illilt i New Publication The ANDERSONIAN ANDERSON COllEGE ANDERSON, INDIANA Editors Named VOLUME 16 MAY 18, 1962 NUMBER 15 Roger Hatch has been named editor of I The Ander­ sonian for the 1962-63 school year, and Miss Judy Thur­ mond has been chosen editor of the 1962-63 Echoes, accord­ ing to W. Shirell Fox, assistant to the president and advisor Record 187 to Receive Degrees in Ceremonies; for student publications., A freshman from Milwaukee, Wis., Hatch replaces Ray Brennan, a senior from Chicago, ilL, and editor of The Dr. Phillips to Deliver Commencement Address Andersonian since April, 1960. Hatch, chosen on the basis of his journalistic experience, served for a year as editor of his weekly high school newspaper. An all-time high of 160 Ander­ James Bailey, Stuart Blair, Larry Roys, Marlys Schutjer, Rub en - He has earned a letter in college football and is cur­ son College seniors, in addition Blevins, Barbara Blinkinsop, Ed­ Schwieger, Douglas Smith, Cor­ to a record 27 graduate School ward Bowman, James Bradley, delia Still, Donald Talley, Nellie rently a member of ,the Raven track team. of Theology seniors, have been Lily Brown, Hazel Campbell and Tharp, Danny Walton, Jew e t t approved for graduation, subject Frederick Carpenter. Wells, Vernon Wilson, L. C. Wolie, to successful completion 0 f Also, Richard Christen, Frank­ Robert Wolfe, and Stanley Wol­ courses for which they are cur· lin Cleckley, Dwayne Com b s, fram. rently registered. Joyce Combs, Max Dawson. Candidates for the bachelor of Graduates will receive baccal· Mary Dodge, Eileen Ellis, Gar y science degree are Bryce Allison, aureate degrees from Anderson Gerould, Judith Gorden, William Roberta Asel, Lowell Bair, San­ College at the 44th commence­ Harp, Charles Harrington and dra Baker, William Barker, Al­ ment ceremonies Monday, June Paul Hart. \ fred Bartz, Anita Bartz, Patsy 18, in the new Warner Auditor­ Also, Astrid Hennig, Cal v in Baylor, Edwin Bean, G 1 e n n a him. Dr. Harold L. Phillips, Honeycutt, James Horn, Dewey Beavers, Nancy Benne.tt and editor-in-chief of the G 0 s pel Johnson, Phillip Lindsey, Charles Mary Blevins. Trumpet, will deliver the com­ Loomis, Larry McCaw, D ian e Also, Evelyn Bowen, Martha mencement address. Magsig, Caroline Marsh, Charles lBrallier, Janet Breindenbaugh, Candidates for the bachelor of Madin, Clarence Nichols and Lynda Breitweiser, Mary Breit­ arts degree are Jack Anderson, Gladys Nielsen. weiser. Paul Brewer, William Ralph Anderson, Dora Austin, Also, Max O'Dell, Rosemary Burch, Lewis Surrell, Mary But­ ler, Gailya Coe, Katherine Col­ lier and Edward Collins. Also, William Damaske, Edna AC Hosts Activities Davis, Jerald Evans, P a u 1 i n e Forbes, Julia Forsberg, Norma Furnish, Lucy Gillon, Iona Gor­ ,Rarents'Day May Festival don, Lestes Gosnell, Rob e r t '3 Anderson ·College's annual Par­ Reaching back in time to the Hall. Calvin Hanson, Ruth Hart­ ents' Day, sponsored by the ancient tradition of May festival ong, Ronald Havens and Erskine Studen.t Council, will provide a celebration, Anderson College to­ Hawkins. full slate of activities for visit­ morrow will celebrate another Also, Gordon Heiser, Shirley ing parents tomorrow. The po­ spring with the crowning of its Hile, Virgil Holt, John Howell, gram is designed to establish May Queen, Miss Kay Hughes. Dana Hughes, Shirley Huntzing­ Outgoing editor Ray Brennan, left, discusses The An­ closer ties between the institution President Robert H. Reardon will er, Linnea Hutchinson, John In­ dersonian with Roger. Hatch, recently named editor and paren.ts of its students and crown th Queen in ceremonies at gram, Billy Johnson, Nathaniel of the newspaper for 1962-63. to acquaint the parents wit h 11 a.m. on the west lawn of Old Johnson, Catbe;rine Kardatzke, Main. Nyle Kardatzke and Janice Kin­ , Miss Thurmond, a junior from San Antonio, Tex., will campus functions. The day will begin with regis­ The Brass Choir will play the ion. replace Miss Jann Kinion, Portland, Ore., senior. Distribu­ tration in Lilly Lounge. Student processional, to which the Queen Also, Clifford Koehn, Paul Lam­ tion of the 1962 Echoes, the product of Miss Kinion's edi­ couples will serve as hosts and and her attendants will en.ter the bert, Richard Leach, Blanche Lin­ torship, began yesterday. as guides of a tour of ney; build­ court for the celebration. Attend· ville, Marjorie Little, Virginia Miss Thurmond will attend summer 'classes in yearbook ings. ants are Misses Jann Kinion and Livingston, Twyla McCollough, production at Taylor P'ublishing Co. The Dallas, Tex., firm A kick-off luncheon is sched­ Diane Magsig, seniors; Colleen Leota McCullough, Elizabeth Mc­ produces the AC yearbook. uled for 12 o'clock noon at whiCh Griffin and Mary Chesher, jun­ Curdy, Rose Matthews,Gaitha President RRober.t H. Reardon iors; Wanda Briggs and Laura Meier and Erilynne Menchinger. and Ralph Sprague, Sr., w i 1] Marsh, sophomores; and Helen Also, Thomas Mercer, Eliza­ speak. An election of officers of Bucklin and Patsy Keith,fresh­ beth Miller, Donald Mitten, Dale the newly-formed Anderson Col­ men. Moore, Oppa Moore, Arthur Mor­ lege Parents' Organization wi 11 A May Festival program will ford, Charles Munson, Den n i s follow. be presented in the gymnasium Neal, Marjory Norris, Mary at 8 p.m. Entertainment will in­ Palmer, Earl Radaker and Viv­ clude the Men's Glee Club, the ian Radden. Women's Glee Club, A Capella Also, Joan Ratzlaff, A If red Staff Distributes Choir, the Orchestra 'and Band. ConHnued on Page 2 New Yearbooks ECHOES, the 1962 yearbook, Fund Raisers to Make was presented to the students in an informal signing party in the Student Center last evening. Reports on Progress The yearbook is published by the student staff of English 113, In a luncheon program at the •'Our many informal reports 213, which also helps produce YMCA Friday, May 25, workers point to continued excellent re­ The Andersonian. in the. College science building ception and interest in the com­ The cover was designed b y campaign will make their second munity in the campaign and in Dick Christen, an art student, report on solicitations, according construction of the science build- under the direction of Prof. Rob­ to Elmo A. Funk, drive general ing on the College campus," s.aid chairman. ert Youngman. Cathy Gardner, Mr .. Funk. a freshman staff member, creat­ Completed reports by most of ed an art theme used on division the seven divisions involved in A total of $271,290 was record­ pages throughout the book. the. effort are expect~d to . b e ed at the initial report meeting Other members of the s t a f f brought together in the meeting. earlier this month: include Editor, Jann Kinion; As .. Miss Jann Kinion, left~ editor of' the 1961-62. Echoes, sociate Editor, Nancy Clevenger; and Miss Judy Thurmond, yearbook editor for 1962-63, organizations, Marlene Gerould; browse through the collection of annuals. sports, Gary Gerould with the as­ sistance of Dick Leach, D i c k Howell, Tony Sabruno and Jack Four Groups to Tour Nation Busby; buyer's guide, Carl Smith; activities, Sandy McCutchan, Four music groups will travel They will tour .the East. Carolyn Edwards, Liz W rig 11 t, for the College this summer to The Concordaires Quartet Bruce Trumble, Dwight Ashby, Jerry Parlette and Jan Stanforth. Church of God Congregations Tom Miller, Jerry Rouse, J 0 h n Pho.tographers Dave and Phi] from J].lly ,24 to Aug. 29. Albright and Glenn McClure-ac- Singing in the Trebleaires TrlO Harp worked closely with W. are Nancy Zaof, Mary Starkey companied by Mel Arnold, will Shirell Fox, advisor. Business and and Sharon M~yer, accompanied present concerts in the West. advertising manager was Bud by Beverly Butler. The group will The Envoys Quartet, composed Bartz. travel in the Southeast. of Joe Blair, Perry Grubbs, Har- Students who did not receive Betty Smith, Constance Swong- old Burgess and Ron Applegate, their yearbooks yesterday may Headqua.rt~rs for the science building campaign, at er, ,md Joyce Yount, accompan~ a~com'panied by K~n Co.x, wi 11 do so today or May 21 or 23 at 932 Mendlan St., performs the double function of in­ ied by Maxine DeVorss, compose I smg m congregatIOns In the the information desk in 0 1 d for';1ing th.e community of achievements of the College the Freshmen's Women's T rio. Southwest and Middle west. Main. while servmg as nerve center of the fund raising drive. PAGE 2 THE ANDERSONIAN MAY 18, 1962 Communications Needed How Now Carol's Co/ulnn Anderson College is not yet perfect. While you're still Brown Turtle? in a state of shock from that amazingly profound bit of in" "A turtle, being too.thless, can­ The End of the Line sight, let's consider at least one of the areas in which life not chew." at our school could run more smoothly. -Filler in THE ANDERSONIAN By Carol Raab USAF) when she arrives home in Improved communications between students and adw A turtle, being toothless. cannot With this, the last issue of The June. ministration could contribute a great deal toward form" chew. What that means may not Andersonian, we, the staff, bid Congratulations to each of the ing a mutual understanding of problems and ambitions. be evident to you; you a fond farewell and fin a I new officers chosen by the clubs. Perhaps a program could be established to re"educatestu­ Bu.t on matters ruminative greeting and salutation for the Here's to a new college yea r with many new and better things.
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