AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTCMOSILIS res Utt AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE | AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE THE EVENINGSTAI AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE (CONTINUED) C. ae- Washington, 0. C-11 PLYMOUTH ’57 Belvedere 4-dr.; i PLYMOUTH '55 Custom luxa 1 THUNDKBBIBD '59; Pordomatlc. OLDS *M Dynamic "88" C.lebrtte newer steering, power brakes, Thursday, August 10, J 941 sedan: air-cond.. hydramatto, r. dow’a' power windows, radio, heater. ,7M w 01 “ndiU#a - OLDSMOBILE ’SB ’W’4-dOW BaWWiMTM 4-dr. de has: green. &ck n^srsr AUTOMOBILES F9R SALE OPEN SUNDAY : hardtop; powbf awyUUnf. alpine BARRY-PATE i PLYMOUTH '6l club aodaa; kradd white over cardinal red. the nut- new. factory amranoe , 7 egutepod; JACK BLANK " PAUL ury ride and ultra modern con- 1 l”^* special at $1995; tow aa >lB4 dn„ valiant now •ei ofilcial " VALIANTS $:10 te - BROS.. (OLDS) each or your , venience will surprise you. This - trade; terms to fit PONTIAC 4:00 , aad toW M.*. same ride as Arlington Ford W th Wla.. 5 ear will give the budget. i Remodeling sales: 50 Plym- 31.495. FRmWtICK. TO OLDS Caper 88; 4-dr. sedaa: 4 many 1961 automobiles. L. P. BTEUART CHRYSLER CITY 11317 N. MOORE ST. JA, 7-8788 > ouths snd Valiants to be Can FIUSD P*. OPEN DAILY,9 to 9 brdnuaaUc r. and h.. B.S-. 4800 Wise, Ave. EM. 3-4800 ] r 404 sold and moved this week. w-w. Ursa, 1 owner; extra dean. group euto- PLYMOUTHS i PONTIAC '6O 6-possenger station THUNDERBIRD '56 eonv.; r. and . Entire sold SSO over VALIANT '6l 4-door sedan: steer. Continental like invoice. r. wagon: hydramatle. h.. kit; auto., matic. and h., tow mileage; Ourisman power 51.V45. TAKOMA FORD new; cannot be told from new; PAUL BR&S. (OLDS) Ing. power brakes, radio, heater, $1,695. COST new-cor condition. PRICES Wia. and KMcoU N.W. KI. 7-1308 w.-w. tires, 7 VALIANTS blue finish: 52.M5. | NORMAN FORD FROM STANDARD HANDLEY olds /ST "98" Holiday coupe; wagon; brand-new at dealer’s cost; d, exceptionally clean. 1 owner car. ’ Chevrolet Remodeline sales: 50 Plym- BLANK PONTIAC-RENAULT JACK 1 year-end Close-out. UN 4-sion r. w.-w. Urea; ouths and Valiants to bo sold mr left: and h- BURROWS RAMBLER, 900 M st 7 moved this week. $1,641 equljged, 2241 and Entire 1437 Irving Bt*Hws AD. 4-8500 LI. 4-8300. SHOPPING cnt" croup sold >SO ovsr Invoice. at., Choice of Colors and Equipment POHANKA OLDS nw 84<,i 14 &iNil- BAMBinr«o“Am.rican. lady's ear: tires. This ear has full power PRICE OLDSMOBILE ‘6l “98” sports U- °8 A NVo).%Ek liw tom n. nc._7j.8308 R COST PRICES ’ m 0 « than 4.000 mt; radio, etc.; Only Jkw. , dan: driven only 1.800 miles: Bonneville 60*8 ’6O; 1 owner, beautiful all FROM i PONTIAC ’SB cony.; ,450. 4525 Kllnsle st. n.w.. ROYAL 11 balance of new-ear warranty; Sis 21st st n.w. ra. 7-3245. white finish with immaculate in- • Including air esley Heights. EM. 3-4500. the luxury extras THUNDERBIRD 1960 eonvsrtlble; - Unor. 17.000 miles. r. and h.,¦ conditioning; Olds factory official RAMBLER '59 station wagon with h k P; ’ UrM auto, trans.; $2,295. - Biggg $1,641 overdrive, transistor rsdio: excel, fuH St .r^ o9‘? MOTORS POHANKA OLDS PONTIAC ’SB Super Chief 4-door eend. 81.325. OL. 4-1512. Akers Olds-Cadillac Co. Choke of Colon snd Equipment hardtop: hydramatlc. radio teat- j CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH , ETUDE¦ -5> Lark 6-eyL 4-dr. se- UM 70th BT. N.W. Ft. 7-8308 ' DEALER yellow finish; AUTHORIZED Or. w.-w. tires, Hill & „ VALIANT-SIMCA dan: trans., r. and h.: I Sanders , OLDSMOBILE -61 de luxe 4-doorr ‘TAIRLINOTON SHOPPING CTR." >1.195. auto, 4100 Georgia Ave. N.W. TA. E-2900 owner: extra aharp. >1.095. '¦ OV .1-0350 ALEXANDRIA ROYAL Metropolitan Washington's 8 Belvedere hdtop.: 'JACK BLANK Oldest Ford Dealership PLYMOUTH *B6 PAUL BROS. (OLDS) 11250 Viers MUI Md. PONTIAC « 33.000 ml- push butt. dr.. A-l Wls. ted Ellicott N.W. KE. 7-1308 RdogWheaten, cond.; due to ill.. 8695. DO. 5- MOTORS , ‘dick, DAVIS' OLDS THUJfoERBIRD 58 SMS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 5 hardtop; radio, Renault I heater, I ‘59 crulaeomatle, power steer- ¦ AT PLYMOCTH "Fury" 4-dr. hard- VALIANT-SIMCA -. ROCKVIIIE PIKE _ ing. w.-w. tires. 2-tone blue finish. auto, trans., r. and h.. p.s.. 4100 Oeorgls Ave. N.W. TA. 9-2900 PONTIAC1 ’69 Bonneville convert- top; I h.. 8 Monrosdsble A-l. ( w.-w. tires; 1 owner; immaculate ible; hydsmatle. r. snd power OAUPHINES ! throughout: 81.395. steering and brakes, besutlful ’SB RAMBLER OLDS '57 "M" conw.; full power white finish with now whits top; or test offer. Xp, 7-5400 PLYMOUTH *53 2-dr.; coed condi- _ bet 9-6. 1961 including elec. seat. elec, win- PAUL BROS. sxceptlonslly elean; >2.095. g little - (OLDS) « f reas o™*- STuDebAXEB '63 Bportsmsn dr,T,B ' MONROE *1319 dowe; jet Slack beauty with enow » Wls. and Ellicott N.W. KE. 7-1308 tk'o ‘ 4-dr. “ super wagon, auto., l HymOnth ’56 Savoy. "B" 4-dr.; ‘ PLYMOUTHIMS STANDARD trans., and PEUGEOT “403” „ auto, heater, defrosters; j2-dr.. good 8100 sssh. r. h.; real bargain. wonderful transp.: 3495. PONTIAC-RENAULT i FORD i PAUL BROS. (OLDS) 1PLYMOUTH ’59 Sport Fury 2-dr. | r ?^U°KE»^NSbPP^Q *2090 w i 1237 lUt-Wrtt Hwy ß.a„Md. ? Wls. and Ellicott N.W, KI 7-1308 * >1295 0 «Wou sr «iPONTIAC 'SB sport coups: E-tote 6 s FORD flymouth ’57 V-8 4-dr. station w.-w. blue-chip invkhtmint Everyy |^ white and blue with tlree. TBaftJMPH ’57 roadster:"*r. aad h. r. auto, extra. A ear r Wagon; and h.. trank, ; full equipment Butler factory '6O 4-dr.: power _ overdrive, finish. ORBIT STANDARD vaca- PLYMOUTH strsight block Immacu- RAMBLER, INC. man who knowa value. ~ power steerinc; guaranteed 1 Bonded. Only $1,595. LEB D. | shift, like new: >1.695. Falls 2T-bikd '6l convertible; beige, r. late condition. $1,195. B„, tion special: 1795: low down pay- BUTLER. 1121 21st st n.w. PE. 13th at. ». fit Church Chrysler-Plymouth. JE. >- •nd h.. auto, trans., ps.. » b.. p. Entire Block of ? II POSTISC REKSUIT H bank terms arranged to v Wf” mt., 2300. ?-3a46. windows snd w.-w. r seat tires, AND 70 Sble '55 Chief 4-door; etc.; like new; a COLLEGE PARK, MD. ); Dynamic "88" Holiday PONTIAC Star real buy >3,995. ROCKVILLE 4300 Rhode 1 L. p BTTtUART CHRYSLER CITY 1PLYMOUTH ’59 V-8 4-dr. stetlan I Island Ave., hydra., r. p.b.. Immaculate; 3500. FLOOD PON- Also 2460 CHILLUM 80. M aodan: and h., p.a.. 4800 Wise. Ave, EM. 3-4800 wagon: fullyequip, excellent cond.; w.-w. Urea. 1 owner: extra abarp. >1385. &iSeh Chrysler- . TIAC, 4221 Cm. sv». • GRADY FORD Brentwood, Md. UN. 4-4747 AP. 7-4282 AP. 7-7120 r. Falls | J • PLYMOUTH ’57 2-dt. hardtop; JE. 2-2300. air eon- N auto.. V-8: coed cond.: . Plymouth. I PONTIAC '6l Star Chief, and h.. 2.000 7 BROS. >745. PLYMOUTH SS BtITGdGPt 2-dr. dttlonlng: under miles: FALCON (OLDS) , 1 FLOOD PONTIAC. 4221 Wit and Ellicott N.W. KE. 7-1308 h.t.: fully equip., very elean: $3,277. • 8 TAKOMA FORD >1.005. Falls Church Chrysler- . Conn, art, OLDSMOBILE ’SB "88" 1-dT. Holi- Ave. 8-1000 Plymouth. JE. 2-2300. 1 under 2.000 day hardtop: beautiful white with; 7035 Carroll JV- PONTIAC '6l Ventura: ’SB miles: demonstrator: 53.U65. turquoise top: every inch of thia PLYMOUTH 4-dr.; 6 cylinder, include • PLYMOUTH-VALIANT ’ FLOOD PONTIAC, 4221 Conn, ave. ear perfect: auto, trana.. p.b., ae- stsndard transmission, one owner, lectomatlc radio, htr.; w.-w. tlrea:• SALE like new. Call FRED FREDERICK. PONTIAC1 ‘55 4 - door; one owner all TO. 9-5630. since new: 3395. FLOOD PON- equipment ; Brand-new 1961 Vai- : ’6l new official cars: TIAC. 4221 Conn, ave. lants reduced to PLYMOUTH1 and wagons, sedans, hardtopa; freight $1,695. full price: station PONTIAC1 ’52 cony.; new top, r.. "88"" 2-ir. dealer's cost while they runs OLDS '55 Mdan: hr- • only $49 monthly below h.; good. 8 to 4:30. LA. 6- Trades dramatic, p.b.. r. and h.. 3-toni efts# $195 down.. last. Call FRED FREDERICK. 5760. Bee at 4803 M at, HlU- on white • , and bine. Cat Ng. 1496. >• '6l Plymouth sedans TO. 0-7070. side. Md. Only $595. 6- i used equipped with onto- PLYMOUTH1 1959 2-dx. Savoy ; PONTIAC '56 hardtop; pa., p.b., your cars BARRY PATE matte transmission. eyt: standard shift, betuififul light auto, trans.; a nice ear: $695. - heater, defroster, etc. blue finish w/matchlnt interior; Rate 1130 Conn. Ave. Nt. 7-7881 FOLEY FORD. Upper Marlboro. “ 5 MA. Also 18th Between L and M Md- 7-2801. = OLDSMOBILE. .'6O Dynamic "88" rotMotors" : PONTIAC 'SB wagon. 3 seats: one Financing owner- immaculate: $1,300. Holiday eoupe: turquoise and « 2310 Rd. BRAND-NEW 61 white equipped; like Shirllngton FLOOb PONTIAC, 4221 Conn, ave. naw; 9-9111 CeorclaAve. N.W. TA. Dtta^ ’ OfnEtLiNOToN. va. in. 4joo- 8-2900 j PONTIAC 'Bl Bonneville: air con- Coital Cadillac-Olds Co. PLYMOUTH 1953 4-dr.: new paint I PLYMOUTH ’56 V-8 Belvedere h.t.: ditioning; under 2.000 miles: Delivery • lob. upholstery; excel, mech. cond. I r.. h„ stand, shift, red and black: $3,567. FLOOD PONTIAC, 4221 1222 N.W.
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