' UAIL3 From San Fr-oclie- e: . Ventura, 5! yg.:j For t$h FMf.clsctf MtWonJa; Mty J.4 : From Vancouver: Niagara, May 17. av j i a l t a a a i r a For Vancouvor: ' viy-L!-i Edition y Makura, May 28. t Erector Bulletin, Eat 1882, No. 6461 14 PAGES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OP HAWAII, TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1916 --14 PAGES Hawai Ian Star. VoL XXIII. No. 705 PRICE FITO CENTS OF TO IMMM ISSUE w u. s. km ' ! : .;.; ' mm. t i OC OO NEW YORK STOCK CfliLIKUCS; 'U. S. FIRST' IN " P LWRKET TODAY ulsovy Service BUM closing prices of : . nrr fottowing are the . U f "finpr y. i stocks tn the New-Yor- k market to-j- JAPANESE SCHOOL . 4 aent by the Asaoclated Presa over n innro WlraHas; UPPER SPANISH MONARCH IS : the 'Federal c;;:;:m . " Ytstar- - FAVORED MEDIATOR HUE noj J' - AS BPiiTAi., of ' urn Today,- - day. SYSTBi DECIDED Alaaka Gold ...... 4-- . ra i.... i Southern Provinces Send Rep American Smelttr ..... 97 99 AGREE WITHE S. American Sugar Rfg..,. 110 109H urn resentatives to Canton and American Tel. A Tel... 12aY, wsm, Kongwanji Buddhists Make Copper iwm ; Name Government American ...... MH r: kj Atchison .............. 101 102H Formal Announcement of UTRALTY Baldwin Loco. ...... Radicat Changes L : YUAN SEEKINGJAPAfrS Baltimore A Ohio...... S5H o jto pflstiMMliiitS 4eo NOV. Bethlehem Steel ... COfiSUL-GENERA- FRlENDSHIjVSTORY L MOROI'S Calif, Petroleum ....... 224 Gregory Syd- Pacific Prof. Here From - Canadian ...... 16l'a v STUDY BACKS UP IDEA HUGE ARMY ALREADY RAISED TO BE AUGMENTED ONLY Rebort Weakenina of Ruler C, M. A 8L P. (St. Paul) 94 ney; Will Study Big Can-yons- of A FEW REBELS LEFT FIGHTING IN DUBLIN HEAVY V Causes Him to Look for For Colo. Fuel Iron....... 414 :43a Nipponese Official Says Kauai Crucible Steel ......... SI'V S34 New FIGHTING ON VERDUN FRONT, FRENCH CLAIMING GAINS eign Assistance .. 35 2$ Citi-zensh- ip ; Crie Common 'Training for American For two reasons, some prominent ; l ' General Electric 163'a persons in go so fAssociated Preaa Service by Federal Wireless, (8pecial Cable to, Nlppu JUL) General Motor 42S first Point Australia far as to 1 - .4..... say neutrality policy LONDON, Enff., May 2. -- despatch says TOKIO. Japan, May 2. Revolutlon- Great Northern Pfd..... 119H 11'H that the of the m A from Amsterdam tfat United . States regarding, Euro- lata In China cave organized a second Inter. arv, N. J .112 That the. Japanese schools in Ha the it is suggested in political circles that the King of Spain, Alfonso XIII, republic, making .two republics in that ;)Wt ; must recpgniie the superior au- - pean war is best because, first, this ' Kennecott Copper ...... W 11V waii be 'aslced to arbitrate the submarine . Usee between Germany and the a. au- - country Is an extremely country under seperate governments. .... thority of the territorial school valuable ' " yesterday ener- - j source of supplies for the Allies, and United States.; i': '.;; "if;v-;V.- l'.S. V ',; -. '; , At a meeting in Canton New York Central. thofitiea and must devote their ,104 t1041 secona, 10 nave eff reuresentativea of tne "southern Pennsylvania 65 Igies t training pupits ior American, tor iijigiana tne unit- As the ruling monarch a strong neutral country, and one which, auo-871- new 4 . 4 ed States as & "friend in conH at the provinces formally announced a Ray Consol. 23 '2i : not Japanese, cituensnip, la tne it is claimed, would lean to neither stde,r,Al fonso is suggested as in : ..... wind-- u of the? ahow" would be of republic, which will be called the Na Southern Pacific 96 '.stance of an emphatic statement made a good position to act as mediator in controversy vrhich has as- consul-general- .. Hon. Ro-ag- ai great importance; Ue Protection Government. 128 111 fby the new ; tional Studebaker sumed such serious proportions. - VTsen Chun Hsuen haa been named Tennessee Copper kurb Morol, In an Interview with a These are the; impressions of Aus- iO f..... Star-Bullett- tea temporary president of the new re-- Union Pacific 133', 1J4 1 representative of the tralian sentiment concerning the V given the LONDON, Eng., May 2. Obseryerl of the German-U- . S. situa- public, bui aa yet the cabinet haa not U. S. Steel 82ft S3 I Tfci lnttrvlew was' after United 'States brought back by Prof. ' ' cohsiu-genera- l had Uxapected all the -- of the say is believed in diplomatic; circles Germany will make been formed. The results of the U. 115'. ' Herbert JJ. Greorv. ereoloIt tion that it that lor 8. Steel Pfd..... 115i Honolulu, a duty profes- jmatldn oL new government wil Utah r7 Japanese schools iu U, 8. Geological' Hnrvey, and proposals to the --United States regarding: the new submarine tte himself imme--1 counter strength 1 1 to which he addressed sor of geology of Tale University, who :glre the proTlcecs added in Weatern Union 91!4 - rules. A reply to the peremptory U. S.vnote will be given perhaps Haalv- nnnn ttVlnr- h1 noatw here. i Shih-Ka- l. - o came to Honolulu this mornln from their, fight against? Yuan M 57- WU Weatinghouae nrm I CtmnU,MMi,lT lharo an All' on Thursday, but this will not be the final answer, it is predicted. prorincea tfmt Syrnev, on the Oceanic liner Sonoma. , (Heretofore the nave been nouncement from the Hongwanjl have beeu In Australia since .'. "I Bid. fEx-dlvldend- iUnquottd. making; a fight alngly against the head Buddhists, Japanese teachers, that January 1, the Intelligent, tvw and all S" "' ' Nof the government at Pekin, and with they' have decided upon a radical re- ple I met there, government officials, j ' ' t - Nov; rood results. It is expected that the organization of their' private school lawyers, educators, " college men, in Brita?n to Force Enlistment united forces will be able to win LABOR'S UNREST: system. They will drop the terms fact, all but the laboring classes, were . Yuan - . against the Peking forces, as "high school- and "grammar school,' quite for the United States neutralitv v LONDON, Eng., May 2. Premier Asquith announced in the haa only three provinces under his present will materially restrict, their policy although the labor men feel House of Commons; totlay that a bill will be introduced tomorrovv ; complete control. ; educational system, and will try to auite bitter about it," said Professor With announcement of the new make It subordinate to the American Oreeorr. ' providing for ''general and immediate c6mpulsion, in enlistment with the ' republic' eorno a story from Pekin ONfJAIIIDIS school system instead of, as In . the ' "Some of the ' men with whom I the colors.- v' ' that Yuan, who haa been at the head past often quite as important as the talked went so far as to. say that our : The whole recruiting problem will be 'dealt with in this measure, . --. anti-Japane- se Hawaii. , ' he faction, la seek' public school work of neutrality Is the fee8t thing that could :. of he announced. r "'. v;:. J.:.':A-- . , .' Japan. The ntlre movement regarded by happen: - Britain, because :r In the friendship of Tester for Great ' - the; day Yuan entertained 2? prominent KEY TO STRIKES the Japanese as one of the most strik- we are sure of? a steary source o' He also announced that up to date total naval and military Japanese residents of Peking, among ing developments in years, is" an- unplies. and they also feel it Is good effort put forth by the empire since the beginning of war has resulted them being Minister Hiokx nounced as a strong effort to fit the policy to have a friend in court at in the building up of army and navy forces of more than 5,000,000 men. Japanese children for full citisensblp the wind-u- p of the show. I was treat purlng the entertainment Yuan, in -- . The army, excluding India, but including the overseas dominions New York,' Chicago and Pitts duty Jn Hawaii in the future. :: ed with the greatest courtesy wher ' aitdreselng. :his guests, stated, that he . , Consul Morel's Views. ; - ever I went? now is composed of 83 divisions,' said.' v. .f ir. '; ',' Cliina end Japan should guarantee the bung Send Out Stories of investigations of - cr Speaking of his the The eminent ; geologist has been reaca tls Far CsstHeIso stated - Consul-gener- al Mo- water-suppl- y V school situation, . making studies of desert By High that China and Jawn should unitQ In t":; Varying Troubles : sv- Travel is Suspended rol said ; systems in Australia, a view to lilf-Gfciiflieal- 'one, urglns come with i that closer relations ouesUoa of dual natioaaiity J may -- Water; Washouts in Fiany piiL!:nj!::3i;;C:j.;, two rrha obtalnlna; datawh.lch be obelp . Lcieea the nations asl'coffceraa thff Hawailanftt'' Jap: pro y iw.1 j j4 - . .....1 r Yrsa-Ci- d say so aa lOme' overninanrBTecminaiiuu AlthrV not In NEW: YORK: K. Y'. MayXltt re nese la nowsettled by the enactment jects in the Southwest and other arid raris vh nain&xuav r"-.- f veri, It 'Is ttoesht by men in taliation because its members were of a new law by the Japanese Diet regions whereiirlgation hi necessary. d:,'-:t':'c!:t'- was brought to- thU the statement "locked out, the .Garment aiaKers Will StuoV Kauai Canyons. Word toHonolulu -- . ChL.a Jtpaa , , guar day by Superintendent of Schools thit should Union has ordered a strike of all gar IContinned on page three) "I will be In Hawaii for - three or antee peace- - Yuan would Henry W. Kinney of violent thunder neLns, that ment workers in the city, estimated to .....
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