,_ .. _ R. I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC •/•et· 1 ...,.. 130 SESSION S ST. ..,.,~ PROVIDE NCE, RI 02906 ' Support Read By Jewish More Than Agencies 35,000 With Your People Membership VOLUME LIX, NUMBER 30 20c PER COPY 3 US Jewish _Groups -Rap · Mobil Oil Scare ., Tactics NEW YORK (JTA): Three panics from doing business with the major American Jewish Arab states," Gray said. "Indeed, organizations have denoµnccd the the simplest answer to the Mobil Mobil, Oil Corporation for an advcrt-isement is that many advertisement opposing the American companies continue to proposals· in Congress for combat­ deal with the Arabs while defying ting the Arab boycott. In separate their boycott demands." statements, the · Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, the Wllat MollU Fears American Jewish Congress and the The ADL, in a newspaper adver­ Zionist Organization of America tisement today accused Mobil of accused Mobil of trying to frighten "pitting Americans agains t the American public. Americans to achieve Arab goals" and or "pitting American com­ The Mobil advertisement, which panies against the best interests of appeared in 100 dail y newspapers the American people." across the country. said that Rejecting the claim by Mobil that "legislation now being considered opposition to the boycott could by the U.S. Congress . in effect reduce the United States "to a would either penali ze American second-rate power," the ADL companies or prohibit them from advertisement charged that "What doing business with and / or in Arab Mobil really fears is this: that if countries." M obi I stands up with the United Stales against the boycott , Alvin Gray, of Cleveland, co­ something might happen to Mobil's chairm a n of the AJCongress profits from Arab oil." national governing council, called this "sca re tactics" in an address The A DL said this "makes it lasl week to the annual meeting of pretty apparent that profit is more the AJCongrcss. He said the bill s in important to Mobil than American Congress " bar American com­ principles arc. No American com­ r . "THIS IS YOUR UFE" wat tit• theme of the ,";,rpm• brunch held In honor of Shirley Cnimer, Brailllat. Here, Sylvia p a nies from com plying with pany's bankbook should ~come Cohen, Sitterhood pretldent, ,-.nit Mn. C,CUD9',with th• rnelulion honeri"I her work fer the blind. Sayt Mn. demands by Arab countries that more importa nt than its own Cramer, "I don't feel I ~.. •rved the honor. I've never con,ldered mytelf that dedkated." - they boycott Israel and boycott conscience. Or its own country." other companies th at deal with Israel." - Outstandin·g Sisterhood Member "This is considerably different from prohi~iting American com- Is =Honored At Temple Enianu-EI Anti-Semitism Is Cited Among High Greek Clerics By BARBARA WRONSKI Her husband, Barney Cramer, ning Braille tcanscription when they In her opinion September 13, surprised her with a life time first tried to organize a group at ATH ENS : High clerical officials 1976 was the most .. remarkable membership to Temple Emanu-EI Emanu-EI. "Once they realized of the Greek Orthodox Church day in her life - and who could dis- of which Mrs. Cramer commented, there was some work involved, ha-ve issued anti-Semitic pule that? On that day she, Mrs. "I don't know if this was the best most of lhem dropped out," she statements in the gui se of a cam­ Barney Cramer, was honored by the time to get a life time membership. told us, adding that fo't a number of paign against the Christian sect of Temple Emanu-EI Sisterhood for We are moving to North Carolina, years she and her cousin constituted Jehovah's Witnesses. the outstanding work she has done but my husband assures me I'll get - the Emanu-EI Braille group. Today, · An official Church publication with Braille. She was greeted at the my use out of it. I hope so." there arc approximately seven or recently alleged that "the brun~h. in a program which follow- Mrs. Cramer has been transcrib- eight active transcriptionists af­ Witnesses are merely camounage ed a "This Is Your Life" format, by ing every im_aginable type of text liliated with the temple. They_ have for Judaism." her grandson, a long time friend into Braille for nearly 20 years. Her two Hebrew braillists - namely from high school and many other cousin, Mrs. Lee Nathans, first got Sarah Ritter and Ruth Finegold - Acoording to a study by the individuals out of her present and her involved in the project and they who have been highly instrumental . Institute of Jewish Affairs in Lon­ don , residual resentment against past. had 100 women interested in lcar- (Continued on page _18) the Jews in Greece is bound up with the anti-American feelings Svccos·· Brings Cheerful. Close prevailing since' the invasion of DR. AVRAHAM AVI HAI Cyprus by Turkey in 1974. The study shows fhat these Pacesetters To !o High · Holiday Observances trends have been injected into _ what purports tcf,e a religious-­ · be at 7 p.m. There will be a 9 a.m. · day, October 8. On both Saturday Hear Consultant CONGREGATION morning service Sunday, October and Sunday, October 9 and 10, campaign. In statements quoted Completing plans -for its fund­ AGUDAS ACHIM 17. there will be 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. ser~ by the survey, the emphasis shifts raising event is the Pacesetters Divi­ Attlelloro, MA vices. from the Witnesses, supposedly sion of the Jewish Federation of Lighting of Sabbath and Fcstjval CONGREGATION On 'Friday, October 15, Ercv the target of attack, to their alleg­ Rhode Island, chaired by Maxine candles this evening at Temple B'NAI ISRAt:l, . Shemini Atsercs will be at 6 p.m.· ed menton. Marks. A cocktail patty is schedul­ Agudas Achim will _be at 5:55 p.m., w-ket _ Saturday, October 16, Shcmini The Metropolitan of Salonika, ed for 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oc­ with Mincha Maariv service fl 6 Erev Succos at Congregation · Atseres will be at 7:30 a.m. and 9 for example, represents them as tober 14, at which group members p.m. On Saturday, October 9., mor- B'n'ai Israel will be at 6 p.m. on Fri- (Continued on page 14)· "the victims of a dark, satanic will hear Dr. Avraham Avi Hai. ning service will be at ?:30 a.m., power ... a Trojan horse in the Phillis Marks will serve as hostess Festival candles will -be lighted at Emanu-EI Opening Adult Institute heart of Christianity - the Fifth for the .Jlay. 6:50 p.m. On Sunday morning,.Oc­ Column of International Zionism.". Dr. A vi Hai served .for years in -tober 10, there will be a 9 a.m. ser­ T;mple Emanu~EI is opening its a lecture" and a filni series on Tues- A·rchimandrite •Vasilopoulos the office of the Prime Minister un­ vice. 'There will be a children's Sue­ adult institute on Tuesday evening, day evenings at the temple. The film barely mentioned the Witnesses in der Levi Eshkol and with Teddy cos party at 4 p.m. on·Tuesday, Oc­ October 26. The first semester of series will start after the close of the his sermon oublished in "Ethnikos Kollek, He has also been the dean tober 12. Tuesday night -scssions will run - second semester of classes. The first Kyrvx" in July. Instead, he con- of the School for Overs•• Students - -Shemini Atzeres,- eighth da{ of through December 7 with an 8 to lecture will be October 19. Dennis of Hebrew University. The author Succos, October I 5, Sabbath and 8:50 p.m. session and a 9:10 until 10 Prager, acting director of the cct1,t rated on fin.ding Jewish "treachery" through the ages, and of lhn Gtuioll.· StatdNIJ4kr, he has Festival candles will be lighted at p,m. ~ion. There will be a colfrse Brandeis Institute will lecture on · accused Jews of responsibility for also been a journalist for the Cana­ 5:4) p.m. and Mincha M/lariv ser­ offering of 11 subjects durina the f '.'_Fout Refonn1 for Jewish Ufe." , tlie crucifixion ·and "the endless dian and Isradil)ress. vice will be at 5:45 p.m. Saturday first of these sessions, and another war" they waged in theit attempts He wu educated at the Universi­ morning, October 16, service will be' nine subjects for the second sesaion. Registration for the first semester ty of T-oronio, V eshiva ·University, A second semester-of classci will of classes ,will be held on Sunday, to destroy Christianity and rule the .at 7: I 5 a.m. with sermon , and world. ' Hebrew University and· the Jewish Yizkor at 8:15 a.m. be offered again beginning on · October 24, · from 10 a.m. until 12 Theological Seminary. His doc• Simchas Torah, _ninth day of Suc­ January 4 and running through..,...noon in room 25 of the school . "During the sixth century CE," torate was awarded _by Columbia cos, Saturday evenin~·October 16, February 22. A 32-page descriptive b'ilildini, 99 Taft Avenue. Courses the Archimandrite added, "the in­ University. He.presently·t•ches at Festival candles will be lighted at catalogue'is available through Tern- are open to the public. For further visible Jewish Auembly, the Hebrew Univen!fy and Bar llan 6:40 p.m. Hakofoa and dlildren's pie Emanu-EI upon request. · . inf9rmation,.. call · Jenny_ Klein at Sanhedrin; mel and decided to e1- Uni'ffl'lity anil, serves u . a con­ party (marching 'tlllith Torahs) will Emanu-EI will also beconduct,il)g , Temple Emanu-EI, 331.1616.
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