9250 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 7 March 31, 2009 connection between a couple of the something we haven’t touched on yet want to point out that the Populist middle class values that we’ve been tonight but is a very important part of Caucus is not anti-trade. We are not talking about all night, and that is, the populist values, as articulated by protectionist, but we want American corporate accountability and how it af- you earlier, and that’s with respect to companies and American employees fects fair trade. And one of the things consumer protection. and American consumers to be on a that we know is that there are still You and I took a trip down to the level playing field with their competi- some lingering so-called free trade Port of Nogales last year to work with tors. And when you have trade agree- agreements that have been negotiated and get a firsthand view of some of the ments that don’t have the same level of by the Bush administration that are things we’re seeing with respect to the commitment to enforceability, then still on the table and are going to be border patrol. But one of the things we you don’t have a level playing field, considered in some way, shape or form did see is the fact that the Port of and that’s why fair trade agreements in the future. Nogales is one of the largest ports for are important to protect all interests And one of the trade agreements bringing fruits and vegetables into this in the United States. that’s still outstanding is President country, many of which are from Mex- And with that, I want to yield back Bush’s Panama Free Trade Agreement, ico. And one of the things that I think to my young friend from Virginia for and this is where we get into some of is very important is that we need to some closing comments and want to these values issues on corporate ac- ensure that the fruits, the vegetables, thank him for the important contribu- countability because the GAO recently the food that we eat, the toys that our tions and voice he has added to our did a study identifying Panama as one children play with are high quality. caucus. of eight countries, and the only current They need to be safe. Mr. PERRIELLO. Thank you for country and prospective trading part- We put these strict standards on do- yielding. I just want to take a moment ner, that was listed on all of the major mestically produced food, on the kind on this issue of trade. tax haven watchdog lists. In fact, Pan- of fertilizers that our farmers can use, I think there’s an attitude among the ama has been a key target of the Orga- on the kind of pesticides they can use, elites and among the mainstream nization for Economic Cooperation and to ensure that the food that they media that assumes anything other Development for resisting inter- produce is safe. And yet, we have these than blind, free trade is somehow idi- national norms in combating tax eva- free trade agreements and we have the otic, and there’s a concern that this sion and money laundering. ability of some other countries to bring populism is about mob rule. Well, popu- And now to tie this all into one big products into our country that don’t list values aren’t about pitchforks. bow, we’ve learned that AIG, arro- follow the same kind of protections and They’re about pragmatic results. gance, incompetence, greed, has sued don’t have the same kind of laws that And I think for every model someone the U.S. Government demanding more we have here, which I think jeopardizes can show me on free trade, I can show than $306 million in taxes it paid, twice the quality of the food we get and cer- you reality and empirics. This is not the amount of what it paid in the now tainly the products that we get. about a theory cooked up in academia infamous executive bonuses. So that’s something that’s so impor- about trade. It’s about the reality of Here is what AIG is claiming. AIG is tant to us, to the people that I rep- how the tiger economies and others claiming it overpaid taxes related to resent back home and I think the peo- have competed. It has not been some the activities of its AIG-linked Pan- ple all through America. blind march to trade liberalization. It amanian corporation, Star Inter- So it’s an important thing, and I has been smart, strategic decisions by national Company, which is chartered know we’re running out of time here, each of those countries to play to their in the tax haven of Panama. And if but I think it’s something that we need comparative advantages. President Bush’s Panama Free Trade to discuss more and we need to spend a I think that we have been negoti- Agreement is ratified, AIG’s largest great deal of time on here in Congress ating from a position of weakness in shareholder, which is this derivative in because there’s nothing more impor- these trade deals instead of negotiating Panama and other offshore companies, tant than keeping the food that we eat from strength, and I think it’s cost the would have expansive new rights to middle class and the working class challenge U.S. tax laws. and the goods that our family uses as safe as possible. jobs. I think sometimes there’s an in- In fact, there are currently 350,000 credibly naive attitude by those who foreign firms that are registered in Before I yield back, I would just like to say one last thing. You know, I want would look down their noses at those Panama where there are zero to low who would engage in middle class and regulations and taxing restrictions. So to quote another Roosevelt. I started populist values, when in fact I think we know that, if this treaty is ratified, off quoting Franklin Roosevelt. I want the empirics are on our side. these policies will inhibit the ability to to finish by quoting Teddy Roosevelt, and he said, The welfare of each of us So I think what’s important in this, protect the American people, crack again, is not that we pick up the pitch- down on money laundering and tax is dependent fundamentally upon the welfare of all of us. That sounds an forks but that we produce results. I cheating and shady financial deals. think what we’re about is looking at So one of the things that we’ve awful lot like what President Obama is pragmatic solutions that take back learned is that there is linkage be- saying, that we’re all in this together. some of the raw deals that the middle tween the important concept of cor- We can’t forget that whether you’re a class has gotten for the last 20 years, porate accountability, fair trade poli- corporate executive or you’re a worker cies, and I want to yield to my friend on the line, what is good for the execu- particularly the last few years, and from New York to talk a little bit tive is good for the worker, and what is starts to stand up for those middle- about how those issues combine and good for the worker is good for the ex- class families and working class fami- how they affect the people that he rep- ecutive. lies who are getting up every morning resents in upstate New York. We are all in this together, and as my and working hard and playing by the Mr. ARCURI. Well, first off, I would colleague from Virginia said, it is im- rules and suddenly being asked to bear like to say thank you and commend portant that we remember the things the brunt of everyone else’s mistakes. my colleague from Virginia for his that we do affect each and every Amer- f well-thought-out and very articulate ican, regardless of where you are or b 2045 presentation with respect to corporate where you work. accountability. We certainly can use So, with that, I would again like to THE SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE that kind of passion here in Congress, thank my friend for organizing this The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. and I thank you for that, what you today. KRATOVIL). Under the Speaker’s an- said, and what you talked about. Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. I thank you, nounced policy of January 6, 2009, the You know, one of the things that I’d and before I yield to my friend from gentleman from Iowa (Mr. KING) is rec- like to talk about just for a moment is Virginia for a closing comment, I just ognized for 60 minutes. VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:07 Aug 09, 2011 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00108 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H31MR9.004 H31MR9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD March 31, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 7 9251 Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I ap- have a different view on what is fair They have a right to life. We need to preciate the privilege to be recognized trade compared to what we will here in guarantee that right to life. That right here tonight.
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