Salado Calendar of Events Page 2B Salado Villageillage Voiceoice VOL. XXXIX, NUMBERV 12 THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 254/947-5321 V SALADOviLLAGEVOICE.COM 50¢ Don’t expect drastic changes in village budget BY TIM FLEISCHER all revenues to right at $1 EDitOR-in-CHIEF million. The Village budgeted Don’t expect much just over $1.06 million in change in the 2016-17 Vil- expenses this year, but lage budget. If anything, will probably exceed that there will likely be fewer due to $47,500 in addi- expenses to match the drop tional Stagecoach sewer in revenues anticipated for expenses and $16,000 in next year. additional expenses for a The Village counts police patrol vehicle. mostly on property tax The Village may con- and sales tax for local rev- sider contracting its enue. Property taxes will municipal court totally most likely be budgeted to through the Justice of the remain the same at about Peace. Municipal fines $355,000 in total revenue. were budgeted at almost Sales tax will likely $64,000 this year, but ac- be budgeted at the same tual fines so far have been amount, $375,000 for the have been considerably year. under budget at $25,490.72 Remaining revenues through June 2016. will come from franchise Most expenses this year fees, which total $194,500 are under budget except for and licensing and per- legal fees which ballooned mitting which is running to $65,980.59. Much of about 20 below budget- that has been for legal con- ed. Most of that is due to sultations on the two ma- fewer zoning and vari- jor economic development ance requests. The Village agreements with Sanctu- budgeted $27,000 in those ary and Stagecoach Inn. revenue sources this year However, villagers but has actually only seen should expect legal fees $5,284.18 in revenue. to remain high next year A contract from James as the Village government Construction for traffic tackles rewriting its Com- control duties performed prehensive Plan. by Salado police injected Code enforcement will about $15,000 in added likely remain at $48,485 revenues this year, but Sal- next year. ado will see that amount Fire protection will re- disappear as James Con- main at $36,000. struction finishes its con- Police protection will tract in the Salado area. likely remain at about Total revenues are $325,000. about 5 percent off so far The Municipal court this year, so that amount will also likely remain Trailblazer comes to town may be trimmed from the around $60,000. The Texas Association of Minority Engineers Trail- proposed 2016-17 budget. blazer was overrun with kids on July 23 when it This would lower the over- SEE VILLAGE BUDGET, PAGE 3A stopped at the Salado Public Library. The TAME Trailblazer is a 40-foot exhibit trailer that houses a variety of engineering and science exhibits Final approvals near, targeted at students in grades 3-8. It is the only inter- active science and engineering museum on wheels in Texas. sewer construction Exhibits are mapped to science TEKS for grades 3-8, and teachers receive pre-visit activities and fol- could begin by Dec. low-up materials to sustain student interest long af- BY TIM FLEISCHER to four separate locations. ter the Trailblazer drives off campus. The Trailblazer EDitOR-in-CHIEF The process is expected to can accommodate 30 students at a time. Each group be complete with approv- takes between 35 and 45 minutes to go through the The Village expects to als by the send of Septem- trailer. put the construction of the ber. Concepts emphasized through the Trailblazer in- sewer system out for bid in With the approval by clude energy concepts such as conservation, transfor- September once final ap- THC, the Village expects mation and transmission of energy, power generation proval comes from Texas the Corps of Engineers ap- and alternative energy sources; space concepts such Historical Commission for proval to come by the end as space flight, gravity, working in space, impact of the proposed final lines of September as well. solar activity on earth, NASA products in everyday life, and sewer locations. The Village is in the medicine concepts such as pathogens, bones, body This will allow the process of acquiring ease- temperature, x-rays, robotics and surgery; weather Village to complete con- ments and fee simple prop- concepts such as forecasting, predictive technol- struction of the collection erty. That process should ogy and the science of tornadoes and aerodynamic system by October 2017. end in July. concepts such as Bernoulli’s principle, aerodynamic shapes and civil engineering. Construction of the treat- The Texas Commission (PHOTOS BY ROYCE WIGGIN) ment plant itself will also on Environmental Quality be complete by October (TCEQ) will review final 2017, according to the lat- plans in July and August. est time-lines from village The Economic Develop- engineering firm Kasberg ment Administration will Retiring sewer debt could Patrick Associates. review final plans for its After the collection $1 million grant in July- system is built, the Vil- September. lage will spend November The bid and award of 2017-January 2018 con- the construction contract drive 19¢ tax increase necting septic systems will be completed in Oc- BY TIM FLEISCHER and transferring sewer tober and November with al of $168,130,780 in total an additional 20 percent claims the homestead ex- EDitOR-in-CHIEF services, according to the work beginning in Decem- freeze adjusted taxable from the valuation. For ex- emption and the over 65 time-line, which was most ber on the collection sys- values for the Village of ample, a $200,000 home exemption would see the Although aldermen recently updated on June tem and wastewater treat- Salado. would be lowered to a tax- taxable value of their home have directed City Admin- 20. ment plant. This is almost a 19 cent able value of $156,000. lowered to $106,000. istrator Kim Foutz to draft The Village submitted Initial work on the col- increase in the debt ser- At the possible tax rate At the $0.54254 tax the 2016-17 general oper- documents to Texas De- lection system will begin vice property tax, which of $0.54254 this would rate, that homeowner ating budget with no prop- partment of Transporta- on Church Street in De- could bring the total prop- result in a tax of $846.36 would pay city property erty tax increase, property tion on March 25 and govt cember. Work on the Main erty tax rate to $0.54254 rather than $1,085.08, a taxes of $575.09. taxes will increase dra- initial approval on April Street and Royal Street per $100 valuation pro- savings of more than $200. Further, those claiming matically next year due to 28. Additional submittals collection systems will be- vided there is no increase For those who are over the over 65 or disabled ex- the increased cost of retir- and amendments were gin in January. in the maintenance and age 65 or who are dis- emptions have their taxes ing the debt of $8.8 mil- made in late April and An electronic diagram operation (M&O) rate. abled, they can stack the frozen at that amount, lion sewer bond. May. of the collection system The Village has the local homestead deduction regardless of natural in- To pay the $576,080 in KPA and Village staff can be found on our web- most generous local ex- with a second deduction creases in the value of fiscal year 2016-17 will met with THC on June 2. site at www.saladovillage- emptions for homestead of an additional $50,000 their home or increases in require a debt service tax The Historic Commission voice.com. owners. Every homestead from the taxable value. the tax rate. requested additional inves- rate of $0.34264 based can claim a $5,000 deduc- The owner of a home According to the Texas SEE TAX RATES, PAGE 3A tigations and digs at three upon the certified apprais- tion from the valuation and valued at $200,000 who Page 2A, SALADO Village Voice, July 28, 2016 Engineer says sewer line FORUM should go under the creek An Open Exchange of Ideas Friends, the low water crossing just south of Fire Station #1, Our engineer believes Church Street. As current- the best and safest way Mayor ly planned, Main Street’s for the sewer line to cross sewer line will in January Salado Creek is by boring Skip so as not to disturb Holi- underneath, therefore, a Blancett day events. test and study are being re- Joe Price is working on quired to determine what the second Gateway Sign test. Swimming may be is under the creek. Test depicted in the Salado Vil- done at Pace Park. We results will be known to lage Voice. The sign cost have been told the test the citizens. Some think is $34,259.73. Contribu- will not disturb or harm there is a cavern under- tions may be sent to the the Salamander. As soon neath; others think it is Salado Community Foun- as the tests are completed, solid rock; most people do dation a 501-C3. the area will re-open for not know but are curious. Finally, please know swimming. Whatever it is, making street crack filling is be- Other sewer line news. sure the creek is not dis- ing done. What was esti- Beginning in October/No- turbed or damaged is par- mated to take 3-years will vember, the first phase of amount as well as the Sal- be completed in 2-years.
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