'W ? ^ — w r "■ ;f- ■ ■■■' T _ .......t iiseex Library Sir.devy t t 7 4 v rat o n street yeviaxle, >"J .^ illburn Jubilee Days - September 17 - 2 5 IT LOOKS FROM HERE~~| [ V»l. 60, No. 3s ] [ September 16, 1948 1 IN TWO SECTIONS Unique Honor PART ONE Seldom does it fall to the lot of a community as small as 'llburn Township to number among its residents two such 'jncl)t jurists as Arthur T. Vanderbilt, Chief Justice of ' .New Jersey Supreme Court and Frederick R. Colie, Justice the new State Superior Court, MILLBURN lustice Vanderbilt brings to his new post a wealth of I experience through private practice, as Dean of New and University School of Law and as president of the nerican Bar Association. He was most instrumental in ITEM tting up the new judicial system in New Jersey under the State Constitution and will head that system, lustice Colie, until the new Constitution was adopted, SHORT HILLS a Supreme Court Justice serving seven years in that city. The high esteem in which he is held was recently a ’deuced by the strong support he received from laymen j bar associations alike when there was a question as to lether the Senate Judiciary Committee would recommend F o u n d e d 1 8 8 8 P u U . ’ . h e d every TUr.J.y «t MILLBURN. N. J. TEN C E N T S CoV appointment to the new Superior Court, l'he Item joins with all of Millburn Township in Con- atulating our two judges on their new appointments and in Q u n fP tn P P n iirf Vanderbilt Sworn Two Millburn Township Judges nng we are Moud that they are residents of our com- ^ U J tlC lU C V U U IL Registration C of C Jubilee >y + Rules Against As Chief Justice Sale Days Start For Voters ubilee Days Lick H CL Adjustment Bd. Township Clerk Wldmayer Of Supreme Court Here Tomorrow A crack in the high co if of living wall looms up for announced today that his of­ The New Jersey Supreme Court fice a t Town Hall will be open The Judicial Article of the new Millburn Jubilee Days, the flrat illburn consumers this week with the "announcement of in an opinion handed down last from 7:30 to 9:00 p. m. on Sep­ Constitution of this state, which big sales promotion feature staged illburn Jubilee Days, which the merchants committee of Friday reversed the action of the tember 20, 21, 22 and 23 for the was adopted by the people last No­ by the Millburn Chamber of Com­ local Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring. Not only does Board of Adjustment In dismissing purpose of accepting registra­ vember, became effective yester­ merce, will get under way tomor­ provide a chance to win without cost a number of valuable without a hearing the application tions from voters. In addition day, September 15. Under the pro­ row In some seventy Millburn of Patsy Grosso for a zoning ex­ visions of the article the former izes headed by a television set, but the individual price registrations will- be taken any stores. The feature of the event ception to permit the'construction day during regular business Court of Errors and Appeals, the will be the awarding of prizes to ductions being made by most participating merchants spell of a garage and auto show room hours. September 23 is the last former Supreme Court, the Court lucky shoppers of several hundred savings for consumers. on his property on Holmes street. day for registration in order to of Chancery, the Court of Com­ dollars worth of merchandise, the We don’t really have to urge you to support this first A copy of the opinion prepared vote this year. mon Pleas, the Court of Oyer and grand prize being a television eet. by Justice Heher has not as yet Terminer, the Court of Quarter Other prizes are a portable radio* les promotion effort of the fledgling Chamber of Commerce. Sessions, and the Court of Special 1 we really have to do is urge you to read the advertise­ been received by either the munic­ a traveling bag, an automatic ipal authorities or Harry Silver- Sessions are abolished and an en­ toaster, a pressure cooker, a tur­ r s which list plenty of money-saving bargains. We can stein, attorney for Mr. Grosso. 120 Runners in tirely new judicial system estab­ key, a ham, a gallon of ice cream sure you, too, that our investigation has shown there will It Is believed the press of work lished consisting of the new Su­ and grocery and fruit baskets. preme Court, the Superior Court many an unadvertised bargain in stores during Millburn caused by the change in court The sales days will begin on National 4 A.A.U. and the County Courts. bilee Days. \ , , system ha« held up the receipt of Friday, September 17 and will run copies of the opinion. The hear­ While the basic framework of ARTHUR T. VANDERBILT of Hobart avenue, and Frederic R. through Saturday, September 25, Let’s go, folks. The more we buy, the better arc our ing before the court was In May. Road Race Here the new judicial system was pro­ ances of winning that television set. And we can score a Colie of Woodcrest avenue, who were sworn in this week as Chief eight days In all. Prizes will be It Is understood the court said One hundred and twenty runners vided for in the Constitution, the Justice of the Supreme Court and Justice of the Superior Court, re­ awarded at the Washington School per profit by benefiting from reduced prices during the that Mr. Grosso is entitled to a are scheduled to toe the Essex tremendous task of implementing spectively. The new Judicial Article formed under the new State Con­ auditorium on Friday evening, ent. hearing and disposition of the ap­ street starting line Sunday, Sep­ its provisions by detailed rules of stitution became effective yesterday, September 15. October 1 at 7:30. plication on the merits. tember 19, at 1 p. m. to take part practice and procedure was placed ★ ★ The prizes will be awarded in The Township desired to pur­ in the National 25 Kilometer In the hands of the new Supreme the following manner: For each Court. During the past 10 months chase the property in question In A.A.U. Championship Road Raoe, purchase of one dollar, in mer­ order to provide f6r a possible the court, under the leadership of Bar Association Justice Colie :hools Enroll sponsored by Guy R. Bosworth t chandise, the customer will be en­ extension of Essex street to Mill­ Chief Justice Arthur T. Vanderbilt Post 140. American Legion Com­ titled to receive one coupon upon burn avenue to relieve traffic , of Hobart avenue, Short Hills, has mander Edward S. Jamison Will Gold Medal to Court Judge which he will write his name and 106 Students; through Millburn center. To that been engaged in intensive work to Ne* fire the starting gun. address before depositing it in end, while the Board of Adjust­ moke the necessary preparations to Judge Frederic R. Code of The entrants come from the one of the collection boxes before crease of 52 ment delayed, the Essex street ex­ eastern United States and Canada set the new judicial machinery in Judge Vanderbilt Woodcrest avenue, former Su­ motion today. The new Rules Gov­ preme Court Justice, was con­ October 1. All coupons must be il!burn's public school popula- tension was placed on the official and according to Joe Swankie, race erning the Courts of New Jersey firmed by the State Senate on Sep­ deposited by the close of business on the first day of school, Township map. When this was chairman, 10 of the runners Arthur T. Vanderbilt of Hobart were published by the court in tember 8 as Justice of the new on September 30. The drawing tember 13, totaled 2,106, an in- done the Board refused to hear who finished in the first twenty avenue, Chief Justice of the New June to enable the lawyers and Superior Court as set up under for prizes will be made on Octo­ se of 52 students over the Mr. Grosso's application. in the National Championship judges to, become thoroughly fa- Jersey Supreme Court, was the new State Constitution. He ber 1. No participating merchant, ning day of 1947. The five el«- Court proceedings were insti­ Marathon in New York last Sun­ «W ar wtfh their provisions before awarded a gold medal, the highest was sworn in as a member of the member of his immediate family tary schools registered a total tuted by Attorney Silverstein and day will run here. All first three lf£jir effective date, September 16. honor of the American Bar Asso­ new court at bWSmoniog held In or employee is eligible to win * ,234 students, an Increase of 66 at the time the matter was heard, finishers in New York—J oAb The rules, which incorporate the Trenton on Monday. prize, according to the committee. r 1947, while the high school Township Attorney wWendyke Kelly of West Acton, Mass., ciation, at the annual Bar Asso­ most modem and enlightened prac­ Justice Colie's name was Sent Orange and blue signs and str&tion showed a slight drop informed the court he had been Charles Robbins, Jr. and Harry ciation dinner last Thursday in tices of many other jurisdictions to the Senate for confirmation In streamers have been mounted 18 in 1947 to 872 in 1948.
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