For official use only CENSUS OF INDIA 1951 GLOSSARY OF CASTE NAMES EAST CODA VARI DISTRICT . OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENl)ENT OF CENSUS OPERATIONS . MADRAS 1955 FOREWORD At the 1951. Census, tStbulation in respect of castes, trib~s and commu­ nities was limited to the collection of tractwise and districtwise population figures of Scheduled Oastes aild Scheduled Tribes only, No ,data reg~rding other castes and tribes were published at the 1951 Census although informa­ tion regarding the caste or tribe to which the individual belonge~ and by which he returned himself had been recorded on the enumeration slips .. ~n the composite Madras State, the ~numerators were furnished with <?ruy one list of castes, which the State Government.considered as belonging to the non.Back­ ~ Classes. The list covered the names of 25 communities spe~ified on the reverse. In the case of these coin,munities or sub-sects thereof, the ellUmerators were instructed to write down the symbol' 1 ' against question 2'(?) '~~lating to "Classification of community". In the case of all other com11luiiiW3s, the enumerators were instructed to record the name of the' COm~tiIfity a8 returned by the individual. 2. The appended Glossary of Caste names has been prepared under instructions from the Deputy Registrar-General, India. It has been considered that a Glossary of Caste names as returned at the 1951 Census may be useful for purposes of a correct and rational classification of castes, in case any data regarding classes and communities are required to be gathered at the next census. 3. In ,certain States the Glossary has been prepared from the 10 per cent sample slips but in Madras State the Glossary has been prepared by running through all the enumeration slips relating to male categories where the slips relating to such categories were kept distinct from those relating to female categories. Where such categories were not kept distinct all the slips were examined. The Glossary having been prepared practically by an examination of all the cemms slips it can be taken as a complete list of castes returned at the 1951 Census. 4. Some of the names, it will be found, are but synonyms of other caste names and many of the names represent sub-castes of individual main castes. The names of castes are those actually returned by the individuals. The same caste may be occurring under different or incorrect spellings and corrupt forms. It has not been possible for me within the limited time at my disposal to examine and find out in consultation with Collectors the' correct spelling of each caste name and to bring together the corrupt forms of the same caste name. However, as the lists may prove useful, I suggest that the Collectors may be requested to examine them carefully and take steps to bring together under a standard spelling all the variations of the same name. _;'~DRAS, J. I. ARPUTHAN ATHAN, Ih~_' _ ....;ffJ' 1955. Superintendent of CenSU8 Operation8, Madras. I 8 t D,ecemotf_ 2 Lis' of Non.Baokward Claa8e8. 1 Adi. Velama. 14 Muslim other than Dudekula, Labbais and Mappillas. 2 Balija. 15 Nadar. 3 Brahman. 16 Nattukott!ti Chettiyar, 4 Bunt. .17 Nayar. I) Christians other than Barijans and 18 Padma Velama. Tribes converted to Christianity. 6 Gounoor. 19 Raju (Raja). 7 Qramani. 20 Reddi. 8 Kamma. 21 Telega. 9 Kaput 22 Thiyya. 10 Karkatars. 23 Udayar. 11 Kavara. 24 Vaisya (Chetti, Komani). 12 Lingayat, 25 Vellalas. 13 Mudaliar. GLOSSARY OF CASTE NAMES RE.TURNED AT THE CENSUS OF 1221 EAST GOD~VARI DISTRICT ACHARI ARYA BONDItI r&-r~e ~6,s ~oe~ ADI-ANDHRA ARYA KATlKA . /;) ~e {:I 0 ....:.j ·~6S $ ~1 ADI-ANDHRA BROGAM ARYA KSHATRIYA ib:.f'~ ~ 0 r!:> l.%'"r( 0 ~ I fl? o.s ~ @.J 0&") ADI-ANDHRA VAISHNAVA ARYULU @ftfJ fYo 9 J Qf c:S.J,S" Q.l\) ~ ~~'- "'.6rn., ADI-ARUNIHATHIYA ASADI ~ e @)6.J.o t.S 6'cJJ .Q.f~e ADI-BALIJA ATHlRAJULU ~ f:> 1AJ l!::JltJ ~~a-:> i~~ ADI-DRAVIDA ATHlRASA ~~~~~ €:> a ~~.) ~ __:; ADI-JAMBAVA ATIARAKA !He ?:fJo W 6 @!;~,S 6 i ADI-KSHATRIYA BAHUSA~SHATRIYA ~e ~~06J 'l.,J ~ z.. 6 ~ ~ojJ ......, '-'1 ADI-MATANGA BANDA ~e ~~o,(. ~w () ti ADISAIVA BRAHMANA B.A.RIKA ~~l.~ e ~-t ~ 1J'J 0 ~ ADIVELAMA BARIKI ~~ ~ eJ ~ ~.~~ AGNlKULA KSHATRtYA BESTHA ~ RJ.. ~J eJ ~ @; 03..1 . i3~,;..;;.tJ ALA GOLLA BHATRAJULU ~o~~,..,.. t?~ '"at~ ARAVA BHATTU MOORTHULU 1J ~v f>u..;"} 6J ~ ~6~ . e....J ..,;;.;;..£J ARCHAKULU BHOGAM "l~ 1 .... ~~J -t.; w ,-,.~.,i po \,J ARDHlKULU BHUMANCHI REDDI ~~t~w b~o'~• D~4> ARIKA KAMMARLU BOMMALAKULAM E!ge~ ~ ~~ 6..1...,.., ~,,"5.J~ v ~ vO ARJUNULU BONDA CHENCHU @!) 6.J ~" w ?Jro.~ ~ 0 -c6.> ~ ARUNDHATHI ~6.Jot.?~ -2. East Godavari District (Contd.) . BONDIL! . CHAPIRI 20""';0 e ~ 7.6 ~~ BONDIL! KSHATRIYA CHARMAKARAKULU· .' ~~o e (fJ $ @;ajJ t.t ~ "$"" is ~'" W BOYA :. ~ CRATTAnA VAISRNAVA WcdJ -U!J! 0 A-~~ BRAHMANA CHATTARI VAISHNAVA ~ ~..(:,~ -r..5 J5?../0 ~ 'i..... ~ '"-- BRAHMA 8AMAJ AMU CHEGIDI-- ~ ".. ). ~ ~ .. ~ d ;j,},) otj p\ ~ BD'DABUKKALA CHENCHU ?.vJ C, 0.)..) ~ 1f eJ £')o~ BUKKALU CHENN~ATTULA '. 2M.:>~b- ~ -tj~~ lS~V' 1jUYJ(AVAHTHAKULU CHETTI . -; J. '~ ..i.'".f: . :AD .:. & ItIV ~ ~.) +?It,) -nesCl!.> CHACHHADI CHETTI 13ALIJA ea L~) e> tt, . r~ -r:..6 ~ -w w CHACHHARI CHETTI GALLU . -z.5~ e ' i0 e."i ~ Vv Q..l '" . CBAl)uWU .~6y1t CHITTlKARANAMU -c.6 c6J O.J ' t~- oj..> ,.8 ~ 6 r'1;. c!;JJ e..J -s . CHADURUNAYAKULU DASARI , ,i.. .....,.6 C!>..; 6.; ;s" ruv 01) 1U0 Cf& /J e CHAKALI DASARI THELAGA '7....1" -1 i.? z:::re ~ t) Q) e; y( CHAKRADHARI DASULU ~li; ~e (.l1I. ,(;.; w CHAKRAVAMSAPu UPPARLU DEVA BRAHMANA (j ~ ~ 0 1. ~ ~ ~cJ 0.; "'S~ e~C'?, eJ .. ~ eJ rl\ CHALAKAJANGALU DEVADASI' (..Jvs ~o~E!JJ ~aS~~ CHALAPA!HI JANGALU DEVANGA I -1..5 v ~ ~ ::~(l T" W ~t;o~ CHAMAR '.\ f' ;' 'DEVANGI ?: ,) .f>.r. b~~ , ~,t,o~ CHAMARLU DEVANGULU -t6 tJ,fl dJ . G:;'" tJo (vw . ..... CHAP ALA.$ALIJA DEVANGULALINGAD~ULU U;1"~U :tJ~ ~ -t;,;So~v 8'0 .< ~ 6,) eJ'" East. Godavari. D!str1ct (dontd:~- DEVAR GAVARAKOMATLU -&"~b J< ~ s-<' aO.J ~ 6 m DEVATELI GODARI ~.6~&) ~G'e DEVATELlKULA GODARULU ~e6 ~~~.)t> R" ~6vw DOLILU GOLLA ~-.< tf3~ R"e.J "1" i DOMMARA GOLLA BHAGAVATHULU ~"1 c6..>_.\, 6 f\6 eo> "tJ"Zl ~ ~ 4.'L w "'" . DORALACHATTAMU GOOLA ~ 6 e.J -c..-5 cW :.S.>J f;"';' DORALU. GOOLLA~'" £&6eu /v'by'...,.. DUDEKULA (M) GOUNDER 6:>~~~" eJ (~) NoGb DUDI BALIJA GOWDA 6J'C fJ ~ l> U, ~lC GADABA GOWDA BRAHMANA t<.07.-J ~~ e~~~ GAJULA GUDARULU ~~f.) rU~6vW GAJULA KAPU GUNUPUDIJANGAM ~ 1~ e.J~ ~ -Iv C'?) ~~ ~o 7<0 GAMALLA . HAJAM f.. c6.J V :;p~o GANDI HALlKULU I\oa ~T'~ 5.> W GANGIREDDI HARIDASULU 1\o~6~ CJ GANlKA HARIJAN t\~~ (J-oo ~.~ GANIKA NAIDU HARIJANA CHRISTIAN (C) ~ (~~ ;rt'a.LJ ~ ~ 0 U:: ~ b~cUJ~((~) GANJAM REDDI IDIGA ~o Wooac::.... -'re~ GANTAJ ANGAM .' INDRA ~ 0 i.J 1".cl 0 ~ \'). 4~o6 GAVARA JALAGADUGU ~~6 ~€Jr<tW~ East Godavari pi5trict (Contd.) JALAGADUGULA Kl'l.PUTELILU '2d l!) 1< ~ tv V ~~~$W JALARI KAPUTHELIKALU "2t?€J8 ~~ ~QjS€l) JAMBAVA KARIKALABHAKTHULU ?9c>wt $ e ~~ ~ s:~ Q.h). JAMBAVAMASTEEN KAHN! BHAKTHULU 7:i?o ~ :;' ~:G ~ S e\ U; ~v Q,j\,) e.t) '" , ...P JANDRA KATIKA PAMULA 'Wob s¢..3~ ~~v JANGALU KATIKAPARA '~Q~w ~ eJ "!" f.J 6 JANGAMA KESAKHANDANA KSHATRIYA ~ofl t6.J ~~ 4 ~ a ~ £ ~ @2>o.S.J JANGAMU KOMATI '2i> 0 1\ as.).) ~&t3 JANGAMAHESWARULU KOMMULA WO~~~~c.)6.>W §'<> ~QJ JANGAM DEVARA KONDA DORA '1iJo~o~~6 ~o~&6 JATHIKARTHA KaNDA KAMMARA CVl3 S~ ~o~ 54.4 6 . JOGI KOPPALA VELAMA ~R ga i:,..;;; u -:;?, 0 :;v KALAL, I KOTHARI REDDI )€fl[J S;' f!"O e be (" KALAVANTHULU KOYA S~t603.J~ ~ro.J KALINGA BRAHMANA KOYA KAMMARA S·Vo~ 6~~~ ~~Js .6:4.6 . KALINGULU KRI SHNA BALIJ A ~Vo~..)W Sd~ 'W ~ttJ KAMMARA KSHATRIYA $ ~_t,6 §.~d.J KAMMAR! KUMHARA ~4k8 SJcW~6 KAMSALI KUMMARI SO ;ti f) $u~~ KANOJ BRAHMANA KUNCHA YERUKALA SZ<1r®~~ i> o"t6 (i)J 6.> ~ v KAPU KUNCHE YERUKALA ~~ s., 0 ~ c5.iJ 6.> ~ ~ .... East Godavari District (C<?ntd.)-,. KYKALA MALI 3~eJ ~:J ~. KYKALA BHAKTHULU MALLIKARJUNULU &f)~6J~~ L~~ <.?~w ..... '~ . LAMBADI MALLIKHARJUNULU E=;)O ~ e ~~'aJ'l6J~Q.V LINGA BALIJA MANAVAKutAM i)(:),( -z-) t> ?:b 6r-.~ ~ t.J 4eJ 0 LINGADHARI MANDULA ~o..< CfIl a iJvo6J~ LINGADHARI KOYA MANGALA ®or< ~e ~c&J A,o,( cJ LINGAYAT MANGALI i)0 j')'I oj..) $ .6.>o~~ LOHANA MANNILU Q)--6~£ ~,'6J. w MADARULU MANYAPUKAMMARULU tv~&w iJ.;,!l,S ~ ~ ~6.J cW MADIGA MANYAPU KAPU ~C3 r< 6"A$~~~ MADIGA BHOGAM MANYAPU MALA ~o--~~ ~t<o ~-:!>s~ ~~ MADlGA DASULU MANYAPUREDLU ~ ~ r< 7,:1::>;!.u W iJ.:, ~r (, \0 ~ I'" ~ 4"Y'\ MAHAMMADEEYA (M) MARAKALLU iJ.J ~ ~~ fS~ (~) Al6~~J..,...., MAHARASHTRA BRAHMANA MARAKALU ~~ 0" ~ ~~..t ~ ~-6~ev MAHESWA~U . MARWADI ~;"'~s6i~ lb.ft cr-.:S ~ MAHRATI MATHANGI ~"tp 0 ~qio~ MALA MEDARA ~o ~66 MALA MAHAT! MERILU ~Q.) ~v~o --:""\.J {j 'W MALA MASTEEN MOCHI .-J ~v ~0;3:S "':Qp ~ Q..) MALA VAISHNAVA MONDI ;6.no ~o~ *'-~ ~ ~ -6. East Godavari District (Contd.) MONDI SIKHANDI NAYAKULO ~of. ~J.Jo, ~ ~ oJJ ~.J QA.) MOOGA KAPU NAYAR ~t< -s-o ~ ~oJJb MOTHADI REDDI , NAYI BRAHMANA ~~e"""b f., 7J'\ O-!J" ~ ~ t:.J e -t MUCHHI NETHAVARU tu.~) -£G:P6v MUDALIAR' ,. NILIVARU;' , "3vv t5 c') rur ~ ~D~6.J MUSLIM (M) NlTHYA VAISHNAVA 1>vv ~ rSJ (f>w) "' .. ~es~~oS MUTHARACHI NYLIKULAM t1::>~ 6 lJO..,,2 ~ e ~~~O .;;;..tt Cl-- MUTHARASI OBULAKAMMA ' C'\ ~~ i'J'D ~ ~~ v ~.6J-t HYLARI ODAYAR ":', '·~v CJ'II e l..l~~b· Q..-- HADAR ODRA -:Ptz-:.b £6 NAGARALU DORA MANGALI ~ r<rrow '2v ~ ~a t< f) NAGASULU ORIYA ;:ra 1\"1 ~.) w -weo.iT-s NAGAVAMSAMU ORIYA MANGALI ~ ~ ~ 0 ::t ~i,JJ , ~ e Q.i,-.
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