----------- ----- ------- -------~------------ , , , 25-1?-Pages 7 to 10 / \'()1. XIV. NO. 94 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary's WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1980 In New Hampshire Carter, Reagan -win prim.ary CONCORD* N.H. (AP) make. I would guess not." this year, Carter has gained President Carter defeated Sen. The Republican primary pro­ 55 nominating votes to Ken­ Edward Kennedy in New duced a virtual withdrawal by nedy's 36. Hampshire's presidential pri­ Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas, who . In the Republican Contest, it mary election last night, but ran dead last and said he was: the defiant Democratic challen­ would enter no more prima­ Reagan 72,734 or 50 percent. ger concede nothing. Ronald ries because ''it's not going Bush 33,304 or 23 percent. Reagan won a Republican land­ anywhere.'' Sen. Howard Baker Jr., slide over George Bush, and While New Hampshire held 18,760 or 13 percent. reclaimed the GOP nomina­ its keynote primary, Minnesota Rep. John R. Anderson of tion. held precinct caucuses begin­ Illinois, 14,622 or 10 percent. Kennedy, in what amounted ning with the process of sel­ Rep. Philip Crane of Illinois to a celebration of defeat, told ecting 75 Democrmic national 2,633 or 2 percent. cheering supporters that his convention delegates and 34 Former Texas Gov. John campaign issues will take hold Republican delegates. Carter Connally 2,215 or 2 percent. in the big industrial states was headed for an easy in Dole had 608 votes and where the campaign has yet a Democratic straw vote. fmmer President Gerald R. to be waged. With all the vote counted Ford had 380 writ-in votes. Carter, at the White House, in New Hampshire, Democra­ His victory brought Reagan's said his victory shows that the tic returns showed: GOP delegated total to 22, a tie voters "support the policies -Carter 53,586 or 49 percent with Bush. Baker has 7 that we've espoused in inter­ -Kennedy 41,540 or 38 percent altogether. Anderson picked up national affairs and our at­ - California Gov. Edmund G. his first 2 delegates, and tempts to deal with the in­ BrownJr. 10,727 or 10 percent. Connally still has 1 delegate, flation issue and energy.'' Two minor candidates got won earlier. Asked whether he had effec­ scattered support. ''This is the first and it sure tively eliminated Kennedy from That translated into 10 Demo­ the Best," said Reagan. "We'll the race, Carter said "I think cratic nominating votes for Car­ u11tmut!d on pase 4] that's a judgement for him to ter, 9 for Kennedy. Thus far l· Insh coach Digger Phelps Digger appears cheered enthusiastically at yesterday's pep rally. [photo George Bush Jr. to speak by]ohn Mac or] by John Me Grath and achievements. Niehaus no­ for a fund-raising party to be Senior Staff Reporter ted that the campus committee held Saturday night. On hockey future had been held responsible for Much of the unofficial discus­ At a meeting held last night, obtaining about one-third of rht sullls among_ committee mem­ J un Niehaus, co-chairman of signatures necessary from this bers centered on the controver­ Uncertainty retnains ·the campus George Bush for congressional district to have sial weekend debate between President Committee, an­ Bush· s name placed on the Bush and Konald Reagan. by Mike Lewzs . versity administration with nounced that the candidates ballot for the May 6 Indina ''I think we might have been Executive News Edztor planning specific proposals to son, George, would make an pnrnary. hurt a little bit,'' Niehaus said of meet the needs of Notre appearance at the Mock Republi­ Members of the committee, the carnpa1gu in response to The -Executive Committee of Dame's women athletes. The can Lonverition on March 7. representing most halls on cam­ queries about local reaction to the Board of Trustees released committee noted, however, that Bush plans to arrive Friday pus, were g1ven information the highly publicized event. a statement that declared sup­ such programs may "result in afternoon and hold a press packets explammg the campus The debate, sponsored by the port for Notre Dame's women some curtailment, over time, in conference. Both private and organization as well as Bush'-S Manchester Union Leader, be­ athletes yc;sterday, but left the one or more existing sports public receptions will be held. stands on controversial topics. came controversial aher a last future of non revenue-produ- programs at Notre Dame." He will the address the conven­ King stressed the importance of minute Reagan bid to have cing sports unclear. Richard Conklin, director of tion's delegates. distributing these packets to other Republican candidates The statement, summmg up Information Services, said yes- Niehaus, along with fellow delegates on campus as early as included. The debate's modera­ the Feb. 16 meeting of the [. •111/llltNd on page II] chairman Jim King, outlined possible. tor, an official of the newspa­ Committee, charges the Uni- the -wrnrnittee's other plans King also announced plans per, refused, although the Rea­ gan campaign had dgreed to underwr.ite the expense ot the event, and ordered the other candidates to be excluded·fron.­ Convention delegates speak at SM C the discussion. Bush subsequently became by Mark Rust night's forum -· is expected: the target of verbal abuse by News Editor The surrogate candidates evidenced an interest~ng split of the excluded candidates, who opinion on the topic of J?RA befor~ the a~l-fe~al.~ audien~e. Each felt that he was largely respon­ Espousing roughly similar views on the economy and defense, candidate expressed, tn turn, his belief tn equal nghts for sible for their expulsion. The eight representatives of candidates in the ND/SMC Mock women,'' but only the Stassen, Anderson, Connally and Simon bad publicity centering on Bush Republican Convention answered the questions of rnoderator.s representatives said their man favored passage of the ERA had some ]political watchers and a small audience in last night's forum in Carroll Hall atSaint arnmendrnent. worried about possible damage Mary's. Phil Crane's rep res en tative pointed out that the a1mendment to his campaign. But perhaps the most revealing answers, particularly on a was "unnecessary and unwise," since the Fourteenth A~ end· ·'A lot will depend on what college campus and particularly coming one decade after the great ment already provides the legal precedent for equal nghts happens in New Hampshire," social awareness of the sixties, were those which dealt with '' ~uns between men and women of all races. Niehaus said, "If he (Bush) and butter.'' To question: Can we have both a strong military A question from the audience on tht; stance ?f each .c~ndid~te · wins, 1 think it would be safe to and strong social programs, the answers ranged from 'Tm not regarding the restructuring of the soctal secunty adrnimstrauon say their has been no effect; if sure what you mean by social programs(Reagan),'' to ''We want to caught most representatives off ~uard. Their answers ranged he loses there might have been increase employment for the poor -- I think that's what you mean from the Fernandez stance that soctal security ''would come under some damage; but if he gets by social programs(Crane)." his idea of wasteful ~overnm_ent pro&~ams,:' to the Connally sandbagged, then I think they representative's tentative offenng that the ~~~h woul? probably (press and political watchers) Campaign '80 ... The Campus View pay more and the poor pay less," in any addmonal batlout tax. will attribute it to the debate." The Connally representative along with the Baker ~epresent­ Both Niehaus and King ative, fared well. On most issues, they presented a potsed front, That is one small indicator of what the Notre Dame campus can expressed. co~fidence in earn­ controlled diction and consistently coherent answers. The Crane pus orgamzauon. expect when the second forum is held in the Library auditorium representative ~ave the most concise answers reflecting_ his man's tomorrow at 7 p.m. "I think we have, if not the stand though, like the Reagan rep, he poi~ted ?Ut that his ~nswers best organization on campus, Other views on which the audience might expect near unanimity were virtually identical to the former Caltform.a governors. include the issue of the budget (it should be balanced), taxes (they then at least one that is tied Most candidates, with the exception of the Simon rep, reframed with the best,'' Niehaus said. shouldbe cut) and defense (it should be strong). The candidate's from attacking their opponents by name. The gloves came off, representitives were very clear on their man's plan for the "We're pretty well organized, howe.ver, when the issue of Ronald Reagan's age arose. we've been working rogether economy, showing a great depth of knowledge on how to curb The rep for the 69-year-old Reagan passionately defended ~ts inflation, but less expertise on details of defense or foreign policy, now for four weeks, and we man, while the rep for Harold Stassen, the 74-year~old perren~al have a strong central committee two subjects which, surprisingly, did not surface at all. presidential contender, concurred. Crane's man satd that, whtle Overall, the first forum was a good warmup for tomorrow's, at that meers every week.'' which the George B1,1sh representative ·· · not present at last [dJnlinued on page 4] [continued un page 4) -~--~~-~ - -- -- - News in brief Wednesday, February 27, 1980-page 2 Fears ofThree Mile Island Mock Stock Market opens by Laun·e Lanmore first market was organized as a Members of the faculty are also resurface in Florida mishap Senior Staff Reporter trading game to allow students invited to participate.
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