I I I .eec.s Af1:8 I Q..CIlC.BT LEGACIFS TO THF LEEDS ART COLLECTIONS I-'UND The LACF depends for its income entirely on members and supporters. Please consider leaving the LACI-' legacy in your will: it is a charitable organization and all legacies to it are exempt from Capital Transfer Tax and aggregation without limit. Bequests can take the form of a lump sum or the residue or a fraction of your estate. Some members might prefer to consider leaving works of fine or decorative art but is you contemplate doing this it would be helpful if you would please seek the advice of the Secretary who can let you know if any item will fit into the permanent collection of the Leeds City Art Galleries. The following would be a suitable form of words to send to your solicitor for inclusion in your will: 'I bequeath to the Leeds Art Collections Fund of Temple Newsam House, Leeds, a legacy of ............free of all taxes'he Hon Solicitor of the LACF is always happy to advise potential benefactors. THk. LEEDS ART COI.I ECTIONS FUND is one of rhe oldest supporting hoches for the visual arrs in Great Brita>n, a source of regular funds for buying works of art for the Leeds collections. Why not idenrify yourself with rhe Arr Gallery, Temple Ncwsam House ancl Lotherton Hall, receive )our Arts Ci)endur free, receive invitations ro all functions, private vie>vs and orginized visirs to pl.sees of interest. Membership >s open to everyone on payment of a minimum annual subscripnon of E>o; those under so years of age can become a Young Friend for (S. There is also a «oncessionary joinr membership For rs and life membership For (> so per person or fzzs joint. Corporate membership For organizations is zs. IF you would like to join simply complete an application form and send it with your remitta>ice I'0 the Hon. Secretary, Leeds Art Cnllections Fund, Temple Newsam House, Leeds IS>S oAF. Telephone 6Ayszr. Pre ident Lord Mart>n I'itzalan Howard; Vice I'resident The Rt Hon the Earl of Harecvood LI D; Trustee> E. M. Arnold, J. S. Fox, Mrs B. Roberts; Committee W. A. B. Brov n (Chairman), E. M. Arnold IV>c'e-Cbuirmun), C<iuncillor B. P. Atha, J. B.>res, R. H. Duncan, M. Paraskos, B. W. Read, Dr I. Roscoe, S. Wood; Hon Treasurer l. S. Fox; Hon S'e«retury C. G. ('>Ibert; Hon Membersbip!ie«retury Dr R. B. Welch; Hon I.egu) Adviser T. A. Last; Hon Exn>rsions Secretary hlrs Audrey Warhurton; Events Committee Cbcurmun Dr J. R. Sherwin; Mrs K. Wenban (Ei cuts Com>ni>tee Ass>et.mt), Miss K. Plant (Hon Membership Records .Se«ret.>ry). CULT(>RAL SFRVICFS COMMITTkE (.b.i>r ( oun«illor B. P. Atha; Deputy Cbuir Councillor Mrs C. Myers; Counc>llor I. I'avell, Coun>nllor J. G. B. Frankland, Councillor H. J. G.irdiner, Councillor Mrs S. M. Gill, Councillor P. J. Gruen, Councillor I-'. Hamilton, Councillor I. Hugill, Councillor G. IL Kirkhind, Councillor A. N. K. Losve, Councillor Mrs R. Lund, Councnllor R. A. Mitchell. Councillor Mrs M. Monks, JP, Councillor F.. Moxon, Councillor F.. A. Viash. sTAFF D>re«tor of Art Galleries Chnstopher Gilbert MA FMA; Pnniipu( Keeper Anthony Wells- Cole MA Ai>A; Principal Keeper (Art Gul(erv and Henry Moore Centre for tbe Studv of S«u)pture) post vacant; Keeper (Art Gu((erv) Alexander Robertson MA ASIA; Keeper (I.otberto>i H >(() Daru Rookc BA; Keeper (Temp(e Neu sum) James Lomax MA AMA; Keeper of h>rniture Conservation Ian Fraser; Keeper (Fdu«c>t>c>n) Adam Wh>te BA MA PHD; Semor Assistant keeper (Ed>cc ation) Amanda Phillips; Senior Assistant Keeper (Art Gu()cry) Connne E. Miller BA AMA; Senior Assist>>nt Keeper (Ev)nbitions) Nigel Walsh BA; Reseur«b Assistant (Henrv Moore Centre fc>r the Study of Sculpture) Benjamin Dhaliwal BA; I ibrur>un (Henrv Moore Centre for the Study of Scu)pture) Denise Raine BA; Curatorial Assistant Samantha Flavin BA; Keeper of Pcuntmgs Conservut>on Jennifer Hack BA, DipCons; Keeper nf Tecbmcu( Serv>c..es John Berry BA; Tecbni«u( Assistant David Hudson; Administrc>tor Chnsnne Stokes; Secret irv Denise Lawson; C(erk Tvp>st Valerie Jackson; C)en«u) Assistants Sheel Bharj, Jacqueline Howson. Nork: Starnng with the first issue published in >c>Ay, the ennre F.eeds Artc Cu)endur is now availahlc on microfilm. Write for information or send orders d>rect ro Xerox University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan 68>o6, I>SA. FRONT COVFR ILLUSTRATION Atkinson Grimshaw, Reflections on the Thames: Westminster (Leeds City Art Galleries), detail of Plate J (inside) LEED S ARTS CALENDAR NUMBER I I 2. ~ I 993 Editorial z. Atkinson Grimshaw, Frank Holi and Fallen Women PHtt lv McEvANsoNF.YA Some Bedrooms and Dressing Rooms at Temple Newsam ANTHoNY wELLS-coLE ~ 7 sr I re lilt ~4!;:4 Lia I I it I I@a ~ Tlie Finding of Moses, one of a pair of mid-tgth century Brussels tapestnes given to Temple Newsam by the Prince of Wales c. rsos and bought back for the house, with financial assiatance from the MGC/V5cA Purchase Grant Fund and thc National Art Collections Fund, in t9gz,. EDITORIAL The Henry Moore Institute, with its imposing arts. He has been a frequent contributor to the green granite facade, which has been likened to a Leeds Arts Calendar, published memorable exhi- work of minimalist sculpture, opened on zr April bition catalogues which have become standard r~yq3. Created out of three early Victorian wool works of reference, and launched the acclaimed merchants'ouses, it occupies zo,ooo square feet Studies in the History of Sculpture series. Terry of space on four floors and is linked to the City is a great enthusiast with boundless energy, Art Gallery by a bridge. The whole of the first always very willing to share his expertise and floor is given over to the re-located Henry Moore connoisseurship with colleagues and students. His Centre for the Study of Sculpture, which was set lively company and refined taste will be greatly up in the Art Gallery in rg8z and funded in missed. partnership between the City and the Henry Last October, due entirely to the vigilance and Moore Foundation. The space which housed the zeal of Anthony Wells-Cole, we succeeded in old Study Centre has been refurbished as display tracing and buying a large and impressive pair of galleries on two levels. The offices of The Henry mid-r 8th century Brussels tapestries, depicting Moore Sculpture Trust, directed by Robert scenes from the life of Moses, which we believe Hopper, occupy the second floor, its basic aim hung originally at Carlton House, London, and being to advance the education of the public by were given in about r8o6 by the Prince Regent to promoting their appreciation of sculpture. In Lady Hertford, with whom he fancied he was in addition to providing funds for the Study Centre, love. She created a special interior at Temple the Trust also operates a large sculpture studio Newsam for them in the Terrace Room and they and exhibition space at Dean Clough, Halifax; were displayed there until the razz sale, when finances a post-graduate MA course in Sculpture Lord Halifax removed them to London. After Studies at Leeds University; has supplied funding being excavated from a blitzed building during for the revival of the Gregory Fellow Sculpture the war, they were taken to Washington and, in Fellowship at the University; organizes major due course, appeared in the saleroom in r9g6 and exhibitions (the opening show being devoted to again in r~y6r, before disappearing from view. Romanesque sculpture); produces publications Happily, they were spotted last Autumn amongst and awards grants to outside bodies for projects the contents of Stackallan, a country house near relating to sculpture. It is a triumph that the Dublin, being auctioned by Christie's, still, by Institute has been set up in Leeds and we are good fortune, in remarkably unfaded condition. proud of its close links with the Art Gallery. Art With the help of government grants and the museums cannot today simply continue operating National Art Collections Fund, Leeds purchased in the way they were functioning ro years ago, it them for fez,ooo a very favourable price. They is vital for the future to establish dynamic part- are, at present, hung once again in the Terrace nerships. In return for the substantial grant from Room, but will need to go away for conservation the Foundation, Leeds City Council itself makes in the near future. significant contributions towards the annual run- It is also pleasant to report that Marlene Black ning costs. It is very much a two-way bargain. recently decided to let the LACF take possession Many members will already have heard that now of Jacob Epstein's important bronze portrait Dr Terry Friedman has decided to leave after bust of her late husband, George, who was our z4 years of high achievement, initially as Keeper Chairman for so many years. We warmly appreci- of Decorative Art Studies, based at Temple ate her waiving her life interest in this fine Newsam, and since r~y8z as Principal Keeper of sculpture, which is now on display at the Art the City Art Gallery and Keeper of the HMCSS. Gallery. On a more domestic note, we have just He is an exceptionally able professional art completely re-wired Temple Newsam and will historian; James Gibbs's modern biographer; a shortly be renewing the air-conditioning plant at world authority on sculpture but also possessing the City Art Gallery it is very expensive to a versatile knowledge of the fine and decorative maintain the technology of a modern art museum.
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