The Vital Records of the Vitruvian Edition Inspiration for the Names ......................................................... 2 List of All Names ...................................................................... 3 Significance of the Names ...................................................... 22 BENEBELL WEN 2019 UPDATED 2019 NOV 12 Inspiration for the Names These names were chosen with great care. Every name exemplifies the same purpose: to be a divine spark, a seed of Divinity. Before a prospective name could make it onto this list, it needed to connect to Divinity and to the Light in some meaningful way and the name needed to represent a beneficent aspiration or power I wanted to imbue a Spirit Keeper’s Tarot deck with. I started with religion and mythology, sourcing names sacred to the ancient Mesopotamian religions—Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, and Sumerian mythology, Buddhist-inspired names in Sanskrit or Pali, Shinto (Way of the Spirit)-inspired names in Japanese or Korean, the names of deities from the various polytheistic pagan pantheons across Europe, Russian mythology, Yoruban mythology, Egyptian, Carthenian, Celtic, Norse, and pre-Columbian civilizations in the Americas. Words such as prophet, prophetess, priest, priestess, prophecy, shaman, warrior, strength, prosperity, abundance, light, heaven, celestial, or divinity were translated into various sacred languages and those also became names on the list. In some instances, I worked with etymological roots from romance languages or sacred languages (such as Latin, Greek, classical Arabic, Hebrew, and Sanskrit) to conceive names that would be deeply meaningful and designate the deck’s power and potential. A few of these names were custom selected by those who ordered a deck, and those names have been added to the list as well, so that the Book of Names could account for each and every named deck. As for how these names might be pronounced, if it matters to you, then take time to ruminate inward, rather than looking outward, for the vocalized utterance of the name that will mean the most to you, and that shall henceforth be the pronunciation of the name. 2 List of All Names Aagen Adelina Aenora Aagneya Adelma Aenorella Aalis Adelmar Aenorelle Abarrane Adelmara Aerecura Abbatissa Adelmo Aerendel Abelia Adelmund Aesculapia Abella Adelrik Aesthete Abellona Ademar Aeterna Abelone Ademara Aeterno Abgal Adiel Aethereus Abha Adil Afolabi Abhasa Adina Aganju Abia Adisa Agape Abiah Aditsan Agathon Abitha Adom Agda Abra Adon Ageratos Abram Adona Agneta Abril Adonias Agni Acantha Adora Agnia Achara Adragain Agoston Achebe Adramelech Agostona Achim Adriel Agota Adalind Adsila Ahanu Adalyn Adwin Aharon Adalyna Adwina Ahusaka Adamaris Aediva Ahuva Adamus Aegaeon Ailwin Adelhard Aegeus Ailwina Adelheid Aenor Aimen 3 Ainos Aletheia Amica Airmid Aleyn Amicus Aisus Alina Amiot Aitamah Alisa Amiota Aiyana Alleta Amitola Akaia Allori Ammanya Akamai Allowen Amoret Akamaya Alma Amoretica Akamu Alo Amou Akamua Alon Amulet Akamudra Alona Amund Akando Alrica Amunet Akarya Alta Amura Akash Alvara Anael Akasha Alwyn Anahera Akashi Alyan Anaka Akecheta Alyona Analine Akeem Alyx Ananda Akelia Amadeo Ananel Akil Amadeu Anastasius Akio Amadeus Anat Akira Amala Anāvækiya Akiya Amalona Ancil Akoni Amana Ancillene Aksel Amanat Aneas Akselia Amani Anella Aksella Amara Anesidora Aladeah Amaris Angeni Aladiah Amaryllis Aniel Alder Amberlyn Aniella Aldera Ambriel Aniello Alderen Ambriella Anito Alderena Ambroise Annora Alderenia Ambroscus Anoma Aldith Ambrosius Anomiya Aleron Ametine Anrum Alerona Amias Anshar 4 Anshara Arimir Aspen Ansharya Arimira Aspendora Ansis Ariolo Asphodel Ansistine Arion Assunta Anstice Ariona Astarte Ansur Arionelle Asterion Ansura Arisbe Astraea Ansurya Arisbene Astrid Antonius Aristion Astridine Antum Arjana Atara Antuma Arjania Athalwolf Antumi Arlynn Athena Anu Arminel Athenion Anunnaki Arminella Athenon Anwen Arminy Atua Aponene Artemia Aubri Aponi Arundel Aubrinore Aponia Arundella Auctoritas Aquila Arundona Audniah Aradia Arunya Audny Aral Arunyen Augusta Aralla Aryeh Augustin Aramantha Asaliah Aurel Arariel Asav Aurelia Aratron Asava Aurelian Arazu Asavani Aurelien Arbella Asenath Aurelio Ardella Asha Aurelius Arduinna Ashanah Aurella Arelline Asher Auriol Areté Ashera Aurora Ariane Asheria Aurum Ariel Ashima Auryna Ariella Ashinelle Auset [reborn] Arielle Ashinora Ausetia Arien Ashnan Ausetine Arima Ashvath Ausetta 5 Auvera Bahadur Bellona Auvere Bahati Belmon Avanelle Bai Belmoniah Avelina Bakari Belmony Avenel Bakaria Belona Avenella Bakarna Beltis Avery Balendin Beltisan Aveta Balendina Beltisana Avetonia Balian Bence Avilady Baliana Bendelline Avina Baruch Bendorah Avitori Basil Benecia Avitus Bathala Benedek Avner Batya Benedelle Avneria Bavin Benito Avnora Bavina Benoit Aya Baviny Benson Aylah Bavinya Bensondore Aylen Beatrix Benyamin Aylenda Behitha Berel Aylendine Beitris Berellah Ayleniah Bel Berelle Aylenna Bela Berelline Aylenne Belen Bernia Aylenora Belena Betzalel Aylenore Belenelle Bidaban Aymar Belgin Bina Aymara Belisama Bitoku Aymarelle Belladonia Blackthorn Aymil Belladonna Blaze Aymilla Bellamira Blodwyn Azriel Bellamy Boaz Azriella Bellawyn Bodhi Azrina Bellerose Bonavento Azura Bellicent Boreas Azurine Bellmona Braelin Azwen Belloi Braelindore 6 Branwen Cassian Claren Brasen Cassyon Clareny Bravura Catora Claribel Brendel Catori Clarimond Brendelmore Catoria Claritas Brienne Celestine Clarity Brio Celestria Cleona Bruriah Celosia Cleonicus Bythos Ceris Cleony Cadenza Cerisa Cleta Caedmon Cerridwen Clover Caelestis Cethlenn Clymene Caerus Chananya Constantia Caerusa Chandana Corbyn Caerusany Chandra Cordelia Cailean Chanoch Corythia Cailleach Chantrea Coventina Calev Charis Crimson Calevene Charon Cybele Calevya Charona Cyprian Calian Charony Cypriana Caliana Chaviva Dagon Calista Chayne Dagonia Calliope Chayton Dagony Callum Cheiron Daiki Calluma Chenoa Daisuke Callwen Chenric Dakarai Calora Cheon Dakina Calore Cheonsin Dakini Calorna Chetanzi Dakota Capella Cheveyo Damabiah Carel Chione Damaris Careldine Chogan Damarisa Carella Circe Damiane Carina Citana Damien Carnelia Citania Damon Casjen Clarcia Damona 7 Damu Destin Dorathia Daniel Deston Dorian Danu Destrian Doriana Daphnis Devan Doron Daphnisa Devana Dorona Dardanus Devany Dragomir Darsatha Devata Dragonfly Darshan Dēvatvaya Drashta Darshana Devdan Draven Dasan Devdania Dražen Dasana Devdany Drusilla Dasany Devin Dumi Daveney Devina Dustan Davon Devorah Dustania Davona Dharma Dyama Davony Dia Dyami Delara Dianeme Dyani Delariah Diantha Dyania Delion Dilmun Dyanica Deliona Dilmuna Dyota Delphinium Dilmuny Eashan Delron Disa Ebba Delrona Divinus Écarla Delrony Divus Eda Delsin Divusa Edana Delsina Djehuti Edania Delsiny Dmitrei Edeline Demesne Doba Edelot Demeter Dobanella Edeva Denali Dobanelle Edica Denalia Dojin Edvard Deo Dojina Efrat Deodan Dojiny Egil Deodana Dojna Egon Deodar Domicela Egonia Deodara Donaver Egony Deonisia Donavera Ehimay 8 Ehren Elodie Enliyah Eidel Eloi Enyo Eirene Elpenor Eopsin Eirisse Elpenora Ephemera Eitan Elpis Ephraim Eitania Elpisa Epipha Eito Elsu Epoch Eitta Elsyny Erecura Ekephron Elu Erela Elan Eluwilussit Ereliah Elanelle Elvin Eremiel Elara Elvinia Eridiah Elazar Elyakim Eridian Elazara Elysan Eridina Elchanan Elysandre Eriene Eldad Elysia Erinl Elduin Emanuel Erisha Eleanore Emayian Ersa Elegba Embera Ersalla Eleleth Emberlynn Ersana Elemiah Embry Esadova Elemina Emeli Esadowa Elentári Emene Eshmun Eleon Emericus Eshmuny Eleony Emerita Eshu Eleta Emerythe Eshua Elian Emmeranne Eskel Eliana Emmott Eskella Eliane Emuna Eskelline Elias Emunah Esmae Elixir Emunahi Etana Eliyahu Emuniah Etania Elke Endera Etany Ellery Endora Eternity Elleryah Engelise Ethelinda Elleryn Enki Etherea Elodia Enlil Eulari 9 Eunoia Florentine Gauteron Euryphon Florion Gavriel Eveline Floriona Gavriellah Eventide Folmar Gavyna Evgeni Folmara Gawen Evios Fortunata Gedaliah Eviosa Foxglove Geleon Evona Fulco Genethius Evony Gabriel Gennadiya Ezra Gabrielius Gentian Fadil Gadari Geron Fala Gadaric Gerra Falco Gadarica Gibil Falcon Gadarinelle Gibily Falconia Gadfrid Gidon Faldron Gadreel Gidonelle Famian Gadrilla Gidonia Farin Gaido Gil Farina Gaidon Gilwen Faro Gaidona Gilwenia Farony Galen Gingko Faronya Galeran Giradin Fayanna Galerania Giraud Felicity Galerian Girik Felixa Galien Girin Felyse Galterius Gishida Feoh Gamal Gishkim Ferona Gamala Glora Feronia Gamelin Gobin Ferosina Gamelinia Goldwyn Ferosine Gamelinus Gorvenal Fiducia Garan Gorvenalia Filica Garanelle Goya Firas Garion Goyanelle Firgun Garlyn Gracien Flaminis Garlynia Grayna Florence Gautam Gregor 10 Grey Harbin Hewelet Greyla Hariel Heymeri Greywolf
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