HOUSE Ol' 1roUSE OFJ • { 2264 COMMONS. PARLIAMENTARY "DIRECTORY; 1915. COMMONS. Marshall-Ha.U Edwa.t:d, lt.O·-·•·•.·· .•..•..•. Li~erpool (E111t To:zteth Ditlision) • ~ .. 3 Temple gardens EC; 11 Harley home-, Marylebone road NW; Carlton club SW; Ga.rrick club WC; & Felder lodge, Worth, nr. Eastry, Kent Martin Hon. J oseph, K.C. (Canada) .••.••.••• St. Pancra.• (Ecut Divi.rion) •••••••••• Royal Automobile olub SW Mason Da.vid M arsba.ll .•••••.••••••••.•••••• c{)f)ffll1"1! o 1 1 1 • • ,_ 1 1 1 .- .t 1 1 a 1 • o 1 o a.. 1 1 I o " Bath club W; National Liberal club SW; City Liberal club EC; & Rona.kwood, Bickley, Kent M aeon J ames FrBllcis ....................... Wind1or (Neu). I .................... 1 Chesterfield gardens W; Carlton club SW; & Eynsham hall, Witney, Oxon Meagher Michael ...•••.••••••••••••••••••• Kilkenny County (North) , ......... .. • Meeha.n Francis Edwo.rd ....................... Leitrim County (North) ........ A ••• Ma.norhamilton. oo. Leitrim Meehan Patrick J oseph ..••••• , •••••••••• , ••• Quem' 1 County ( L~x Divi.rion) • , ••• , 62 Gro~venor road SW; National Liberal club SW; & Kellyville park, Maryborough, Ireland Meysey-Thompson Ernest Claude ••••••••••• , Staffordshire (Handnwrth Di.fJi.rirm) •. Boodle's & Carl•on clubs SW; Bachelors• club W: & Spellow hill. Staveley, Knareeoor~ugh Middle brook Willia.m ...................... Leed.! (South Division) ............. National Liberal & Reform clubs SW; & Thornfield, Morley, Leeds Middlemore John Throgmorton •••••••• , ••• Biuningham Citr (J.•orth Di'lli&ion) .. Carlton club SW; & Forelands, Broms~rove Mildmay Francis Bingham • , ••••• , • , ••• , •••• De'lloruhire (8. or Totnt!l Ditli.rion) •.••• _46 Berkeley square W; Marlborongb, Travellers' & Brooks's clubs SW; Turf club W; Flete, Ivy Bridge, South Devon : & Shoreham place, Kent Millar James Duncan, M. A., LL.B., K.O ••••• , , Lanarkshire (North-Ea&tern Ditri&ion) National Liberal clubS W; University & Liberal (Edinburgh) clubs; & 18 Abercromby place, Edinburgh Mills Hon. Charles Thomas •••••••••••••••••• Middleux (Uxbridge Di'llision) ...... Vernon home, 6 Park pi. St. James' SW; <;'arlton & Marlborough clubs SW; Turf club W; City Carlton club EO; & Hillingdon court, Uxbridge Mitchell-Thom!Wln William •••••••••••••••••• Down County (North Division) ••• , •• 35 Montagu square W; Junior Carlton club SW; Constitutional club; WO & Goathla.nd,Yorks Molloy Michael ••••••.•••.•••••••.•••••..•• Carlow County •.•••••••••••••••••••• Carlow Mol teno Percy Alport •••••••••••••••.•••.••• Dumfriel&hire ••••••• , ............... 10 Palace court W; National Liberal, Reform & Royal Automobile clubs SW ; Eighty club EO ; & Pa.rkla.nds, Shere, near Guildford Mond Rt. Hon. Sir Alfred, ba.rt ............ .. Stcaruea Tot.C'n ••••••••••••••••••• , • , 85 Lowndes square SW; Reform, National Liberal·& Royal Automobile clubs SW: Burling­ ton Fine Arts club W; Melchet court;, near Rornsey: ~ Ffyuone, Swansea. Money Leo George Chiozza , ••••••••••••.•••• Northamptoruhira (Ea1t Divi&ion) •• •• The Grey house, Hampstead lane N 1 & Eit:hty club EU Monsell Bolton Meredith Eyres-, •ee Eyres­ Monsell • Montagu Hon. Edwin Samuel, Financ-ial Bec­ Cambridgeshire (W. or Che&terton 24 Queen Anne's gate SW: Reform club SW; South Stoneham house, Swaythling, near retarr to the T1·ecuur1 Di'lli&ion) Southampton; & 59 Bridge street, Cambridge M.ooney John J oseph •••••••••••••••••••••••• Ne~ ......... I •••••••••••••••••••• 6 Glendower place, South Kensington SW; National Liberal club SW; & Carrickmoleen, Killiney Moore William, K.G. ••••• -.., ••• ,. .- •••••••.••••• Armagh Cotmtg (North) ........... .. Carlton club SW: Constitutional club WC: Sackville street (Dublin) & Ulster (Belfast) club~; 3 Lower Merrinn street, Duhli.n; & Moore lodge, Kilrea, Belfast Morga.n George !Iay, B.Sc., K.C .... , ...... .. Cornwall (Truro Di'rlilion) •••••••••• 4 Harcourt buildings, Temple EO: 137 Victoria street SW: & Reform club SW Mo.riS()n Hector ••••••••••••••••••.•••.•••.• llac/cney (South Divuion) ........... National Liberal clnb SW: Liberal (Glasgow) club: & Oakwood, Park Hill road, Croydon Morrell Philip ...•.•.•••.•...•.••.••••••.••• Bur11l ey ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..- !l4 Bedford sqoare WC: Savile club W; & Garsingtou manor, Wheatley, Oxon Morrison-Bell Maj . .Arthnr Clive •••••••••••• DeTJomhire (E. (}1' Honiton .Dit'ision) •• 7 Great Cumberland place W : Carlton., Guards' & Travellers' clubs SW; Alpine club W; &. Barpford house, Ottery St. Mary, Devon Morrison-Bell Capt. Ernest Fitzroy ........ .. DefJon&hire (Mid (}1' .Ashburton DiTJ.) •• Carlton & Royal Automobile clubs SW; Cavalry & Unired Empire clubs W; & Pitt house, Chudleigh, Devon Morton A.lpheus Cleophas ................ .. Sutherlandshire .................. .. 124 Chancery la.ne WC; National Liberal club SW; Scot!ish Liberal (Edinburgh) club; & 47 • Gauden road, Clapham SW Mount William Arthnr ••••••••••.•••• , •••••• Berkshire (S. or NetJJburyDiflision) • • , Carlton & Oxford & Cambridge University clubs SW; & Wasing place, nr. Reading Muldoon John .•••..••.•••••• ·1" ............. Corlc County (East Division) •••.•••••• 49 J effreys roarl, Clapham SW; & 72 Palrnerston road, Palmerston park. Dublin Munro Rt. Hon. Robert, x.o, U;rd .Adcocate Wick District of Burgh• •••••••••••• Dover house, Whitehall SW: 54 St.. James' oJurt, Buckingham gate SW; Reform club SW; for Scotland & 15 Heriot row, Edinburgh Murphy Martin .Joseph ......... _.......... .. Waterford County (East Waterford)., Natinn<Il Liberal club SW; & •rramore Murray Capt. Hon. Arthur Cecll .•.•.•.•••.• Kincardinelhire " •••••• I •••••••••• a- Bolney house, Ennigmore gardens SW; Brooks's & Reform clubs SW; Bachelors' club W; & Darn Hall. Eddleston, Scotland Nannetti Joseph Patrick ................... Dublin (College Grem DiTJi.rion) .... .. 47 Whitworth road, Drumcondra, Dublin N eedham Christopher Thomas .•.•.•.•...•.• Manrhester (South-West DiTJi&ion) ... , · Reform club SW; & Ranaghar, Lancaster road, Didsbury, Manchester N eilson Francis ........................... ·.• Cheshir~ (Hyde Dit1f&ion) •••••••••••• 4 Westminster mansions, Great Smith street SW · Neville Reginald James'Neville .• ,.~ •.•• , , .~. Wigan . .•.• 1 ••••••• I •••••••••••• ---; •• 1 ·7 Figtree court, Temple EO: 25 Eccleston square SW; A.thenamm, Carlton & United Univer..ity clubs SW; & Sloley hall, ~orwich Newdegate Francis Alexander Newdiga.te Warwiclcshire (N. (}1' TamtJJorth DiTJ.) S6 Grosvenor place SW; Carlton & Royal Automobile clubs SW; Bachelors' club W; & Arbury, Nuneaton · Newma.n John Robert Pretyman,D.L .. ~ ..... Middlesex (Enfield DiTJi&ion) ........ 79 Eaton square SW; Ca.rlton, Wellington & Royal Automobile clubs SW; & Newberry manor, Mallow, eo. Cork Newton Harry Kottingham ............... E11ex (N. E. or Harwich DiTJidon) •• B Elm court, Temple EC; 17 Cumberla.nd terrace, Regent's park NW; Junior Ca.rlton club SW; Garrick club WC: Bath club W; & Oheshunts, Boxted, E9sex Nicholson Sir Charles Norris, hart. M.A., LL.B, Yorl:&hirl! W. R.. (Doncaster Dhnsion) 35 Harrington gardens SW; & Orlord & Cambridge University & Royal Automobile clubs SW N icholson W illiam GrahBJD. , •••• , , , •• , ••••• , Hamp&hi.re (E.or Peter&jield Divi.1ion) 80 Ea.ton square SW; Carlton, Oxford & Cambridge University & St. Stephen's clubs SW; & Basing park, Alton, Hants Nield Herbert, x..c. ••••••••••••••••••••• , •••• Middle&ex (Ealing Dillilion) ...... ••• , 2 Dr • .Johnson's buildings, Temple EC; Bishop's mead, The Bishop's avenue, East Finchley N: & St. Stephen's club SW Nolan Joseph •••••••• , ••••••••••••• 1 •••••• 1 Louth County (South Divilion) ..... ., 404 Ciapham road SW N orma.u Sir Henry. I • 1 ••••••• 1 .... , : ~ 1 1 • 1 1 I •• Blackburn ••• , •••••••••••••••••••••• The Corner house, Cowley street SW~ Reform, National Liberal & Royal ~utomobile clubll SW: & Honeybanger, Ha91emere Norton Capt. Cecil Willia.m1 .A&si&tant Po&t­ Ner.cington (Welt DiTJi.rion) , , ••• , •••• 2 Onslow gardens SW; Reform & National Libera.l. clubs SW; & Eighty club EC ma&ter-GeneraJ • Nugent Sir Waiter 1Ucha.r~ hart ••••••••.•.• Wellmeath Countv (South) .......... .. National Liberal & Reform clubs SW; United Service (Dublin) club; & Donore,Multifarnham, Westmeath Nuttall Harry ........................ 1 •••••• South-Ecut Lanccuhire(BtretfordDiTJ.) Nation~! Liberal & Reform ()lubs SW; Reform (Manchester) club; & Raynor croft, Dowdon., Cheshire - O'Brien Patrick ••••••••••••••••••.••••••• 1. Kilkmny Citr I ••••••• ·• ••••• I. I ••••• National Liberal club SW; & Leinster club, Dublin O'Brien Willia.m •••••••••••••• ,. ••• .,.. ........ .. Cork Cit'N •••..••••••.• " •••••..•••••• O'C.Onnor John ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.• Kildare County (North) ............. t Paper buildings, Temple EC: & National Liberal club SW O'Connor Thomas Power ........ .;., ••••••••••••" Uoerpool (Scotland DiTJinon) ...... .. 6 Morpeth mansions, Morpeth terrace SW: National Liberal club SW; Bath club W; City Liberal dub EO: & Ga.rrick, Sav:age & Beefstea.k clubs WC O'Doherty Philip ••••••••••••••••••••••••.• Donegal County (North) .......... •. 11 Eastwall & 77 Carlisle road, Londonderry O'Donnell Thomas- ~ ............ , • ...... 1 ...... ". Ke1111 County (West)_,,, ........ .. Killorglin, Kerry O'Dowd John .............. ~ ..................... SU:~o County (South DiTJidon)_ ••• •••• Bunna.nadden, eo. Sligo ()g'den Fred .•...•. , ........... " •• _,.. --~ .-..~. " •.• Yorlcshire W. Il.. (Purl.!!!'!! DiTJision) .. National Liberal club SW; & Lyndhurst, Pudsey, W. R. Yorkshire O'Grady
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