MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, IM I PACnS EIGHnEtlM ilanrh^Btfr ^OBuing llwalii Today^s Edition Is the Herald*s Annual Gift to Its Newsboys iMaf nwffw:; John Johansaa, Second U . Dale W. Carpenter organizations. Oh each floor chief akkmtan; AOiert Haavl- o< the United States Army, hus­ Talcottville there Is a large room. The ons Tall Cedars slden, RMisloian; Robert Mc­ Avtrsgo Dally Net Press Rmr The Weather About Town is on the upper floor has been Cormick, sentinel; Louis Kllnk- band of M . Dale Carpenter. 56 Skating planned as a chapel, while on LECLERC Per Um Week B a M Foreoast ef U. S. Weather Bopeao Cambridge St., recently com­ hanuivsr, steward; Frank Kal- FUNERAL HOME November 1$, 186$ I Walker, eon of Mr. and pleted a nine-week ordnance of- the lower fk>or iU oounterpart Install Gray as, band manager; Dayton Mrt. deorge Walker. 17 Harv­ Report Church Sets has riielvea along two walls to , fleer basic course at the Army Palmar, band leader. Partly cloudy and cold tonight, ard Rd., waa recently elected V>rdnance Center. Aberdeen serve as a Hbrary. Two of the Also, Max Kabrtck, assUtant FUNERAL reeldent of Delta Oil fraternity rooms on the upper floor are a Donald R. Gray of 20 West- 13,891 low in teens. Wednesday fair, Proving Ground. Md. Dedication of land St. was Installed In ab­ band leader; William Hoyt, at the University of Michigan, Public Ice skating will be un­ secretary’s office and minister’s Member of Uw AndH high SO to 85. Aim Arbor, where he Is major­ sentia as grand .tall cedar of publicity; Gustave Anderson, SERVICE BnreM e< O toonlatioB Pvt. Neal E. Prescott, son of til 10 o’clock tonight at both study. Nutmeg Forest, TaU Cedars of assistant scribe; Kenneth Jack- ____________ i ________________ ing in mechanical engineering. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Pres­ Center Springs Annex and Major events In the history WALTER N. Manchester-^A CUy o f Village Charm New Building Lebanon, at ceremonies held son, aaristant treasurer; John LECLHIRO cott, 63 Kensington St,, has been Charter Oak Park. of the Talcottville Church, as Saturday night at the Masonic Buck, aide to supreme tall OadM Capt. Robert E. Craig, assigned to Co. C, 6th Battalion, far as buildings are concerned, Director son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Coasting Is permitted dally By MORRIS SIMONCELLI Temple. cedar; CSiartea Norria, aide to VOL. LXXXIII, NO. 72 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1963 (Olaaalflii Advertlolng aa Page 1$) PRICE SEVEN CENTg Craig, 106 Prospect St., was re­ 6th Training Regflment of the in Center Springs Park from The new ChrisUan Fellowship have oocurred at nearly 6()-year Gray could not attend be­ grand tall cedar; Ohaater An­ 23 Main Street, Manchester cently selected as a distinguish­ United States Army Training 8:30 to dark. Center of Talcottville Congrega­ Intervals. The first church, on cause he Is hospitalized. drew, Eail Larsen and Charies Center, Infantry, Ft. Jack.son, Morning skating hours are the site of the present bulkUng, He was chief engineer for 12 Budar, flnanca committee. Call 649-5869 ed military student at Boston S.C., where he has begun the tional Church will be dedicated University, M ^ . from 10 to noon at both areas Sunday at 3 p.m. at a special was erected In 1866, with dedi­ years at Manchester Tool and William J. Stevenson, out­ first pha.se of his six months ac­ and In the afternoon starting at service in the church sanctuary. cation on March of 1867. How­ deaign, and recently Joined going grand tall cedar, was tive duty training with the 1:30. ever, this edifice burned to the Universal Dorset-Rex in ’Thom- the metalling officer and Rob­ Army. His National Guard unit An open house for inspection Of ground on the night of Aug. Survivors of Liner Blaze the new facilities will follow. aston as a tool engineer. He is ert Muldoon, past grand tall is the 41«th Infantry Regiment, Refreshments will be served by 30, 1906. Spontaneous combus­ a member of the Second Con­ cedar, was tha marsmi. 76th Division, Ea.st Hartford. the women of the church. All tion in the coal bln was gregational Chiuvh, Annawan Town Report persons who are Interested are blamed. The comersteme of the Lodge of Masons, Chapman Manchester A.ssembly, > Or­ Invited to attend. present churCh was laid on Court, Order of Amaranth; Say Crewmen Panicked der of Rainbow for Girls, will June 30, 1912, with the first TUERDA'f ONDT The order of service that will and Temple Chapter, Order of have a meeting and Christmas Cited by NEC be used for the dedication will public service on May 4, 1913, Eastern Star. Your party tonight at 7:30 at the be based on that which was used followed by dedication a month FUNCHAL, Madeira't’lns ‘ha Unar’a flret news of the^pushed passengers out of life­ Masonic Temple. Refre.shments Elective officers Installed DOWNTOWN when the church Itself was dedi­ later. who will assist Gray during the (AP)—Some survivors of rescue of 98 persons—76 by the boats. And when we got into one CHRISTMAS will be served by the Rainbow Manchester's 1961-62 town re­ cated !50 years ago, on June 24, year are Dean Cronklte, sen­ Stotienort U.S. steamer Exporter and 22 we found no provisions and no Mothers Circle. Officers will port has been awarded a prize 1918. Among those taking part ior deputy grand tall cedar; the Lakonia cruise ship dis­ by the French motor vessel flashlights either.” wear street clothea. Members for "outstanding merit” In the at this time will be the Rev. Dr. John Stoutner, Junior deputy COMPLETE aster charged on arrival in Arthur George of Norwich. are reminded to bring grab bag Nathanael GupUll, minister of grand tail cedar; William J. without disclosing exactly England, said no lifeboat drill CAKES New England Council's annual Police Arrests port here today that the how it arrived at the figure, the had been held during the liner’s gifts. of the Connecticut Conference of Morrison, scribe; James O. UNE OP crew panicked, discipline town report contest. Congregational Christian Baker, treasurer; S. Raymond spokesman said the line’s total three days at sea and the flares Mlanbonomah Tribe, lORM, The town’s report compiled Churches: the Rev. Paul Bow­ Raymond T. Gauba, 19. of 10 Smith, trustee. 1964 cracked and that passen­ of known survivors rose to 921. in his boat didn’t work. wtU have a special meeting to­ by then controller Jay Etllnger, man, pastor of Union Congrega- Ruasell St., early yearierday Appointed officers are Ern­ * Colondart gers had to take charge of The stricken Lakonia, which "The crew was so undis­ 0 $1.19 night at 7:30 at Tinker Hall. was entered !n the New Eng­ t l r m s L l Church, Rockville; the morning was charged with in­ est ^ppa, preceptor; James the lifeboats. caught fire shortly before mid­ ciplined that the passengers had land states conte.st after being Rev. Dr. Alli.son Heaps, former­ toxication and breacdi of the Wright; chaidain; Walter * DIcmI m There was praise, however. night Sunday, war still burning to take command of the life­ The Pythian Sisters will not chosen tops in Its population ly Interim pastor In Talcottville, peace. The arrest followed a North, guide; John Willoughby, for the Argentine rescue ship 180 miles north of Madeira. She boats," George said. meet tamorrow night. There class among Connecticut com­ liow holding that position In Tol­ family argunvent at his parents’ COIN OPERATED * Appeiiinnoiit Salta, which docked here with was listing to starboard and The Lovats and George paid will be a Christmas and an­ munities. land; and the Rev. Robert K. home. Gauba posted a $100 bond WASH-'N-DRT CLEAN 476 survivors — 307 passengers her stern was lowering. high tribute to the Salta’s crew. niversary party Monday, Dec. Judgring was conducted at the Shimoda, Talcottville pastor. while awaiting appearance in 11 MAPLE ST. and 168 crew members. Survivors aboard the Salta "They spent the night and 30, at 8 pjn. at-Odd Fellows University of Connecticut by a The Just completed project Is Circuit Court 12, Manriiester, lAeroee From First Natfsaal| charged that chaos followed the most of yesterday pulling Hall. the result of a study Instituted Store Parking Lot CoH With 4 persons known dead people out of the water like panel of the university and Jan. 6. PIKE among the 1,086 passengers and outbreak of fire aboard the Lm- state officials in November. several years ago to look into OPEN 7 LAVS 649-5341 konU and that the ship’s crew fish," said George. Frances Herron Council. the needs of the expanding com­ 1«-Lb. Wash—88e crew members, there were re­ In a letter to General Man­ FUNDS FOR STATE BARBER SHOP ports to the British -Admiralty panicked. Several survivors. Including Pythian Sunshine Girls, will ager Richard Martin from the munity and how the Church was WASHINGTON (AP) — Two 8-Lb. Dry Clean—$2.00 "The crew was horribla,” said Derek Thorogood of Braintree, prepared to meet these needs. A 8 Lba. $1.28 and ths ship's line In London l*ave a Christmas party to­ New England Coimcll (NEC), Items totaling $2.6 million were MEN'S that the list of 186 missing Ivan Buchanan of Atlanta. Ga., England, said they believed, the night at 6:30 at Memorial which sponsored the contest in building committee, headed by Connecticut’s share of the $1.5 a consultant with the U.S.
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