F .:i:n, ~ 0 -.3J6 UNITE::0 STATcS DE::PAr-f,l.l!oNl" OF THC INTE::,,:cR (STATE:; iO«. 1972) ~A TIONAL PARK SE::RVICt: , Virginia ,-C-OUNT-Y; -=-------------< NAilOKAL ;~i::~1STER OF H[SYuR!C eu.c~s / Fairfax lNVr;l'\TORY - NOMINATION FO~M , ____ _FOR NPS lJSE CNLY FOR FEOERAL PROPERTIES i gNTRY OAT£ Belvoir Mansion Ruins and the Fairfax Grave Site ; --·----------·-----'.NO/OR Hl!.T0(--..1(:; I Belvoir .......... ·,:._,:····.··.,,-,----~--.·.·, .. ·-;-~-·: ; ~- LOCATION· .. -:.-;_,., -! :STA:t.:C::T Ai,NO N\J"'1UER: I· c: TY OR T0WN, ----------- r CONGRESSIONAL. OUiiTRICT: ! I i ~TATC, --! ··co::ir: ! couNTV: : cooE , ~L Virg:i.r.:i.a __~__,~_,,_ ____ _,,...,..,,..,~~-L2~ .L-.. ~.-'fairf_~a_x--_...,,,,,~__,.,,....,~.~~__,..__ ~i .. 05~ 13- CLASSIFlC~.:0_9!l' ·• > . · · . f!:~:~~~ J~ 0WN£RSH/? STATUS l T;~~~S~J;~,J 0 Di•tricr C, Building r'ublic Pub!ic Ac~uisirion: /o Occ.,piocl Yoo: :Xj Sito ~, s,,.,.,,.,., O P,ivolo C.i In Procou jo Unoccupied j GQ Rau,ictod 0 ~------c: __O~jo~ _ Io Both 8 Boing Considetod l[X; ProsorvDtior,work ,I :::J Unrostric,od __ _ _ _ L_____ [ in progross lQ Ne. J­ i u ~~~!~~ (Ch.:,ck Ono o, .Wore hs Apptopriolu) l I I ~~ A\Jr;culrural CJ GoYor"nn,ent C} Park 0 Tronspottation Cj Contme"t$ I ·= · CornnuHci ol 0 lndustriol 0 Privo:o R.oside:'\CO CJ O rhor (Specify) :- --1 ~~~.'. ECv.::a,ioiiol ll() Mi Ii rory ::::J Rctligiou• z C~r M"seum 0 Scientitic I [-1, :,,.cc;,cy ,• l 1~.C-0-rn~O'.:l~a.o...__~a1-....G:O.-....~~~~~~~~~~~-,--~~~-~~~~~~~!~ i Ri;GIONAL. HEADQUARTERS: (ll app acrtiblo) iJq NiQwreld: Ge1tr 1er 1 lil&nt 5· 15' L;;~~-~=~-;---:_;_:_:_;v-~-~A-~-;-Ro_v_E_;_;_:__ --:---~-!...-~u~ .. -~... T,_:'' c_,_: J,.1...1......,,.._..-,._...a..Ll~I..LI~-u.L..j'.k:l"--..l,,, ..... ...._j,I,""'--"-.-.-_ -:,_-:-r_~-._.~-:~-..• =~-:,E-:-.>-1( E. /------------------------------------------1. ~TRta:.;T ANO NU"'481;:A: I~ · c, YY OR !OWN; i COOE ISTATE: i ~ Fairfax 1 ~.!LlP~~!Z';-.'TA YtON tNlxisnNG<s:SRvfy{ < I I I I \ ., TL._E_o_F_~_-"_R_v_.:_v_, ________~N"-"-A'----------~------=-,--------!-l _;ii~! ~i )::>A'TEOF:SURVEv, 8Fodotal ~Sratct CJCo""'Y QL.,col , lzj 2 ·- 0Er"0SIT0RY FOR •UAVE'f RECOAOS: /g l ~' 1 ~ c: I (I' VI I i !>TR(::EY ANO NiJMUE.R: I ~ ii C> T" OR TCWN: t\nAT&, Virginia c;;l~Uilli"-<! '-----~-----~----------------.....-----~--=:c....------------- .....-j' i~.~ •• •• •••-••-~-~-----. -·-.-·---·-··-•-.·•· -~- .. • --·--....... .,._..., ___ ,..r.,.--.~·-· -..-.. - ... ,,_,>·~'·····~-~:\, /1 ; · E )l.:,.:o!leont :·.: Goo~ ,1 Foir ,c;·.~;~~::::o,o!od !X.J Ruins O Uno,cpo&od 1· 'I COND1Ti0h ··-· - ~ ~- . , \ (Chock 0;1<>) (Chock Or,o) I____________ J_ L.\l Al,.,,.,d O Un.,llcred C) Movod [XI Originul S;,e 1 0L.:.::~ct;11):.: Tt·H.:'. ?RCSE.N1' 4NO ~A:ICINA.L (U .known) P'HVS1CAL. APP~ARANCE I 1 ! Ti:c cite is prc;.;ently under urchcolot:;ical cx.:ava~ion. Brick foundation:, and I ! dr;1i1:~; h.:w,: been expo:,; !c!d ut thv main hou;1 e anci three buildings. Upon cor.,ple_; J t:'..uu o.l' t::~ ~lrchcolo[;ical uroject the si. r.c will be d. eveloped into a park proJj i v:..::ing prot~ction and prcs;1·vation for the r0maining ruins. This park will 1 b0 open to the general public. I / Bclvoir 1.;~ described by George Washington as one of the most beautiful , c::;.:.;::.tc:;. on the river. i The follo,..:.ng newspaper notice published in the Virginia Gazette, Williar.is- ·); burg, 9 July. 1774 may best describe Belvoir in its original appeara."l.ce: l The beautiful seat of the honerable George William Fai!·fax, esquir0, ! , in Fairfax County, The Mansion house is of brick two stories high, with four convenient rooms and a passage on .the.second, and a servants' hall and cellars below: convenient office:., stables and coach house, adjqin,:.ng, as also a large and well furnished garden, stored with great ·variety of valuable .frci.ts: in good order. Appertaining tc "'m the tract on which these improvements are 1 and "'hl.ch contains nearly m 2,000 acres (sm-rounded in a manner oy navigable water) are several valuable fisheries, ancl a good deal oi' cleared land in different parts, which ma;y be let together, or separately, as shall be found most convenient. The terms may be kn.own of Colonel Washington, who lives near the premises, or of me, in Berkeley County. Francis Willis, junior Fairfax Grave Site near the mansion ruins is marked by a stone memorial ; sc:.rrvundad. by' a ·wrought iron fence and a c::-avel walkway. The grave site is l in excellent condition •.. ,'.l'.he ..stone memorial was erected by Mr •. Fairfax ) H.:,.rrison, a des'cendent of the Fairfax family. ', .. - .... ,.. ··-----------·._.........,_ ............. ~--·-··----------·-···---·-·-·-..... -.•.. _______ ._______ -----·-·····-'":'---- -·--·· .. - ,---·. .... .... -.-... ..._.. - .. -._. _ .... ••. __ ·,' .· ..·... -~- ·. -.·.·.· ... ~' .- .. ' : ·. '-. .. ------ ~ S:_~;Nl ~ :C.\~Cr: _:: .... ··: ·- ~_. -:~·.:-··: ~-":"".. -. _ .___ -... -..........;._ ............... ...-..-. ......... ~~-'-"'-"-"......___...____ _...:...;.....;.;.;;·.;.;1 / Pl!HJOO (CJi,,c>i: Onti or Moro w.s APJ>f'<.>[>ri.lJlll) \ Cl P,a .. C1Jlumbi~n 0 16th Conlu,y ~ lDth Conhuy 0 :.:Orh Conl~ry CJ 1 S:h Contvry ~/ 17th Cunr-,,y CJ 191h Ccnlury \ I SPC:CIFIC DA"r"l;ISl (JI Appll<Dbl• ,,,,.1_i._,,.,_.._·11_J __________________________-1\ I ARE..o\S Of!' SIGNlf'lC:'NCE. (Check Onn urJ\Toro ~1B APJ>ro;uial~) A.Loriginul O £.dvcarion O R',)JiJicol-. 0 UrLon P1'-lon1ng 1 0 Pr4histcric CJ Engino<>ring O Roligion/Phi• !X) Other (SpceJ/y) I o Historic :0 lr>du••,r~ •, . ,ro~~phy . archeology I CJ Agriculture O lnvantion CJ Sc,onco , 'bi§J;&_r_y 0 Archito~turo O Lond,~o?o O Sc:1Jl~u.,1ro 0 Art Ard1itoc.tu,. C so~iol/Hunicn.. 0 Commo"o [:j LitorCI.Turo it..:Jri en C Mi!itcty 0 Tiicot•t QM1.1~ic; ~ T ronipo,toti~n I Belvoir was built by Colonel l·tilliaD Fair.fax between 1736-1741 .and. for th.irti­ t•,10 yea:t-s was the seat of one of the moot di.5tinguishecl. farr.i.lies i~1 Virgi:iiaJ ' 1 Colonel William was land agent for his first· cousin Lord Tho:nas Fairfax, i [ ?roprieter of the Northern Neck; Collector of Customs for the South Potomac; I : anci President of the Vir[:1.nia Council. i i Here at Belvoir George Washington's half b:-other Lawrence married Colonel 1 William's eldest daughter Anne, Major John Carlyle (builder of the Carlyle 0 House in Alexandria) married Sarah, and George Was11i.ngton 's first cousin · ;~arner Washington -married Colonel William's youngest daughter Han."lah. Here, / Lord Thomas Fairfax met six.teen year old George Washington and formed a I :friendship which was to last thirty-three years. 1 Upon the death of Colonel William Fairfax in 1757, Belvoir wss inherited by the eldest son, George William Fairfax. It was in the company of George f Willi.am that George Washington began his first frontier surve:f+ng experience I departing from Bel voir in March 17 48. I George William inherited the family ancestral estates in England and in 1 Augu.s,;; 1773 he and his w.i.fe set sail for England, never to return. Subse- i quently', Belvoir was rented to Reverend Andrew Morton, de:;troyed by fire in I 1783, and further demolished by mo1·tur bo;nbs and Ca.,.'"lnon shot fired from I British ships during the Battle of Belvoir in September 18lJ+• The Fairfax merr.orial marks the graves o.f Colonel William Fairfax. who built Belvoir Mansion, his wife Deborah Clarke Fairfax, and bears inscriptions to the memory of the two young son.3 of the Fairfax's who were killed in early colorj,.al wars • .-....... ·-·-·-··--···1···---··· .. -·-·"""''''' ..... ·-··-·-·· ··-··--.... --_... ____...... c~-~- .\::~~-~(·.:~j;, ~-q·;:~tt·c<;_~~: .o._?hi Cl.;_ -~E.r=.r :H.: NCi: 5 .· ___ ··.·~· ···--4····-- ... ···---~- ·... ·: __ .. :.. __ :_ .. _·-0·:. · !:'ilc.., :.i.t Fo:·t, B8l voir i•1t:.S eur:1, Fort 3c:voir, Vir::;inia, '!h~;toric :?rc;,,')l'Vation :,_·or Fa"~rf,;;-~ Cotmty7 Vi:cginiu, Division of Planning, i /~c:_:cf2...'=. Cou:.1ty, Vireinia. yat,:~·::-,::u. .. , ·:'h0,·,1:J.s Tileston, The 1-'L:msions of Virginia, 1706-J.?76. New York: ' 30:1ar::.;::,. Book:; , 1945. [Rt;;:;::.; 0.:.1, :s~hr~rd B., "Bei voir Xanor," Hi::itorical Society of Fa.irfo.x County, , .Yi~-r::in:.a, Inc,, Vol. 9 (1964-1965) • • ,.; cco,i,<.<PsitAL 0 DATA -.-c .......• ; ....... n; ;;; .· .• '<<; • .·• .. , ... ·,:;r.,· .·., •.. </ .; i . • _ ~- . ---i-1 ~A;ITUDC ANO LONGIT~OE COOROINATc:~·s i - LA.T.. TUD':' .. ".'." 0 ~-o.r:i,.1TUOt: COORDINATES_ ·101 Oi!FINING TH\r CENTER 1-'0INT OF A PROPERTY i DC~ININU A-~ AN~ ... c:. I...OCAT!NG THE PAOP~FiTV R OF 1...E~S THAN TEN ACHES 0 i coR"cR ! LATI ,uois · L.ONG1 Tuoi> J ' L.A Tl ,uoe: · · I · LDNGI TuoE ' · / ; I I ' :; lJ"~ "'""'"tit IOogrc,o• M,nuto• Soconc!~ I /D0gu1oos Minuto• Socond• Dogrco: Min111,,. Socond• :-:~: _____ i U___ ,. (_A.-P,,,;,_XIMA_TI! ACF<EACE OF NOMINATED f'.IOPERTY: _______10 acres _ ' LIST ALL STATES ANO COUNTIES FOR PROPERTIES OVEf<LA<>PlNG 6TATE OR cou..,TV BOUNDARIES STATC:: I CODE I COUNTY: COOE I none , [ I :-:-S:::T-:A-cT::-:C-.. ,------------------11-c-o_o_E-i-C-::-O-,-U_N__ T- ...-,-----------------+--C_O_O_E_· -i ~:-c:·-,------------------+-C-O_O_E-+-,C-O_U_N_T_V_:_________________ 1-l_c_o_o_E~: % I: ST ATE-,-------------------f-C-O_O_E-+-C-O_U_N_T_V_:__________________ t--C~i : I \ ,11,A"OR/.'.~--. P·- r:r:.-·- ?,\~ED. -·---~~""=====""·,..,,..~=*===1'.'"·=~=,== -BY ::''/};:::=::.,)'= /:{{: :::: :}J=t/ ,.,, (;:=··· ,?,)}:: : NAMl.: A.N;:) 'T'ITLt:;; n i E.
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