E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 2011 No. 114 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was other fees that pay for the aviation weather. We need that system. Well, if called to order by the Speaker pro tem- system. It is partially funded by the this impasse continues, we will not pore (Mr. MARCHANT). users of that system with ticket taxes have that system by next winter. f and such. That is $200 million a week. Now, who is that helping? Who are Now, what’s happened since? Well, you guys helping over there with these DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO three airlines, three honest airlines— stupid stunts you’re pulling here? $200 TEMPORE Frontier Airlines, Alaska, and Virgin million a week that the government The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- America—lowered ticket prices be- isn’t collecting that would pay for fore the House the following commu- cause the government isn’t collecting these critical projects, put tens of nication from the Speaker: the taxes. But the other airlines, not so thousands of people to work, and now WASHINGTON, DC, much. They actually raised their tick- it’s a windfall to a bunch of airlines. July 27, 2011. et prices to match the taxes, and But don’t worry, the Air Transport I hereby appoint the Honorable KENNY they’re collecting the windfall. Association says, these short-term in- MARCHANT to act as Speaker pro tempore on At the same time, their association, creases, that is by the airlines increas- this day. the Air Transport Association, is com- ing their ticket prices to make up for JOHN BOEHNER, plaining about ticket taxes: But a big the taxes going away, these short-term Speaker of the House of Representatives. chunk of your ticket is going to Wash- increases benefit all stakeholders be- f ington. Well, you can now X out Wash- cause it enables the airlines to invest MORNING-HOUR DEBATE ington, and you can put in United Air- in their product and service. Huh? lines, Continental Airlines, U.S Air- What? The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ways, Southwest Airlines, and Jet Let’s see. The money used to go for ant to the order of the House of Janu- Blue, because they’re taking the safety and security and other essen- ary 5, 2011, the Chair will now recog- money. tials; now it’s going to the airlines, and nize Members from lists submitted by And guess what? In addition to the they’re going to use it to improve their the majority and minority leaders for consumers getting ripped off here, $200 product and service. Maybe they’ll morning-hour debate. million a week, we have another prob- start serving peanuts and soda again The Chair will alternate recognition lem, the second one, tax cuts create on some of these flights. I don’t know. between the parties, with each party jobs. Well, we’ve cut taxes, $200 million But this is outrageous. So much for limited to 1 hour and each Member a week. That’s a lot. And guess what? the Republican mantra. You know, cor- other than the majority and minority So far, 4,000 government jobs. porations do pay taxes. And, in this leaders and the minority whip limited Now, Republicans don’t care about case, now they are getting a windfall to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall government jobs even if they’re doing because the taxes went away. And no, debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. some pretty critical stuff. But also, tax cuts don’t create jobs. Wrong f tens of thousands of private sector jobs twice. are down the tube because not col- DISPROVING REPUBLICAN lecting the taxes means all of the air- f ORTHODOXY port improvement projects across The SPEAKER pro tempore. The America funded by these fees are grind- COMMUNITIES OF COLOR TEEN Chair recognizes the gentleman from ing to a halt. Critical projects, projects PREGNANCY PREVENTION ACT Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) for 5 minutes. that will save lives from runway incur- OF 2011 Mr. DEFAZIO. Well, this week we sions, control towers, security im- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The have just disproven two items of Re- provements in our airports to defeat Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from publican orthodoxy, and that is cor- terrorist attacks. California (Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD) for 5 porations don’t pay taxes, only individ- And in the case of my little regional minutes. uals pay taxes; and tax cuts create airport on the coast in Oregon, their Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, jobs. project to install a runway lighting today I rise to introduce the Commu- What am I talking about? Well, last system for instrument landing before nities of Color Teen Pregnancy Preven- Friday the authorization for the Fed- winter has stopped. We just got jet tion Act of 2011. My bill addresses the eral Aviation Administration expired. service in there. The airlines say, sobering fact that the United States So the government is not collecting Look, if we’re going to come in here in has the highest teenage pregnancy rate $200 million a week in security fees and the wintertime, you’ve got some bad of any developed nation. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5583 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:47 Jul 27, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27JY7.000 H27JYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5584 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 27, 2011 With nearly 750,000 pregnancies a b 1010 our great country. It means that you’re year, teen pregnancy is a critical pub- THE AMERICAN DREAM willing to make sacrifices to help oth- lic health issue that costs our country ers because even though you never ful- $10.9 billion annually. Contributing to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The fill that dream, the dream never, never the seriousness of this issue is that 82 Chair recognizes the gentleman from stops. There’s always the ability to say percent of these pregnancies are un- New York (Mr. RANGEL) for 5 minutes. that even though I didn’t make it, my planned. Mr. RANGEL. I think I share the em- kid is going to go to school. Even barrassment of all of the Members of though I didn’t make it, there’s going While it is true our Nation has made this great legislative body when it ap- progress in reducing the rate of teen to be the possibility that I’ll be living pears as though in our hands we have in a better world—a world of peace, a pregnancy, the fact remains that many the ability to tell people, our creditors world of harmony, a world that makes minority communities still have dis- all over the country and the world, no difference where you came from, proportionately high rates. For exam- that for the first time in our Republic’s that you have a dream that can be ful- ple, among all Latina and African history we are prepared to say we are filled in this country. American girls, over half will get preg- not going to pay our debts. In other countries, you can’t dream. nant at least once before age 20, com- We’re not doing this because of some How you’re born is how you die. That’s pared to 19 percent of Caucasian non- pledges that we’ve signed or because of going to be your legacy. But in Amer- Hispanic girls. some commitment that some Members ica, all of this is going to be placed in Giving birth during these teenage have made that they will never, never, jeopardy because we don’t have the years increases the risk of infant mor- never do anything in support of our guts to call out these people that obvi- tality, premature birth, complications, President. They would never talk ously would rather have this dream and low birth weight. Also of great about raising revenue; that they will shattered, not just for those people concern is the fact that teen preg- never vote for a bill, whether it’s a that are here but for people all over the nancies can lead to significant social, health bill, Social Security, Medicaid, world that watch us, and maybe they educational, and financial burdens to Medicare, education. If the President don’t have the ability to come here and families and to our country. supports it, they just don’t want it. become a part of that American Dream I don’t know how many Americans still. Throughout the Middle East you Research tells us that girls who be- are really waking up this morning won- come pregnant during adolescence are see other people saying, I too can dering exactly what would happen if we dream. I can be somebody. less likely to finish school, have higher hold our country and our President rates of unemployment, and a greater Don’t let that dream become a night- hostage in order to reach just short po- mare. Support our President, support dependence on public assistance. In ad- litical gain by people who have been re- our fiscal system, and support that dition to these tragic consequences, cently elected and believe that com- dream.
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