November 13, 2012 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 11 15155 someone for whom I have the highest respect, Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me lands. She believed that by making these civic and I know my colleagues join my wife, Jan- in celebrating the many achievements of Chris improvements, we could help pay tribute to ice, and me in congratulating Toy for this great Trepal as she makes the transition from her our great country. One of Mrs. Johnson’s honor. successful career as co-director of the Earth greatest rehabilitation efforts took place right f Day Coalition to the next phases of her life in here in Washington, DC, where she oversaw retirement and wishing her much success in the planting of thousands of flowers through- IN HONOR OF CHRIS TREPAL her next endeavors. out our Nation’s capital. f Driving from her home in Texas to Wash- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH ington, DC, Mrs. Johnson expressed concern OF OHIO IN RECOGNITION OF THE RETIRE- with the uninviting appearance of our Nation’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MENT OF CARROLL L. ‘‘LEW’’ Interstate highways. Ultimately, President Tuesday, November 13, 2012 WATSON Johnson signed the ‘‘Highway Beautification Act’’ into law in 1965, enhancing the scenic Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor HON. MIKE ROGERS views of our highways and byways. In 1999, Chris Trepal, who is retiring from the Earth when Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt OF ALABAMA Day Coalition, one of the major forces in presented Mrs. Johnson with the Native Plant IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Northeast Ohio to promote environmental edu- Conservation Initiative Lifetime Achievement cation, protection, and advocacy. Tuesday, November 13, 2012 Award, he noted that the First Lady had been In the late 1980s, as the nation coalesced a shadow Secretary of the Interior for much of around how to best acknowledge the 20th an- Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I her life. Today, we continue to enjoy the bene- niversary of the first Earth Day of 1970, Chris ask for the House’s attention today to recog- nize Lew Watson who is retiring as Mayor of fits of the First Lady’s efforts to beautify our was a parent, educator, and volunteer for the roads and highways. Sierra Club. Called by Governor Richard Ce- the City of Lincoln, Alabama, on the 40th anni- versary of the day he first took the oath of of- Mr. Speaker, as we celebrate the centennial leste, Chris attended an organizing meeting at of Mrs. Johnson’s birth, we hold in great re- fice. Cleveland State University and was moved to gard the value of these national improvements Carroll L. ‘‘Lew’’ Watson was born in Nor- action to fight for the environment. Along with by preserving the beauty of our lands— folk, Virginia, to Carroll and Ruth Watson on Scott Sanders, Chris co-founded the Earth through constant revitalization and conserva- May 9, 1943. He graduated from Lincoln High Day Coalition in 1990 and until her retirement tion. We have Mrs. Johnson’s unifying grace was co-director with Sanders. School in 1961 and graduated from the Uni- to thank for her contributions to the American In the last 23 years, Chris has been a vi- versity of Alabama with a Bachelor’s of Art de- landscape, and I am pleased to recognize sionary who organized the ‘‘Annual EarthFest’’ gree in 1965. these lasting contributions by the former First and ‘‘Walk or Bike for the Earth.’’ Every spring After graduation from college, he joined the Lady from Texas. United States Army where he served until at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, the f EarthFest has been the largest and longest- September of 1969 when he retired at the running environmental education event in the rank of Captain. He later attended Birmingham HONORING MR. CABLE TELEVISION State of Ohio. It is widely attended and is the School of Law and received his Juris Doctor IN NORTH CAROLINA—JACK W. place-to-be for non-profits and leaders who degree on May 23, 1982. STANLEY want to promote their causes. Watson was first elected mayor in 1972 at For more than 10 years, Chris worked with the age of 29 when Lincoln’s population was HON. HOWARD COBLE the region’s best environmental education ex- a little over 1,100. Over the years, Lew was OF NORTH CAROLINA perts, naturalists, and interpreters to establish able to help build local infrastructure and help IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Cleveland Lakefront Nature Preserve, for- recruit industries like Honda Manufacturing of Tuesday, November 13, 2012 merly Dike 14. Officially opened in February Alabama, LLC which helped the city grow and 2012, the Preserve is 88 acres of wild lands prosper to what it is today. During his time in Mr. COBLE. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the citizens of the Sixth District of North Carolina, along Lake Erie in the heart of Cleveland with office the city’s population grew by over 450 I take this occasion to honor Jack W. Stan- almost 300 species of birds who live and mi- percent. ley—a great personal friend for many years— grate on the site along with butterflies and Watson’s children include Carroll Lewis as he retires from 45 years of service in the mammals such as the red fox, mink, coyote, Watson and his wife Alyson, Samantha Bluhm cable television industry. Jack has been a true and her husband Patrick, David G. Watson deer and others. Chris led the Earth Day Coa- pioneer in the industry, helping to lead its and his wife Azumi, and Jessica Laffosse and lition’s efforts to convene and be the fiscal growth from a service designed merely to ex- agent for the collaborative effort to establish her husband Michael. tend over-the-air broadcast signals into hard to the Preserve. Mr. Speaker, we join his friends and family reach areas to what it is today—an industry Chris is a founding member of the City of in this surprise celebration in his honor. We that makes available to homes across the na- Cleveland’s Air Pollution Advisory Committee, will miss Lew’s leadership in Lincoln, and wish tion hundreds of linear video channels, on-de- created by city ordinance. She has worked on him the very best. mand programming, high-speed broadband clean air issues such as Diesel Hot Spots, idle f services, digital telephone services, home net- reduction, and reining in mercury emissions HONORING FORMER FIRST LADY working and home security services. It is an from coal-fired power plants and the proposed industry that is driven by innovation and pri- City of Cleveland waste incinerator (which was MRS. CLAUDIA ALTA ‘‘LADY BIRD’’ JOHNSON vate investment. And Jack has seen it all and stopped, based in part on the Earth Day Coali- helped make it happen. tion’s advocacy). In any conversation with Jack, it doesn’t Chris Trepal is the recipient of numerous HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON take long to find out about his roots—rural awards for the work she has done over the OF TEXAS Georgia. He is proud to be a country boy. His years, including: Conservationist of the Year IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES professional life to this day remains grounded by the Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation Tuesday, November 13, 2012 in the clay of Dodge County, Georgia, where District; Outstanding Conservationist Award by he grew up in modest circumstances on his the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo; Award for Out- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. family’s farm and learned the lessons of hard standing Service by the Lee-Seville-Miles Citi- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the life of work and respect for others that he has car- zens; Greater Cleveland Woman of Achieve- former First Lady, Mrs. Claudia Alta ‘‘Lady ried with him throughout his carrier. Jack grad- ment Award from the YWCA of Cleveland; Bird’’ Johnson. Mrs. Johnson, wife of Presi- uated from South Georgia Technical College Certificate of Environmental Achievement from dent Lyndon Baines Johnson, was known for where he studied Electronics Technology and the National Awards Council for Environmental her prominent role in public service, and for completed an Executive Management Devel- Sustainability; Golden Spruce Award from the her lifelong efforts to beautify public places opment Program at Denver University. Cuyahoga County Planning Commission; and across the country. Most recently, Jack has served as the Re- the Excellence in Education Award from the As First Lady, Mrs. Johnson promoted the gional Vice President for Government Rela- Better Business Bureau. conservation and beautification of our public tions for Time Warner Cable with responsibility VerDate Sep 11 2014 12:51 Jun 21, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR12\E13NO2.000 E13NO2 pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with BOUND RECORD 15156 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 11 November 13, 2012 for North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia A modest man, who came from modest merit in the 1950s . but not later on, when and Alabama. In this role, he has represented means, he doesn’t seek attention—but he de- the field began developing more scientific his company before various governmental serves it. Jack is a true Southern gentleman in approaches.’’ That’s a paraphrase of histo- bodies and coordinated its advocacy on impor- rian Edward Shorter, whose judgment re- the best sense of that term. flects the conventional wisdom: Szasz called tant issues affecting the cable industry. Jack I join with all of the residents of the Sixth much-needed attention to psychiatric abuses enjoyed many successes in this challenging District of North Carolina in honoring Jack for early in his career but went too far by insist- role, including developing positive relation- his fine career and to wish him all the best as ing on a fundamental distinction between ac- ships with federal, state and local govern- he enters, what I am sure will be, a very ac- tual, biological diseases and metaphorical mental leaders and helping to ensure con- tive and productive retirement.
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