/ u t t e r * SCRIPTA EDERAL REGISTER > W V VOLUME II ^0»VJTED ^ n u m b e r 216 Washington, Tuesday, November 4,7 947 TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE F ederal R egister (12 F. R. 6697) regard­ ing the budget of expenses and the fix­ CONTENTS Subtitle A— Office of the Secretary ing of the rate of assessment for the Agriculture Department Page of Agriculture 1947-48 fiscal period under Marketing Agreement No. 84, as amended,, and Or­ Rules and regulations: Part 1—Administrative R egulations der No. 33, as amended (7 CFR, Cum. Administrative regulations; del­ egations of authority_______ 7137 APPENDIX— DELEGATIONS OP AUTHORITY Supp., 933.1 et seq.; 11 F. R. 9471), reg­ Oranges, grapefruit, and tan­ Consummation of transfers necessi­ ulating the handling of oranges, grape­ gerines in Florida__________ 7137 tated by Farmers Home Administration fruit, and tangerines grown in the State Act of 1946, and Public Law 249, 80th of Florida. This regulatory program is Alien Property, Office of Congress. effective pursuant to the Aricultural Notices: Pursuant to authority contained in Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as Vesting orders, etc.: the Farmers Home Administration Act amended. After consideration of all Aichele, Wilhelmine_______ • 7150 of 1946 (60 Stat. 1062), in Public Law relevant matters presented, including Bookjans, John______________ 7151 No. 249, 80th, Congress, approved July the proposals set forth in the aforesaid Gordigiani, Sophie Carpen­ ter--------------------------------- 7152 26,1947, and in R. S. 161 (5 Ü. 6. C. 22), notice, which were submitted by the It is hereby ordered, That: Growers Administrative Committee (es­ Gross, Ernest F_______ 7151 Effective October 30,1947, the authori­ tablished pursuant to the amended mar­ Lamping, Wilhelmina______ 7151 ties, powers, functions, and duties vested keting agreement and order), it is hereby Lewin, Elizabeth_______ 7152 in the Secretary of Agriculture by Public found and determined that: Nichibei Kinema Co________ 7151 Law 249, 80th Congress, insofar as said § 933.202 Budget of expenses and rate Civil Aeronautics Board law extends the provisions of the Bank- of assessment for the 1947-48 fiscal pe­ Notices: head-Jones Farm Tenant Act, as riod. (a). The expenses necessary to be Accident at Bryce Canyon, amended, to the Virgin Islands, are incurred by the Growers Administrative Utah; hearing_______ 7145 hereby transferred to the Farmers Home Committee, established pursuant to the Proposed rule making: Administration, to be exercised by the provisions of the aforesaid amended mar­ Explosives and other dangerous Administrator thereof in accordance keting agreement and order, for the articles; transportation_____ 7143 with the provisions of the order of “Con­ maintenance and functioning, during Federal Communications Com­ summation of Transfers Necessitated by the fiscal period beginning August 1, mission the Farmers Home Administration Act 1947, and ending July 31,1948, both dates ôf 1946, and Provision for Certain In­ Notices: inclusive, of the Growers Administrative Hearings, etc. : terim Authorities” issued by the Secre­ Committee and the Shippers Advisory tary of Agriculture on October 14, 1946 Committee, established under the afore­ Glens Falls Publicity Corp. (11 F. R. 12520; 7 CFR, Supp. 1946, 524). (WGLN) and Granite State said amended marketing agreement and Broadcasting Co., Inc____. 7145 (R. S. 161, 60 Stat. 1062; Pub. Law 249, order, will amount to $90,000.00, and the Pawtucket Broadcasting Co. 80th Cong.; 5 U. S. C. 22) rate of assessment to be paid by each handler shall be two and one-half mills (WFCI)________________ 7146 Done at Washington, D. C., this 30th ($0.0025) per standard packed box of Pilgrim Broadcasting Co. et day of October 1947, al---------------------------------- 7146 fruit shipped by such handler during the International radio regulations - N. E. Dodd, said fiscal period; and such rate of as­ sessment is hereby approved as each han­ concerning lifeboat equip­ Acting Secretary of Agriculture. ment; modification________ 7146 [F. R. Doc. 47-9825; Füed, Nov. 3, 1947; dler’s pro rata share of the aforesaid Proposed rule making: 8:53 a. m.J . expenses. Operation of certain licensed (b) It is hereby further found and de­ radio stations by unlicensed termined that compliance with the 30- personnel_________ 7143 day effective date requirements of the Federal Power Commission Chapter IX— Production and Market­ Administrative Procedure Act (60 Stat. Notices: ing Administration (Marketing 237; Pub. Law 404, 79th Cong., 2d Sess.) Hearings, etc.: Agreements and Orders) is impracticable and contrary to the pub­ Bonneville ProJect, Columbia lic interest, in that: (1) The rate of Part 933—Oranges, Grapefruit, and River, Washington-Oregon. 7147 assessment is applicable, pursuant to the Tangerines G rown in F lorida Community Public Service Co_ 7147 amended marketing agreement and or­ United Gas Pipe Line Co__ 7147 determination relative to budget of der, to all shipments of oranges, grape­ Geological Survey expenses and fixing of rate of assess­ fruit, and tangerines made during the ment FOR 1947-48 FISCAL PERIOD Notices: fiscal period beginning August 1, 1947, Silver Lake and Twin Lakes, On October 10, 1947, notice of pro­ and ending July 31,1948, both dates in- Utah; reservoir site restora­ posed rule making was published in the (Continued on p. 7139) tion— ----------------------------- 7145 7137 7138 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS^-Conlinued CODIFICATION GUIDE A numerical list of the parts of the Code Interstate Commerce Commis- Pag# of Federal Regulations affected by documents FEDEMyPREGISTER sion— Continued published in this issue. Proposed rules, as Notices—Continued opposed to final actions, are identified as Reconsignment—Continued such in parentheses. Tomatoes at Chicago, 111— — 7147 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Rules and regulations: Title 7— Agriculture Page and days following official Federal holidays, Car service; railroad operating Subtitle A—Office of the Secre­ by the Division of the Federal Register, the regulations for car movement- 7142 tary of Agriculture: National Archives, pursuant to the authority Part 1—Administrative regula­ contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ Traffic, rerouting; routing and proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as compression of cotton origi­ tions------------- 7137 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula­ nating on T&P Ry--------------- 7142 Chapter IX—Production and Mar­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ keting Administration (Mar­ mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Land Management, Bureau of keting Agreements and Or­ tion is made only by the Superintendent of Notices: ders) : Documents, Government Printing Office, Wyoming; air-navigation site Part 933-—Oranges, grapefruit, Washington 25, D. C. withdrawal, enlarged—------ - 7144 The regulatory material appearing herein is and tangerines grown in Flor­ Rules and regulations: ida_________________ 7137 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Executive orders and related which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as public land orders referred to Title 14— Civil Aviation amended June 19, 1937. in Chapter I------ ------ -— 7141 Chapter I — Ciyil Aeronautics The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Privately owned lands; ex­ Board:. mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 change under Taylor Grazing Part 49—Transportation of ex­ per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ A ct„ ___ - ------- 7141 plosives and other dangerous vance. The charge for individual copies Public water reserves---------- 7141 articles (proposed)---------— 7143 (minimum 151) varies in proportion to the . Waters------------------- 7141 size of the issue. Remit check or money Wyoming grazing district—.— - 7142 Title 22—-Foreign Relations order, made payable to the Superintendent Chapter I—Department of State: of Documents, directly to the Government National Archives Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Part l—Functions and organi­ Rules-and regulations: zation ----- —--------- ----------- 7139 There are no restrictions on the republica­ Response to subpoena duces tion of material appearing in the F ederal R egister. tecum or other demand, and Title 29— Labor authentication and attesta­ Chapter V—Wage and Hour Divi­ tion of copies or archives in sion, Department of Labor: custody of Archivist of U. S— 7142 Part 500—Organization----------- 7139 1946 SUPPLEMENT Panama Canal Title 32— National Defense to the Rules and regulations: Chapter VHI—Office of Interna­ Customs service; hours.----------- 7140 CODE OF-FEDERAL tional Trade, Department Of Operation and navigation: Commerce: REGULATIONS Anchorages, merchant ship— 7140 Part 802—General licenses------ 7139 Explosives, classification------ 7140 part 804—Individual licenses— 7139 ' The following books are now Quarantine of dogs and cats— 7140 available: Title 35— Panama Canal Patent Office Chapter I—Canal Zone regula­ Book 7: Titles 1 through 8, Rules and regulations: tions: including, in Title 3, Presiden­ Trade-mark cases: Part 4—Operation and naviga­ tial documents in full text with Forms---------- 7140 tion of Panama Canal and appropriate reference tables and Rules of practice-------------— 7140 adJacent waters (2 docu­ Trade-marks---------------------- •- 7140 index. m e n ts ) _______________ :— 7140 Book 2: Titles 9 through 20. Securities and Exchange Com­ Part 9—Customs service--------- 7140 mission Part 24—Sanitation, health and Book 3: Titles
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