Box and Folder Inventory for OGLMC #204, Quentin Burdick Papers

Box and Folder Inventory for OGLMC #204, Quentin Burdick Papers

Box and Folder Inventory for OGLMC #204, Quentin Burdick Papers Quentin Burdick Papers Series I, House of Representatives, 1958-1960 Sub-Series A, Correspondence Box - Folder Title Folder Correspondence-A 4-1 Correspondence-B 4-3 Correspondence-C 4-4 Correspondence-D 4-5 Correspondence-E 4-6 Correspondence-F 4-7 Correspondence-G 4-8 Correspondence-H 4-9 Correspondence-I 4-10 Correspondence-J 4-11 Correspondence-K 4-12 Correspondence-L 4-13 Correspondence-M 4-15 Correspondence-Mc 4-14 Correspondence-N 5-1 Correspondence-O 5-2 Correspondence-P 5-3 Correspondence-Q 5-4 Correspondence-R 5-5 Correspondence-S 5-6 Correspondence-T 5-7 Correspondence-U 5-8 Correspondence-V 5-9 Correspondence-W 5-10 Correspondence-X,Y,Z 5-11 Miscellaneous: To be Placed on the General Mailing List 4-2 Sub-Series B, Bills and Legislation Box- Folder Title Folder (1.) House Resolutions HR 1981 Garrison Diversion 1-2 HR 2150 Milk Program 1-3 HR 3142 Electric Transmission 1-4 HR 3143 Standing Rock Tribe 1-5 HR 2144 Standing Rock Tribe 1-6 HR 4991 Wheat Bill 1-7 HR 5388 Feed Grain 1-8 HR 5999 Durum Bill 1-9 HR 6122 Credit Unions 1-10 HR 6458 Milk Sanitation 1-11 HR 6458 Standing Rock 1-12 HR 6637 Food for Peace 1-13 HR 6685 U.N. Food Bill 1-14 HR 7232 Loan Extension 1-15 HR 7619 Leonard Zimmer 1-16 HR 7882 Surplus Property 1-17 HR 8417 Masonic Lodge 1-18 HR 8511 Soil Bank 1-19 HR 8578 Soil Bank 1-20 HR 9047 Emergency Livestock Feed 1-21 HR 9569 Resource and Conservation Act 1-23 HR 9604 Private Bill Mary Palanuk 1-24 HR 9605 Private Bill, Mrs. Frank McLaughlin Countryman 1-25 HR 9710 Private Bill, Mrs. Randolph Weum 1-26 HR 9864 Railroad Bill 1-27 HR 9952 Postal Compensation 1-28 HR 10017 Sugar Act 1-22 HR 10358 Farm Program 1-29 HR 10594 Veteran Homes 1-30 HR 10747 National Peace Agency 1-31 HR 10945 Private Bill, George Brahos 1-32 HR 10991 Stopwatches 1-33 HR 11564 Indian Loans 1-34 HR 12408 Cancer from Milk 1-35 (2.) House Concurrent Resolutions (HCR) HCR 58 T.V. Boosters 2-2 HCR 117 International Education 2-3 HCR 563 Nuclear Weapons Suspension 2-1 HCR 652 Grain Storage 1-36 (3.) Miscellaneous: Legislative Record 1-1 Sub-Series C, Subject Files Box - Folder Title Folder Administration-Job Applications 188-1 Administration-Office General 188-3 Administration-Personnel 188-2 Administration-Postage 188-5 Administration-Stationary 188-6 Administration-Telephone and Telegraph 188-4 Agriculture-Drought 188-7 Agriculture-Farm Labor 188-8 Agriculture-Farm Program General 1959 188-10 Agriculture-Farm Programs General 1960 188-9 Agriculture-Farmers Home Administration 188-12 Agriculture-General 188-11 Agriculture-Grain Storage 188-13 Agriculture-Grasshoppers and noxious weeds 189-3 Agriculture-HR 2150-Milk Program 188-15 Agriculture-HR 4991 188-14 Agriculture-Livestock 188-16 Agriculture-P.L. 480 188-17 Agriculture-Poultry and Eggs 188-18 Agriculture-Soil Bank 189-1 Agriculture-Soil Conservation 188-19 Agriculture-Sugar Beets 189-2 1960 Agriculture Yearbooks 5-15 Agricultural Yearbooks; Congressional 5-15 Air Bases: Minot and Grand Forks; National Defenses 2-26 Alcoholic Beverages; Health and Welfare 7-15 Aviation-Civil Aeronautics Board 189-4 Aviation-General 189-6 Aviation-HR 1011 189-5 Biographies: Public Relations 3-2 Budget: Federal Government 7-2 Calendars: Congressional 5-16 Cases: Health and Welfare 7-14 Cases: Veterans 3-8 Census: Federal Government 7-3 Christmas Card File, 1963 2-5 Civil Defense: National Defense 9-7 Civil Rights-Equal Rights 189-7 Civil Rights-General 189-8 Civil Rights-Un-American Committee 189-9 Civil Services: Federal 7-1 Committees, Committee Assignment 189-10 Committees, Interior and Insular Affairs 189-11 Communications: Utilities 10-15 Congrats, Condolences, Thank You, 1959:Public Relations 3-5 Congrats, Condolences, Thank You, 1960:Public Relations 3-3 Congressional Record: Congressional 6-1 Congressional Record Insertions: Public Relations 9-14 Conservation: Natural Resources 2-9 Constitution (Turtle Mt.): Indian Affairs 7-19 Cooperative: Taxes 10-10 Correspondence 2-8 Credit Unions-Economic 6-10 Dakota Centennial: North Dakota 2-16 Devils Lake Weather Station: North Dakota 2-15 Directory: Congressional 6-2 Disputes: Labor 8-11 Draft: National Defense 9-8 Education: Indian Affairs 7-20 Edward Arthur Patterson Lake: North Dakota 2-17 Election Congrats: Public Relations 3-4 Fair Labor Standards: Labor 8-12 Fair Trade: Economic 6-11 Farm Labor: Labor 8-13 Farmers Union Bus Trips: Public Relations 9-15 Federal Aide: Education 6-14 Federal Employees: Insurance and Retirement 8-5 Federal Highway Program: Public Works 10-6 Federal: Public Works 10-8 Federal: Taxes 10-13 Files Handbook for Congressional Offices 7-13 Firefighters: Insurance and Retirement 8-6 Fish and Wildlife: Natural Resources 2-10 Forand Bill: Insurance and Retirement 8-2 Football Tickets: Congressional 5-12 Foreign Policy: Foreign Relations 6-3 Forest Services 7-12 Ft. Union: North Dakota 2-18 Fuels: Natural Resources 2-11 Gallery Passes: Congressional 5-13 Garrison Memorial Hospital: Health and Welfare 7-16 General Correspondence: Public Relations 3-1 General: Economics 6-12 General: Education 6-15 General: Federal Government 7-11 General: Health and Welfare 7-9 General: Housing 7-18 General: Indian Affairs 8-1 General: Labor 9-1 General: North Dakota 2-23 General Post Office 2-28 Geographical Center: North Dakota 2-19 H-Bombs: National Defense 9-9 Hospitalization: Insurance and Retirement 8-4 House of Representatives: Congressional 6-6 HR 3149: Taxes 10-11 HR 9070: Secondary Boycotts: Labor 9-3 Immigration and Naturalization: Federal 7-4 Invitations, Appointments, Schedules 2-7 Invitations, Appointments, Schedules, Past 7-7 Invitations, Appointments, Schedules, 1959: Public Relations 9-13 Invitations, Appointments, Schedules, 1960: Public Relations 9-16 Kennedy-Erwin Bill: Labor 9-2 Land Development: Indian Affairs 7-21 Legislation: Indian Affairs 7-22 Legislation: Veterans 3-7 Legislature: North Dakota 2-20 Liaison: Congressional 6-7 Libraries: Education 6-17 Library of Congress: Congressional 6-8 Metro Plan: Post office 2-27 Military: National Defense 9-10 Minimum Wage: Labor 9-4 Mines and Mining: Natural Resources 2-12 Minot V.A. Hospital: Veterans 3-9 Misc. Legislation: Congressional 6-5 Misc. Requests: Congressional 6-4 Missouri River: Public Works 10-7 Murray-Metcalf Bill: Education 6-20 Mutual Security: Foreign Relations 6-21 National Defense Education Act: Education 6-16 National Guard Armories: National Defense 9-11 National Parks Employment: Federal Government 7-10 Naturalized Citizens: Public Relations 9-17 Newsletter: Public Relations 10-2 Nurses: Education 6-18 Oil Import 2-13 Orphans Immigration Bill: Health and Welfare 7-17 Patronage: Congressional 6-9 Peace Garden: North Dakota 2-24 Post Office 2-6 Postal Pay Raise 2-29 Power and Light: Utilities 10-16 Press Release: Public Relations 10-1 Radio-T.V.: Public Relations 10-3 Railroad Retirement: Insurance and Retirement 8-7 Rate Increase: Post Office 2-30 R.E.A.: Utilities 10-17 Requests to and from Office 2-4 Section 315: Federal 7-5 Security: National Defense 9-12 Service Cases: National Defense 9-6 Slack Water Navigation on Missouri Public Works. 10-9 Small Business-Economics 6-13 Social Security: Insurance and Retirement. 8-3 State: Taxes 10-12 Social Security Legislation: Insurance and Retirement. 8-8 Statehood: Federal Government 7-6 Statuary Hall: North Dakota 2-21 Sugar Beets 189-13 Thank Yous 189-12 Theodore Roosevelt National Park: N.D. 2-25 Townsend Plan: Insurance and Retirement 8-9 Transportation: Utilities 10-14 T.V. Boosters: Utilities 3-6 Unemployment Compensation: Insurance and Retirement 8-10 Unions: Labor 9-5 United Nations: Foreign Relations 6-22 Visitors: North Dakota 2-22 Visitors: Public Relations 11-4 Water: Natural Resources 2-14 Weekly Column: Public Relations. 10-5 West Fargo Post office: Post office 2-31 Yearbook Correspondence 7-8 Youth Conservation Corps: Education 6-19 Series II: Senate, 1960-1968 Sub-Series A: Personal Files, 1960-1968 Box - Folder Title Folder AA-ABEL 88-1 ABEN-ABZ 88-2 ACA-AD 88-3 AE-AK 88-4 ALA-ALB 88-5 ALC-ALH 88-6 ALI-(a-z) 88-7 ALIA-ALLENA 88-8 ALLENB-ALLK 88-9 ALLK-A11Z 88-10 ALM-ALS 88-11 ALT-ALZ 88-12 AMA-AMERICAN (a-c) 88-13 American (d-l) 88-14 American (m-p) 88-15 American (r-z) 88-16 AMERLAND-ANDERS 88-17 ANDERSON (a-c) 88-18 ANDERSON (d-g) 88-19 ANDERSON (h-q) 89-1 ANDERSON (p-z) 89-2 ANDERT-AQZ 89-3 ARA-ARMX 89-4 ARMY-ARNE 89-5 ARNF-ARNZ 89-6 ARO-ARZ 89-7 ASA-ASZ 89-8 ATA-ATZ 89-9 AUA-AUE 89-10 AUF-AZ 89-11 BAA-BACH 89-12 BACI-BAD 89-13 BAE-BAES 89-14 BAET-BAIZ 89-15 BAJ-BAK 89-16 BAKER (a-z) 89-17 BALA-BALD 89-18 BALE-BALZ 89-19 BAM-BAQ 89-20 BARA-BARK 89-21 BARL-BARN 89-22 BARO-BARS 90-1 BART-BARZ 90-2 BASA-BAT 90-3 BAU-BAUE 90-4 BAUF-BAZ 90-5 BEA-BEAZ 90-6 BEB-BEC 90-7 BECKER (a-z) 90-8 BED-BEJ 90-9 BEK-BELK 90-10 BELL-BEM 90-11 BENA-BENN 90-12 BENO-BENZ 90-13 BEO-BERF 90-14 BERGH-BERZ 91-1 BERGA-BERGF 91-2 BES-BEZ 91-3 BIA-BID 91-4 BIE-BIG 91-5 BIH-BIN 91-6 BIO-BIRK 91-7 BIRL-BISL 91-8 BISMARCK 91-9 BIT-BIZ 91-10 BJAR-BJZ 91-11 BKA-BKZ 91-12 BLA-BLACK (a-z) 91-13 BLAD-BLAZ 91-14 BLE-BLOD 91-15 BLOE-BN 91-16 BOA-BOC 91-17 BOD-BOEH 92-1 BOEI-BOG 92-2 BOH-BOHZ 92-3 BOI-BOLL 92-4 BOLM-BONDD 92-5 BONDE-BORG 92-6 BORH-BORZ 92-7 BOS-BOSZ 92-8 BOTA-BOTZ 92-9 BOU-BOV 92-10 BOW-BOWZ 92-11 BOX-BOZ 92-12 BRAA-BRAD 92-13 BRAE-BRAM 92-14 BRANA-BRANZ 92-15 BRAO-BRAT 92-16 BRAU-BRD 92-17 BRE-BRER 92-18 BRES-BRIC 93-1 BRID-BRIGK 93-2 BRIGL-BRIZ 93-3 BROA-BROE 93-4 BROWN (n-s)-BROZ 93-5 BROWA-BROWN (a-z) 93-6 BROOL-BROV 93-7 BROF-BROOK 93-8

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