STUDENT UKRAINIAN CANADIAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' UNION ETUD I A NT VOL 5/18 TORONTO, JULY 1972 Saskatchewan Ukrainian July I4J5&I6 at Pike Lake Ukrainian Recreational Park 20 miles south of Saskatoon Canadian Boating Swimming Rock Throwing Coffee House Arts and Crafts Workshops Discussions Dancing youth Evening performances by guest artists Singing Jambcree Wandering Minstrels Bonfires All sorts of Stuff Admission $3.00 — Weekend Pass Covering Food, Accomodation, and Entertainment a Place tc be 1Q79 STUDENT page 2 JUj-Y-v 19 I' from tk VEcb- ?rodudion Centre Leo Interviewed most Leo Molodozanin (Moll from Winnipeg, an artist having the window art, was success in the field of sculpture and the stained glass group, interviewed in his studio outside of Winnipeg by the VIDEO-SUSK Ukrainian Canadian part of this year's Fieldwork '72 Project of the University Students' Union. Leo has done series of sculptures for churches, schools, univer- Prize for his sities and government buildings. He was awarded First creation of the Shevchenko monument in Washington, D.C. opened in 1964, as well as the Allied Arts Award of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada. ,.. , . , . , witht in- The creativity of this artist will be presented in a slide show the terview on video tape as one of the many documents to be produced by end of the summer in the VIDEO CENTRE in Winnipeg. Work of Leo Face cast of Leo Mol's Shevchenko monument erected in Washington, D.C. 1964. Doric- Lucich interviewing Leo at his studio Dauphin Lake "Reqion,Region ManHobq of In 1896, under the leadership of Vasyi Ksionzyk, the second string Ukrainian colonies grew up in the Dauphin Lake Region. The area was called Trembowla after a region in Ukraine of the same name. In the next year many more settlements grew up in the area: Kosiw, Ukraina, Volkivtsi (Mink Riverl, Kolomyja (Venlaw), Dnipro (Drifting 1900 show that the Dauphin district received River ) . The statistics up to 5000 immigrants of Manitoba's 12, 536 settlers: they were from the Halychyna and Bukovyna regions of Ukraine. On one of their field trips„the VIDEO-SUSK centre attempted to cap- ture some of the historical aspects of the area in an extensive audio-visual presentation - another "documentary" to be ready for airing on cable television networks by the fall of 72. Kosiw Schoolhouse, 1914. Cemeteries and Churches in the Dauphin Area. STU 01U1 J'JLY 1972 VTR UPDATC McMaster University Ukrainian Students Association Like all the fieldworkers this be put on video-tape with the in- summer, the VIDEO production terviews. centre in Winnipeg was in financial Leo Molodozanin (), the well- difficulties for an unnecessary known sculptor of Winnipeg, was period of time. The Opportunities for also visited at his studio. The will hold Youth Department's red tape held presentation on the artist will up the grant despite numerous calls, consist of an interview, slides which so that the UCUSU was the last the group took themselves and slides project in Canada to receive its of his work which Leo presented allocated grant. Because of this, the to them. Video Centre had to delay renting its Abstracts from the above two VTR equipment and other themes are presented in this issue of Sat urnam necessities for its work until mid- STUDENT. June. Some of the projections for work of However, despite the difficulties, the VIDEO-SUSK group is to film FAMILY ground work was laid and original Ukrainian language PICNIC camp at Gimli material was collected with pic- Manitoba, where youth will be tures, slides and audio-tape, later to totally immersed in a broad be used in photographic presen- programme of Ukrainian language SUNDAY, JULY 23, 1.30 p.m. tations and slide shows. and culture during the month of One of the results of this summer's August. They will also film the work will be a one hour Winnipeg Folklorama festival, a one Bandurists Dancers "documentary" of the issue in- hour documentary on Ukrainian volving Ukrainian language in the churches in the West, the Ukrainian schools, so when VTR equipment Cultural and Education Centre Ukrainian Historical Fashions was borrowed for a short period of Winnipeg and the artists' work time, preparatory material was there, and other thematic material collected for this. Also a panel on the ready to be presented from the west Choir Competitions topic of Multiculturalism was taped of Canada. at a meeting of the Ukrainian The crew has been generally Canadian Professional and working in and around the Winnipeg Traditional Ukrainian Food and "Refreshments" Businessmen's Club (Winnipeg). area because of lack of resources The group of six people, Ivan needed to obtain equipment, but Dance ai 7:00 with "RIVIERA" Fecan, Dorioi Lucich, Ihor have now obtained all necessities Petelycky, Oksana Mazur, Chrystia and have started on their long Laptuta and Roman Tarnowecky, is planned trip to video-tape material Ad BONFIRE operating out of a University of all over the Canadian West. They Admission:m™ Manitoba-based office and using will leave from Winnipeg and go Children — .50 Students — $1.00 Adults $1.50 editing facilities — at the Winnipeg through Northern anitoba, through Museum of Man and Nature. They Northern Saskatchewan, end up ir have been collecting material for the Saskatoon in time to hold most part from Winnipeg and the workshop on VTR at the Saskat surrounding areas and have already chewan outh Jamboree and then extensively covered the Dauphin move into Alberta. Through Alberta GOLDEN GATE PARK area of Manitoba, especially the they will travel to Vancouver, B.C Kosiw region, taking pictures of and come back to Winnipeg along pioneer structures dating back to the the southern strip of the Prairie 1910-1920 period and interviewing Provinces. During the trip reports of several Ukrainian pioneers to work being done and experiences Oekes Rd., Winona, Ont. Canada. A photographic survey of will be sent to the newspaper and old churches, cemetaries, schools, blurbs of the group's collected homes and cultural centres will later material will be presented. ^ Everyone Welcome! ? SASKATCHEWAN VPMte For the summer of 1972, two of the Saskatchewan government. The As part of the Jamboree's programme, workshops will be rV project participants, Halya Kuchmij Committee is also working with the and Borys (Mirko) Kowalsky, are Saskatoon Folk Arts Council, conducted in many fields of the fieldworking out of Saskatoon with thereby creating a liaison with other creative arts, among them - music, Ukrainian Canadians throughout the ethno -cultural communities. drama, dance, film, Video Tape province of Saskatchewan. Their Meetings held on this basis have Recording, ceramics, embroidery, preparation of Ukrainian dishes, H primary objectives are to respond to primarily discussed press releases will be given the needs of the Ukrainians in and the circulation of the petition in etc. "Special attention how Ukrainian Canadians par- T Saskatchewan in the organization the rural areas of Saskatchewan. to activity and implementation of community On June 4th, the fieldworkers ticipate in areas of cultural ethnocultural development oriented activities; to visited North Battleford, attended a which transcend convey exchange information on, and church dinner and presented the group boundaries and which to all further the growth of perspectives aims and work of the S.M.A.C. after a message appreciable Plans for this Subscribe Now! concerning multiculturalism in which 100 names were added to the Canadians alike." the programme include Canada. They also aim to establish petition. Circulation of the petition is aspect of (award-winning film stronger nation-wide ties which now being co-ordinated in North John Sawchyn Arsenych would help overcome regional Battleford and information has been producer), Stephan .„ (dramatist), Kedryna (Regina Name differences and therefore foster a transmitted on local television choir), Mr. Shabaga ("cymbaly" higher degree of solidarity within stations in the area. A meeting of Address player) and Roman Onufrijchuk the Ukrainian Canadian community. community leaders and interested (comedian, entertainer, singer, Halya and Mirko are operating out people was also held in Regina, instrumentalist ). One of the of an office on the University of where co-ordinators were found to of the Jamboree will be a _ Saskatchewan (Saskatoon) campus assure that petitions would highlights workshop in the usage of video-tape and although their work is penetrate to all ethno cultural Subscription paid recording equipment conducted by by Saskatoon-based, their travel to the communities in that area. the audio-visual team which is smaller urban communities, to Another large undertaking which cheque located in Winnipeg on the VIDEO- Regina and to the farm areas, is Halya, Mirko and the students of the money order SUSK Project. As part of the SUSK fairly regular for purposes of area have begun is the Saskat- fieldwork project for 1972, this team, gaining support and participation chewan Ukrainian Canadian Youth Clip and mail this subscription form to: which is the only one of its kind in for the projects that have begun. Jamboree. The Jamboree is Canada, is presently working on the Multicultural Action scheduled for July 14-16, 1972 at the A Students' documen- Editorial Board 1 creation of high-quality STUDENT Committee (see STUDENT, June) Ukrainian Recreational Park, Pike 67 llarbord St.. taries involving Ukrainian Canadian was active when the two SUSK Lake, Saskatchewan; between three Toronto 4. Ontario. content found virtually in the three fieldworkers arrived and they im- and five hundred people are ex- Prairie provinces of Canada. Thus, mediately joined it and began pected. is Subscription rales: 1 year (12 issues regardless of possible irregularity in besides a workshop on V.T.R., it helping to circulate a petition The aims of this Jamboree are: printing) — $2.50 expected that a film on the Jam- protesting the lack of government "1.
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