RSE Applicants for Exemption-Compressed.Pdf

RSE Applicants for Exemption-Compressed.Pdf

RSE Applicant's (2015 to 2017) (BE above 15) Sr. App: Academic Year of Year after Form Date Major Name NRC No. E-Mail Phone no No. Graduation Graduation BE 1 366 Electrical Power U Ne Lin Oo 1996 21 12/ThaKaTa(N)091884 [email protected] 095110289 2 431 Electrical (B.S.) U Kyaw Zeya 1998 19 14/KhaPaNa(N)000030 [email protected] 09-250899016 09-5114738 3 450 Structural U Wai Phyo Linn 2000 17 12/SaKhaNa(N)001390 [email protected] 01-2304632 4 484 Construction U Soe Kyaw Swar 2002 15 14/DaNaPha(N)090199 [email protected] 09425029423 5 493 Structural Daw Thanda Aye 2000 17 12/LaMaTa(N)010784 [email protected] 0973068197 6 579 Water Supply & Sanitation U Kyaw Thu Aung 1998 19 7/DaOoNa(N)025079 [email protected] 092216033 7 607 Civil U Nyi Nyi 2000 17 12/MaGaTa(N)070548 [email protected] 01378853 8 746 Structure Daw Tin Ni Ni Ko 1998 19 9/KaPaTa(N)008432 [email protected] 095312769 9 780 Construction U Moe Min Thu 2000 17 7/LaPaTa(N)001818 [email protected] 09250198384 10 819 Electrical Power(BS) U Thant Sin Than 2000 17 14/MaMaNa(N)001398 [email protected] 09795277199 09428025325 11 844 Construction U Tint Lwin 1991 26 12/ThaLaNa(N)006211 [email protected] 09250149765 12 927 Electronic U Than Win 1998 19 13/LaYaNa(N)001194 [email protected] 095172106 13 997 Chemical U Maung Maung Myint 1999 18 7/KaWaNa(N)084835 [email protected] 0933327779 092044031 14 998 Chemical U Kyaw Lin Lin 1999 18 10/MaLaMa(N)122831 [email protected] 0933215749 15 1084 Electrical Power U Win Htun 1996 21 12/SaKhaNa(N)016734 [email protected] 09256117331 16 1164 Construction U Kyaw Kyaw Htun 2000 17 8/PaKhaKa(N)001547 [email protected] 0943162558 17 1234 Electrical Power(BS) Dr.Myint Thuzar 2000 17 14/MaMaNa(N)146714 - 09401670755 18 1377 Electrical Power U Sann Maw 1998 19 9/MaYaTa(N)125663 [email protected] 09448012427 095144367 19 1404 Construction Daw Mar Lar Swe 1982 35 12/AhSaNa(N)027856 - 09795788566 0973176818 20 1405 Construction U Maung Maung 1985 32 5/AhTaNa(N)008251 - 09796316704 21 1443 Construction U Tin Maung Htun 1996 21 12/AhSaNa(N)000919 [email protected] 095020230 092151353 22 1459 Electrical Power Dr. Zaw Min Khaing 1999 18 5/SaKaNa(N)087571 [email protected] 0933836796 0932329297 23 1460 Mechanical Dr. Kyaw Zay Lin 1999 18 13/TaKaNa(N)133494 [email protected] 09799241817 24 1461 23.6.2015 Electrical Power U Aye Ko Ko 1999 18 5/KaNaNa(N)032484 [email protected] +95933535551 25 1462 23.6.2015 Mechanical Dr. Aung Naing 1999 18 9/MaYaMa(N)007981 [email protected] 095193565 0931479414 26 1463 23.6.2015 Electronic Dr. Myat Win Tun 2000 17 7/ThaNaPa(N)061798 [email protected] 095084142 27 1464 23.6.2015 Electronic Dr. Sai Myo Nyunt Win 2000 17 13/KaMaNa(N)060169 [email protected] 0933535569 28 1465 23.6.2015 Electrical Power Dr. Myo Min Htun 1999 18 8/YaNaKha(N)001167 [email protected] 0930091922 29 1466 23.6.2015 Electronic U Mya San 1999 18 12/DaGaMa(N)003514 [email protected] 0933832796 30 1480 24.6.2015 Road Service U Zaw Naing 1996 21 9/MaThaNa(N)036108 - 095118804 Sr. App: Academic Year of Year after Form Date Major Name NRC No. E-Mail Phone no No. Graduation Graduation BE 31 1556 1.7.2015 Construction U Than Win 1984 33 12/PaZaTa(N)012912 - 0943067643 32 1608 7.7.2015 Construction U Aung Ye Htut 2000 17 14/PaTaNa(N)000485 [email protected] 0973206400 33 1644 8.7.2015 Structure Daw Tha Zin Thein 2000 17 9/MaYaMa(N)001728 - 092062317 34 1651 9.7.2015 Electronic U Mya Win 2000 17 12/ThaKaTa(N)126268 [email protected] 09420008491 35 1652 9.7.2015 Electronic U Han Win Toe 1998 19 7/PhaMaNa(N)060966 [email protected] 09253423679 36 1695 10.7.2015 Mechanical Dr. La Min Maung 2000 17 12/AhLaNa(N)002359 [email protected] 095032923 37 1703 10.7.2015 Mechanical U Myo Ko Ko 1996 21 14/PaThaNa(N)055164 [email protected] 09254094279 38 1746 14.7.2015 Construction Daw Khin Moe Hlaing 2000 17 12/MaYaKa (N) 015486 [email protected] 095057441 39 1768 15.7.2015 Mechanical U Tun Tun Latt 1999 18 12/BaHaNa(N)018385 [email protected] 092045103 40 1819 21.7.2015 Construction U Thet hlaing 1998 19 8/KhaMaNa(N)002763 [email protected] 092305042 41 1828 21.7.2015 Water Supply & Santiation U Nay Myo Aung 1998 19 5/TaSaNa(N)000212 [email protected] 09450065547 42 1830 22.7.2015 Structure Daw Khin Latt 2000 17 9/MaYaMa(N)001835 [email protected] +9595057702 43 1873 27.7.2015 Construction U Min Aung Myint Soe 1998 19 3/KaKaYa(N)000651 [email protected] 095212443 +6598560570 44 1879 27.7.2015 Construction U Thang Khat Pau 1998 19 12/AhSaNa(N)173994 [email protected] 09450014687 45 1946 3.8.2015 Construction U Wai Zaw Myint 1998 19 12/AhSaNa(N)000979 [email protected] 09258772773 092228668 46 2000 6.8.2015 Construction U Aung Win 1987 30 12/BaTaHta(N)024597 [email protected] 092228668 47 2091 11.8.2015 Mechanical U Soe Ye Thu 1998 19 12/KaTaTa(N)031051 [email protected] 095082195 48 2093 11.8.2015 Electrical Power U Soe Thein 1987 30 12/ThaLaNa(N)090478 [email protected] 09254106318 49 2114 12.8.2015 Electrical Power (BS) U Thaung Naing 1996 21 12/SaKhaNa(N)033148 [email protected] 0943095042 50 2167 12.8.2015 Structure Daw Khin Lay Thu 2000 17 13/LaYaNa(N)002151 [email protected] 095232743 092017907 51 2189 12.8.2015 Construction U Soe Myint Tun 1995 22 9/AhMaYa(N)071438 [email protected] 09797539953 52 2197 12.8.2015 Construction U Antt Swe 1996 21 9/TaThaNa(N)000363 [email protected] 09259100234 0943090330 53 2263 13.8.2015 Metallurgy U Ye Ko Ko Maung 2000 17 13/NaKhaTa(N)000076 [email protected] 09797713969 2290(A)/ 0943142012 54 14.8.2015 Construction U Sein Kyi 1987 30 12/ThaKhaNa(N)072692 8223 09972930551 09440229628 55 2312 14.8.2015 Construction U Ye Min Thaung 2000 17 12/TaMaNa(N)004470 [email protected] 01400218 09977100201 56 2372 17.8.2015 Construction U Thaung Tun Win 1998 19 14/YaKaNa(N)000022 [email protected] 09421758510 09256403149 57 2524 20.8.2015 Mechanical U Aung Myint 1986 31 13/LaYaNa(N)010438 0947301394 58 2626 20.8.2015 Construction U Zaw Htun 1996 21 8/MaKaNa(N)000766 09421042891 59 2732 21.8.2015 Construction Daw Aye Mya Nandar 2000 17 12/BaHaNa(N)001121 [email protected] 09421146205 60 2749 21.8.2015 Construction U Phone Myint Zaw 1998 19 12/KaTaTa(N)001210 [email protected] 09975413021 61 2759 24.8.2015 Construction U Kyaw Kyaw Oo 2000 17 14/NgaPaTa(N)135127 [email protected] 095171779 Sr. App: Academic Year of Year after Form Date Major Name NRC No. E-Mail Phone no No. Graduation Graduation BE 62 2783 24.8.2015 Construction U Aung Zaw Tun 1998 19 5/PaLaNa(N)001038 092132636 63 2814 25.8.2015 Electrical Power U Aung Hlaing Tun 2000 17 12/YaKaNa(N)001621 [email protected] 09450541166 64 2930 26.8.2015 Construction U Tin Aung Soe 2000 17 12/LaMaNa(N)001125 [email protected] 09-43037419 09-5062587 65 2947 27.8.2015 Civil U Zaw Tun 1998 19 9/MaYaTa(N)088560 [email protected] 09-49221684 09-257097374 66 2971 28.8.2015 Aeronautical U Ye Myint Tun 1998 19 12/YaKaNa(N)022826 [email protected] 09-5101330 67 2972 28.8.2015 Chemical U Tin Maung Htwe 2000 17 13/TaKaNa(N)125123 [email protected] 09-963016336 095008250 68 2975 28.8.2015 Electronic U Myo Myint Lay 1999 18 7/PaMaNa(N)002105 [email protected] 03336553 69 2978 31.8.2015 Mining U Kyaw Kyaw Soe 1996 21 8/KhaMaNa(N)108477 [email protected] 09245278928 70 2985 31.8.2015 Structure U Thiha Kyaw 2000 17 9/KaPaTa(N)164597 [email protected] 0943206860 71 2988 31.8.2015 Construction U Min Lwin 1998 19 9/MaYaMa(N)090528 [email protected] 09450015946 72 3011 2.9.2015 Electrical Power U Bo Bo Kyaw Thet 2000 17 12/MaGaDa(N)001549 095030971 73 3014 3.9.2015 Construction U Aung Khant 2000 17 7/YaKaNa(N)000337 [email protected] 09428165545 74 3017 3.9.2015 Chemical U Myint Wai 1996 21 9/MaNaTa(N)048832 09255782481 75 3091 10.9.2015 Construction Daw San San Myint 1987 30 12/AhSaNa(N)123722 [email protected] 09-5188428 76 3094 11.9.2015 Mechanical Daw Thandar Aung 1998 19 12/YaKaNa(N)000208 [email protected] 09-255743641 09-8701268 77 3095 11.9.2015 Irrigation U Hla Htay 1991 26 12/MaBaNa(N)057642 09-8534075 78 3096 11.9.2015 Irrigation Mya Win 1992 25 7/PaKhaNa(N)014917 09-49806166 79 3097 11.9.2015 Irrigation U Than Naing 1988 29 12/MaYaKa(N)126188 [email protected] 09-5322215 80 3099 11.9.2015 Irrigation U Toe Aung 1986 31 12/ThaKaTa(N)125162 [email protected] 09-5068338 81 3128 14.9.2015 Construction U Min Min 1998 19 7/NyaLaPa(N)012479 09-797824019 82 3152 15.9.2015 Electrical Power U Aung Latt 2000 17 12/PaZaTa(N)004406 [email protected] 09-5132415 09-796279732 83 3163 16.9.2015 Electrical Power U Zaw Naing 2000 17 14/LaPaTa(N)001601 [email protected] 09-5188568 09-250651351 84 3213 21.9.2015 Construction U Zaw Lin Kyaw 2000 17 7/TaNgaNa(N)000916 09428165545 85 3214 21.9.2015 Mechanical U Aung Myint 1973 44 12/BaTaHta(N)011854 [email protected] 09785158575 86 3248 23.9.2015 Electrical Power U Hein Linn 2000 17 6/MaAhYa(N)001684 [email protected] 095147384 092042238 87 3358 28.9.2015 Mechanical U Phone Myint 2000 17 9/AhMaYa(N)006460 [email protected] 0932222308 09254006433 88 3381 28.9.2015 Electronic U Kyaw Moe Latt 1996 21 [email protected] 018550972 89 3418 2.10.2015 Construction U Than Soe 2000 17 12/BaHaNa(N)003758 [email protected] 095106068 90 3474 5.10.2015 Construction U Aung Soe Kyaing 1996 21 14/PaThaNa(N)028158 09255991771 91 3534 8.10.2015 Construction U Soe Hlaing 1986 31 12/BaHaNa(N)053014 09448049044 095001534 92 3538 9.10.2015 Mechanical U Bo Bo Win 2000 17 9/MaYaTa(N)115053 [email protected] 09976174685 Sr.

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