a- y ■' I- • "I - : >• „ 7 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1951 Average Daily Net Press Run PAGE TWENTY-FOUR lMaurI|if0t^r lEufttiug Ifpralii Tar the H'eek Ended' Ths Waathsr Dec. 6, 1952 Foreeast of C. 8. Waathar Boasn land. The application before the seeking perraiaaion to divide a plot square feet of- living area at the The Men a Oub of Zion Luther­ The Study group of the South present time. The house would Methodlat WSC3 wdll meet tomor-' board is for permission to erect a of land at 97 Prospect atreet into 10,815 Occaalonal rain tonight aad mast an Church will meet tonight at Grant Three two lota which will result ih a have been built on the north aide STATIONERY row at 2 p. m. in (he church: Mem­ dwelling on a lot having a front­ HeMber a t the Audit About Town 7:45 for huainaaa and a Chrutmaa frontage on each of 92.5 feet, of Middle turnpike east, about 200 of Thuraday. Minimum tonight 41. ber* of the Women'* Society, not age bf 90 feet, which la leas than . Bureau a t Clrcnlattona *0^1. ' Which ia less than regulation* call feet west of the Bolton town lihe, I . uSSSSi mamS identified with any of the group*, regutationa allow for the area Manche$ter—~A City of Village Charm DftUfhUra wtre born at the Zone Queries which ia in a Residence Zone AA for in the Residence Zone AA. in a Rural Reaidence Zone, ami Hartford Hoapllal on Dec. 5 to Mr. The All Sainta Mother* Circle will be gueata. William E. Keith, and Rural Residence Zone. The board denied the application the area "Occupied would have been aad Mra. "Robert J. King of 60 Sea­ will hold it* Chrlatmaa party to­ lay preacher \t the church for The board also tabled the ap­ of Wayne Wright, who wanted to 332 square feet less than regula­ i Artkir Dni( Stans VOL. LXXII, NO. 60 man circle and to Mr. and Mre. morrow night at 8 o'clock at the more than half a century, will be B oard o f A ppeal D enies plication of Janet Prince, who is erect a dwelling and occupy 768 tions permit. (Claaalfled Adverttatag am Png* tU> MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1952 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE nVB CBNW WnUaxn Healy of 5 Overland home of Mra. Marjorie Minor, 109 the apetker. Ka'teaaea will be Mr*. ' ^ • atraat. Branford atreet. Member* are re­ George McKinney, Mr*. Ewald, One Request for Ex-j minded to bring grab bag gift*. Jackl. Mra. Ckarlea Small and Mrs. Past matron*, of Temple CSiap- Arthur Gibaoil. eeption, -Tables Two! Linne Lodge No. 72. Knighta of tar. OES. will h(^d Uieir annual „ , _ ^ , I The Zoning Board of Appeals' -Eisenhowei^ Natural Gas Chrtatma* party, with exchange of Pythiaa, will hold it* regular meet­ The Holy r amlly Mother Circle night granted three excep- ' Navy Planes Bomb ing tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in M oent gtfU. Thuraday nlgbt at w"ill hold a Oiirlstma* party tomor­ tion* to zoning regulations, tabled : I o'clock in the Maaonic Temple. Orange Hall. Officer* for the en­ row at 8 p. mf. at the home of Mr.« abling term will be nominated at two requests and denied one after ! Set to Hear Rivals Meet * Mcipbera unable to be preaent are William F. BrannicU, 3 Hartland holding a public hearing on the Slash thia meeting. Plans reoueated to notify Mr*. Jame* road. The-nipmbtr* are asked to six applications. Bases Near Siberia EUiott or Mra. J. H. Dittmeyer._ The Mary Cuahman group of the provide a 50 jeent gift for the grab The Carter Chevrolet Company bag. of 311 Main atreet, which had M ac A rth u r W ith Lodge Second Congregational Women'e Seoul, Dec. 10— (/P)— U. S. • turn tables, loconm^^^^ League wjll meet Friday at 8 p. m. asked permission to erect a light­ at the home of Mra. Walter Denne, Mr*. Erika L. Newell of 89 Haw­ ed. free-standing ground sign 3'ii Navy warplanes smashed **'Hon":^!'ng. t h f northernmost 57 Starkweather atreet."Hoateaae* thorne atreet ia among a group of feet from the atreet line, which Is Aboard USS Helena En Hartford, Dec. 10— (/P)— closer than regulations allow, was four big Communist rail and target, la e-lthin a few hundred HALE'S w,"iU be Mr*. Conrad Rothammer .53 persons slated to be made new Route to Hawaii, Dec. 10— (/iP) supply targets on the door- yards of the Manchurian border Governor I-sidKe was sched­ citizens at naturalization cere­ permitted to erect the sign but no . "— President - elect Dwight uled to meet with officers of and Mra. Earl Butler. closer than five feet from the line step of Manchuria Tuesday in and is the port of entry to Korea Medium T ank Output monies Frida.v morning in Federal Eisenhower is willing to hear the hifTirPat vpnhornp raid o f i major east coast rail lines, two rival gas transmission Headquarters Court, Hartfo-t-d. and to maintain it for a two-year ine mggest seaoorae ^ Our I-ady of the Moat Holy period. The company said the sign any plan hjs old commander, companies this afternoon in Rotary Mother* arcle wdll hold a would cost 81.009, Carter Chevro­ the Korean war. One of th e' -'there was wiped out and FOR Christmaa party tomorrow eve­ A/3C Allan T. Hooey, son of Mr. Gen. Douglas MacArthur, strikes carried American Honyung was blacked out by an effort to remove the bot­ let la in a Business Zone 111. may have for ending the ning at 8 o'clock at the home of and Mrs. Thomas Hooe.v of 26 In­ Al.»o granted for a two-year pe­ planes on their northernmost smoke from raging fires, tleneck delaying the delivery Reporter *InterviewR* Horse Mra. Joaeph L'Heureux. 106 dian drive, i* stationed at Fort riod was the First National Bank's Korean war. raid of the war, to the limit.6 of urgently needed natural D eath Stay Light Tanks Waranoke road. Member* are re- ! George Wright Air Force Base, request for permi.ssion to main­ An exchange of meaaagea, an­ gas to Connecticut., minded to bring grab bag gift*. "«■«>• Spokane, Wash,, after a 15 tain a roof sign on the -hank, at nounced yesterday aboard this of a Korean strip that juts up Hyesanjin Ui Inland Although Gardiner Symonds. heavy cruiser carrying the Presi­ into Manchuria and is sur- southwest of Musan. ■m The Chr.atma* party for children | d^V .59.5 Main street. Business Zone III. president of the Northeastern Gas D e n ie d fo r of membtre will be held Saturday new base by United Air Lines from Tlie third application approved dent-elect and members of his pro­ rounded on three sides by The navy listed this toll: Tran-'TOlsslon Co., will not attend A n d Trucks Bradley Field. nftemoon from ♦ to 6 o clock ®t was that of G. Sexton Anderson jected administration back to the that Chinese Red province. Destroyed—eight . rail repair the conference he has delegated N. Ih® home of Mr*. J®m«» A. Mur- who had asked that he he allowed IT. S., cleared the way for a meet­ It also carried the Navy planes shops, three locomotllies, 30 box W. Freedman, executive vice presi­ ray, 79 Walnut atraet. A diphtheria toxoid and vaccina­ -to e'-ert a hood on front of his ing between Elsenhower and Mac­ within 12 miles of Soviet Siberia cars, seven buildings, 600 yards of dent of the company, to represent Atom Spies In Cutback tion clinic will be held Thuraday dwelling, at .57 Foley street, which Arthur. and almost as far north as the tracks and six truck*. him. morning at 8:30 In the elinle room would be located 17 feet from the Coolness Disappears Russian port, Vladivostok, which Damaged — 18 btilldings, five George E. Copeland, president of of the Mancheater Memorial Hos­ street line, ^ ree feet clo.ser than It also appeared to dissipate lies to the east. Targets were locomotives, two tank cars, 19 New York. Dec. 10— (/P)— Washington, Dec. 10—(/P) pital. Algonquin Gas Transmission, regulations mlow. The dwelling l."i whatever cooiness had developed Honyung, Musan, NaJIn and Hye­ truck*, one locomotive shop and which is vieing with Northeastern A Federal judge refused to­ The Army said today it located In a Re.-ndenee Zone B. between the two. former chiefa of sanjin. one round house. for the Connecticut and New Tallin for niariiaaion day to stay the executions of plans to cut back production Mra. Charles H. King of 251 ataff during the presidert^lal cam­ In an air battle over North Ko­ Rear Adm. William D. Johnson, England territory, has accepted Spring atreet will pour at the pre- Action on one of the applicationa the commander of Task Force 77 convicted atom spies Julius of medium tanks about 46 per paign. rea today, Lt. James F. Low, Sau- the invitation to attend. Copeland freahman tea of the Hartford Pem­ that was tabled, that of H. and I. said "The enemy has suffered heavy and* Ethel Roaeriuerg who cent from the original goal Heeges, Refrigereters " I am looking forward to in­ salito. Calif., racked up his eighth will be accompanied by Graham broke College Club on Jan. 3 at Phillip* of 200 Hackmatack atreet, MIG kill of'th e war, the U.
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