Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru The National Assembly for Wales Cofnod y Trafodion The Record of Proceedings Dydd Mercher, 8 Chwefror 2012 Wednesday, 8 February 2012 08/02/2012 Cynnwys Contents 3 Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Addysg a Sgiliau Questions to the Minister for Education and Skills 25 Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau Questions to the Minister for Local Government and Communities 48 Cwestiwn Brys: Cymdeithas Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig Cymru Gyfan Urgent Question: The All Wales Ethnic Minority Association 52 Cynnig i Benodi Archwilwyr ar gyfer Cyfrifon Archwilydd Cyffredinol Cymru Motion to Appoint Auditors to the Accounts of the Auditor General for Wales 54 Dadl yn Ceisio Cytundeb y Cynulliad i Gyflwyno Bil Arfaethedig Aelod ynghylch Menter (Mohammad Asghar) Debate Seeking the Assembly’s Agreement to Introduce a Member-proposed Bill on Enterprise (Mohammad Asghar) 78 Ymchwiliad y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol i Leihau’r Risg o Strôc The Health and Social Care Committee’s Inquiry into Stroke Risk Reduction 103 Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig: Polisïau Iechyd Welsh Conservatives Debate: Health Policies 137 Dadl Fer: Cŵn Peryglus Short Debate: Dangerous Dogs Yn y golofn chwith, cofnodwyd y trafodion yn yr iaith y llefarwyd hwy ynddi yn y Siambr. Yn y golofn dde, cynhwyswyd cyfieithiad. In the left-hand column, the proceedings are recorded in the language in which they were spoken in the Chamber. In the right-hand column, a translation has been included. 2 08/02/2012 Cyfarfu’r Cynulliad am 1.30 p.m. gyda’r Dirprwy Lywydd (David Melding) yn y Gadair. The Assembly met at 1.30 p.m. with the Deputy Presiding Officer (David Melding) in the Chair. The Deputy Presiding Officer: Good Y Dirprwy Lywydd: Prynhawn da. Dyma afternoon. The National Assembly for Wales ddechrau trafodion Cynulliad Cenedlaethol is now in session. Cymru. Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Addysg a Sgiliau Questions to the Minister for Education and Skills Ysgolion yn y Bandiau Is Schools in Lower Bandings 1. Aled Roberts: Pa drafodaethau sydd wedi 1. Aled Roberts: What discussions have been cael eu cynnal gydag awdurdodau lleol held with local authorities about the kind of ynghylch natur y gefnogaeth a fydd ar gael support that will be available to those i’r ysgolion hynny yn y bandiau is. schools in the lower bandings. OAQ(4)0086(ESK) OAQ(4)0086(ESK) Y Gweinidog Addysg a Sgiliau (Leighton The Minister for Education and Skills Andrews): Cynhaliwyd trafodaethau trwyadl (Leighton Andrews): Rigorous discussions fel rhan o’r archwiliadau tymhorol rhwng yr about the type of support to be offered to uned safonau ysgolion a’r pedwar band 4 and 5 schools were held as part of the consortiwm am y math o gymorth sydd i’w termly stock takes between the school gynnig i ysgolion bandiau 4 a 5. Caiff tua 75 standards unit and the four consortia. Around ysgol eu cefnogi ac mae £480,000 ar gael 75 schools are being supported and £480,000 eleni i’w cynorthwyo. is being made available this year for support. Aled Roberts: Yn eich datganiad ddoe, Aled Roberts: In your statement yesterday, it nodwyd fod £480,000 wedi eu rhoi i’r was noted that £480,000 had been allocated consortia er mwyn ariannu’r cynlluniau to the consortia in order to fund the gwella. A fydd y cynlluniau hynny a improvement plans. Will those plans agreed gytunwyd rhwng y consortia a’r adran ar gael between the consortia and the department be i ni fel Aelodau’r Cynulliad? available to us as Assembly Members? Leighton Andrews: Mae’n bwysig fod pobl Leighton Andrews: It is important that yn gweld y cynlluniau, ac rwyf yn hapus i people see the plans, and I am happy for Aelodau eu gweld. Rwyf yn hapus hefyd i Members to see them. I am also happy to ask ofyn i’r consortia gyhoeddi’r cynlluniau the consortia to publish those plans. hynny. Aled Roberts: Gwyddoch fod adroddiad Aled Roberts: You know that the Estyn Estyn yr wythnos diwethaf wedi bod yn report published last week was quite critical eithaf beirniadol o’r gwasanaethau gwella of school improvement services within local ysgolion o fewn yr awdurdodau lleol. Pa authorities. What steps will be taken before gamau a gaiff eu cymryd cyn i’r consortia fod the consortia become fully operational in yn hollol weithredol ynghylch y sefyllfa o terms of the situation within those schools in fewn yr ysgolion hynny ym mandiau 4 a 5? bands 4 and 5? Leighton Andrews: Mae pob consortiwm yn Leighton Andrews: Each consortium is gweithio’n galed ar hyn o bryd i roi trefn ar y working hard at present to sort this situation sefyllfa ac edrychaf ymlaen at weld y out, and I look forward to seeing the plans cynlluniau sy’n cael eu datblygu. Disgwyliaf that are currently being developed. I expect to i’r gwasanaeth gwella ysgolion wella yn y see the school improvement service dyfodol. improving in future. 3 08/02/2012 Simon Thomas: Mae rhieni’n dweud wrthyf Simon Thomas: Parents tell me that, if they os ydynt yn codi perfformiad eu hysgol raise the performance of their school with the gyda’r awdurdod addysg, maent yn cael eu education authority, they are referred to the cyfeirio at y prifathro, ond os ydynt yn headteacher, but if they write to the ysgrifennu at y prifathro ynghylch codi headteacher about lifting the school from one safle’r ysgol o un o’r bandiau is, mae’r of the lower bands, the headteacher refers prifathro yn eu cyfeirio yn ôl at yr awdurdod them back to the education authority. In the addysg. Yn y cyfamser, rydym yn aros i’r meantime, we are waiting for the consortia to consortia gael eu sefydlu go iawn. Oni be fully established. Would it not be wise to fyddai’n ddoeth i o leiaf ohirio cyhoeddi at least defer the publication of primary bandiau ysgolion cynradd hyd nes inni schools banding until we ensure that the sicrhau bod y strwythur cefnogi yn ei le? support structure is in place? Leighton Andrews: The support is in place Leighton Andrews: Mae’r gefnogaeth yn ei for the secondary schools that have been lle ar gyfer yr ysgolion uwchradd sydd wedi banded. There are 75 plans, as I said in my cael eu bandio. Fel y dywedais yn fy ateb i answer to the Liberal Democrat spokesperson lefarydd y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol yn earlier. Those plans are in place, and they can gynharach, mae 75 o gynlluniau. Mae’r be interrogated. Those plans include, in a cynlluniau hynny yn eu lle, a gallant gael eu number of cases, support for additional cwestiynu. Mewn nifer o achosion, mae’r staffing to enable schools to improve in cynlluniau hynny’n cynnwys cymorth ar specific subject areas, and it is now down to gyfer cyflogi staff ychwanegol er mwyn the local authorities and the consortia to galluogi ysgolion i wella mewn meysydd implement them. pwnc penodol, a chyfrifoldeb yr awdurdodau lleol a’r consortia yw gweithredu’r cynlluniau hynny erbyn hyn. Simon Thomas: Thank you for that reply. Simon Thomas: Diolch am yr ateb hwnnw. Further to that, have you seen yesterday’s Yn ychwanegol at hynny, a ydych chi wedi comments by Professor Gareth Rees on the gweld sylwadau’r Athro Gareth Rees am Institute of Welsh Affairs’s website? He wefan y Sefydliad Materion Cymreig ddoe? states that, in fact, one reason for poor Mae’n nodi, mewn gwirionedd, mai un o’r attainment and the lower banding of many of rhesymau dros gyrhaeddiad isel a’r ffaith bod our schools is the lack of attention to sawl ysgol wedi’u bandio’n isel yw’r diffyg vocational training. Do you agree with those sylw a gaiff ei roi i hyfforddiant comments and, if so, what steps have been galwedigaethol. A ydych yn cytuno â’r taken to ensure that vocational education is sylwadau hynny ac, os felly, pa gamau a fully accounted for in the support for schools gymerwyd i sicrhau bod addysg in the lower bands? alwedigaethol yn cael ystyriaeth lawn yn y cymorth sydd ar gael i ysgolion yn y bandiau is? Leighton Andrews: If I have got this right, Leighton Andrews: Os deallaf sylwadau yr what Professor Rees has done is compare the Athro Rees yn iawn, yr hyn y mae wedi ei scores of England and Wales in specific areas wneud yw cymharu sgoriau Cymru a Lloegr and reflect, in his assessment, the amount of mewn meysydd penodol ac ystyried, yn ei weight given to certain kinds of vocational asesiad, faint o bwyslais a roddir ar fathau qualifications in the English league table penodol o gymwysterau galwedigaethol yn y system. Let me say that I am pleased that we system tabl cynghrair yn Lloegr. Gadewch i in Wales have been able to double the mi ddweud fy mod yn falch ein bod ni yng number of vocational qualifications taught in Nghymru wedi gallu dyblu nifer y the 14-19 learning pathways, as we discussed cymwysterau galwedigaethol a addysgir yn y in committee just a week or so ago. There llwybrau dysgu 14-19 oed, fel y buom yn have been great strides in the teaching of trafod yn y pwyllgor tua wythnos yn ôl. 4 08/02/2012 vocational qualifications through the 14-19 Rydym wedi gwneud cynnydd mawr wrth learning pathways by schools as a result of addysgu cymwysterau galwedigaethol drwy’r the Learning and Skills (Wales) Measure llwybrau dysgu 14-19 oed mewn ysgolion, o 2009, and I pay tribute to the work done in ganlyniad i Fesur Dysgu a Sgiliau (Cymru) the past by John Griffiths as the former 2009, a hoffwn dalu teyrnged i’r gwaith y Deputy Minister for Skills, now Minister for cyflawnodd y cyn-Ddirprwy Weinidog Environment and Sustainable Development, Sgiliau, John Griffiths, sef Gweinidog yr and by Christine Chapman, who is now Chair Amgylchedd a Datblygu Cynaliadwy erbyn of the committee and a former Deputy hyn, a Christine Chapman, sydd bellach yn Minister in this area, and of course by my Gadeirydd y pwyllgor ac yn gyn-Ddirprwy predecessors, Jane Hutt and Jane Davidson.
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