DAILY NEWS VOL 1. THE DAILY NEWS, NELSON, B. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1902. NO. 48. nous presidents were doing the same ns have the most detrimental effect on the his lordship's elevation to the bench, houses nnd private residences, The dec­ himself, but he felt sure they were. opinion of Canada held by the British on retiring, he will be entitled to two- orations of lady Burdctt-Coutts' house are Somo soft coal is coming into the an­ Investor,*' thirds of his present salary, and will on a grand scale, and scarcely less Im­ STBIKIS m thracite market from Central Pennsyl­ Canada, In his opinion, Is the natural PLOT TO KILL also have the salary as chairman of the posing uro the decorations of lord Roth­ vania, West Virginia and Virginia, but outlet for tho youth of the Old Country, commission to revise the statutes. The schild's residence. Other elaborate dec- it is mostly of non-union production. and no effort should be spared In seek­ rumor that he will be succeeded as chief oratlve schemes have been carried out with ing to attract them, only first they justice by Mr. Justice Taschereau and pleasing effect by H, J. King, lu Piccadilly, CONGER ON TOP. should understand the conditions with TBE EM that Mr. Justice Armour will be elevated nnd M. von Andre, brother-in-law of Mrs. COMPLIMENTS Pokin, June 17— As a result of the which they will be confronted. At Cal­ to the bench of the supreme court Is said Chauneey Depew. It Is conceded that M. departure from Pekin of the Austrian gary a man was recently pointed out to to he correct. von Andre has gone one better than he did minister to China, Baron Czlaan Von Dr. Young who has Beveral young Eng­ nt the time of the queen's jubilee, when Wahlborn, Edwin H. Conger, the United lishmen working for him, and each pay­ GOOD GAMES ASSURED. his green and white decorutlons were voted Operators Cannot Import States minister today became doyen of ing $50 a month for board and tuition in the finest In nil London. Charlton House the diplomatic corps here. Mr. Conger's farming. The better classes of farmers Sensational Story is Current Plenty of New Talent Secured for the Nel­ Terrace, from one end to tho other, pre­ Thanks Boer Generals For in the Old Country are generally anx­ sents ft very lino appearance. All the big Non-union Hen. popularity with his colleagues makes son Team. his succession to the post occupied by ious to bave their sons start up on their In London. houses have been decornted both in front Good Offices. tho Austrian minister generally ac­ own account, and as in England this is Manager Wright of the Nelson ball tenm nnd bnck und during the nights of next week cepted. an expensive matter a field abroad hns hns secured somo very good talent fur the they are to bemugiilfieently Illuminated. to be chosen. For this class Canada of­ two games which he Is lo play with tho The finest private display of all, however, ENTERTAINING AMERICANS. fers practically unlimited Inducements, Berkley university team here on Friday has been made by lord Glenesk, at 19 Plc- STATE LAW PROHIBITS IT and this yenr, he was pleased to see, and Saturday afternoon, and tlie visitors cudllly, but It is hardly a cause for sur­ London, Junes 18.—Mrs. Douglas Rob­ larger numbers of them were taking up ILLNESS MERELY AN EXCUSE will have to pluy fnst ball to get away with prise, OB few hnvo ever surpassed him In BRITAIN WELCOMES BOERS inson, a sister of president Roosevelt, land. tho local aggregation. festival decorations. In the mntter of dec­ with her husband, dined tonight with Dr. Young is now on his way to make The Nelson team will made up of Mc- orations tho question of expense seems sir Lewis Mclvor, of the house of com­ a lecturing trip through Groat Britain, Creary, catcher; Shear, pitcher nnd left never to hnvo been taken into consideration BOFT GOAL MINERS LENDING mons. Gilbert Parker, M. P., enter­ and hopes to discuss Canada so that tho field; Gibson, first; Eacritt, second; Hous­ at all, but what has contributed still more tained nt dinner Timothy Woodruff, desirable Immigrants may be Induced to ANAB0HI8T8 ABE SAID TO HAVE ton, third; Blnckwood, left Held and pitch­ lo the success Is tbe fnct that a uniform BELATED DISPATCHES OF FIGHT lleut-governor of New York, and colonel nnd harmonious plan hns been followed EVERY ASSISTANCE- come out in greater number than be­ DESIGNS UPON HIM. er; McDonnld, right; Shaw, short; Camp­ Bonrdman, the commander of the Can­ fore. Besides his lecturing he Is work­ bell, center; nnd MeAstocker, spare. out with the result thnt there nre no such AT BBAK8PRUIT. adian militia. ing on a book on the "Folklore and As was mentioned before the games on eyesores ns spoiled tho effect of the dec­ Myths of the Indian." the materials for Frldny and Saturday promises to be the orations nt the time of the queen's Ju­ RUSH FOR OPEN LANDS. which he has been collecting for the best exhibitions thut Nelson has hnd for bilee. Will Not Allow Their Product to Re Pocatelle, Idaho, June 17.—Exactly at past thirty years. Dr. Young has pub­ Several of Them Have Disappeared and several seasons, and good ball like every­ 12 o'clock today 1,300 men and boys lished a numbed of Interesting and thing elso costs money. The local tenm No Finer Instances of Heroism Than Sent Into the Anthracite A NEW DICTIONARY. rushed across the line of the ceded Fort widely-read books, principally on his ex­ are Supposed to Be Bound hnvo been obliged to give the visitors n Those Furnished By the Canadians Coal Districts. Hall reservation In a mnd rush for periences and adventures In the north, heavy guarantee for expenses, ami thoy Berlin, June 17.—Professor Hubert Jart- homestead and mineral lands. Most of and has also contributed many articles For England* naturally look for a good gnte. If the sen announces thut he bus engaged 4U) Darin* the Campaign. them were mounted, and the majority to the magazines of the day. games can be mado to pny their footing In English speaking, ninety-six French, and heavily armed. Probably a thousand Nelson thero will be more of them during ":w German co-workers for his projected persons departed later with pack ani­ CLAWSON VS. JOHNSTONE. the sertgon, nnd Nelson will be able to got "Technical Dictionary," to be printed In Wilkesbarre, Juno 17.—Because the mals. Before 2 o'clock Pocatelle was London, Juno 17.—A sensational story Is* together a purely locnl team of which the three languages, English, German and general manager would" not discharge practically deserted. Many signs of Plaintiff Secures a Verdict of JTfl.CO for current in London tonight of tho discovery city could well bo proud. For tho games French. The dielionnry Is to contain about Pretoria, Juno 16.—Lord Kitchener troublo over claims woro appnrent be­ on Friday and Saturday the ndmlsslon will has sent tho following identical tele­ five girls, whose relatives nro still nt Services Rendered. of a plot to assnsslnnto king Edward. It 600,000 technical words and terms. Twenty- work in the mines, the Wilkesbarre fore the starting signal wns given. hns creuted cunslderablo discussion in bo 25 cents, with a similar charge for the three English spenklng technical societies gram to generals Botha, Dolaroy, and Tho case of Clawson vs. Johnstone wns grand stnnd. Dewet: Now that tho surrender of tlio Lace Manufacturing Company, the larg­ newspnper nnd other circles, but is luck­ are lending their nid to .(arisen, who snys (Hspuse.l of before Judge Forin und a spec­ ing in anything like official conformation. the work will be epoch-maknig. burghers Is completed, I desire to place, est in the United States, wns compelled ial Jury yesterday. This wns un action for According to tho current report king Ed­ on record my high appreciation of the to shut down today. Between 800 and DR. YOUNG'S WESTERN TRIP $128.85 for services ns nurse during n con- ward's sudden illness at Aldershot wus unflagging energy, antl unfailing tact, ilnt'iiicni case, whieh was disputed upon the not duo to a cold, but was merely un ex­ SHOPKEEPERS ARE READY DAWSON HANKS EXPORT GOLD. with which you have facilitated tho 1,000 persons aro affected. The general ground thut tho plaintiff did not complete Vuncouver, June 17.—The largest ship­ Btrike situation remains unchanged. SAYS WILD-CATTERS SHOULD BE cuse for withdrawing lils majesty from work of my com mi sal oners. I recognize her engagement, nnd tno Issue- turned public functions, owing to the discovery ment of gold brought from the north this how much is due to your exertions that The miners report that more men KILLED OFF. largely upon whether the plaintiff hnd left by Scotland Yard uf a plot against his FOR THE LARGESSE OF THE AMER­ •season arrived on board the steamer Dol­ the burghers have everywhere displayed the case of her own volition or whether phin, which left Skagway Thursday night. came out today, and tho coal company life. ICAN VISITORS. such a loyal spirit in accepting tho officials, on the contrary, claimed that she hud been discharged. In strong boxes in the captain's room weru change of government, and I can Inform PLENTY OF CAPITAL READY FOR The principals In thin plot havo not yot ,*.'.:!'|.IIINI worth of gold dust, all consigned to thoy are increasing tbeir forces around The Jurors to whom the questions of fact been arrested.
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