
I L L I N O I S 7e m m ce S tate 2 . mm A n Il [unr ated Descr ip tive Gu ide to i P r s or Memor ial r Scen c a k , H i rt ic and L inco l n Sh r ine: i n I l l i no ir sre EDITION ( Car Sti ckers are required at al l State Parks 1 00 ’ acres or larger e xcept Lincoln s New Salem ) S"A"E O FILLINOIS W i G . G lliam Stratton , overnor DEPAR TMENT OF CONSERVA TION n me r i e t Gl e . P l c o D a , D r r DIV ISION O FPAR KS AND MEMOR IA LS W l l m R . A l l e n e i nt e n e nt i ia , Sup r d R G SP IN FIELD , ILLINOIS Pri nt ed by A u /bo r i ty of t he Stat e o f III/720 i ; i e nsgn ; 1 2 3 ( 80402 - 6- 58) STATE PARKS AND MEMORIALS A ppl e Ri ve r Canyon State Park A rgyle Lake State Park Beave r Dam Lake State Park Bishop Hill State Me morial Black Hawk State Park Buffalo Rock State Park Cahokia Court House State Memorial Cahokia Mounds State Park Cave - i n - Rock State Park Dickson Mounds State Memorial Dixon Springs State Park Fe rne Clyfi e State Park Fort Chartres State Park Fort Cre ve Coeur State Park Fort Kaskaskia State Park Fort Massac State Park Fox Ridge State Park Fox Ri v er State Park Ge bhard Woods State Park Giant City State Park Grand Marais State Park e G e e Ulyss s S . rant Stat M morial H e nry County Conse rvation Area Ill i ni State Park Illinois Beach State Park Illinois and Michigan Canal State Parkway Jubilee Coll ege State M e morial Kankakee River State Park Kaskaskia State Memorial Kickapoo State Park Lake Le - Aqua - Na State Park Lake Murphysboro State Park Lincoln Home State Memorial Lincoln Log Cabin State Park ' Lincoln s Ne w Sale m State Park Lincoln Tomb State Memorial Lincoln Trail State Park Lincoln Trail Home stead State Park Lewis and Clark State Memorial Lowden Memorial State Park Matth iesse n State Park Nature Area Mississippi Palisades State Park Nau v oo State Park Pere Marqu e tte State Park Proph e tstown State Park Rams e y Lake State Park Re d Hills State Park Shawnee town State Memorial Siloam Springs State Park Spitl e r Woods State Park e Springfi ld , Capital of Illinois Spring Lake State Park Starv ed Rock State Park Weldon Springs State Park White Pin e s Forest State Park Wo l f Lake Conservation A re a mes fifernnllg/ 111 Bro nze Head o f Li ncol n by G u tzo n B o rg/u m i n Fro nt of Li ncol n T omb an A e e A Few if y mericans hav equalled , and none hav surpassed , braham th e e e e e Lincoln on pag s of history . Nowh re in the Nation has his nam b en e e A v print d more ind libly than in Illinois . lthough it is not his nati e state , e th e it is the state in which he sp nt the formative years of his life , state in h v e e which e studied law , achie ed national promin nce as a l gislator and states e man , and from which he went to assum the Presidency in one of the most ’ critical periods of our Nation s history . Throughout the State notable events in Abraham Lincoln ' s life are com memo r ated by memorials ranging from th e monum e nt marking the point of i entrance of the Lincoln family into Ill nois , to the magnificent Lincoln Tomb in Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfi e ld where l ie the remains of th e Great Emancipator . e e . Springfield , the Stat Capital , is dott d with Lincoln memorials The Lincoln A e Home at Eighth and Jackson Streets , the only home that braham Lincoln ver e - et owned , is an unpr tentious brown frame two story building , y housed within ' h e it are memories of some of Lincoln s happiest days . It was here that spent e the early years of his marriage , wh re three of his children were born and V from whence he left for Washington to assume the Presidential chair . isitors Li ncol n H o me Ki tcb e n Ext e ri o r of Li ncol n H o me "h e Fro nt Parl o r i ncol n i l o n me nt N e L aw e nce vi l l e l l i no i s L Tra M u ar r , I see many of the original furnishings of th e home as th ey are conducte d through the rooms in which th e Lincoln family actually v li ed . The Lincoln Tomb in Oak Ridge Ce m e te r y is visit e d annually by many thousands Marbl e Ce no tapb of Li nco l n me n l of , women and chi dren , including One o t t e:i n i nco l n o m f S a u L T b many visitors from foreign countries . As the y stand be fore the huge marble ce no taph on th e ground floor room of th e Tomb e very visitor fe e ls the tremendous surge of rev ere nc e which com e s upon b e holding the actual re sting place of th e Gre at Emanc i e pato t . The pres nt Tomb is the third r e u n u es building upon this site , and it is q tionably complete ly fitting as a m e morial to ' one of Am e rica s greatest me n . — r a/ mm i nco l n i n . Mag ni fice nt To mb of A b L i e e met e i n el Il l i noi r Oak R dg C ry , Spr gfi d, H l GH WAY " N H RIN S KEY O Ll COLN S E “h as,” A Li nco l n Me mOr io I Bridge SHALL 8 Li nc o l n "rail Monu me nt n n a n tat Mt Pu ask ou t H u s C Li co l Log C bi S e 6 . l i C r o e Park H Po st vill e Cour t H ou se "h m n n 0 G ave s Of o as A d I S f e d L nc o n Home r pri g i l i l , Sarah Linc o l n "omb And Me mori al s E Lo g Co u r t H o u se Wh e re J Ne w Sal e m State Par k Nu t s LINCOLN ’S NEW Most impressive of all Illinois Memorial s perhaps most im pre ssi v e of any historical memorial tl e g e T ( f e n ' Ru d a r in th e nation is Lincoln s New e e Salem State Park . H re, r produced e v e in flawl ss authenticity , is the illag where A braham Lincoln first l e ft his imprint upon th e pages of his e tory . It was h re that he studied law by th e light of the burning sha v ings in the fireplace of H e nry ' Onstott s cooperage it was h e re e e that he cl rk d in a store , em barked upon his own ill - fated busi e e e ness venture as a stor k per , serve d as postmaster here he me t e Ann R e I nte ri o r 0 / K el r o Cabi n and lov d utledg in the fi e ld beyond th e village he drilled with other voluntee rs be fore lea v ing to fight in th e Black Hawk War in which he serv e d as a Captain of Militia and it was from New Salem that h e was first e l e ct e d to public office as a Re p t e sentati ve in the State Legislature . It can be safely said that the six y e ars that A braham Lincoln spent in New Sal e m formed a turning e e point in his car r . From the gan ( Abo ve ) Sau ' and Gri t t Mi l l i Park Gui de wi t/7 Gro up Bet we e n O nstott Co ope rag e r g ' - and e nt B r otb er r i n ( l e t) ( Be l o w) Exte ri o r of tbe Li ncol n Be rry St o re Tr Cab f SALEM S"A"E PAR K “ "he L i ncol n Vi l lage In Menar d Co u nty o n Stat e R o u tes 12 3 and 9 7 2 c w r n l d r es. 20 mi l es N or th est of Sp i gfie .
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