Journal of Ecological Engineering Received: 2018.07.30 Revised: 2018.09.01 Volume 20, Issue 2, February 2019, pages 226–233 Accepted: 2018.11.10 https://doi.org/10.12911/22998993/99689 Available online: 2018.12.10 Use of Water Injection Technique to Improve the Combustion Efficiency of the Spark-Ignition Engine: A Model Study Osama H. Ghazal1, Gabriel Borowski2* 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Applied Science Private University, Al Arab st. 21, 11931 Amman, Jordan 2 Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, ul. Nadbystrzycka 40B, 20-618 Lublin, Poland * Corresponding author’s e-mail: g.borowski@pollub.pl ABSTRACT In the paper, the effect of water injection and different air/fuel ratio on the gasoline engine performance and emissions was investigated theoretically. A four cylinder SI engine model was built using GT-Power professional software. The gasoline fuel was injected directly to the cylinder and water was injected into the intake manifold with different mass flow rate. The calculated engine parameters were: cylinder pressure and temperature, brake torque, brake power, mean effective pressure, thermal efficiency, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, and nitrogen ox- ide emissions. The results of simulations show that the increased water mass flow rate resulted in an improved en- gine performance and decreased emissions compared to neat gasoline fuel. However, we found that the excessive increase of the water amount inside the cylinder resulted in a deteriorated engine performance and, consequently, poor combustion efficiency. Keywords: water injection, combustion, emissions, engine modeling. INTRODUCTION al. 2016, Mathur et al. 1992, Parley 2011, Peters and Stebar 1976, Weatherford and Quillian 1970]. The internal combustion (IC) engine operat- Boretti [2013] studied the effect of water on a tur- ing on fossil fuel is one the main sources of air bocharged engine and observed a reduction in the pollution. Therefore, the major challenge faced intake gas temperature, resulting in improved en- by automobile manufacturers is to reduce the en- gine power and fuel efficiency. Totala et al. [2013] gine emissions and increase their efficiency. Re- observed a reduction of carbon monoxide (CO) cently, the low temperature combustion technique and hydrocarbon (HC) emissions when a water/ has been considered as one of the promising tech- methanol mixture was introduced to the gasoline nologies to reduce the in-cylinder temperature engine. Berni et al. [2015] confirmed theoretically and engine emissions. Water injection technique the effect of water/fuel mixture percentage on the is a good technology due to its ability to decrease engine knock resistance. The study on the effect the combustion temperature inside the cylinder of intake manifold water injection was performed by absorbing high amount of heat released from by Tauzia et al. [2010]. The extension of the ig- combustion. In addition, the cooling of the engine nition delay compound with NOx reduction was parts increased the engine lifespan, and prevented observed when water was added to the mixture. the load shock inside the engine. Tesfa et al. [2011] investigated the effect of water Many researchers have investigated the effect injection in an IC engine operating on biodiesel of water injection on the IC engine due to improved fuel. They observed a significant reduction of ni- engine efficiency and reduced emissions [Berni et trogen oxide (NOx) with engine performance dete- al. 2015, Breda et al. 2015, Brusca and Lanzafame rioration. Subramanian [2011] analyzed the effect 2003, Hoppe et al. 2016, Harrington 1982, Kim et of water injection on engine emissions. 226 Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 20(2), 2019 The goal of this work was to theoretically in- gasoline fuel combustion was also investigated in vestigate the effect of different water mass flow order to compare with the gasoline/water injec- rates and air/fuel ratio on the engine emissions tion parameters. The engine speed was 2000 rpm and performance as well. A four cylinder SI en- and it was kept constant for all simulation runs. gine model was built and simulated. Water was The AFR was varied as shown in Figure 2. The injected to the intake manifold with various mass injected water to the intake port absorbs heat and flow rates ranging from 0.5 g·s-1 to 1.5 g·s-1. The reduces the intake charge temperature resulting in gasoline fuel was injected directly to the combus- an increased volumetric efficiency and amount of tion chamber. The engine speed was constant for air introduced to the cylinder causing the increase all runs, amounting to 2000 rpm, and the engine of AFR. The gasoline injected mass increased was operated at full load. The model was vali- along with the air mass. dated using the data available from the literature. The GT-Power program solves the conser- vation equations using a 1-dimensional model [http://www.gtisoft.com]. The Woschni model MODEL DESCRIPTION was used to calculate the heat transfer in the com- bustion chamber. We used the SI Wiebe combus- A four cylinder direct injection spark igni- tion model, which imposes the burn rate for SI tion engine model is presented in Figure 1. The engine using the Wiebe function. However, the gasoline fuel was injected directly to the cylin- Wiebe constants should be determined experi- der with a mass flow rate of 0.65 g·s-1, 0.56 g·s-1 mentally. The engine specifications are presented and 0.49 g·s-1 to obtain the air/fuel ratio (AFR) at in Table 1. The engine initial conditions are pre- 12.5, 14.5 and 16.5, respectively, for dry gasoline sented in Table 2. The operation conditions are combustion. The water was injected to the intake illustrated in Table 3. The model was validated manifold with mass flow rate varying from 0.5 using the data available from the literature, and a to 1.5 g·s-1 and temperature of 300 K. The neat good agreement was obtained. Figure 1. Four cylinder engine model using GT-Power code 227 Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 20(2), 2019 Continuity: (1) Energy: == ∑ ∑ ̇ ̇ ()) = ∑ ̇ ̇ ̇ ==−− ++∑∑ (()−)ℎ− ℎ( ( − −(2)) ) Enthalpy:() = ∑ ̇ () = − +∑ (̇ ) −̇ ℎ (̇ − ) () == ∑∑ ((̇̇ ) +) + − ℎ−ℎ( ( − − ) ) () ̇ ̇ () = − + ∑ () − ℎ( − ) = ∑ (̇ ) + − ℎ ( − ) ̇ || ̇ 1 (3) Figure 2. Air/fuel ratio variation with water mass ̇ + ∑(̇ ) − 4 || −̇ [ 1||] ̇ ( +) ∑(̇ ) − 4 2 − 2 [ ||] flow rate =Momentum:= ∑ (̇ ) + 2 − ℎ ( −2 ) = ̇ || 1 + ∑(̇ ) − 4 − [ 0.8||] ̇ 0.8 2 2 0.8 =A p 0.8 Tsoc V ( p pmotor ) Table 1. Engine geometry h 0A.55 p 0.2 B U piston C Tsoc ̇V ( p pmotor ) || 1 h T 0.55 D 0.2 B U piston C p V 0.8 Parameter Unit Value ̇ cyl 0+.8 ∑(̇ ) − 4 soc −soc [ ||] T Dcyl 2 psoc Vsoc2 = A p Tsoc V ( p pmotor ) (4) Bore mm 85 h 0.55 0.2 B U piston C 0.8 where:T mD –0cyl. 8dQmass of fuel injected (kg)psoc ,V soc Stroke mm 87 A p T V ( p p ) h p – pressuredQ B hU( Tingas the CT cylinderwallsoc) (Pa), motor Connect rod length mm 180 0.55 0F.2 hpiston(T T ) T D gas wall p V3 V – cylvolumeFdQ of the cylindersoc (m soc), Piston pin offset mm 0 h(T T ) T – temperatureF of gasthe cylinderwall contents (K), Number of cylinders – 4 dQ -1 H – enthalpy (J ·kg ), h (Tgas Twall ) Compression ratio – 10 F -1 -1 Cf – specific heat (J·kg ·K ), Bore/stroke – 0.97 -3 ρ – density= of fuel ∑ (kg·ṁ ). Inlet valve close °CA -105 Inlet valve open °CA 308 Heat() transfer model Exhaust valve close °CA 385 = − + ∑() − ℎ(̇ − ) Exhaust valve open °CA 128 The heat transfer model used in the simula- tion was the Woschni model, which calculates the ̇ Table 2. Engine initial conditions () heat= transfer∑ according(̇ ) + to the− followingℎ( equation − ) Parameter Unit Value [Lanzafame 1999]: Initial pressure bar 1 0.8 A⋅ p0.8 T ⋅V ⋅( p − p ) Initial temperature K 300 = ⋅ + ⋅ soc motor h 0.55 0.2 B U piston C|| ̇ 1 T ∑⋅ D( ) p ⋅V | | Head temperature K 575 ̇ + cyl̇ − 4 soc − soc [ ] = 2 2 Piston temperature K 575 (5) 0.8 Cylinder temperature K 400 where:A p0 .A8 , B, C are WoschniT coefficients.V ( p p ) soc motor h 0.55 0.2 B U piston C T Thus D the heat transfer per unit parea ofV cylinder Table 3. Engine operating conditions cyl soc soc wall is defined as: Parameter Unit Value Engine speed rpm 2000 dQ h(Tgas Twall ) (6) Start of combustion °CA -20 F Start of injection °CA 365 where: dQ/F – heat transfer per unit area (W·m-2). Reference pressure of volume bar 1 effect Reference temperature of K 300 volume effect RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Mean piston velocity m·s-1 5.6 The effect of water injection on engine performance Conservation equations Figures 3 and 4 show the effect of water in- 1 The conservation equations solved by GT- jection and AFR on the engine brake specific fuel Power code are presented below [Lanzafame consumption and engine power. The engine fuel 1 1 1 1999]: consumption decreased as the mass of the injected 228 1 Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 20(2), 2019 increased working fluid mass caused by water droplets evaporation which turn into high pres- sure steam. Besides, when the injected water mass flow rate is 1.5 g·s-1 the reduction in the exhaust gas temperature is around 120 oC, which results in increasing the thermal efficiency by about 10% for stoichiometric and lean mixtures. Similar re- sults were presented by Lumsden et al.
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