FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2009 GATEWAY TO THE AIR FORCE • LACKLAND AIR FORCE BASE, TEXAS • www.lackland.af.mil • Vol. 67 No. 14 FORWARD MARCH INSIDE Commentary 4 Straight Talk 5 Recognition 6 News & Features CCS 14 Staff Sgt. Robert George, 324th Training Push/Pull 15 Squadron, marches his flight down Truemper St. after his flight of new basic trainees got their issued uniforms Photo by Master Sgt. Cecilio Ricardo and Air Force gear. Leaders hear victim’s tragic story Funeral service By Mike Joseph Now it is, mostly due to the nation- reported her missing. for AFIOC NCO Staff Writer al media attention and public out- Subsequently, Marine Cpl. Cesar rage stirred by her daughter’s Armando Laurean, the accused A funeral service for Tech. Sgt. Audra Britt, To sexual assault victims, it’s a tragic death. rapist and suspected killer, desert- Air Force Information story that is difficult to tell. For one A Marine lance corporal sta- ed the Marine Corps and fled to Operations Center, will be rape victim’s family, it’s a story that tioned in Camp Lejeune, N.C., in Mexico, where he was arrested. He held Tuesday, 11:30 a.m., must be told. 2007, Maria Lauterbach accused a now awaits extradition back to the at New Creation Christian Invited to speak here during fellow Marine of rape. Her accusa- United States, a process that could Fellowship, 8700 Fourwinds Sexual Assault Awareness Month, tions led to harassment, physical take up to three years. Dr. Call 646-7997 for Mary Lauterbach recounted her harm, personal property damage, Recounting her daughter’s story more information. daughter’s horrifying ordeal April and in the end, her murder and in detail – from the time Maria 9 before more than 160 base lead- that of her unborn child. She was telephoned a month after the rape ers attending a community lunch- eight months pregnant at the time. until her senseless death – Mrs. Photo by 2nd Lt. Natassia Cherne eon at the Gateway Club. Her charred remains were found Lauterbach stressed that no one Mary Lauterbach shares her Lauterbach may not have been buried in the accuser’s backyard daughter’s story with base a household name 15 months ago. almost a month after her mother See TRAGIC P19 leaders April 9. PAGE 2 TALESPINNER APRIL 17, 2009 Base nears stage two water restrictions Lackland may soon enter Stage II • Using indigenous landscaping; days are based on the last digit of an aquifer was at 660.4 feet. water restrictions unless the Edwards • Reporting dripping fixtures and address. Residents with addresses end- Stage II restrictions continue the Aquifer receives replenishing rainfall. water puddling; ing in an even number may water Stage I restrictions but further restrict The San Antonio area is experienc- • Installing water efficient toi- Saturday and Tuesday. Odd- grass and turf watering with sprinklers ing a sustained drought that shows no lets, faucets, shower- numbered addresses may to one day a week. Watering with a signs of letting up. Since September heads, and sprinkler water Sunday and hand-held hose is allowed at appropri- 2007, the region has experienced the systems; Thurs-day. ate times any day to maintain shrubs, driest 17 months on record and about • Watering land- Base facilities trees, flowers, vegetables and other 28 inches of rainfall below normal. scapes only are allowed to ornamental plants. Additionally, increased pressure placed between 8 p.m. water only Water leaks and broken water pipe on the Edwards Aquifer from farmers and 10 a.m.; Mondays and Fri- indications, such as water puddling in irrigating their fields and homeowners • Avoiding driv- days, and athletic grassy areas or moving along street watering their lawns may necessitate ing vehicles over fields water on curbs, should be reported during nor- additional restrictions. landscape and Monday and mal duty hours to the Civil Engineer Lackland’s conservation plan has six grassy areas; Wednesday. Area Maintenance Unit or, after normal stages, created in partnership with the • Washing cars at Additionally, duty hours, to EMCS at 671-2288 or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and facilities that recy- swimming pools 671-2289. other Central Texas military installa- cle water and using must have a mini- For questions about water conserva- tions. a hose with an auto- mum of 25 percent of tion, or to report instances of water The base entered Stage I restrictions matic shut-off nozzle the surface area covered waste, call the water conservation hot- on July 3, 2008, part of ongoing efforts when washing vehicles or with effective evaporation line at 671-7283, the 37th Civil to conserve water and reduce annual other equipment at home. screens or shields when not in use Engineer Squadron Asset Management water use by 2 percent. Under Stage I, base housing resi- for maintenance or swimming. Flight at 671-4844, or e-mail the 37th Lackland’s normal water conserva- dents and facility managers are Stage II water restrictions take CES Water Quality Program at tion measures include: allowed to water lawns with sprinklers effect when the water level in the [email protected]. • Not washing impervious surfaces only two days a week between the Edwards Aquifer drops below 650 feet unless for health or safety reasons; hours of 8 p.m. and 10 a.m. Watering above sea level. As of Wednesday, the (Courtesy of 37th CES) APRIL 17, 2009 TALESPINNER PAGE 3 News METAL MELDING BRIEFS FIESTA PARADE PARKING Parking at the parade grounds and the child development center is reserved Wednesday morning for off base visitors attending the Lackland Fiesta parade, which begins at 9:30 a.m. Those with regular access to the base should park at the Gateway Club, wing headquarters or Godfather's pizza that morning. HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL LUNCHEON The Lackland Holocaust Memorial luncheon is Tuesday, 11:30 a.m., at Mitchell Hall. Staff Sgt. Nicole Lomax Col. Edward Westermann, 737th uses a metal inert gas Training Group commander and welding machine to weld a T-joint for skill level Holocaust expert, will be the guest upgrade training at Lack- speaker. land. Sergeant Lomax is This year's luncheon theme is “Never assigned to the Air Force Again: What You Do Matters.” Reserve Command's 433rd A Holocaust display at Mitchell Hall Photo by Robbin Cresswell Airlift Wing at Lackland. opens for viewing at 9 a.m. the morning of the luncheon. Call Senior Airman Floriendo Maruzzo Airman’s Roll Call at 671-4208 for tickets or contact your unit's first sergeant. Sexual Assault Awareness Month APRIL IS NATIONAL DONATE LIFE MONTH As part of a nationwide obser- • If someone has had too much to April is National Donate Life Month, vance this month to raise aware- drink, make sure the person gets and the Texas Organ Sharing Alliance ness about one of the country’s home safely – everyone has a duty asks residents to help save a life by most under-reported crimes, to prevent sexual assault. becoming a registered organ, tissue and Defense Department officials Throughout April, the Lackland eye donor. launched a new Web site and cam- Sexual Assault Prevention and The federally funded, nonprofit organ- paign April 3 giving military mem- Outreach office has been holding ization encourages people to register bers fresh initiatives and new activities to educate Airmen and when obtaining or renewing their Texas teaching methods to prevent sexual raise awareness about this impor- driver's license or identification card, or assault. tant issue. by registering online at www. The Web site and social market- The awareness month campaign donatelifetexas.org or www. ing campaign focus heavily on provides Airmen and their leaders donevidatexas.org. bystander interventions, encourag- helpful tools to educate each other Currently, there are more than ing military members to take care to enhance knowledge and aware- of each other. ness. Schedules of events and 101,000 men, women and children listed Key points of the campaign are: activities throughout the year as on the United Network for Organ • The campaign’s slogan is “Our well as training tools and materials Sharing's national waiting list. More strength is for defending.” can be found on the new Web site than 8,000 of them live in the state of • Much like the “Friends don’t let at: www.sapr.mil. Texas and await a life-saving heart, liver, friends drive drunk” slogan of the For more details on Lackland’s lung, small bowel, kidney and/or pan- Mothers Against Drunk Driving SAAM activities or for information creas transplant. nonprofit group, bystander inter- on Lackland’s Sexual Assault To make a difference by becoming a vention means anyone has the abil- Prevention and Outreach Program, registered donor or for more details, call ity to stop sexual assault before it contact the SAPO office at 671- Courtesy Graphic Esmeralda Perez, TOSA office, at 614- happens. 7273, or the Sexual Assault This week’s Airman’s Roll Call focuses on web 7030 or (866) 685-0277. • When out with friends and party- Response Coordinator hotline at sites, companies and other events observing ing, don’t leave friends alone. 671-7272. Sexual Assault Awareness Month. PAGE 4 TALESPINNER APRIL 17, 2009 COMMENTARY We have strength in discipline Editorial staff BRIG. GEN. LEN PATRICK, By Lt. Col. Chris Frederiksen ing by it. Self discipline is an integral part of Confederate formations together as they 37TH TRAINING WING 343rd Training Squadron our core value of integrity first. marched over a mile in open terrain under COMMANDER Throughout history, discipline has been withering Union fire during Pickett’s Charge. KIRK FRADY, Gen.
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