- 1420 - 1050 Head Kings Southwold, 1535 1205 Way Saxons Halesworth, Sundays or Bank Holidays Bank or Sundays - 1417 - 1047 Pleasant Mount Reydon, 1529 1159 Lane Church Spexhall, Sorry route 90 does not run on on run not does 90 route Sorry - 1412 - 1042 Millfields Wangford, 1521 1151 Hall Village Westhall, Sch - Schooldays only Schooldays - Sch - 1407 - 1037 Tree Cherry Stoven, 1517 1147 Station Rail Brampton, Notes - 1404 - 1034 Road Southwold Brampton, 1514 1144 Shelter Bus Redisham, Sch - Schoolday only Schoolday - Sch picnic and a play on the swings? the on play a and picnic - 1401 - 1031 Lane Moll’s Brampton, 1510 1140 Corner Ringsfield NS- Not Saturdays Not NS- or why not take the kids to Harleston recreational park for a a for park recreational Harleston to kids the take not why or - 1356 - 1026 Farm Church Shadingfield, 1505 1135 (s/b) Arms Butchers Beccles, galleries, cabinets, refreshment venues and Museum areas areas Museum and venues refreshment cabinets, galleries, Codes: - 1353 - 1023 Cottages Hill Weston, 1500 1130 Market Old Beccles, Harleston housing a varied selection of vintage shops, shops, vintage of selection varied a housing Harleston - 1350 - 1020 (s/b) Arms Butchers Beccles, 1457 1127 Market Old Beccles, Exchange, this special venue is in the heart of Historic Historic of heart the in is venue special this Exchange, - 1345 - 1015 Market Old Beccles, 1453 1123 (n/b) Arms Butchers Beccles, 1845 1705 1445 1135 Street Broad Harleston, Check out the wonders of Cornucopia at the Corn Corn the at Cornucopia of wonders the out Check Harleston - 83 | 84 | 83 - Harleston 1612 - 1242 - Market Old Beccles, 1450 1120 Cottages Hill Weston, 1839 1700 1439 1129 Croft Weavers Harleston, 1608 - 1238 - (n/b) Arms Butchers Beccles, 1447 1117 Farm Church Shadingfield, 1835 1656 1435 1125 Sign Village Starston, rooms. 1603 - 1233 - Corner Ringsfield 1442 1112 Lane Moll’s Brampton, 1831 1652 1430 1120 Shelter Bus Mary, St Pulham centre of Bungay, surrounded by local shops and cosy tea tea cosy and shops local by surrounded Bungay, of centre 1559 - 1229 - Shelter Bus Redisham, 1439 1109 Road Southwold Brampton, 1828 1649 1427 1117 Falcon The Market, Pulham known as Bungay Castle) or visit the buttercross in the the in buttercross the visit or Castle) Bungay as known 1556 - 1226 - Station Rail Brampton, 1436 1106 Tree Cherry Stoven, 1824 1645 1422 1112 Lane End Colegate Have a look around the beautiful Bigods Castle ( also also ( Castle Bigods beautiful the around look a Have 1552 - 1222 - Hall Village Westhall, 1431 1101 Millfields Wangford, 1820 1643 1418 1108 Lane Wood Bungay - 87 | 88 88 | 87 - 1544 - 1214 - Lane Church Spexhall, 1426 1056 Pleasant Mount Reydon, 1815 1638 1413 1103 Barclays Stratton, Long 83 1538 - 1208 - Way Saxons Halesworth, 1423 1053 Head Kings Southwold, 1810 1634 1409 1059 Tasburgh which is on every Wednesday from 8am - 2pm - 8am from Wednesday every on is which 1807 1630 1406 1056 Shelter Bus Flotman, Newton wildlife trust while you are there? Or check out the market the out check Or there? are you while trust wildlife Saturdays Saturdays Halesworth - Beccles - Southwold - Beccles - Halesworth Halesworth - Beccles - Southwold 1755 1612 1355 1045 College City Road, Ipswich to spend your day exploring and why not visit Suffolk Suffolk visit not why and exploring day your spend to 1751 1606 1351 1041 Street Stephens St Norwich, streets and unique independent shops. It’s the perfect way perfect the It’s shops. independent unique and streets - - 1635 - 1330 1050 Head Kings Southwold, Have a look at this beautiful market town, with its cobbled cobbled its with town, market beautiful this at look a Have 1750 1605 1350 1040 Station Bus Norwich, - - 1632 - 1327 1047 Pleasant Mount Reydon, Halesworth Halesworth - 88 | 90 90 | 88 - Norwich - Long Stratton - Harleston - Stratton Long - Norwich - - 1627 - 1322 1042 Millfields Wangford, 83 except Bank Holidays Bank except - - 1622 - 1317 1037 Tree Cherry Stoven, tastes are catered for. catered are tastes Monday to Saturdays Saturdays to Monday 1734 1429 1144 0909 - Shelter Bus Redisham, - - 1619 - 1314 1034 Road Southwold Brampton, look around the high Street, from Topshop to Jarrods all all Jarrods to Topshop from Street, high the around look 1730 1425 1140 0905 - Corner Ringsfield - - 1616 - 1311 1031 Lane Moll’s Brampton, museum! If that doesn’t take your fancy, why not have a a have not why fancy, your take doesn’t that If museum! 1759 1544 1334 1049 0758 Station Bus Norwich, 1725 1420 1135 0900 - (s/b) Arms Butchers Beccles, - - 1611 - 1306 1026 Farm Church Shadingfield, Norwich Cathedral, Norwich Castle or even the Castle Castle the even or Castle Norwich Cathedral, Norwich 1754 1539 1329 1044 0748 College City Road, Ipswich - - - - - 0825 School High Bungay Explore the rich history Norwich has to offer such as as such offer to has Norwich history rich the Explore - - 1608 - 1303 1023 Cottages Hill Weston, 1742 1527 1317 1032 0728 Shelter Bus Flotman, Newton Norwich - 83 | 84 | 85 | 87 | 88 | 87 | 85 | 84 | 83 - Norwich 1720 1415 1130 0855 0812 dep Market Old Beccles, - - 1605 - 1300 1020 (s/b) Arms Butchers Beccles, 1739 1524 1314 1029 0725 Tasburgh 1712 1407 1127 - - arr Market Old Beccles, - - 1600 - 1255 1015 dep Market Old Beccles, 1735 1520 1310 1025 0721 Budgens Stratton, Long Southwold Pier? Southwold 1708 1403 1123 - 0808 (n/b) Arms Butchers Beccles, 1832 1600 1527 1242 1007 arr Market Old Beccles, enjoy a tour round Adnams Brewery? Or a walk down walk a Or Brewery? Adnams round tour a enjoy 1731 1516 1306 1021 0715 Lane Wood 1705 1400 1120 - 0805 Cottages Hill Weston, - - 1545 - - - open) (when School High Bungay beautiful sandy beaches and quaint highstreet, or why not why or highstreet, quaint and beaches sandy beautiful 1727 1512 1302 1017 0711 Lane End Colegate 1702 1357 1117 - 0802 Farm Church Shadingfield, 1828 - 1523 1238 1003 (n/b) Arms Butchers Beccles, Visit the Jewel of East Suffolk that is Southwold, with its its with Southwold, is that Suffolk East of Jewel the Visit 1724 1509 1259 1014 0708 Office Post Market, Pulham 1657 1352 1112 - - Lane Moll’s Brampton, 1823 - 1518 1233 0958 Corner Ringsfield 1721 1506 1256 1011 0705 Head Kings Mary, St Pulham 1654 1349 1109 - 0758 Road Southwold Brampton, 88 | 90 | 88 Southwold - - 1819 - 1514 1229 0954 Shelter Bus Redisham, 1716 1501 1251 1006 0702 Sign Village Starston, 1651 1346 1106 - 0755 Tree Cherry Stoven, 1816 - 1511 1226 0951 Station Rail Brampton, Things to do in do to Things 1713 1458 1248 1003 0658 Croft Weavers Harleston, 1646 1341 1101 - 0750 Millfields Wangford, 1812 - 1507 1222 0947 Hall Village Westhall, 1710 1455 1245 1000 0655 Street Broad Harleston, 1641 1336 1056 - 0745 Pleasant Mount Reydon, 1804 - 1459 1214 0939 Lane Church Spexhall, Norfolk and Suffolk and Norfolk NS 1638 1333 1053 - 0742 Head Kings Southwold, 1758 - 1453 1208 0933 Way Saxons Halesworth, Harleston - Long Stratton - Norwich - Stratton Long - Harleston Sch Sch Great places to visit in in visit to places Great Sch Sch 83 83 90 except Bank Holidays Bank except 90 Get on board a Konectbus! a board on Get Halesworth - Beccles - Southwold - Beccles - Halesworth Southwold - Beccles - Halesworth - Beccles - Southwold Monday to Saturdays Saturdays to Monday Monday to Fridays to Monday Monday to Fridays to Monday 84 Monday to Saturdays 84 Monday to Saturdays Norwich - Harleston Harleston - Norwich getting in touch with us NSch Sch for all our times & fares... Norwich, Bus Station 0830 1135 1305 1535 1650 1810 Harleston, Broad Street 0710 0930 1145 1420 1420 83 84 85 Ipswich Road, City College 0835 - - - - 1815 Wortwell, Bell 0716 0935 1150 1425 1425 Long John Hill, The Cock 0841 1142 1312 1542 1657 1817 Alburgh, Low Road 0722 0939 1154 1429 1429 konectbus.co.uk Arminghall, Church - 1146 - - - - Denton, Chapel Corner - - 1200 - - Framingham Earl High School - 1149 - - - - Alburgh, The Street 0724 0941 1205 1431 1431 0330 053 9358 Upper Stoke, Crossroads - 1153 - - - - Darrow Green Turn 0727 0944 1208 1434 1434 87 88 90 Stoke Holy Cross, Wildebeest Arms 0847 - 1318 1549 1704 1824 Topcroft, Old Forge 0736 0950 1214 - - to find out what’s going on... Shotesham, Church 0853 - 1324 1555 1710 1830 Hempnall Green, Horseshoes 0744 0958 1222 1440 1440 Shotesham, The Grove - - 1326 1557 1712 1832 Hempnall, Bus Shelter 0750 1002 1226 1444 1444 konectbuses konectbus Saxlingham, Doctors’ Surgery 0858 1205 1331 1602 1717 1838 Saxlingham, Doctors’ Surgery 0757 1010 1234 1452 1452 from 1st July 2018 Hempnall, Bus Shelter 0903 1210 1336 1607 1722 1842 Shotesham, Church 0803 1015 1239 - - or just for something you’d like us to know... Hempnall Green, Horseshoes 0907 1214 1340 1611 1726 1846 Shotesham, The Grove 0805 1017 1241 - - • Norwich Topcroft, Old Forge 0916 - 1348 - 1735 1855 Framingham Earl High School - - - - 1510 [email protected] Darrow Green Turn 0922 1220 1355 - 1742 1902 Stoke Holy Cross, Wildebeest Arms 0813 1023 1247 1503 1519 • Poringland Alburgh, The Street 0927 1223 1358 - 1745 1905 Trowse, Bus Shelter 0820 - - - - Norwich Bus Station, Surrey Street, Denton, Chapel Corner 0933 - - - - - Long John Hill, The Cock - 1031 1254 1511 1527 Norwich NR1 3NX • Bungay Alburgh, Piccadilly Corner 0938 1225 1400 - 1747 1902 Norwich, Bus Station 0830 1037 1300 1517 1533 Wortwell, Bell 0942 1229 1404 - 1751 1911 All fares are available on our • Halesworth Harleston, Broad Street 0950 1236 1411 - 1758 1918 website ... • Southwold • Harleston Monday to Saturdays ... simply select 85 Norwich - Surlingham - Norwich your route and as well as our standard point-to-point look up single, return, weekly and monthly EMERGENCY EXIT break glass tickets we also sell Anywhere tickets your fare EMERGENCY EXIT break glass EMERGENCY EXIT break glass Norwich, Bus Station [L] . 0858 . 1010 1110 1210 1310 . 1425 1615 1715 1815 which are valid on all konectbus services Kirby Bedon, The Street .
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