Section IV: Multimedia, the Internet, and On-Line Services High-End Digital Video Applications Larry Amiot Electronic and Computing Technologies Division Argonne National Laboratory The emphasis of this paper is on the high-end applications Internet and Intranet that are driving digital video. The research with which I am involved at Argonne National Laboratory is not done on dig- The packet video networks which currently support many ital video per se, but rather on how the research applications applications such as file transfer, Mbone video (talking at the laboratory drive its requirements for digital video. The heads), and World Wide Web browsing are limiting for high- paper will define what digital video is, what some of its com- quality video because of the low throughput one can achieve ponents are, and then discuss a few applications that are dri- via the Internet or intranets. Examples of national packet ving the development of these components. The focus will be switched networks developed in the last several years include on what digital video means to individuals in the research the National Science Foundation Network (NSFNet). The and education community. Department of Energy had its own network called ESNET, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration The Digital Video Environment (NASA) had a network as well. Recently, the NSFNet was de- commissioned, and commercial interests are now starting to In 1996, a group of people from several universities in the fill that void. Research and education communities are find- Midwest and from Argonne formed a Video Working Group. ing, however, that this new commercial Internet is too re- This body tried to define the areas of digital video of impor- stricting and does not meet their throughput requirements; it tance to their institutions. is starting to become congested. As a result, these organiza- tions are moving back toward the intranet concept, and there It identified the following items: probably will be another research and education network be- fore too long. • room-based videoteleconferencing systems • desktop video Of course, a local site involves local area networks (LANs) • broadcast video utilizing technologies such as the asynchronous transfer • digital video servers mode (ATM), Ethernet, and the fiber distributed data inter- • virtual reality CAVEs face (FDDI). Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) is the one network technology that is applicable not only to the LAN A virtual reality CAVE is a room that is roughly 15 X 15 X 15 ft. (including Ethernet and FDDI), but also to metropolitan area It has three projectors that are driven by computers which networks (MANs) and wide area networks (WANs). It has project images and actually generate a three-dimensional rep- the promise of providing not only high throughput but guar- resentation of a physical or mathematical model. By using anteed service as well. ATM applications will be discussed in special glasses, people can feel that whole images are floating more detail below. around them, and that they can move around in them. That is one definition of virtual reality. Examples of Digital Video-Driver Applications Video applications identified by the video working group A Virtual Field Trip include distance learning, research, collaboration, training, The first video driver application which I would like to dis- entertainment and information broadcasting, and work- cuss is a virtual field trip. In the fall of 1995, there was a con- group conferencing. This paper will concentrate on those ference was held in San Diego called Supercomputer 95. This applications that most directly affect the research and was the big conference for researchers in the field of super- education environment. computing. The organizers wanted to have the best super- computers available for display on the floor, and they also Video Infrastructure wanted to link up existing supercomputers across the country on a single network called the I-WAY. In order to do that, One of the issues the Working Group examined was the com- conference organizers had to secure the cooperation of the munication infrastructure that drives digital video. Dedicated various telecommunications vendors and use other existing data circuits are being used in the infrastructure today along research networks. They wanted a very high-speed ATM net- with integrated services digital network (ISDN)–switched cir- work, and they wanted to make sure that the network would cuits. High-speed dedicated circuits have the ability to trans- be ready in time for Supercomputer 95. In May of 1995, a port high-quality, full-motion video. ISDN speeds limit the short, one-day test was carried out to see if ATM interoper- quality and motion that can be supported. ability between vendors and carriers could be achieved. 1998 ANNUAL R EVIEW OF C OMMUNICATIONS ■ 523 M ULTIMEDIA, THE I NTERNET, AND O N -LINE S ERVICES FIGURE 1 High-Level Application Diagram–Schools & Applications (All ATM) ? School 1 (Chicago) Chicago School 2 ATM ATM ATM (NC) Demo Network Ameritech, AT&T, Bell Atlantic, Linker ATM Bell South, Pacific Bell, Sprint, FORE, Newbridge ATM A/V Production Interpreter ATM Scientist Pilot North Carolina Research Vessel ? ROV Submarine The virtual field trip took place in Monterey Bay, California, at questions. All of this could be seen in Washington, D.C. Then, the Monterey Bay Research Institute. The institute has a re- the oceanographer would answer the students’ questions. At search boat that drags a submarine around Monterey Bay, and this point the picture would cut to Washington, D.C., where the submarine takes pictures of the fish, plants, and whatever one of the secretaries might ask a question, and so forth. else is at the bottom of Monterey Bay. This signal is then sent back to the aquarium, where an oceanographer can show the The actual hardware that was put in place constituted a multi- pictures to people sitting in a large auditorium and can lecture vendor environment (see Figure 2). Different vendors’ ATM about them. The speakers has a huge digital server available, switches were used. Newbridge was one of the vendors so they can put up a picture of something that is on the whose video board actually went in the Newbridge switch. server’s file system and answer the audience’s questions. Some of the other video equipment used at Monterey Bay in- cluded Sun Sparc workstations with parallax boards that fit Involved in the planning for the nation’s newly emerging na- right into the workstation. One board went into the worksta- tional information infrastructure plans for Supercomputer 95 tion, and the other went into the ATM switch. Nevertheless, was a committee in Washington, D.C. (chaired by the late all the boards transmitted via ATM, and the images were sent Ron Brown, who was Secretary of the Department of across the country. Even though everybody used motion Joint Commerce) called the Information Infrastructure Task Force Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) compression, the streams (IITF). It was part of Vice President Al Gore’s National were all parallel. Video switching was done after the signals Information Superhighway Task Force. IITF chose to hold its were converted to analog in the Washington location. There first open meeting in May 1995 and invited the public and the was switching at the analog end. In summary, this is what was press to see what was going on. accomplished in two weeks as a precursor to the I-WAY pro- ject. This is the type of application that is driving digital video. The organizers of Supercomputer 95 decided to transmit the pictures from the research institute in Monterey across a wide Metropolitan Research and Education Network (MREN) area network, all via ATM digital signal level 3 (DS-3) at Broadcast Video 44.736 Mbps. The network used resources donated by a num- In the Chicago area, there is the Metropolitan Research and ber of interexchange and intra-LATA carriers. The demon- Education Network, a network called MREN. It includes net- strations were held in the auditorium at the Department of work systems at the University of Chicago, Fermi National Commerce. Further, organizers wanted to get a couple of Accelerator Lab, Argonne National Accelerator Lab, and the schools involved. They picked Pender High School in North University of Illinois at Chicago. Ameritech is one of the ven- Carolina and Whitney Young High School in Chicago. dor partners, and they have the central switch, which is lo- cated in downtown Chicago. It is a GCNS2000 ATM switch. Videoteleconferencing from each of these sites was set up Most of the links are synchronous optical network (SONET) using nationwide ATM links (see Figure 1)—from each of the OC-3 links running at 155 Mbps. There are still some schools, from the research institute, and from Washington, DS-3 45 Mbps links in place, but very soon it will all be OC-3 D.C. All this was done in two weeks’ time. Whitney Young with some people even considering SONET optical carrier High School did not even have fiber-optic cable available, but 622.08 Mbps (OC-12). Northwestern University will soon join Ameritech installed it within two weeks. Optical carrier level 3 the network. This makes up a very high-speed network set up (OC3), 155.52-Mbps fiber-optic cable was used to get the sys- to help with research and education applications (see Figure 3). tem operational. Essentially, the research institute showed In addition to carrying just simple Internet traffic, video can some pictures and then switched to one of the schools, in also be put on this network (see Figure 4). Sun workstations which a classroom was set up where students would ask have been set up, both at Argonne and at the University of 524 ■ 1998 ANNUAL R EVIEW OF C OMMUNICATIONS L ARRY AMIOT Chicago.
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