YUYESHIVA UNIVERSITYTo • ORIENTATION 2005 • dVOLUME 10 NO. 1 ay Stern Physics Professor Receives $900K US Dept. of Energy Grant A New Year Begins at YU “The grant will provide the resources to train a new gen- A Message From the President eration of scientists who will become leaders of their re- Welcome to a new year and a new beginning at search teams,” said Dr. Frenkel. Yeshiva University. The grant will fund summer While the world and society confront us with research internship positions much confusion and tension, we know that what we for two YU undergraduates and achieve here together can bring hope from dismay, two at the University of Dela- light out of the darkness, and wisdom to life. We wel- ware. All four students will come you to an environment of inspiration and aspi- spend the summer at Brook- ration, deep belief, knowledge, and values. Here you haven and will be in charge of will find an academic community deeply committed research support of visiting to learning from our past and charting our future. research groups. Each student I look forward to traveling with you on a joyous will receive a $5,000 grant for journey. he US Department of and the University of Dela- three months. Energy awarded a ware and spent on upgrading “This grant will afford the $900,000 grant to Brookhaven’s existing facili- students an unparalleled op- Anatoly Frenkel, PhD, ties and building new ones. portunity and will, undoubt- Tassociate professor of physics Dr. Frenkel will oversee the edly, influence their career at Stern College for Women, research and education activi- decisions,” said Dr. Frenkel. President Richard M. Joel and his colleagues at Univer- ties of the consortium jointly The study will examine the sity of Delaware and Brook- with the other principal in- mechanism of catalysis, a pro- haven National Laboratory. vestigators, Prof. J. Chen of the cess that helps speed up The grant is for $300,000 per University of Delaware and chemical reactions making year for three years. Dr. Fren- Dr. R. Adzic of Brookhaven, them more efficient. kel’s application was for the from September onwards. “Catalysts are important in Special creation of a Synchrotron Day-to-day operations will industrial chemistry and are Orientation Catalysis Consortium dedicat- be carried out by a scientist used in 90 percent of all ed to catalysis and nano- who will be hired by the con- chemical processes, and gen- Spread Inside science research and based at sortium. Research opportuni- erate 60 percent of today’s Brookhaven. ties at the consortium will be chemical products,” he said. See pages 4-5 The funds will be divided open to scientists from the US between Yeshiva University and abroad. continued on page 6 answers to the public,” said “I am hopeful that this will YU Looks to the Stars for Dr. Tyson, who has authored be the kind of interdisciplinary or co-authored seven books. course that will build bridges YC Writer-in-Residence Fun and elucidating prose between the sciences and is what Dr. Tyson hopes to humanities,” Dr. Jacobson said. eil deGrasse Tyson To make money as a gradu- teach to the 12 students tak- Dr. Tyson, who has already grew up in Skyview ate student, Dr. Tyson wrote a ing his course in the Jay and taught science at Columbia Apartments in column for an astronomy Jeanie Schottenstein Honors University, Princeton Univer- Riverdale, NY. Per- newsletter answering the pub- Program at Yeshiva College. sity, and the Hayden Planet- Nhaps the name inspired the lic’s questions about astrono- The Writer-in-Residence arium, dreamed of teaching world-renowned astrophysi- my and space. program was established in writing and was excited about cist to look to the stars. He wrote as “Merlin,” a 1996 to give students an op- the opportunity to teach at YC. Now Dr. Tyson is the Fred- time-traveling tour guide, portunity to learn writing Dr. Jacobson cited Michael erick P. Rose Director of the who has been alive for all of from a working writer, said YC Pollan’s The Botany of Desire, Hayden Planetarium in New the earth’s history. A collec- English Department Chair and Dava Sobel’s Galileo’s York City and the new Yeshiva tion of those columns has Joanne Jacobson. Daughter as representative of a College Writer-in-Residence been published as Merlin’s Previous writers in resi- new genre of writing bringing for the fall semester. Tour of the Universe and trans- dence have been fiction writers, science to a wider audience. It is a welcome career twist lated into eight languages. and Dr. Jacobson sees Dr. Dr. Tyson’s book of essays, Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, for Dr. Tyson, who admits he “It gave me a chance to Tyson’s selection as “pushing director of Hayden Planetarium. fell into writing “by accident.” have fun while bringing the disciplinary envelope.” continued on page 6 E BRIDGE SMART FRESH LET’S GO BUILDER MOVES FACES EUROPE D An Interview YU Recruits New Students’ Students Travel I with Rabbi 31 Faculty Hopes and to England and Richard Bieler Members Expectations Italy S Page 3 Page 4 Page 4-5 Page 7 N I www.yu.edu/news/publications 2 YUToday Orientation 2005 Sam Hartstein ’43Y, former PR Martin and Shelley Kaufman, YU Leah (Witty) Stromer ’82S, assis- People in the News director, and wife Ruth on the birth Guardians and supporters of tant to the SSSB dean, Office of of a grandson, Jordan Elliot Hart- RIETS, YU, and BRGS (on whose Career Services, on the loss of her stein, to Jonathan and Carole. board Mr. Kaufman serves) on the father, Rabbi Yitzchak (Irwin) Lawrence Bellman, assistant pro- Peter Morgan Kash, an AGS doc- loss of his mother, Hilda Kaufman. Witty YH,’53Y,R. fessor of management and mar- toral student and cofounder of Esther (Finkle) Hollander ’98S, keting and director of the Rennert Paramount Capitol, Inc., authored former media relations writer at YU, Entrepreneurial Institute at SSSB, Make Your Own Luck (Prentice Hall). and husband Yitzchak Hollander Wurzweiler Mourns Passing published “Attracting Undergrad- The book has been translated into ’92Y, on the birth of a son, uates to an Entrepreneurship Pro- Hebrew, Russian and Chinese. Avraham. of Margaret Gibelman gram,” Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, vol. 7, 2004; and “Entre- Aaron Levine, Samson and Halina WE MOURN Wurzweiler School of Social Work suffered a great loss June 3 when preneurs: Invent a New Brand Bitensky Professor of Economics, Margaret Gibelman, DSW, professor and director of its Doctoral Name or Revive an Old One?”, authored “Price Controls in Jewish Norman Eisenberg, former YU Program, passed away after battling lung cancer. Dr. Gibelman made Business Horizons, vol. 48, issue 3, Law – An Efficiency Analysis,” in the deputy director of communications a substantial contribution to the field of June 2005. journal Dine Israel, 23, 2005, pp. and public affairs, who passed away social work as a scholar, author, researcher, 1-52. Aug 1. Condolences to his wife, mentor, and practitioner. J. David Bleich, PhD, CSL Herbert Carol; daughter, Samantha; mother, “She was the consummate academic, and Florence Tenzer Professor of Prof Edith (Slomowitz) Lubetski Evelyn, and sister, Elaine. with a commitment to scholarship, her Jewish Law and Ethics, authored ’68B, Hedi Steinberg Library head profession, and her students,” said “A 19th-Century Agunah Problem librarian, addressed a New York Marshall S. Horwitz, MD, chair Sheldon R. Gelman, PhD, Dorothy and and a 20th-Century Solution,” Metropolitan Area chapter meet- of microbiology and immunology David I. Schachne Dean at Wurzweiler. Tradition magazine. ing of the Association of Jewish at Einstein and a world-renowned Before coming to Wurzweiler in 1994, Libraries on the occasion of its virologist, who died May 31. Con- she taught at Rutgers University and the Rabbi Shalom Carmy ’70Y,B,R, 20th anniversary celebration. dolences to his wife, Dr. Susan National Catholic School of Social Ser- YU assistant professor of Bible and Band Horwitz, cochair of molec- vices. Dr. Gibelman’s management expertise was in high demand editor of Tradition, has contributed David Pelcovitz, PhD, Gwendolyn ular pharmacology and the Rose among national organizations. She served as associate executive direc- many of his essays to the Web site and Joseph Straus Professor of C. Falkenstein Professor of Cancer tor of the Council on Social Work Education, and executive director of of the Academy for Torah Initiatives Jewish Education at AGS and SCW, Research at Einstein; sons Joshua the Lupus Foundation of America and the National Association of and Directions, www.atid.org. recently spoke on “Children and and Bruce; and his grandchildren. School Psychologists. Trauma” during Grand Rounds at Dr. Gibelman held senior staff positions with the National Con- Chaim Feuerman, PhD, AGS the Center for Clinical Pastoral Lola Kramer, a Benefactor with ference on Social Welfare and the American Public Welfare Association. Golda Koschitzky Professor of Education; “How External Influ- her husband, Saul, who endowed She served as a consultant to the National Association of Social Jewish Education, presented ences Affect our Children” at the the Saul and Lola Kramer Chair in Workers and to the Council on Accreditation for Services to Families “Building Relationships by Con- Maimonides Academy of Los Molecular Biology, established the and Children. necting with Students” via video- Angeles; “Conflict Resolution” at Lola and Saul Kramer Loan Fund, A prolific author, publishing more than 125 articles and book chap- conferencing, with five schools on the Orthodox Union Synagogue and a fund for Dr. Cedric Raine’s ters, she also authored or co-authored eight books, including What behalf of AMODS: in Dallas, TX; Leadership Seminar; and “The research in multiple sclerosis, all at Social Workers Do (1995, second edition 2005) and the more recent Columbus, OH; Five Towns, NY; Mechanech’s Expanding Role: A AECOM.
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