NEW ORLEANS REPUBLICAN, SUNDAY, JUNE 12* 1870, THE CONDITION OF IRELAND: conviction to be, that no measures which preventing'this outrageous practice, it I We have received from C. C.'Haley, news- NOTICE. + LOUISIANA STATE UNIT. An inquiry into the actual condition of it is possible to adopt in this respect, can might at least, like all other trades and ! dealer, bookseller and stationer, No. 19 the people of Ireland, past and present, have any material influence |unless an professions, be'made to contribute its I Commercial place, a liberal supply of the (NAME CHANGED FROM LOUISIANA ST AT OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE UNITED STATES may be divided into two parts: The first effectual check be given to the practice of share, to the city's exchequer in the form Ilate8t and most popular weekly papers, and ANNUAL EXAMINATION OF TBLE SEMINARY). 1FFICAL JOURNAL OF THElTATE OF LOUISIANA. embracing an inquiry into the c auses of subdividing farms. Such a practice of a regular business license, and we^ otjer publications. Go to Haley for your PUBLIC SCHOOLS. BATON BOUSE LOUISIANA,1 Sunday reading. The R epublican may be those violent party aud religious conten­ would of itself, and without the assistance would therefore suggest that the Adminis­ Founded and Supported by the State ef | nw osuuri, j c k e i s . m o . tions, which have so long disgraced and of any other debasing influence, serve to found on liis counter, trator oi Finance be instructed to require Office BoaiJd cf School Directors, , Louisiana. agitated the country; and the second, an pauperize and degrade any people. In each and all of these “ brokers” to exhibit The first grand pic nic given by the Is­ City of New Orleans ^ JHE JTEW ORLEANS REPUBLICAN New Orleans, La , June 7,1870. inquiry into the causes of the extreme Ireland there is frequently a gradation of their license receipt before paying any raelite Charitable Association, “Chebra The A nnual Examination of the Public Schools of NINTH SESSION, BAB TH* IJickur Cholim” will be given next Sunday, New Orleans will take place as follows : poverty and wretchedness of the people, intermediate tenants interposed between order for wages, etc., which they may pre­ Now in progress, will close last Wednesday in Juna. l a r g e st circulation o f any With regard to the firet part, we shall the landlord and the cultivator, so that sent. under the auspices of the Young Bachelor’s JUonduy, dune 18. 1870. The next session will begin first Monday in Social Club, at the Oakland Riding Park. September next, and will continue ten months. *1 REPUBLICAN not enter, on this occasion, into any though the latter may have paid every SIXTH DISTRICT. The Quartermaster General of the army We have received complimentasy tickets. ACADEMIC BOARD Fifth Ward School—Laurel, between Valmont and PAPER IN THE SOUTH lengthened disquisition respecting the an­ cent of the rent due to him by his imme desires information relative to the burial Cods:?ts of a full corps of able instructors in all The offices of the Departments of Finance Leontine streets branches of Literature and Science usually taught cient state of Ireland. The radical defect diate superior, he is liable, in the event places of Union officers and soldiers in this Fourth Ward—Robert, between Apollo and Ba­ 'in the best colleges and universities. T ill ^ VJLT BKIJl;^UCi.N aud Public Accounts, at the City Hall, pre of its government has always consisted in either of his bankruptcy or the bank­ department (the States of Texas and re nDe streets. COURSE OK STUDY sent a very busy scene. They are generally Third Ward—Jereey, between Valence and Bor­ *»y be had of the following deni ere: its being administered by and for the ex­ ruptcy of the other intermediate holders, Louisiana), and parties are respectfully deaux streets. Embraces a Preparktory and an Academic Depart­ clusive benefit of a small portion of the to have whatever stock or property he is lighted up at nights, aud the officers are ment, including a Literary. Scientific and Optional Qaorge Ellis, opposite the FcatoQice. requested to furnish Brevet Major General found in attendance till ten o’clock, and Piaquemine (colored:—Coliseum, between Valence Ucuree, a special School of Civil Exgineering and a A. Bimen, 81 Exchange Alley. people. The broad and bloody lino of possessed of driven to the pound, and sold and Bordeaux streets. Commercial School. J.J. Reynolds, at Austin, with the loca­ even later. \ aience (colored:—Valence, between Camp and 3. C. Haley, 19 Commercial piaoe. demarcation that was formerly drawn be­ to pay their debts! We doubt if the law tion and condition of the graves, and any Chestnut streets. LIBRARY, APPARATUS AND CABINETS, 0. 9. B. Holle, 61 Exchange Place. tween the English settlers and the mere either of Morocco or Algiers sanctions any Well selected and valuable. The Geological and further infoimation that maybe considered S. G. KREEGER, Second Ward—Marengo, betweon Live Oak and Mineraicgical Cabinets, etc , the largest and most James Ennis, PontcHurtraln EaUroad Irish, has been effaced only to have its more flagrant or shameful abuse. The Magazine streets. complete in tbe South, embracing the extensive col­ depot. Third District, also at depot foot of of interest. Any information of this char­ -Vo* 5 S 5 a n iI5 S 1 M hkiizIoi: S tre e t, C o rn e r Marengo (colored)—Marengo, between Pitt and lections of the late Colonel Wailes, of Mississippi, place supplied by the equally well defined atrocious murder of the Franks, together or St. Andrew •treel. Prytania • troots. and the Cabinets of tile Topographical, Geological Lafayette street, First District. acter will be thankfully received at army and Botanical survey of Louisiana. John Schafer, corner Ninth and Constance distinction between Protestants and Cath with many of the outrages of which headquarters. Papers friendly to this ob­ Would respectfully announce that hi3 entire Deiachaise (colored)—Delachaisa Brick Yard, near olics. The seven'eeuth century began Ireland has been so long the theatre, have stock of Louisiana avenue. ADMISSION S3 streets. ject please copy. WELL SELECTED AND CHEAPLY BOUGHT First Ward—Magazine street, near Toledano. Granted to Cadets not under fifteen years of age, au.-piciously under the enlightened admin­ been the result of this disgraceful system. who mow Arithmetic, English Grammar and J. W. Long, corner of Love and Ecghein DKY GOODS, Tuesday, dune It. streets, Third District. istration of Sir John Davies; but it was in The que3 ion now is, whether England ON CAR0NDELET SIRE*. Geography. HAS BEEN VASILY Live Oak boys—Corner Constance and Ninth EXPENSES W. It. Dirks, No. 3t AnnnnciatiOD etreet. the sequel marked by incidents the most will continue, at all hazards, to support The busiest, day for many weeks on KEDlLFD IV PstICE, streets. Of every bind, except clothing, for ten mcnth3, fatal to the peace and prosperity of Ire­ the institutions and system of government Lite Oak, girls—C<?rner Constance and Ninth §250; $2C0 payable in advance, balance February 1, A thunder storm last evening was accom­ Carondelet was yesterday. Slaughter­ With a view to reducing the quantity, bavins’ or by accepted draft, at eight per cent., for ninety land. The entire surface of Ireland is now established in Ireland, and attempt house was the main matter all Saturday. rather more goods than necessary for this season of streets. days. Payments may be made through me Canal panied with sharp lightning and welcome the year. Drjades. boys and girls (colored)—Corner Diyades or Citizens’ Hank. lie reckoned at about twelve millions of Irish to put down disturbances there, in Cana­ The sales were not extensive in amount, and Washington street?. Cadets received at any time during the session, rain. The following are soma of his attractions: and charged from date of entrance. lu acres, aud the late Earl of Clare estimated da, or elsewhere by the gibbet and the Extra fine figured Ll.Nh.N LAWNS and CAM- Laurel, boys—Corner Laurel and PhMip streets. General J. H. Sypher. late representative but were sufficient to fix prices. The an sword, or set about making a thorough re- BKIU3. McDonogh, girls—Laurel, between Philip and DISCIPLINE, in Congress from the First Louisiana Dis­ that eleven millions and a half of this Circui* Court controlled the business First streets Military, with daily...._ ____drill. _A battery of fourgnns a»< form of the abuses which have filled her Superior BRITISH LONG CLOTH, his own im­ will i.tford facilities for instruction in artillery. trict, is in the city. number were confiscated in the value of the stock, and the additional de­ portation. Fulfon, boys and girls (colored)—Corner Fulton Uniform of Cadet—Cadet grey ciotb, to be had course of the century. The success with misery and crime, and endeavor to cision of Mr. Justice Bradley of yesterday Superior BRITISH HOSIERY, ftr ladies, gents and Jesephire streets. at the Institution at a cost of twenty-five dollars Wl and children. Laurel Branch, boys and girls—St, Mary street per suit The New York mail failed entirely yester­ of William III secured the ascendency of blind her inhabitants to their interests by morning was enough to lay flat all the For further information, address' as day. All mails due beyond Chattanooga, An excellent stock of FRENCH CORSETS, at1 near Rousseau. D. F. BOYD, [superintendent, the English interest; and the violence of a sense of gratitude for benefits received hopes and aspirations of the bulls. When, prices. Wednesday, June 1«» Baton Rouge, Louisiana. u also failed.
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