32 International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems, 2(1), 32-71, January-June 2012 Semiotic Systems, Computers, and the Mind: How Cognition Could Be Computing William J. Rapaport, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, USA ABSTRACT In this reply to James H. Fetzer’s “Minds and Machines: Limits to Simulations of Thought and Action”, the author argues that computationalism should not be the view that (human) cognition is computation, but that it should be the view that cognition (simpliciter) is computable. It follows that computationalism can be true even if (human) cognition is not the result of computations in the brain. The author also argues that, if semiotic systems are systems that interpret signs, then both humans and computers are semiotic systems. Finally, the author suggests that minds can be considered as virtual machines implemented in certain semiotic systems, primarily the brain, but also AI computers. In doing so, the author takes issue with Fetzer’s arguments to the contrary. Keywords: Cognition, Computationalism, Semantics, Semiotic Systems, Syntax 1. INTRODUCTION view that cognition (human or otherwise) is computable (§2). On this view, it follows that This essay is a reply to James H. Fetzer’s essay computationalism can be true even if (human) in this journal, “Minds and Machines: Limits cognition is not the result of computations in to Simulations of Thought and Action” (Fetzer, the brain. Second, I argue that, if semiotic sys- 2011). I treat three topics: computationalism, tems are systems that interpret signs, then both semiotic systems, and cognition (the mind), humans and computers are semiotic systems offering what I feel is the proper treatment of (§5.2). Finally, I suggest that minds should be computationalism. From this, certain views considered as virtual machines implemented about semiotic systems and minds follow in certain semiotic systems: primarily brains, (or, at least, are consistent): First, I argue that but also AI computers (§6.3). In the course of computationalism should not be understood as presenting and arguing for these positions, I the view that (human) cognition is computa- respond to Fetzer’s arguments to the contrary tion, but that it should be understood as the (§§5–8).1 DOI: 10.4018/ijsss.2012010102 Copyright © 2012, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems, 2(1), 32-71, January-June 2012 33 2. THE PROPER TREATMENT computation and cognition as processes of OF COMPUTATIONALISM fundamentally the same type is the fact that both are physically realized and both are Computationalism is often characterized as the governed by rules and representations.… thesis that cognition is computation. Its origins (Pylyshyn, 1980, p. 111). can be traced back at least to Thomas Hobbes: • [C]ognition is a type of computation (Py- lyshyn, 1985, p. xiii). “For REASON, in this sense [i.e., “as among • The basic idea of the computer model of the the faculties of the mind”], is nothing but reck- mind is that the mind is the program and oning—that is, adding and subtracting—of the the brain the hardware of a computational consequences of general names agreed upon for system (Searle, 1990, p. 21). the marking and signifying of our thoughts…” • Computationalism is the hypothesis that (Hobbes 1651, Part I, Ch. 5, p. 46)2 cognition is the computation of functions. …The job for the computationalist is to de- It is a view whose popularity, if not its termine…which specific functions explain origins, has been traced back to McCulloch and specific cognitive phenomena (Dietrich, Pitts (1943), Putnam (1960 or 1961), and Fodor 1990, p. 135, emphasis added). (1975) (Horst, 2009; Piccinini, 2010). This is • [T]he Computational Theory of Mind… usually interpreted to mean that the mind, or is…the best theory of cognition that we’ve the brain—whatever it is that exhibits cogni- got…. (Fodor, 2000, p. 1). tion—computes, or is a computer. Consider • Tokens of mental processes are ‘computa- these passages, more or less (but not entirely) tions’; that is, causal chains of (typically randomly chosen:3 inferential) operations on mental represen- tations (Fodor, 2008, pp. 5-6). • The core idea of cognitive science is that • A Plan is any hierarchical process in the our brains are a kind of computer…. Psy- organism that can control the order in which chologists try to find out exactly what kinds a sequence of operations is to be performed. of programs our brains use, and how our A Plan is, for an organism, essentially the brains implement those programs (Gopnik, same as a program for a computer (Miller 2009, p. 43). et al., 1960, p. 16).4 • [A] particular philosophical view that • [H]aving a propositional attitude is being holds that the mind literally is a digital in some computational relation to an in- computer…, and that thought literally is ternal representation. …Mental states are a kind of computation…will be called relations between organisms and internal the “Computational Theory of Mind”…. representations, and causally interrelated (Horst, 2009). mental states succeed one another accord- • Computationalism…is the view that the ing to computational principles which apply functional organization of the brain (or formally to the representations (Fodor, any other functionally equivalent system) 1975, p. 198). is computational, or that neural states are • [C]ognition ought to be viewed as computa- computational states (Piccinini, 2010, p. tion. [This] rests on the fact that computa- 271). tion is the only worked-out view of process • These remarkable capacities of comput- that is both compatible with a materialist ers—to manipulate strings of digits and view of how a process is realized and that to store and execute programs—suggest a attributes the behavior of the process to the bold hypothesis. Perhaps brains are com- operation of rules upon representations. In puters, and perhaps minds are nothing but other words, what makes it possible to view Copyright © 2012, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. 34 International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems, 2(1), 32-71, January-June 2012 the programs running on neural computers a (particular kind of) problem, the answer (Piccinini, 2010, pp. 277-278). to a (particular kind of) question, or the ac- complishment of some (particular kind of) That cognition is computation is an inter- task. (See the Appendix for more details.) esting claim, one well worth exploring, and it may even be true. But it is too strong: It is not Various of these features can be relaxed: the kind of claim that is usually made when one One can imagine a procedure that has all these says that a certain behavior can be understood features of algorithms but that has no specific computationally (Rapaport, 1998). There is a goal, e.g., “Compute 2+2; then read Moby related claim that, because it is weaker, is more Dick.”, or one for which there is no executor, or likely to be true and—more importantly—is one that yields output that is only approximately equally relevant to computational theories correct (sometimes called a ‘heuristic’; see of cognition, because it preserves the crucial §6.1), etc. For alternative informal formulations insight that cognition is capable of being ex- of “algorithm”, see the Appendix. plained in terms of the mathematical theory of Several different mathematical, hence computation. precise, formulations of this still vague notion Before stating what I think is the proper have been proposed, the most famous of which version of the thesis of computationalism, let is Alan Turing’s (1936) notion of (what is now me clarify two terms: called in his honor) a ‘Turing machine’. Because all of these precise, mathematical formula- 1. I will use ‘cognition’5 as a synonym for tions are logically equivalent, the claim that such terms as ‘thinking’, ‘intelligence’ the informal notion of “algorithm” is a Turing (as in ‘AI’, not as in ‘IQ’), ‘mentality’, machine is now known as “Turing’s thesis” ‘understanding’, ‘intentionality’, etc. (or as “Church’s thesis” or the “Church-Turing Cognition is whatever cognitive scientists thesis”, after Alonzo Church, whose “lambda study, including (in alphabetical order) calculus” was another one of the mathematical believing (and, perhaps, knowing), con- formulations). sciousness, emotion, language, learning, Importantly, for present purposes, when memory, (perhaps) perception, planning, someone says that a mathematical function problem solving, reasoning, representation (see note 42) or a certain phenomenon or be- (including categories, concepts, and mental havior is “computable”, they mean that there imagery), sensation, thought, etc. Knowing is an algorithm that outputs the values of that might not be part of cognition, insofar as it function when given its legal inputs6 or that depends on the way the world is (knowing produces that phenomenon or behavior—i.e., is often taken to be justified true belief) that one could write a computer program that, and thus would be independent of what when executed on a suitable computer, would goes on in the mind or brain; perception enable that computer to perform (i.e., to output) also depends on the way the world is (see the appropriate behavior. §3.1). Hence, 2. An “algorithm” for an executor E to achieve a goal G is, informally, a procedure (or Computationalism, properly understood, should “method”) for E to achieve G, where (a) be the thesis that cognition is computable, i.e., E is the agent—human or computer—that that there is an algorithm (more likely, a family of carries out the algorithm (or executes, algorithms) that computes cognitive functions. or implements, or “follows” it), (b) the procedure is a set (usually, a sequence) of I take the basic research question of com- statements (or “steps”, usually “rules” or putational cognitive science to ask, “How much instructions), and (c) G is the solution of Copyright © 2012, IGI Global.
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