BMJ GUIDANCE FOR AUTHORS BMJ Guidance for Authors Contact us Individual contact details are ABOUT THE BMJ available for most staff members, and can be found using our Published without interruption since 1840, our mission is to lead the debate on Editorial Staff list health and to engage, inform, and stimulate doctors, researchers, and other health For questions about article submission and ScholarOne (our professionals in ways that will improve outcomes for patients. To achieve these manuscript submission system), please contact papersadmin@ aims we publish original research articles, review and educational articles, news, bmj.com. letters, investigative journalism, and articles commenting on the clinical, scientific, Postal correspondence should be directed to: social, political, and economic factors affecting health that help doctors make The BMJ, BMA House, Tavistock better clinical, research and public health decisions. 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We publish only about 7% of the 7000—8000 articles we 4.1.2 Patient and public involvement, ethical policies receive each year (and only about 4% of the 4,000 research 4.2 Research Methods and Reporting (RMR) articles). We reject about two thirds of all submissions with- 4.3 Analysis out sending them for external peer review, but many authors 4.4 Education (including Minerva and Endgames) tell us they appreciate quick decisions that allow them to sub- 4.5 Editorials mit their work elsewhere without delay. In 2016, the median 4.5 Personal Views/BMJ Opinion time to make a first decision for research, analysis, and edu- 4.5 BMJ Careers cation papers sent out for review was 48, 83, and 31 days, 4.5 Fillers and endpieces respectively, with a 2 day initial screening time for research. 4.5 Obituaries 1.3 Open access Submission and post-submission All research papers in The BMJ are published with open 5.1 Submitting an article access. 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