Dr. PETER JENNISKENS 2019 Jenniskens, P., Popova, O. P., Glazachev, D. O., Podobnaya, E. D., Kartashova, A. P., 2019. Tunguska eyewitness accounts, injuries, and casualties. Icarus (in press) [#204]. Jenniskens, P., 2019. Review of asteroid-family and meteorite-type links. In: A century of asteroid families. J. Masseido, ed., IAU Transactions (in press) [#203]. Jenniskens, P., Utas J., Qing-zhu Yin, Matson R. D., Fries M., Howell J. A., Free D., Albers J., Devillepoix H., Bland P., Miller A., Verish R., Garvie L. A. J., Zolensky M. E., Ziegler K., Sanborn M. E., Verosub K. ., Rowland D. J., Ostrowski D. R., Bryson K., Laubenstein M, Zhou Q., Li, Q.-L., Li X.-H., Liu Y., Tang G.-Q., Welten K., Meier M. M. M., Plant A. A., Maden C., Busemann H., Granvik M., 2018. The Creston, California, meteorite fall and the origin of L chondrites. MAPS (in press) [#202]. Harp, G. R., Richards, J., Jenniskens, P., Shostak, S., Tarter, J. C., 2019. Radio SETI observations of the interstellar object 'OUMUAMUA. Acta Astronautica 155, 51–54 [#201]. 2018 Jenniskens, P., 2018. A shower look-up table to trace the dynamics of meteoroid streams and their sources. AAS DPA meeting #49, San Jose, id.102.04 (abstract). Kartashova, A. P., Popova, O. P., Glazachev, D. O., Jenniskens, P., Podobnaya, E. D., 2018. Eyewitness accounts and modeling results for Chelyabinsk Airburst. 81st. Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 22-27 July 2018 in Mosow, Russia, LPI Contr. No. 2067, 2018, id.6169. Goodrich, C. A., Fioretti, A., Zolensky, M., Shaddad, M., Hiroi, T., Kohl, I., Young, E., Kita, N., Sanborn, M., Yin, Q.-Z., Downes, H., Ross, D., Jenniskens, P., 2018. Compositional and spectral properties of Ureilitic regolith from samples of Almahata Sitta. AAS DPS Meeting #50, id.100.08 (abstract). Jenniskens, P., Popova, O., Glazachev, D., Kartashova, A., Podobnaya, E., 2018. Tunguska eye witness accounts, injuries and casualties. 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 22–27 July 2018, Moscow, Russia. LPI Contr. No. 2067, 2018, id.6234 (abstract). Jenniskens, P., Albers, J., Tiller, C. E., Edgington, S. F., Longenbaugh, R. S., Goodman, S. J., Rudlosky, S. D., Hildebrand, A. R., Hanton, L., Ciceri, F., Nowell, R., Lyytinen, E., Hladiuk, D., Free, D., Moskovitz, N., Bright, L., Johnston, C. O., Stern E., 2018. Detetion of meteoroid impacts by the Geostationary Lightning Mapper on the GOES-16 satellite. MAPS 53, 2445–2469 [#200]. Kartashova, A. P., Popova, O. P., Glazachev, D. O., Jenniskens, P., Emel'yanenko, V. V., Podobnaya, E. D., Skripnik, A. Ya, 2018. Study of injuries from the Chelyabinsk airburst event. Plan. Space Science 160, 107–114 [#199]. Unsalan, O., Jenniskens, P., Qing-zhu, Yin, et al., 2018. Howardite fall in Turkey: Source crater of HED Jenniskens, P., 2018. A shower look-up table to trace the dynamics of meteoroid streams and their sources. American Astronomical Society, DDA meeting, San Jose, CA, April 2018 (Abstract). Hildebrand, A. R., Hanton, L. T. J., Ciceri, F., Nowell, R., Lyytinen, E., Silber, E. A., Brown, P. G., Gi, N., Jenniskens, P., Hladiuk D., 2018. Characteristics of a well recorded, bright, meteorite-dropping fireball, Britisch Columbia, Canada, September 4, 2017. 49th LPSC, 19-23 March 2018, The Woodlands, TX, LPI Contr. No. 2083, id. 3006 (Abstract). Goodrich, C. A., Fioretti, A. M., Zolensky, M., Shaddad, M., Ross, D. K., Kohl, I., Young, E., Kita, N., Hiroi, T., Sliwinski, M. G., Jenniskens, P., 2018. The Almahata Sitta polymict ureilite from the University of Khartoum collection: Classification, distribution of clast types in the srewn field. New meteorite types and implications for the structure of asteroid 2008 TC3. 49th LPSC, 19-23 March 2018, The Woodlands, TX, LPI Contr. NO. 2083, id. 1321 (Abstract). Nuth, J. A., Jenniskens, P., 2018. Gateway studies of dust impacts at the Earth and Moon. Deep Space Gateway concept Science Workshop. Proceedings of the workshop held February 27-March 1, 2018, in Denver, Colorado, Contribution No. 2063, id. 3159 (Abstract). Jenniskens, P., Popova O., 2018. Comets in the path of Earth. Elements 14:107–112 [#198] 1 Jenniskens, P., Baggaley J., Crumpton I., Aldous P., Pokorny P., Janches D., Gural P. S., Samuels D., Albers J., Howell A., Johannink C., Breukers M., Odeh M., Moskovitz N., Collison J., Ganju S., 2018. A survey of southern hemisphere meteor showers. Planetary & Space Science 154, 21–29 [#197]. Jenniskens, P., Johannink, C., Moskovitz, N., 2018. February Hydrids outburst (IAU#1032, FHY). JIMO 46, 85–86 [#196]. Szalay J. R., Pokorny P., Jenniskens, P., Horanyi M., 2018. Activity of the 2013 Geminid meteoroid stream at the Moon. Monthly Not. of the Roy. Astron. Soc. 474, 4225–4231 [#195]. 2017 Farnocchia D., Jenniskens, P., Robertson D. K., Chesley S. R., Dimare L., Chodas P. W., 2017. The impact trajectory of asteroid 2008 TC3. Icarus 294, 218-226 [#194]. Jenniskens, P., 2017. Meteor showers in review. Planet. & Space Science 143, 116-124 [#193]. Loehle S., Jenniskens, P., Bohrk H., Bauer T., Elsasser H., Sears D. W., Zolensky M., 2017. Thermophysical properties of Almahata Sitta meteorites (asteroid 2008 TC3) for high-fidelity entry modeling. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 52, 197-205 [#192]. Ruf A., Kanawati B., Hertkorn N., ... 22 authors, 2017. Previously unknown class of metalorganic compounds revealed in meteorites. PNAS 114, 2819-2824 [#191]. Jenniskens, P., Odeh M., 2017. Alpha Monocerotids 2017. CBET 4457. D. W. E. Green (ed.), IAU Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams. Jenniskens, P., Lyytinen E., Johannink C., 2017. October Camelopardalid Meteors 2017. CBET 4443. D.W.E. Green (ed.), IAU Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams. Jenniskens, P., Lyytinen E., Williams G. V., 2017. Potential new meteor shower from comet C/2015 D4 (Borisov). CBET 4403. D.W.E. Green (ed.), IAU Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams. Jenniskens, P., 2017. Ursids meteors 2016. CBET 4363. D. W. E. Green (ed.), IAU Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams. Jenniskens, P., Baggaley J., 2017. Review of southern hemisphere meteor showers. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2017 (abstract) Kartashova A., Popova O., Emelyanenko V., Jenniskens, P., Glazachev D., 2017. Chelyabinsk airburst event aspects from eye witness interviews. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2017 (abstract) Devillepoix H. A. R., Bland P. A., Towner M. C., Jenniskens, P., Cupak M., Howie R. M., Sansom E. K., Jansen-Sturgeon T., Hartig B. A. D., Cox M., Paxman J., 2017. New insights on the Taurid complex. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2017 (abstract) Goodrich C., Jenniskens, P., Shaddad M. H., Zolensky M. E., Fioretti A. M., 2017. Asteroid 2008 TC3 breakup and meteorite fractions. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2017 (abstract) Stern E. C., White S. M., Agrawal P., Prabhu D. K., Chen Y-K., Jenniskens, P., 2017. Ground testing of meteoroid ablation for atmospheric entry. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2017 (abstract) Fioretti A.M., Goodrich C. A., Shaddad M., Jenniskens, P., Zolensky M., Kohl I., Young E., Rumble D., Kita N., Turrin B., Herzog G., 2017. A report on 63 newly sampled stones of the Almahata Sitta fall (asteroid 2008 TC3) from the University of Khartoum collection, including a C2 carbonaceous chondrite. 48th LPSC, held 20-24 March 2017 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contr. 1964, i.d. 1846 Citron R. I., Shah A., Sinha S., Watkins C., Jenniskens, P., 2017. Meteorite recovery using an autonomous drone and machine learning. 48th LPSC, held 20-24 March 2017 at The Woodlands, Texas, LPI Contr. 1964, id. 2528. Zoghbi S., De Cicco M., Ordonez A., Stapper A. P., Collison J., Gural P. S., Ganju S., Glache J.-L., Jenniskens, P., 2017. Searching for Long-Period comets with deep learning tools. Workshop on Deep Learning for Physical Sciences (DLPSs 2017), NIPS 2017, Long Beach, CA. Kartashova A., Popova O., Jenniskens, P., Glazachev D., 2017. Chelyabinsk event: injuries. EPSC 2017, held 17-22 Sept. 2017 in Riga, Latvia, id. EPSC2017-843. Parr J., Marchis F., Busch M., Jenniskens, P., Galache J.-L., Dahlstrom E., 2017. Application of machine learning for planetary defense - three case studies. 5th IAA Plan. Defense Conference DPC 2017, 15-19 May 2017, Tokyo, Japan (abstract) 2 De Cicco M., Zoghbi S., Stapper A. P., Ordonez A. J., Collison J., Gural P. S., Ganu S., Galache J.-L., Jenniskens, P., 2017. Artificial intelligence techniques applied to automating meteor validation and trajectory control to direct the search for Long Period Comets. IMPC 2017 (abstract) 2016 Jenniskens, P., Borovicka J., Watanabe J.-I., Jopek T., Abe S., Consolmagno G. J., Ishiguro M., Janches D., Ryabova G. O., Vaubaillon J., Zhu J., 2016. Division F Commission 22: Meteors, Meteorites, and Interplanetary Dust. Transactions of the IAU 29A, 365–379. Jenniskens, P., 2016. Strong return of the December a-Bootids (IAU#497, DAB). JIMO 44, 67–70 [#190]. Jenniskens, P., Baggaley, J., Crumpton, I., Aldous, P., Gural, P. S., Samuels, D., Albers, J., Soja, R., 2016. A surprise southern hemisphere meteor shower on New Year's eve 2015: the Volantids (IAU#758, VOL). JIMO 44, 35–41 [#189]. Jenniskens, P., Baggaley, J., 2016. Volantid meteor shower outburst on new year's eve 2015. CBET 4261. D. W. E. Green (ed.). IAU Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams. Jenniskens, P., Baggaley J., Crumpton I., Aldous P., 2016. Confirmation of the delta Mensids (IAU#130, DME). JIMO 44, 187–189 [#188]. Micheli, M., Tholen, D. J., Jenniskens, P., 2016. Evidence for 2009 WN25 being the parent body of the November i-Draconids (NID). Icarus 267, 64–67 [#187]. Harlan, S., Jenniskens, P., Zolensky, M. E., Yin, Q.-Z., Verosub, K. L., Rowland, D. J., Sanborn, M., Huyskens, M., Creager, E. R., Jull, A. J. T., 2016. Meteorites found on Misfits Flat dry lake, Nevada. MAPS 51, 757-772 [#186]. Jenniskens, P., Nénon, Q., Gural, P. S., Albers, J., Haberman, B., Johnson, B., Morales, R., Grigsby, B.
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