North Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 1999 Caisle Tiabraid Arann Thuaidh Macdonagh Park, Cloughjordan Sunday, Aug

North Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 1999 Caisle Tiabraid Arann Thuaidh Macdonagh Park, Cloughjordan Sunday, Aug

North Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 1999 Caisle Tiabraid Arann Thuaidh MacDonagh Park, Cloughjordan Sunday, Aug. 22nd 1999 at 6.10 p.m. TSB Bank Nenagh North Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Toomevara v TIPPERARY G.A.A. MEMBERS' DRAW North Tipperary Club Returns in New Draw for 1999/2000 Ncnagh Eire Og 706 Portroc 503 Kildangall 401 MoncygalJ 350 RoseTea 347 Silvermines 33 1 Newport 3 18 Borris-I leigh 318 Burgess 309 Kilruane MacDonaghs 306 Borrisokane 238 TempJederry 213 Ballina 213 Shannon Rovers Lorrha 183 197 Toomevara Ballinahi nch 114 172 St. Cronan's Carnogie 39 Knockshegowna 88 Bal lina Ha ndball 16 Carrig/Rive rs town 38 La hom a Handball 6 Youghalarra Handball 12 North Total ::: 5,417 South Total = 5,581 Mid Total = 4,888 \Vest Total = 3,485 Associations = 417 TOTAL MEMIIERSHIl' = 19,788 Mouro and John MOl'kon receive the keys 01 a new Toyota from Ger Gavin whith Jhe won in lhe! May Co. Boord Draw; Paudge /(irwonsoki lhe winnln9 ticker andre<eivtci his 11 00 promoter-'s I pnze from LJam Hennessy, Draw CommIt!" Failte Fcar:um fior-chaom faille romhaibh go IciT a dh:lOinc IF~~': uaJslc. at son C!)iSle Thiobraid A.rann Thaidh. go dli Clucihc Chc:UHlUlS Sm!>C:tr na Roml"le. Is 6c:iJd spcisialta stanui] diimn go 16r {agus dos na foimc ala ag imln. n 5(111 agam go mbcidh 15 mol' againn. go mbainfidh sibh p16isu;r as an 6d.1l1. agu! laml einnte go dtabharfaJ{lh na h-ioman:lithe CIUlChf hrc:1tha fcarula duinn. In this my final year as Chairman of North TIPJ)Crary Board. II IS my pleasant duty to welcome you 31110 Thomas MacDon3gh Park. ClooghJordan for the North DIYision Senior final and Ihe minor A semi-final. I especially wel­ come the players from Burgess, Roscrca. Ncnagh Eire Og and ToomcvarJ 11us being the last final of the Millennium year. todays [!.!===..!Ib,======.!1 final is special and I believe 1\ Will produce hurlmg of the highest standard. This is a repeat of last year's final when Ncnagh Eire Og defeated Toomevafa. Nenagh Will he strivmg to hold on to IhcIT III Ie while Toomcvara will bailie alilhe way to take it from them. I look forward to a ~ter1ing contest between agc old rivals with both sides striving Imght and mam for suprem:acy. Both clubs have played :a large part in the promolion. development and prcserval10n of our games down through lhe yean. as equally have alllhc other clubs in the North DIvision. Slm;ere thanks must go to all tnc clubs for their unselfish work for the GAA, long may this work continue. Gabhalm buiochas f:lOl leith d6ibh go leair. '11lc first match today provides a very Interesting pawng as Roserea and Burgess contest the Mlllor A semi-final. Roserea have won many North II ties but have been out of the limelight for some lime Burgess will be very eager to qualify for their first North Mlllor A fin:al. Bo[h sides have reached to-days st:age on meril, and a bailie royal should ensue. I would like 10 thank TSB Bank. Nen:agh for I[S continued support as sponsors of the Senior Hurling Championship and to Ger Gavlll. Ncnagh. who IS Inc sponsor of the Minor Hurling ChampionshIp. Many thanks to the members of Kllruane McDonagh club and the Cloughjordan Park CommlUee for the usc oftlleir fxilities and ensunng that all of us h:ave:a most enjoyable evening. To Caroline Egan and Liam Hogan who once ag.lIn have produced a programme of the highest standards. I am most grateful for their efforts. This is also an opportumty for me 10 thank all the referees and match officials who carry out a most difficult job on behalf of the board. and also to the Order of Malia. whose presence at our games is much appreciated. Finally I would like to express my sincere thanks to all clubs of the Division. and also 10 my fcl low officers for their sUpJXlrt and co-opcmlion. An Runal - Michael O'Brien and an Cistcoir Michael Nolan, carry out a huge amount of work 0fI behalf of the Board which is much appreciated by many people. 1>0nal0'Seanachain, Cathaoirlcach. Best of Luck to Nenagh Eire 6g Fo r Quality Drinks. Good Home Cooking Lunches served 12-3 Phone (067) 33692 Snacks available at all times Evening Meals 5-9.30 p.m. The Half Door Restaurant Full a 10 carte menu · -'"L"me Prices to suit everybody Phone: - (067) 33692 2 Clar 5.00 p.m.: MINOR H URLING S El\II·FINAL Burgess v Roscrea Ht'itoir: John Co llins, TcmpJcdcrry 6.30 p.m. TSB NENAGJ-I NORTH TIPPERARY S ENIOR H URLING FINAL Toomevara, v , Nenagh Eire Og (holders) Reiwir: Michael Cahi ll , Ki lruanc MacDonaghs. Buiochas We would like to than k the following who helped compile thi s programme: Suppliers of articles: Scmnus King, James lIaydcn and Jo Needham Suppliers of Pholographs: P~lt sy Rcddan, Bridget Delancy, John Long. Damicn flayes, Research Michael O'Brien, North Board Secretary. Jimmy Minogue, Secretary, Nenagh Eire 6g Eddie Frend, Secretary, Toomcvara Club Anne McGrath, Secretary, Burgess Michael Phelan, Secretary, Roscrea Teres:! Maher Our Adverlisers for their generos ity. Sigllcd: Caroline Hglln lind liwn Nogan. Progrwnmt !!til/ars. 3 1924 2819n4 Terryglass lorrba 7·3 - Nenagh 0-3 Jim Gleeson, Terryglass 1925 1919n5 Nenagh Toomevara-MooeygaJl9·3 Youghalarra 6-2 J. Callanan. Thurles 1926 31nm Nenagh Toomevara 5-4· Youghalarra 2-0 J. Callanan. Thurles. 1927 119128 Nenagh Toomevara 3·7 . Youghalarra ()"I Manm Kennedy, Cloughjordan 1928 28111128 Nenagh Toomevara 6-3 - Nenagh 5·0 JJ. Callanan, Thurles. 1929 1919n9 Nenagh Toomevara 5-4 - Duhana 0-2 T. Delaney. Bomsoleigh. 1930 12/7/31 Nenagh Toomcvara 5·8· Borris.llelgh 1·6 J. Kennedy. Silvennines. 1931 6112131 Nenagh Toomevara 7·1· Borrisoleigh 1·3 M.F. Cronin, Lorrha. 1932 Ocl2nd Showgrounds Newport J't'Cf:i\'ed WIO from Toome 1933 Nenagh 8orrisokane 2·7· Toome' 2-2 1934 Sepll6 Nenagh KildanganlK 'Barroo 5·6- Rosc:rea 4·8 Jack Kennedy (Nenagh) 1935 Sep!.8 Showgrounds Newpon 6-1 . Kilruane MocD. 5-4 Denis COSIe1lo, 1936 Aug9 Borrisokane Rosc:rea 5·8 . Kildangan 3·0 Con Heffernan, 1937 Aug I Showgrounds Roscrea 6-2 . Kildangan 4·5 1938 July 31 Showgrounds Kildangan 7·2 . Roscrea 3-4 M. Rainsford 1939 Aug 27 Borrisokane Rosc:rea 8·3· Ncnagh 1·3 Rody Nealon 19-10 Aug II Borrisokane Kllruane 2·5 . Kildangan 3·1 P. Kennedy 1941 Aug 24 Borrisokane Roscrea 6-3· Kilruane 2·7 Rody Nealon I"" Aug 16 Nenagh Roscrea 7·5· Kildangan 7-4 Con Ileffernan 1943 Aug 22 Nenagh , Kildangan 6-2 - Roscrea 5-4 Con Heffernan 1944 Aug 27 Nenagh Kilruane MacD 4·7· Duharra 2·3 E. Dooley 1945 Sep!.9 Nenagh Roscrea 5-6· Kildangan 1-4 M fitzgIbbon LK 1946 Aug 25 Nenagh Toomevara 6-7 - Roscrea 24 Denis Costello 1947 Aug 31 Nenagh Borris.neigh 4-3 Ki!ruane MacD. 2·6 DenIS Costello 1948 Aug 22 Ncnagh lorrba 5-4· Bonis·lleigh 2·5 Con Heffernan 1949 Ocl. 9 Nenagh Roscrea 4-7 . SI. Mary's 4-4 Rody Nealon 1950 Aug 20 Nenagh Borris·neigh 3·7 - Roscrea 1-5 1. Sadler U. 1951 Sep!.3O Nenagh Borris-lieigh 2·10· Roscrea 3·5 Hubie Hogan 1952 Aug. 3 Nenagh Borris·l\eigh 3·8 Kilruane MocD. 0-4 Hubie lIogan 1953 Aug 16 Nenagh Bonis-lieigh 3·12 Kilruane MocD, 1·6 Hubie Ilogan 1954 Aug 29 Nenagh Roscrea 54· Borris·lleigh 0-11 Hubie Hogan 1955 Sept. II Nenagh Borris·lleigh 3·10 - Roscrea 2·9 P,O'Connell 1956 So~9 Nenagh lorrtia 4·8· Borris-lieigh 0· 18 I', O'Coonell 1957 Aug 4 Nenagh Eire Og 5-5 - Toomevara 4-5 lIubie Hogan 1958 Aug, 17 NoMgh Toomevara 6-13 - Kilruane 4·3 Phil Ryan 1959 Aug 2 Ncnagh Kilruane 0-11 - Toome' 14 Il ubic Hogan 1960 Sq>L1\ Ncnagh Toomevara 4-12 - Kilruane 1·3 Tony Murphy B. 6 Year Dale Teams Venue 1%1 Semi Final~ July 16 Toomevar'J 2.16 Kilruanc 3-4 Ncnagh Aug. 6 Borrisokane 3-9 Kildang:1Il 0-6 Ncnagh Final Aug. 20 Toomevarn 4-14 Bonisokane 3-4 Nenagh 1%' Scmi Finals Aug. 5 Kilruane 6-9 Lorrh, 4-4 RoseTea Toomevarn 5-9 Eire Og 3-5 Roserea Final Scpt. 9 Toomevara 4-9 Kilru:lne 5-4 Ncn:lgh 1%3 Scmi Finals Aug.4 Roserca 7-13 Duharra 1-3 Ncnagh Aug.2S Toomcvara 1-7 Kliruane 1-7 Nenagh Replay Sept. IS Toomcvara 2-10 Kilruane 2-7 Ncnagh Final Sept. 22 Roserea 2-12 Toomcvara 1-8 Ncnagh 1964 Semi Finals Aug. 23 Roserca 4-10 Moncygall 4-6 Ncnagh Aug. 23 Eire Og 4-13 Lorrha 2-12 Roscrca Final Sept. 27 Eire Og 5-12 Roscrea 2-8 Ncnagh 1%5 Semi Finals Aug. 1 Lorrha 3-7 Roserea 2-4 Ncnagh Aug. I Kliruane 3-8 Bonisokanc 4-5 Nenagh Replay Ki lruanc 4- 12 Borrisokanc 3-5 Ncnagh Final Aug. 22 Ki lruanc 3-10 Lorrha 5-2 Ncnagh 1%6 Semi Finals Aug. 7 Toomcvara I- II Roserca 2-2 Nenagh Aug. 14 Lorrha 3-6 Kilruane 2-7 B'kanc Final Aug. 28 Lorrha 3-11 Toomcvara 2-13 Ncnagh 1%7 Semi Finals Aug. 6 Roserca 4-8 Borrisokane 3-7 Ncnagh Aug.

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