![The Thompson Indians of British Columbia [Microform]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
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Those too large to be fiim^s A des taux de rMuction diffirents. entirely included in one exposure are filmed Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmi A partir right and top to bottom, as many frames as de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche A droite, required. The foiiowing diagrams illustrate the et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre method: d'images nicesssire. Les diagrammes sulvants illustrent la m^thode. 1 1: >- ^'i^ MEMOIRS -^'^V^'^^' OK THt; ^.-4 •\'. ^ American Museum of Natural HARLAN I. SMITH. SAClNA'.v, v.. L-. i-,a;H;i.*.N. History. Volume II. ANTHROPOLOGY. ;'? I. , The Jesup North Pacific Expedition. IV. — The Thompson Indians of British Columbia. By JAMES TEIT. Edited by FRANZ BOAS. April, 1900. '^ .-^^.-, .-* •:_ ..*:^,:j^'^. KV- •'S. i, a.^As-^-.v,-;, ^ '^MiiXu ^inffSiSfei'^"'- 544^&e The following method of transcribing Indian words is used in the publications of the Jesup Expedition : a, e, i, o, u have their continental sounds (short). 1, e, t, 0, a long vowels. A, B, I, o, u obscure vowels. * *, *, ', *, vowels not articulated, but indicated by position of the mouth. ( in German Bar, k aw in law. ..-,-. t « in German voU, e tKnbell. f imhUl. - separates vowels which do not form diphthongs. ai I in island. au Me> in how. \ as in English. U very long, slightly palatized by allowing a greater portion of the back of the tongue to touch the palate. 1 posterior palatal /; the tip of the tongue touches the alveoli of the lower jaw, the back of the tongue is pressed against the hard palate, sonant. L the same, short and exploded (surd). q velar k. k English k. k' palatized k, almost ky. kx posterior palatal k, between k and k'. 8 velar g. g' palatized g, almost gy. X ck'xn German Buck. X X pronounced at posterior border of hard palate. x° palatal x as in German kk. s, c are evidently the same sound, and might be written x° or c', both being palatized; c (English sk) is pronounced with open teeth, the tongue almost touching the palate immediately behind the alveoli ; s is modified in the same manner. <; M as in tkiek. d,t I b, p V as in English, but surd and sonant are difficult to distinguish. g.k J h as in English. y as in year. w, m, n as in English. ! designates increased stress of articulation. ' is a very deep laryngeal intonation. v ' ERRATA. p. 183, ad line of footnote, " Fig. laa " should read, " Fig. 120." " p. aaj, in legend to Fig. 198, "jifi should read " %\^." ^^' .> — IV. The Thompson Indians of British Columbia. By James Teit. Edited by Franz Boas. Map, Plates XIV— XX. / CONTENTS. f Editor's Note 165 I, Introduction, Historical and Geographical 167 Name of the Tribe 167 Habitat 167 Divisions of the Tribe 168 Population 175 Migrations and intercourse 178 Mental Traits 180 II. Manufactures i8a Work in Stoae 182 Work in Wood 183 Painting 184 Preparation of Skins 184 Basketry 187 Mats 188 Weaving and Netting 190 III. House and Household 193 Habitations 192 House-Furnishings 199 IV. Clothing and Ornaments 206 Clothing of Upper Thompsons 206 Clothing of Lower Thompsons and Upper Fraser Band 220 Modem Clothing 220 Decoration of Clothing 221 Personal Adornment 223 C163] "64 CONTKNTS. V. Subsistence 230 Variotii's and Preparation of Food J30 Preservation of Staple Foods J34 Dishes 236 Seasons 33^ Hunting 235 Fisliing 249 VI. Travel and Transportation ; Trade 255 Travel and Transportation 255 'I'mde 258 VII. Warfare .,63 VIII. ('fames and Pastimes 272 IX. Sign Language 283 X. Social Organization and Festivals 289 Social Organization 289 Festivals 2()() XI. liirtli, Childhood, Puherty, Marriage, and Death 303 Pregnancy 303 Childhood 306 Twins 310 Puberty 311 Marriage 3,, Cuslduis regarding Women 326 Ilurial Customs of the Upper rhompsons 327 Hurial Customs of the Lower ThcniipsDns 335 XII. Religion ^,y Conception of the World 337 Prayers and Observances 344 Festivals ' ^jo Guardian Spirits 354 Soul 357 Shamanism 3(50 Prophets 365 Kthical ("oncepts and Teachings 366 XIII. Medicine, Charms, Current lieliefs 368 Medicines -jfig Surgical Operations 370 Charms 3», Current Beliefs 3^2 XIV. Art (by Franz Boas) 3^5 Decorative Art 3^5 ^'"'*''^ 383 Dancing 385 XV. Conclusion (by Franz Boas) 387 Appendix 30, EDITOR'S NOTE. Tlu; followinjT (lescriptidii of tlu: Thompson Indians is hasvcl on two manu- scripts prrpared by Mr. Janius Ttii, - th('on<! a (l<scri|)tion of llu; Upper Tliom])- son Indians, written in 1895; the othur a d(:scri|)tion of tlic Lower Tliompsnn Indians, written in 1897 as a rcisultof work done liy Mr. Teit for tiie Jisiip Norlii I'arific Expedition. To these manuscripts have lieeii adiled notes furnished by Mr. I'eit, exijhiininjr tlu; uses, ami metlioiis of manufacture, of specimens whidi he collected for the expedition. Other information was furnished by hini in reply to in(piiries of the writer concerninj^ tpiestions that secMiud of interest, Tlu; detaileil descriptions of methods of weaving, and the patterns 'or costumes, are based on examination of specimens in the Museum.
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