducted hothot water water,water, softeners a trial thesethese nearby in theunitsunits where Treasure alsoalso scale treat treat Islandissues havehotel been tower a constant installing problem. a unit on the cold water services to the upper floors of the tower.thethe previouslypreviously The first unsoftenedpictureunsoftened shows coldcold the waterwatershower head in room 32020 on December 30th 2010 at the time the Aqua-Rex WK5 unitservices.services. was installed. ThisThis means meansIt is quite thatthat heavily scalingscaling scaled, isis both on the chrome ring and the centre section. Only an acid wash would reducedreduced inin mixingmixing valves,valves, showershower remove this scale. December 30th headsheads andand faucets,faucets, whereaswhereas previouslypreviously On January 26th 2011, a month later, the chrome ring Treasure Island Uncoverswas removed and wiped Value with a soft cloth. The residual AQUA-REXAQUA-REX TRIALTRIALscale ININ came THETHE off with TREASURETREASUREthe cloth, leaving the ring ISLANDISLAND virtually HOTELHOTEL
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