

Thursday, February 5, 1959 TORRANCE PRESS Pags Thirty-Saven Automobiles for Salt 200 Automoblltt for Salt 200 Automobilts for Sal* 200 Automobllts for Sal* 200 Automobile* for Salt 200 Automobiltt for Silo 200 Automobiks for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobilts for Silt 200 OUTSTANDING VALUES THE CAR on TOP QUALITY CARS Brokaw . Buick '59 At Prices You Con Afford '57 MERCURY 4-door.................................... $1875 Chevrolet Monterey model equipped with radio, heater, Merc-o-matic, white wall tires, E-Z eye glass, etc. Guaranteed A real beauty and priced for quick sale. '57 FORD V-8 Victoria ............................. $1875 Fnirlane hardtop coupe. Radio, heater, Ford-o- matic, power steering and other nice features. Im­ maculate in every way. '56 PLYMOUTH V-8 Sport Coupe. $1475 On All of Our Belvedere hardtop. Radio, heater, powerflHe drive. Immaculate throughout. ONLY AT BUTLER BUICK 10,000 WARRANTY PLUS '56 PONTIAC V-8 Catolina .................... $1450 THE MAGNIFICENT ! » Hardtop sedan. Hydramatic, radio, heater, etc. (Model 4411) Top quality and priced way down. A-l USED CARS VALUES '55* BUICK Super Hardtop ..................... $1475 DUE TO THE TREMENDOUS ACCEPTANCE OF THE NEW Riviera sport coupe. Radio, heater, dynaflow, power Buick La Sabre steering, etc. One year mechanical warranty. '55 DODGE V-8 Lancer............................. Down Per Month $1250 Coronet hardfop with radio, heater, powerflite 1959 FORD drive, other extras. One full year unconditional Our mechanical warranty. Priced low for this week-end. Lot Is Overloaded With Fine Trade-ins and $398.671 $74.59 LES ARKENBERG '55 PONTIAC V-8 Catolina $1250 IS OFFERING Wh:T« wall tiras, sliding sun shades, back-up lights, Custom hardtop coupe. Radio, heater, hydramatic, eigaratfaj lighter, braka signal light , alactric wip«rt, power steering. A real nice one and priced for BONUS BARGAIN-"A-1" USED CARS quick sale. safaty milaaga alarm, safety glar,s, map lights, lu- Most of these cars are equipped with Radio,heater, power steering and automatic trans­ cita paint, turn indicators, air-cooled aluminum brakes. '56 CHEVROLET Club Sedan ......... $1125 mission. "210" model equipped with radio and heater. REMEMBER Only O.K. Sharp as they come. '58 Ford 8 ..... $2295 [ '56 Ford 8 ...... $1295 '55 Ford 8 ........................ $ 895 $398.67 $398.67 Total Down Payment $74.59 "iOO'' Club Victoria | Fairlans Club J 4-Door Mainline. Monthly Payments, $74.59 '58 Ford 8 .......................... $2295 ' '56 Ford 8 ........................... TRANSPORTATION CARS Country Sedan passenger. $1545 | '55 Mercury .................... $1 145 :^555^^ No added worries, no added paper such as second Country Sedan V passenger. Monterey £port Count. Priced from $95 up (3 to choote from) mortgages, etc. This price is the TOTAL COST! '57 Mercury ..................... $1945 Montrrcv 4-dr. hardtop. '55 Plymouth .................. $1095 There just is no more! '56 Ford 8 ........................... $1445 Belvedere ? door Come in Look our stock over. We have a big Country Sedan 6 passenger. stock of good clean cars. All populary priced. '57 Ford 8........................... $1895 "500'- Club Victoria. '56 Chevrolet '55 Ford 8.. .....____ $13*5! IN THIS SAME LOCATION SINCE 1938 WITH .................. $1345 Country Squirt. '57 Chevrolet. ............ $1895 Del Ray 2-door. Butler Buick A GOOD REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEALING Bel-Air 4-dr. hardtop. '55 Buick. .. ................... $10915; Ford-o-mat ic, power '55 Ford 8 ........................ $1095 Special 2-door hardta*. steering, p. brake*. Falrlane Town '57 Ford. ............. $1995' Sedan. i RfcH, o. window*, 400 South Sepulveda Country Sedan A-pa«»enper. w w tires. Plenty Wilmington Motors '55 Ford 8.......................... $1095 '53 Cadillac ..'............. $ 9<95 nice. Only '57 Fairlone ...... $1795 A) COUP* DeVlllt with «lr Manhattan FR 4-8968 Crown Victoria. conditioning. Dodge-Plymouth New Car Dealer Club' Sedan. Open Evening* and Sunday* 413 W. ANAHEIM BLVD., WILMINGTON '55 Ford 8 ....... $ 695 '57 Chevrolet ................ $1895 Fairlane Town Sedan. '53 Mercury ...... ........... $ 595 NO MONEY DOWN Open Evenings Sunday 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Bel-Air 2-door hardtop. Mechanic's Special. Monttrsy Sport COUP*. Phone TErminal 4-1180 BUY THE CLEANEST CARS IN TOWN FOR LESS FROM LES at BOB KEEPER PLYMOUTH And Only $12.65 Week Will Buy UNDER. Les Arkenberg, a New 1959 Plymouth on Inc. TlTTTDTr^l No Side Loans FORD DEALER IN GARDENA FOR 25 YEARS IVr I)! IS,]! No Furniture Loan* PRICED No Gimmicks 16001 S.Vermont Ave., Gardena DA9-II84 FA 1-0434 BUT HIGH ON QUALITY I Year Written Guarantee Available on Used Car» '59 HILLMAN M rt)*0 VICTORIA 9 DOO» HARDTOP. KFBP $7.15 Wk. WE NEVER SACRIFICE radio end h**»tw, wtilf* walli. 11099 '59 SUNBEAM « DI SOTO SPORTSMAN HARDTOP. Ic'PRP tfl JC, Wt CARS QUALITY FOR PRICE f Automatic, rwo »nd rw«ttr, wwtr »t»trinf, »ew«r ^ rur *°-f »'' brake*, wfilM w«'i« All Models in Stock If you are looking for sound irwt$tm*nt «nd truy value M RORD CUSTOM V-TOHIA J-DR HARDTOP. KFBP $7.15 Wk. for vary dollar you spand, chsclc ttast local en»-owntr, Automatic, rtdio and hee'er, whit* walli. UNDER $1000 Hardtops, Convertibles, Wagons, Sedans low-mileage new car trade-ins! M CHiVROLfT 4-DOOR HARDTOP iiU AIR. KFBP $9.25 Wk. '54 Buick Century Hardtop IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Automatic, radio and heat»r, «/hltt walli. (1 ^ Radio, heater '55 Buick Special Riviera '54 Ford V-8 ............................. $1289 9t PLYMOUTH Country Squire Dvnatlow, radio, neater. Sharp! SAVOY * DOOR. KFBP $10.69 Wk R*dlo, heater, automatic. Automatic, radio and heater, w/w, power itaerlna. S1599 '53 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-door .. '53 Chevrolet Bel-Air Sedan .................... $ 689 Power flilde, '57 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN. KFRP tl?9R Wt Radio, heater, white walli. radio, heater. Automatic, radio and naatar, powar atMrlnt, *<or f'^-'O »»* whlla wall*, *1iff '53 Chrysler New Yorker 4-door ........ '55 Plymouth V-8 Club ...................___$ 989 Radio, heater, automatic, power steering and brake*. W* Givi S&H Green Stamps on Parts and Service Stick shift. Radio, heater. A nlct on*. '54 Lincoln Capri Hardtop ........................... $995 Radio, heater, hydramatlc. '53 Ford V-8 4-door ....................................... $ 489 ALPA HOMEO FIAT LANCIA , Overdrive, radio, heeler. '51 Buick Super Riviera ......,.........................$ 189 OR 8-4956 KEEPER OS 9-2521 UNDER $500 Dvnatlow, radin. heater. Ml N. Hawthorne at I20tn St.. Hawthonre Open 'Til 10 Every NH* '49 Cadillac Convertible . ......................... $495 '59 HILLLMAN '56 Buick Century Hardtop Sedan $1489 Hydramatlt, radio, hrater, power window* and icati. New nylon Lots ot accessories. It's too. Kxtra clean. Low as $1699 Full Price 751 Rambler Wagon ............................................. $495 '56 Pontioc Star Chief Catalina ............ $1389 SMART Radio, heater, overdrive. Tower steering, power brake*, nvriramalic, etc. '52 Rambler Convertible ................................. $495 '55 Oldsmobile 88 Hardtop Sedan $1489 Radio, healer Leaded, Including power eouipmtnl. SENSIBLE. .and '52 Studebaker 11/2-Ton Stake..........._.....$495 R.idio, heater, averdrlve, (food rubber. '53 Chrysler New Yorker Club .... $ 589 y SPIRITED ATCHISON-DOLAN, Inc. Unusually clean. Power steering, power brake*. '52 GMC 1/2-Ton Pickup ................................. $495 Excellent condition. Your Chrysler Plymouth '53 Buick Roodmaster 4-Door.............. $ 689 Clean at a much newer car. Power tteerlnt, powtr brakes. TUB Hillman Sunbeam Dealer in San Pedro LOW GMAC TERMS 128 South Pacific Ave., San Pedro LIBERAL TRADES LARK TE 3-3585 Open Evenings '55 FORD ZODIAK '56 MGA By Sfudebakef Here'< rr«l r< onomy Rnadttpr Radio, npar new. AVALON MOTOR CO. $695 $1695 RIVIERA RIVIERA Buick and Opel Headquarters PIPFCr FACTORY "Styled to Stay in Style" VOLKSWAGtN VOrKSWAGErN ALFA ROMEO . LANCIA 7MH Pacific CoaM Hwv. 7*01 Pariftc CoaM Hwy. 900 West Anaheim Herm^sa FR A-34H Hirmosa FR *- / Super Economy 6 505 Pacific Coast Hwy. Wt tv'rrn - - -~ 'Me uir Mr r n v "- - >ip |N|$ Wilmington TE 4-6580 f-vfnlno» and .Sunday* / Ultra Responsive V-8 ~ :h FR 4-0921 Down With Good Credit" / "Always Fun to Drive" Open Evenings and Sundays <:;,•.•< i n DEAL WITH CONFIDENCE at Your Local Direct Factory TORRANCE 1950 Cadillac Soort coupe hardtop Marsh &Carlson "«I" CLUB CO i. "r AUTHORIZED DEALER Radio, hee'tr, Mer PRESS Hfr* you havf hrigi,! 2-tont blu» and white, handsomely it Anglia FOR coonatlc. w w, tires STUDEBAKER - PACKARD DEALER Off by tht pxcpllpnl whllp wal Prefect WANT-ADS tlrci and all Immaculate Interior. Escort Counsel Thl» It th» »malle«f cur Cadlllar AS LOW Al 40CTN. Sepulveda Manhattan Beach m»k«v H«» all thi> needed ««xtr/v DODGE - PLYMOUTH FA. 8-2345 »uch at radio, h*atcr, hydr<im«tl- FA 1-1797 FR 6-9469 »uch n» radio, hr«»pr, hydramaflc At fhl* gh/e-away pricp for vie' quality how roulri you say no? IMPORTED SIMCA $600 $1544 DODGE POWER-GIANT TRUCKS TE 4-8595 JOE Hank Term* s^ With Normal TORVICK Oflwn Payment 1st Choice Used Cars Payment* (Most Every One A Local Trade-in) Suburban Motors Inc. A« at $39 825 Pacific Coast Hwy r»i Month AUIOMOTIvr SR&VICK Hermana taaeh ?* Out Utarf Car LM u BODY AND PAINT SHOP Brokaw "Authorized Sales & Service" "P-uritlnt at th« St«m&" OUR SPECIALLY IS CUSTOMER SATISFACTION JOWFTT JUPITF», ronvcrtlhlt. Now With Lat» M<xl»l Ntw Car *M.G.-Morrii * Dauphlne XA/LJCDC raint. fir**, rlulih, hrak** Mloht Trade-lint - Sava IS Chevrolet * Austin Healey * Peugeout WrlCKC tradt for foreian car. FK 9-4006. Before You Buy * Austin A-55 * Uttfa 300 GRAB YOUR PHONE and dial Ft GEO. MOVER, Inc. It Will Pay You To Try * Magnatti * Uttta 600 » ?34"i lor a Torranc* Pr*»» wan 1 2901 COMES ad th« mlnula you find »om»thlng'' Serving tho Torrancr Trading Area F^RST! lot) Loot Adi find It) * Renault Continental, Lincoln, Mercury, Edsel Pacific Coast Hwy. ALL CARS CARRY 36.000-MILE GUARANTEE »17W «< TP, a Oood condition, low English Ford TOM ROADY, INC.

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