1 The workbook integrates the facility portion of the Agency Budget Submission with the Capital Project Advisory Board Submission. 2 The definitions for budget priorities are the same in both documents. 2a Note: Priority # 4 has changed from Recommended Improvements to Seismic and Natural Hazard Remediation. Add your remediation estimates by building, if your agency has conducted this analysis. For agencies participating in the Facility Conditions Assessment Program, this assessment will be provided. 2b Priority #5 has changed from New Code Requirements/Standards to Modernization. This category combines the former #4 Recommended Improvements, and the former #5, New Code priority categories. It expands the definition to include replacement of facilities. See definition in the budget instructions and those included in the relevant forms. 3 Begin the workbook with the last 3 CPAB tabs. This data feeds much of the reaming workbook. These will be reviewed by CPAB only. If your agency has migrated to iPlan, the blue columns will come directly from the iPlan CPAB reports. IF your agency has not migrated to iPlan, please self-report your information. 3a CPAB Current Priority 1-4 is for current needs as of April 2020 to align with the PICS reporting budget instructions. 3b CPAB 10 Year Priority 1-4 gives your agency the opportunity to give the 10 year projected needs for your building portfolio. 3c CPAB Priority 5 are not generally part of an FCA, rather they are needs that are driven by program and function. New buildings and major building refresh/renovations would generally be included in priority #5. 4 The remaining tabs replace former Budget Submission Forms. These will also be submitted to CPAB. 4a Facilities Maintenance/Construction Narrative 107BF02 has 3 question prompts useful for the CPAB and Budget Submission. Expand as needed, but short clear narratives are welcomed. The blank form 107BF02 can still be used as desired by the agency. 4b Facility Summary Report 107BF16a The measure that this form seeks to understand is your space utilization. Does the agency have enough space for your operations? For agencies that predominantly have office and admin facilities, the metric for office/admin space is USF/PC. For agencies that have other types of facilities, such as hospital, housing, detention facilities, maintenance facilities, etc., use the appropriate measure for its business model. 4c Facility O&M/DM Report 107BF16b This measures this form seeks to understand 1) the your costs to run your facilities (O&M$/GSF), and 2) the facility condition and needs (facility condition index = Need/CRV). It is the opportunity to advocate for investment across your portfolio by showing how investment (funding requested) will improve the overall condition of your facilities by lowering the FCI % over time. This data comes from the CPAB tabs. 4d Major Construction/Acquisition Project Narrative 107BF11 This form adds prompts for the need of the facility, the scope of work and alternates considered. Expand as needed, but short clear narratives including bullets are welcomed. This form adds a high level project budget. Escalate to the midpoint of construction. 4e Major Construction/ Acquisition 10 Year Plan 107BF13 This form combines the original Budget Form and the CPAB information for leases and disposals. Add as needed. Note: This requests 10 years of information per EO 12-17. If plans for out years is absent, insert "TBD" Facility Plan - Maintenance Priority 1-4 2021-23 Biennium Agency Name Fish and Wildlife Department Current Maintenance Priority 1-4 for Owned Assets Over $1M CRV¹ iPlan Data (Incl Soft Costs) Agency Input Campus Building ID Building Name Construction Year² Square Gross Footage Current (Calculated) Replacement Value³ - 1 Priority Critical Currently DM, Safety, (Life Code Compliance)⁴ - 2 Priority Potentially (Near Critical Capital Term Energy, Renewal, Functionality)⁵ Not - 3 Priority (Mid- Critical Yet term)⁶ - 4 Priority Natural + Seismic Hazard (if Remediation applicable)⁷ (G+H+I+J) Total less FCI⁸ Current Haz Nat Seismic Columns = /F (G+H+I) Committed Priority1-4 LAB 2019-21 Approved Remaining Need Current (Estimated) K-M Columns = A B C D E F G H I J K L M N ODFW - Bend Deschutes Watershed District Office5431 ( High Desert RegionalOffice/Warehouse HQ) Building 1958 5,815 $2,159,189 $1,283 $406,604 $266,501 $0 $674,388 31.233% $0.00 $674,388 ODFW - Bend Deschutes Watershed District Office5430 ( High Desert RegionalWatershed HQ) Office & Shop 1958 5,815 $2,159,189 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.000% $0.00 $0 ODFW - Big Creek Hatchery 4294 Big Creek Hatchery Building 1952 7,953 $1,832,821 $0 $76,527 $0 $0 $76,527 4.175% $0.00 $76,527 ODFW - Big Creek Hatchery 4289 ODFW - Big Creek Hatchery - Site Sytems 1952 0 $1,200,120 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.000% $0.00 $0 ODFW - Bonneville Hatchery 2159 Captive Broodstock Bldg 1998 12,450 $3,264,764 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.000% $0.00 $0 ODFW - Bonneville Hatchery 3486 Hatchery Bldg & Incubation Facility 1909 8,424 $1,099,809 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.000% $0.00 $0 ODFW - Bonneville Hatchery 2155 Mechanical 1976 21,112 $1,432,398 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.000% $0.00 $0 ODFW - Cascade Hatchery 1018 Building 1958 5,404 $2,178,822 $0 $458,674 $0 $0 $458,674 21.051% $0.00 $458,674 ODFW - Cascade Hatchery 1015 Hatchery Building 1958 5,404 $2,178,822 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.000% $0.00 $0 ODFW - East Region HQ 1678 East Region HQ - 01 1957 4,845 $1,788,863 $0 $280,322 $125,153 $0 $405,475 22.667% $0.00 $405,475 ODFW - East Region HQ 1680 East Region HQ - 02 1957 1,776 $1,788,863 $374 $153,183 $0 $0 $153,557 8.584% $0.00 $153,557 ODFW - East Region HQ 1679 Watershed Office 1957 4,845 $1,788,863 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.000% $0.00 $0 ODFW - EE Wilson Wildlife Area 6090 Machine Shed 1950 8,415 $1,641,811 $0 $414,932 $0 $0 $414,932 25.273% $0.00 $414,932 ODFW - EE Wilson Wildlife Area 6092 Maintenance Shop Shop 1942 13,200 $2,575,392 $47,573 $377,361 $65,373 $0 $490,307 19.038% $0.00 $490,307 ODFW - EE Wilson Wildlife Area 6082 Pheasant Brooding Building 1981 12,132 $2,367,019 $0 $880,459 $0 $0 $880,459 37.197% $0.00 $880,459 ODFW - Gnat Creek Hatchery 4816 Hatchery Building 1952 8,710 $2,481,354 $0 $474,830 $33,754 $0 $508,584 20.496% $0.00 $508,584 ODFW - Hines District Office 3236 Region Office 1955 4,825 $2,704,213 $1,316 $121,823 $148,007 $0 $271,147 10.027% $0.00 $271,147 ODFW - Irrigon Hatchery 3483 Irrigon Hatchery Bldg 1985 11,952 $1,507,354 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.000% $0.00 $0 ODFW - Irrigon Hatchery 3482 Irrigon Hatchery Bldg 2 1991 7,250 $1,146,244 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.000% $0.00 $0 ODFW - John Day District Office 4751 District Office 4,020 $1,676,339 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.000% $0.00 $0 ODFW - John Day Screen Shop 1794 Metal Fab Shop/Main Office Building 1994 17,020 $4,020,211 $15,804 $65,375 $138,880 $0 $220,059 5.474% $0.00 $220,059 ODFW - John Day Screen Shop 1792 Screen Fabrication Shop 1994 17,020 $2,066,449 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.000% $0.00 $0 ODFW - John Day Screen Shop 2161 Screen Fabrication Shop 2 1994 14,080 $1,219,409 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.000% $0.00 $0 ODFW - John Day Screen Shop 1790 Site Systems - John Day Screen Shop 1900 0 $1,574,701 $0 $16,206 $0 $0 $16,206 1.029% $0.00 $16,206 ODFW - Klamath Hatchery 3783 Hatchery Building 1937 8,100 $2,159,817 $0 $282,447 $15,669 $0 $298,117 13.803% $0.00 $298,117 ODFW - Klaskanine Hatchery 2133 Klaskanine Hatchery Building 7,933 $1,676,441 $1,316 $470,179 $56,196 $0 $527,691 31.477% $0.00 $527,691 ODFW - Marine Resources Program 4798 Marine Resources Program - Newport 4,500 $1,951,054 $0 $53 $14,589 $0 $14,643 0.751% $0.00 $14,643 ODFW - Marine Resources Program 4799 Office 1970 8,855 $3,873,456 $11,727 $137,401 $104,755 $0 $253,883 6.554% $0.00 $253,883 ODFW - Marion Forks Hatchery 2685 Marion Forks Hatchery - Hatchery Building 1951 12,450 $3,264,764 $0 $865,362 $19,619 $0 $884,981 27.107% $0.00 $884,981 ODFW - McKenzie Hatchery 2254 Hatchery Building 1975 5,325 $2,079,344 $3,063 $377,265 $0 $0 $380,328 18.291% $0.00 $380,328 ODFW - McKenzie Hatchery 2251 Service Building 1975 5,268 $2,081,326 $0 $264,341 $1,189 $0 $265,530 12.758% $0.00 $265,530 ODFW - NW Region HQ 2335 Northwest Region HQ Storage (Columbia Region HQ) 1911 10,000 $1,690,914 $0 $0 $374,615 $0 $374,615 22.155% $0.00 $374,615 ODFW - NW Region HQ 2329 Site Systems - NW Region HQ 1911 0 $1,625,879 $0 $303,560 $2,353 $0 $305,913 18.815% $0.00 $305,913 ODFW - Oak Springs Hatchery 3300 Incubation Building 1997 8,180 $1,622,563 $0 $169,752 $29,806 $0 $199,558 12.299% $0.00 $199,558 ODFW - ODFW Headquarters 2478 Salem Headquarters 2013 108,723 $24,420,549 $0 $39,549 $0 $0 $39,549 0.162% $0.00 $39,549 ODFW - Oregon Hatchery Research Center 3388 Oregon Hatchery Research Center 2005 18,433 $5,193,748 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.000% $0.00 $0 ODFW - Rock Creek Hatchery 2804 Hatchery Building 1948 5,565 $1,700,381 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.000% $0.00 $0 ODFW - Sandy Hatchery 4195 Sandy Hatchery Hatchery Building 1952 10,200 $1,203,001 $1,720 $648,239 $141,070 $0 $791,029 65.755% $0.00 $791,029 ODFW - Sandy Hatchery 4199 Site Systems - Sandy Hatchery 1951 0 $5,736,685 $0 $260,875 $0 $0 $260,875 4.547% $0.00 $260,875 ODFW - Sauvie Island WLA 2960 Residence 1941 1,789 $1,576,268 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.000% $0.00 $0 ODFW - Sauvie Island WLA 2977 Site Systems - Sauvie Island Wildlife Area 1940 0 $2,920,099 $0 $9,601 $17,377 $0 $26,978 0.924% $0.00 $26,978 ODFW - South Willamette Watershed District Office1750 South Willamette Watershed District Office 1942 17,000 $2,082,904 $7,677 $410,809 $195,160 $0 $613,645 29.461% $0.00 $613,645 ODFW - SW Region Headquarters HQ 2163 Region Office 1987
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