DEVOTED TO' THE INTERESTS OF SUMMERLAND, PEACHLAND AND NARAMATA \ Vol. ,12, No. 19. Whole No 592. SUMMERLAND, ; B.C., , FRIDAY, DEC. 5, 1919. $2.00, payable in advf4lL. Board of Trade Condemns Pure Seed Production Is Growing Industry in Summerland (Council Orders Motor Tractor Sunday Municipal Part of Equipment Needed to Build Better Roads Members Not at All of One Mind, Circumstances Con: J sidered. Engineer Explains Hears Engineer on Hydro- Eltctric Scheme For Valley Resolutions For Convention An order was,placed for a tractor - - by the .Summerland Municipal : Many Matters of Local and District Import to be Advanced-1 Council on Tuesday. ,The tractor selected, an' "R. &'P.," was rec• A" resolution.'proposed by-Secre' ommended. Jjy.. the Engineer. Mr. Several subjects oMmportance to Johnston, representing -the Begg tary Wright: and seconded by! ; this district will be brought toy the Motor Company, Vancouver, offer- " ; attention .:of the 'convention' o£ the Coun. {Campbell ^'reapeetTng-Sunday! 5 r ed every .required guarantee and his « qoaçds of trade of • this provinee ..at work on.municipalbirrigation ^con• terms were considered favorable, he •its February meeting:in Vancouver^ struction work*"provoked I qui te»>an; having offered1 to • give a special This action was decided upon at a a n i ma ted- d i scussi oh.- - The resblu- cashdiscountin order to introduce meeting of the Summerland Board tion was that the Board of Trade is that make of machine in the Okan- . of Trade held Tuesday evening. opposed toj the practice of municipal aan. Further he undertook to ac• The>local board has proposed that a work being carried on on Sunday. : cept municipal , road equipment joint meeting- of * représenta ti ves of Mr. Wrightsaid , he did not wish bonds at par in payment any time ' the boards of trade of. the "Valley to .find fault with.the Council," stat within'sixty days should the Coun- be held attan -early;date^to'prepare ing that it was* due to their " zeaL 1 cil preferto make payment in that resolutions -ito beipreseht'ed - at the and energy that the work .had been way. , The purchase price of the Provincial 'Convention. No date pushed on on Sundays. Hes describ• tractor is $1,875 f.o.b. , Vancouver, has yet been: fixed •'. and should no ed the Sunday; labor as being both subject to a special cash discount of actionfalorig this linebe taken at an legal and-unchristian. - ten per cent.,in sixty days." " " '-?, : early date ; it already has been, ar• Mr. C. H. Tate was chief speak• Gathering Ripened Carrot Seed at Summerland Experimental Station , Mr. R. Purves asked permission ranged 'that the Summerland and er in opposition to the resolution. to cut three trees.on the roadside Penticton-boards shall get together Engineer- Fawkes also-spoke in near his< residence. The' Council 3 to 'prepare for^the^onyention^'/Vice explanation of his action in having did not favor removing the trees. President Solly, Secretary Wright the" work proceeded with on * Sun• Opening Local Fraser Canyon Work Started The question* of ownership of a and Messrs. -R/'E. White, S. M. day. The Council had fixed a pro• fourth tree was-left to- Councillor : Young-and H.W.;Harvey vvere ap• ^ Mail Contracts I Will Be Route on Shore Road 1 gram jof construction" to be comple• Campbell. Mr." Purves claimed pointed a committee- ro meetj with; ted this fall, r The cold weather and : that.a-portion'pf:.the „tree at least ' a Penticton committee to draw up (f of New Highway thef possibility of having to close I Department Asking for Bids, Will Cut Off Points and Elim• was inside his.fence line. •' -"v.'. '•" ^.^the'Tesolutions^ndi^in^other^aya down before the work was finished,-1 r - rUpon -recomehdation. of the Col--| \ prepare for.the convention.^ ~ which would make-it necessary to Seven Day Inter-Post Office Engineer's Report Will Favor inate Hill at Farm - _ lector the Council passed a resolu- - go back. to the; same .work in the ^hat Route. To Be Built" tion to the effect.that beginning Service Work" has been started this week| iuOkariagan^Nicoia ahdsSimilkameen spring and prevent moving of eq• January. 1st next tenants will-xbei. ' ; ' - r at Once under the ^direction of District'Roari uipment .and material during, the - Tenders are invited by an adver• required'^tp^ make; a deposit^f^^$5/|| ' route-known as the triangle route; Foreman T., J. McAlpine on -the L v:^^better^tra'de^relations'sbet ween: the winter to a;ne# site. He "did - not tisement in this edition inserted by fof. domestic water service -and $10i : - Fr£ser-Valley^Canyon will be the cutting 2 backkof a the points along , , .«.Okariagan âhdGoast; insfstèncéthat draw more pay for" working Sun• the order„of the^ Post Office Inspec route', of the first" trans.provincial the'shore road between Summerland for electric light, when the owner ^ this district be:given: itst airshare days, but the- urgency of" the case tor for the conveyance of^His'Maj- ; highway/ according-to- a prominent and Peachland'. This work is be- bf'the property_occupied by^the of Government appropriations; the justified hisaction. He had no in• esty's mail over Summerland,Rur• government official who is in closi ing done under the special appro- tenant disclaims responsibility. returning to municipalities for tention of making Sunday work a al Route number one for a period ; touch.withthe survey work that"is priation made some months ago. -The auditors who have been paid, vv.v.road^;purppses.*the;':motoritax.''::now practice. The periods between frost of '"four.'years.' The present contrac- beihg:carried,.on through the Fras- The program, among other things, the same annual fee of $150-since ' - a • col I ected with i rism u ni ci pal ? I i m i tàïbanyd irrigtion in^the spring and ir- tbr,has asked„to.be "released,, from vv iU er?Cahyon>^nd ^6Ver, - tHe'^Hope- pFovides,for_the^8tfaigbtening--out 'l910.hayerasked fqr-*-an- increase. ">~,theI#ro •Hac^l^e^queBtion of .free; rigation^and.vfreezing, jn .^the, fall- ffis'iontracT. '*^Asrathe^tenders|;.w4;lJ' * ^ ; Fririceton route?- ;4t'iis!undertso»nr ^f:*the^sharper:^ swere^shorfeahd delay^meant 0?& many be'\r ecei Ve'd '-Vunti \\ the' 9 th^-of/'Jan-' v v v that the engineers will ^report deri-. ' at Narafnatd; 'more-frequent ferry dollarslbss "and" expense;"' --x -;' > > uaryffiitfeisi>no ppih'fs,and_widenjrig^,thef,qadwhere of-the fee'to $200>'-' •^'-/i'^ krU^'O- riitely'in favor of-the*more .north• these occur. The., location ' of - the ^ A.very interesting and w informal strips bet ween éWestbahk-; and ?Kel- V,lMr.>Tate , f ully. jutisfied, the^ ac- will-be any change until the'first of 1 . >^'< •''•rtj-'si, ? ern route.-' 7 - road' j ustr south of Trout Creek | discussion "was had with-Engineer ; • ô'wnà;" and,Vn urgent request to the"ition'o f the Engineerj ,uhderjthe cif- February. '''' - .,4-' <'-. .'.-""ij 1 To build a highway over the pro• where J t crosses through the Exper • Government-/that ;mbre haste be cumstances. / . * There will be general satisfaction Porter,, who- is investigating the posed route between .Hope and imental "farm' on * the shoulder of s.^-shown/\in'2ï,thei;consîruction::-of.7tl» -Mr.S. B. Snider did not think^ :in;;the''intijmationinnthex8am possibilities in" the Okanagan for Princeton,, would - necessitate the! the hill will be changed .and the the sale of hydro-electric - power," ri*A î •«-•»' transcontinental-highway ~ across the motion was one intended to cen• vertisemerit that it-is the intention y crossing of.three summits while on road carried along at the foot of the this-province aie'., among the sub• sure the Council. They .were per• of vthe Post Office. Department to which might be developed at one or , the Fraser route the greatest eleva slope'.: jects referred to this committee. fectly right in ;acting as they had give.a seven day "service, between : 'more of three sites now controlled tion, between '• the Okanagan / and Only $10,000 has been allocated I Regarding -the Valley meeting, under, the .circumstanceB, ^ ^ut=?it.th e * upper and ' lower post offices. by the Government. Mir. Porter Coast will be at Summit Lake, in ; Secretary ;Wright read; communica• was a good thing to thus state the Without this* service any matter for this work but -when this is ex-^ expressed himself as optimistic but the Grand Prairie district north-, tions from several of the- other attitude of the public. , Mr. Tate mailed -afterfive ofclock Saturday hausted the work will be carried on advised against delaying in making east of Vernon; Another factor in if not finished, on next year's anti• Boards favoring Summerland's sug. insisted that 'the motion would be evening will lie at the West-Sum- needed additions to the local power v the selection of the Fraser route is cipated appropriation..-The sum re gestion. Kelowna, however; took understood as a vote of cenBure. merlahd»Post office until' that hour plant or extensions to the system. that it would serve a larger portion erred to above covers the district the view that the last/president of Mr. Wr 1 ght said Jhat had•<he been Monday evening, and would not'get It would be several years before of • the province as highways branch from belotv Trout Creek' to West- the 'Associated Boards of Trade, a the engineer he would probably started on its - way- untile -Tuesday the larger system could be extended " both northJiand south into,all the in• bank Ferry. : Valley, organ ization that existed have done the same thing, but le* morning.
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