OF MILLBURNAND SH O RT HILLS * Thursday, November 17,1983 FiiiiimN IHHH Vol. 96 No. 45 .'iO (>nt« ptr ( o,*v .#11 |>«*r ^ rnr E Mail lo ^ our Door Serving the township for 95 years ® Member. Audit Bum m <if Circulation* Richmond awards basketball scholarship to town girl mg equipment Tuesdays. Thursdays and Jackie regularly scores front as Richmond basketball coach Bill Hotchkiss seventh grade she was good enough to earn total points - 1,106 (1,402 counting her Col­ By Shirley Eastman Saturdays she concentrates on sprints and fat out as 18 feet flew to New Jersey from Virginia to bring a place on the New Jersey team that played umbia year) and the most points, 496 for a single season. running Jackie follows || |j | Mtbertuly ifi Ifetiough basketball is Jackie s first love Millburn High School basketball star Jackieamong other things, her new basket­ in a United States youth tournament in She was named an AH-Conference player- months of the year idit. has delCSlil mark at Millburn High Jackie Holle is to become a Spider. ball sKirt bearing number 44. Washington. for three years All Esspx ( Yiujvty foi two But Jwag jnri August" are not l<si goolurg S( li““l m volleyball as well Ibis \ear she Her metamorphosis will take place next "Forty-four has been my lucky number 1 Jackie started her high school career as a years and to the AAU All Shfr'ftr'U team in off l^st summer she worked out fm two to Mis named to the All'h.^^M fet ‘team fall when she goes off to the University of ever since I started playing basketball back ninth grader at Columbia High school ini three hofu s each ^ ^ f f ih ig h School coac h iHles‘ (Vvi. t- , f v,, in fifth grade,” Jackie explained Maplewood where she tallied 296 points in 1982, Richmond in Virginia. Jackie plans to study Brent Kitchmg td concentrate on Ih-i "uijjiffii’ the-^M'r^itv of Richmond Jackie The Miller athlete, who set a girls' school that year How does the ‘‘almost. 5 'fgjjjo inch'' accounting and to play basketball for the Cv’ j’ld f i ld 11 where. Coach record with 496 points scored in a single She transferred to Millburn High School at guard achieve such excellence'’ allots -Richmond Spiders — the first girl from Apparentlv the hart work has paid oft Hotchkiss-said .P^ig- his-’Tour or five" season, began her cage career with the the beginning of 10th grade and as she blaz­ Talent, of course but accpptijng to Jackie- Millburn High School to win a full tuition "Jackie mai.nol be the tallest pluwi on a \ei,s ,iiext icai he needs so- recreation department in Maplewood where ed her trail through three seasons of basket­ her success is due prima^bj^tn liaid woik scholarship for her basketball prowess. b u |® ^ ^ r a ® P bke a girl w tin s. six jneOm'.whoian'si^^frodi 18 feet out. ball, school records toppled on all sides. and practice Her training schedule is tight ’ Jackie and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. her family lived until three years foot thiee Coach hitching declared, The Eighteen l|l B u t 1 Chat s Jarkie's magic She progressed to the Maplewood travel Jackie holds top spot for percentage ,at and intense Mondavs, Wednesdays and Richard Holle of 61 Troy Drive, received the Fridays Jackie win ks out with weight train. K | day she’ sank a 24 toot shot in good news officially last Thursday when ing team and by the time she reached foul shots made — 76 per cent, most career D iscussion New parking fee T uesday rate schedule on staffing, firehouse expected Dee. 6 An attempt will be made by two members il tce,,l.$»i Fire department staffing and the future of of the Township Committee and two all.il lor a $.t(K) privy.bn- the White Oak Ridge fire station will be the members of the Town Hal) staff to draft an to lesidents only topics before the Township Committee ordinance by December 6 setting new park­ toil ml hr buswiexx ceilfei Tuesday night when it holds a special ing fees for municipal off-street shoppers ohj'ho/*-ol‘l h" S,o Vjjfrl meeting at Town Hall beginning at 8 p.m. arid commuters' parking lots, i ti k tii’M l [ylit $HKi tx- etiLirgei! trtiJjW The meeting is an outgrowth of a recent Members of the parking committee will permit t-ni it ling W%iWijlm»nl rt-.Miieril to job action taken by members of the Millburn be Mayor Earl W Cryer, Township Commit i>11 EvV:a’',JiiSiJ i municipal lots local of the Firemen’s Mutual Benevolent tfeman Robert P JjfenwflWthe ! Association [FMBA] in protest of reduc­ municipality’s business administrator John pei tions in department staffing which have W Pritchard and township engineer An­ le\ (*l Sm 1S7j a war il Mi Isaac' taken place during the past five years. thony J Isaac ) [J) J ]‘l C IKlclt Kill i-JpjiyJ’^(fr, the During the job action, which began in The Committee was ■■named by Mifmg: it tec September and lasted three weeks, local J$i,y>i ,il tile i oiifllj^iflf ol jfttyKi^flJ"iiL -VIi -itf’Silijiii to.had firemen refused to use their Plectrons, por­ I j p i b n of pai k mg jii.‘(T^^iiif-Vti‘<iK pj'uM; llt*t‘ll M H ^ ’csenf a t ox'L'be-nefit table paging devices used to summon off- at Tuesday ^^^OT'luwnshiM^^witlet jgSqCTMHPJs meet mg to duty firefighters back to headquarters at SBEting The ■fl'i^^SM'.c-entVred on. ■ Hut 111 Wi’iJiMe-iitotoo'- the time of tm emergency. parking rrpoit W H •r however was hospitaliz- FMBA members maintain that the man­ JftTtled ti~_jBcw>iifiuiTiritt^lw11 «eek (he-max or .uid power reductions have reduced the size of Mr Isaac . til. a mil \ ms was .•hjl’cu iililMrtit the department by 20 per cent and have been While no del i n111 \ e re''uI cm ‘Jit- meeting made contrary to the recommendations con­ discussion other than the naming n'Njjjil jPm. appointing Mr (Jeinse. Mr tained in a study prepared five years ago by parking committee it was app,uei)t dial all Pnicjiurt' a’iiU .>|®K<riic to ajg| parking a consultant on fire department operations jnj&tnliers (,| th,* gm 11 nine brxi\ i- 1 ( oitmiitlee Motor ( r\e.r.nuted that it was who was hired by the municipality. The dozen members of the. ptihlii who tame to. agieed that the fee fe p liire recoin reductions, according to the FMBA, repre­ the meeting to discuss Mr 1‘JfShs reporl mendedSaheJowpship engineer must be- sent a hazard to local property owners and felt that the fee structure recommended by tempered He also said the parking roiq to these firefighters who respond to an SPIDER-TO-BE — Millburn High School basketball player. Admiring her selection a re M ille r c oa ch Brent the township engineer was too high mittee would hat0 to isjjyw tulbsidi alarm. star Jackie Holle models the University of Richmond Kitching and Richmond coach William Hotchkiss. Mr Isaac IfiShis report had .advocated The possible closing of the White Oak prV^#ii]lh< power department (be; shirt that she will wear next year as a full-scholarship the present par MI; perinitsjy^ij.ahTe tit Ridge fire station has been discussed by Icmployecs ot local >|flrt|g f l iii o l^ S l parking legulatidns Township Committees for several years M h ^ ^ ^ R jlid iio i rule out ,r suggestion: during the course of annual budget delibera­ lade ear her in the discussion I hat 198. i per tions. If the station were closed — an action ulsr'be Iwi.uoreii'lhiW^SffiipSl loi'perrinl of the municipality — it would mean all Ur TmUlship ( omnTittee (nnf* 8 township fire equipment would be stationed fe.-ryitnvtKatik'ifrjjJ at the Essex Street fire headquarters. 5% school budget increase seen At its meeting this week, the Township t the \ano ii' ind third pti-un (Jm, 1 a5 €,^8' i ' l l 1' Committee approved two ordinances — one School costs here next year will climb to current enrollment tigure Ill another report presented at Mondac o p g e -h o iM approppwtb sources t pertaining to the Millburn railroad station more than $14.7 million if budgetary Mr Chesley said the new budget, wInch isl night s board meeting SMpemit^n iing j die' and the other to the sale and purchase of se­ ‘‘guidelines" put before the Board of Educa­ in its initial stage of prcpaiation, will main dent Paul W KosxeCpresented a Minirm$nt'i '\llboifgn- \i rS B w l epoi 1 w eekV anti soult-ruiC 0 i J . n l ‘; ‘ cond hand jewelry. tion Monday night are followed. tain the current elementaly school studeilf of results ni the state minimum basic skill'- qo uas limit' The railroad station action states that in The school board’s finance chairman. teacher ratio of 22-to-l and that the district jest given to ninth graders Iasi spring TIlO OliP^iri ,1 vVji't Tuesday the public interest the facility is in need of Roger Chesley, reported the budget for the will continue to maintain a funded summer Township students outscorefl,or- equalled in p P p e m ||p , skills jSji'Jj determining night ol-s f ilnciiv.-ini-- (xAtfg.
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