Species Management in Aquatic Habitats Compendium of project outputs -Species Action Plans and Management Guidelines Research and Development Project Record Wl/i64013iM ENVIRONMENT AGENCY All pulps used in production of this paper is sourced from sustainable managed forests and are elemental chlorine free and wood free Species Management in AquaticHabitats. Compendium of Project Outputs - Species Action Plans and Management Guidelines Project Record Wl/i640/3/M C P Mainstone (Editor) Research Contractor:- WRC plc Further copies of this report are available from:. : Environment Agency R&D Dissemination Centre, c/o WRc, Frankland Road, Swindon, Wilts SN5 SYF ,I, W?C tel: 01793-865000 fax: 01793-514562 e-mail: [email protected] Publishing Organisation: Environment Agency Rio House Waterside Drive Aztec West Almondsbury Bristol BS32 4UD Tel: 01454 624400 Fax: 01454 624409 ISBNMD-06/98-B-BCPE 0 Environment Agency 1998 All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the Environment Agency. The views expressed in this document are not necessarily those of the Environment Agency. Its officers, servant or agents accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage arising from the interpretation or use of the information, or reliance upon views contained herein. Dissemination status Internal: Released to Regions External: Released to the Public Domain Statement of use This report contains information to guide the operational and promotional works of the Agency by identifying potential impacts upon, and enhancements for, species of conservation concern. It includes Species Action Plans and Management Guidelines for a range of aquatic animals and plants with which the Agency comes into contact as a result of its activities. In drawing attention to the needs of these species, this helps top fulfil certain of the Agency’s biodiversity obligations. All of the documents contained within this report are of a temporary nature - some SAPS are being taken forward by BAF’ Steering Groups, whilst all management guidelines have been subsumed into the Agency’s new manaual on habitat and species management. This report should therefore not be considered as the primary reference source for most of the information contained herein. Research contractor This document was produced under R&D Project i640 by: WRc plc Frankland Road, Blagrove Swindon, Wiltshire, SN5 8YF Tel: 01793 865000 Fax: 01793 865001 WRc Report No : EA 4527/l/0985 1-O Environment Agency Project Leader The Environment Agency’s Project Leader for R&D Project i640 was: Andrew Heaton, Environment Agency, Midlands Region R&D Project Record Wl/i640/3/M Amendments Any corrections or, proposed amendments to this manual should be made through the regional Agency representative on the ,Water Resources National Abstraction.Licensing Group. R&D Project Record Wl/iS40/3/M CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Part 1. Mammals 1.1 Species Action Plan for the-water shrew in.England and Wales 1.2 Management guidelines for the water shrew 1.3 Species Action Plan for Daubenton’s batin England and Wales 1.4 Management guidelines for.Daubenton’s bat Part ,2 Birds 2.1 Management guidelines for the kingfisher 2.2 Management guidelines for the yellow wagtail 2.3 Management guidelines for the grey wagtail 2.4 Management guidelines. for the sand martin 2.5 Management guidelines for the reed bunting 2.6 Management guidelines for the dipper 2.7 Management guidelines for the marsh warbler Part 3 Herpetofauna 3.1 Species Action Plan for the grass snake 3.2 Management guidelines for.the grass snake 3.3 Management-guidelines for the great crested newt 3.4 Species Action Plan for common amphibians 3.5 Management guidelines for common amphibians Part 4 Fish 4.1 Species Action Plan for the spined loach 4.2 Management guidelines for the spined loach 4.3 Species Action Plans for the native lampreys 0 sea lamprey 0 river lamprey 0 brook lamprey Part 5 Insects. 5.1 Management guidelines for:the Norfolk hawker dragonfly 5.2 Management guidelines for the downy emerald dragonfly 5.3 Management guidelines for the scarce chaser dragonfly 5.4 Management guidelines for the southern damselfly 5.5 Management guidelines for the scarce blue-tailed damselfly 5.6 Management guidelines for the scarce emerald damselfly. R&D. Project Record W l/i640/3/M Part 6 Other invertebrates 6.1 Species Action Plan for the medicinal leech 6.2 Species Action Plan for Pisidium tenuilineatum 6.3 Species Action Plan for Pseudanodbnta complanata Part 7 Plants 7.1 Species Action Plan for the triangular club-rush 7.2 Management guidelines for the black poplar 7.3 Species Action Plan for the Loddon pondweed 7.4 Species Action Plan for the round-headed club-rush 7.5 Species Action Plan for the northern spike-rush R&D Project Record Wl/i640/3/M EXECUTIVE SUMMARY R&D Project $40 was initiated three years ago to provide information on species ‘. of conservation value of particular relevance to the Environment Agency (then -the .Nationa.l Rivers Authority), in relation to its activities affecting aquatic environments. A total of 52 stand-alone outputs .has been produced by 22 different contributing organisations or experts, many funded in collaboration with English Nature and/or the Countryside Council for- Wales. Outputs comprise Species Action Plans (SAPS), practical management guidelines for Agency staff and third parties, and various research and survey outputs to improve the knowledge base on the status and. ecological requirements. of priority species. An overview of the work undertaken is provided in R&D Technical Report W161; whilst three Project Records contain all outputs produced during the course of the project (except for two special cases). Project Records Wl/i64O/l/M and Wl/i640/2/M group together all ,research and survey reports produced with Project i640 involvement: Project Wl/i64O/l/M contains. reports on priority mollusc species, whilst Wl/i640/2/M contains -reports on all other species addressed. by. Project i640:Project Record Wl/i640/3/M (this document) contains all SAPS and management guidelines. It should be noted that the SAPS and management guidelines presented in this volume are not permanent documents, in that they are updated as new information comes to light.: Many of the-. SAPS have already been modified by BAP Steering Groups, whilst all management guidelines have been subsumed into the Agencyls new manual on habitat and species management. This report should therefore not be considered as- the primary reference source for-most of -the information contained herein. KEY WORDS Priority species, conservation, management, aquatic habitats. R&D Project Record Wl/i640/3/M R&D Project Record Wl/i640/3/M Full list of outputs produced with Project i640 involvement Species Output type. Water shrew Neomys fodiens SAP/MG Research report Daubenton’s bat Myotis diaubentonii SAPjMG : Research report Bats. Research report Kingfisher Alcedo atthis MG Yellow wagtail Motacilla~a MG’ Grey wagtail Motacilla cinerea MG Sand martin Riparia riparia~ . MG .. Reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus MG,, Dipper Cinch cinclus MG .t iMarsh warbler Acrocephalus palustris MG ‘. Grass snake Natrix matrix SAP/MG Common amphibiaus SAPjMG Great crested newt Triturus cristatus MG .’ Spined loach Cobitis taenia SAP Research report 1 .- MG Ia. Research report 2 Brook lamprey Lampetraplaneri SAP River lamprey LampetraJkviatiIis SAP Sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus SAP Pearl mussel Margaritgera margaritifera Survey report - England Research report Survey report - Wales Shining rams-horn snail Segmetiina nitida (Survey report Little whirlpool rams-horn snail Anises vorticrclus (Survey report Research report Fine-lined pea mussel Pisidiwn tenuilineatum SAP Survey report Compressed river mussel Pseudanodonta complanata SAP Glutinous snail h4yxas glutinosa Survey report Norfolk hawker dragonfly Anaciaeshna isosceles MG Research Downy emerald dragonfly Cord&a aenea MG Scarce chaser dragonfly LibelMa fulva MG t Southern damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale MG, Research report Scarce blue-tailed damselfly Ishnura pumilio IMG Scarce emerald damselfly Lestes dryas MG, Native crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes Suategy report Leaflet Medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis SAP Triangular club-rush Schoenoplectus triqueter SAP Research report Loddon pondweed Potanwgeton nodosus IMG ‘: Round-headed club-rush Scirpus holoschoenus MG i. Northern spike-rush Eleocharis awtriaca MG Black poplar Populus nigra ssp betulifolia MG.., Ribbon-leaved water-plantain Alisma gramineum Research report MG Management guidelines SAP Spxks Action Plan R&D. Project Record Wl/i640/3/M R&D Project Record Wl/i640/3/M PART 1 MAMMALS 1.1 :. Species Action Plan for the..water shrew in England and-Wales 1.2 Management guidelines for. the water-shrew 1.3. Species ActionkPlan for.Daubenton’s bat in Erigland and-Wales : 1.4 Management guidelines for Daubenton’s bat R&D Project Record W l/i640/3/M ENVIRONMENT AGENCY SPECIES ACTION-PLAN FOR ENGL;AND ;AND WALES WATER SHREW - Neomvs fodiens Dr Sarah Churchfield King’s College. University of London February 1997 Summary The .water shrew is the smallest aquatic mammaL and is dependent on. freshwater habitats. Although no systematic; nationwide. surveys have ever been made to investigate .possible declines in population- numbers, .evidence from.localised live-trapping studies in prime water shrew habitat z-suggests.that numbers may be. in decline as a result -of habitat loss and management, particularly through- drainage- schemes and modifications to river banks, and possibly through- the bioaccumulation of .pesticide .residues. The habitat of ‘this species is frequently encountered by. the. Agency in- tht: course of fulfilling its statutory duties, particularly in relation .to river engineering. and-. water quality .management. The: Agency therefore feelsthat it has a special duty towards the conservation of the water shrew. The recommendations made in the Species Action Plan for the water shrew are limited by the lack of information about its habitat requirements and population trends.
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