Jacobsthal number identities using the generalized Brioschi formula T. Goy Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine [email protected] In this paper, we consider some families of Hessenberg determinants the entries of which are Jacobsthal numbers. These determinant formulas may also be rewritten as identities that involve products of multinomial coefficients and powers of Jacobsthal numbers. Keywords: Jacobsthal sequence, Jacobsthal number, Brioschi’s formula, Hessen- berg matrix, multinomial coefficient. 1. Introduction. The Jacobsthal sequence is considered as one of the important sequences among the well-known integer sequences. The Jacobsthal sequence {}Jn n≥0 is defined by recurrence JJJn= n−1 + 2 n − 2, with JJ0=0, 1 = 1, for n ≥ 2. The number Jn is called the n th Jacobsthal number. The list of the 12 terms of the Jacobsthal sequence is given in Table 1. Table 1: Terms of Jn n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Jn 0 1 1 3 5 11 43 85 171 341 683 1365 2731 The Jacobsthal numbers have many interesting properties and applications in many fields of mathematics, as geometry, number theory, combinatorics, and proba- bility theory; see entry A001045 in the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (Sloane, 2019). As examples of recent works involving the Jacobsthal numbers and its various generalizations, see Akbulak and Öteleş (2014), Aktaş and Köse (2015), Aydɪn (2018), Catarino et al. (2015), Cɪlasum (2016), Daşdemir (2019), Goy (2018a), Goy (2018b), Goy (2019b), Köken and Bozkurt (2008), Öteleş et al. (2018), Zatorsky and Goy (2016) and related references contained therein. For example, in Akbulak and Öteleş (2014) defined two n -square upper Hessenberg matrices one of which corre- sponds to the adjacency matrix a directed pseudo graph and investigated relations be- tween determinants and permanents of these Hessenberg matrices and sum formulas of the Jacobsthal sequences. In Köken and Bozkurt (2008) defined the n -square Ja- cobsthal matrix and using this matrix derived some properties of Jacobsthal numbers. In Öteleş et al. (2018) investigated the relationships between the Hessenberg matrices and the Jacobsthal numbers. In Cɪlasun (2016) introduced recurrence relation for multiple-counting Jacobsthal sequences and showed their application with Fermat’s little theorem. In Daşdemir (2019) extended the Jacobsthal numbers to the terms with negative subscripts and presented many identities for new forms of these numbers. In 13 Catarino et al. (2015) presented new families of sequences that generalize the Jacob- sthal numbers and established some identities. The purpose of the present paper is to study the Jacobsthal numbers. We investi- gate some families of Hessenberg determinants the entries of which are Jacobsthal numbers with successive, odd and even subscripts. Consequently, we obtain for these numbers new combinatorial identities involving multinomial coefficients. 2. Hessenberg matrices and determinants. Consider the Hessenberg matrix of order n having the form k a ⋯ 1 1 1 0 0 0 k a a 1⋯ 0 0 2 2 1 ()k ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ Hn(,,,) a1 a 2 … a n = , k a a a⋯ a 1 n−1 n − 1 n − 2 n − 3 1 ⋯ kn a n a n−1 a n − 2 a 2 a 1 where a0 ≠ 0 and ai ≠ 0 for at least one i ≥ 1. The following lemma gives the multinomial extension for det(Hn ). This result directly follows from Theorem 2 in Zatorsky (2013). Lemma 1. Let n be a positive integer. Then n n−σn k (−1) s s s () 1 2 ⋯ n det(Hn ) = ∑ ∑si ki m n( s)a1 a 2 an , (1) ⋯ σ s1+2 s 2 ++ nsn =n n i= 1 where the summation is over integers sj ≥ 0 satisfying Diophantine equation (s+⋯ + s )! s+2 s +⋯ + ns = n , σ =s +⋯ + s , and m() s = 1 n is the 1 2 n n1 n n ⋯ s1 !! sn multinomial coefficient. In the case k1 =k2 =... =kn = 1 we have Brioschi’s formula (Muir, 1960). Many combinatorial identities involving sums over integer partitions can be generated in this way. For example, similar results for Fibonacci, Lucas, Mersenne, Pell, Catalan, Oresme numbers have been recently discovered in Goy (2018c), Goy (2019b), Goy (2019c), Goy and Shattuck (2019a), Goy and Shattuck (2019b), Goy and Shattuck (2019c). 3. Determinant formulas for Jacobsthal numbers. In this section, we investi- ()k gate a particular case of determinants det(Hn ), in which ki = i. To simplify our ()k notation, we write det(a1 , a 2 ,… , an ) in place of det(Hn (, a1 a 2 ,… , a n )). Recall that the Fibonacci sequence {}Fn n≥0 is defined by the initial values F0 = 0, F1 = 1 and the recurrence FFFn= n−1 + n − 2, n ≥ 2. 14 Theorem 2. For n ≥ 1, the following identities hold n n det(,JJF0JF 1 ,… ,n− 1 ) = (1)− (2 n + 1 −n ) − ( − 2)− 1, n−1 n/2n /2 n det(JJJ1 , 2,… ,n ) =( − 1) (2− 1)(2 − ( − 1) ), n det(JJJ2 , 3 ,… ,n+ 1 )= − ( −2 ) − 1, n n det(JJJ3 , 4 ,… ,n+ 2 ) = 2− ( − 2) − 1, n+1 n det(,,,JJJ4 5…n + 3 ) = 2−( − 2) − 1, n n n det(,JJJ3 5 ,… , 2n+ 1 )= (1)(4 − − 2 + 1), n−1 n 2 det(JJJ2 , 4 ,… , 2n ) = (−1) (2 − 1) , n−1 n det(JJJ4 , 6 ,… , 2n + 2 ) = ( − 1) (4 − 1), th where Fn is the n Fibonacci number. Next, we focus on multinomial extension of Theorems 2. Formula (1), coupled with Theorem 2 above, yields the following combinatorial identities for Jacobsthal numbers. ⋯ Theorem 3. Let n ≥ 1, σn =s1 + + s n, si ≥ 0, and (s+⋯ + s )! m() s = 1 n denotes the multinomial coefficient. Then n ⋯ s1 !! sn σ n n (− 1) n−1 s s s 2F −F − 2− ( − 1) 1 2⋯ n− 1 n+1 n ∑ mn−1() s J 1 J 2 J n −1 = , ⋯ σ n 2s1+ + sn− 1 =n n −1 σ n/2 n /2 n (−1) n s s s (1− 2 )(2 − ( − 1) ) m s J1 J 2 ⋯J n ∑ n() 1 2 n = , ⋯ σ n s1+2 s 2 + + sn =n n σ n n (− 1)n s s s 2 + (− 1) m s J1 J 2 ⋯ J n ∑ n() 2 3 n+ 1 = − , ⋯ σ n s1+2s 2 + + snn = n n σ n n n (− 1)n s s s ( − 2) − 2 − (−1) m s J1 J 2 ⋯ J n ∑ n(,) 3 4 n +2 = ⋯ σ n s1+2 s 2 + +n sn = n n σ n n n (− 1)n s s s 2( − 2) − 2− ( − 1) m s J1 J2 ⋯ J n ∑ n(),4 5 n +3 = ⋯ σ n s1+2 s 2 + +n sn = n n σ n n (− 1)n ss s 4 − 2 + 1 m sJ 1 J2 ⋯ J n ∑ n() 3 5 2 n + 1 = , ⋯ σ n s1+2 s 2 + +n sn = n n σ n 2 (− 1)n s s s (2 − 1) m s J1 J 2 ⋯ J n ∑ n( ),2 4 2 n = − ⋯ σ n s1+2 s 2 + +nsn = n n 15 σ n (− 1)n s s s 1 − 4 m s J1 J 2 ⋯ J n ∑ n( ).4 6 2 n+2 = ⋯ σ n s1+2 s 2 + + snn = n n References Akbulak, M., & Öteleş, A. P. (2014). On the sums of Pell and Jacobsthal numbers by matrix method. Bull. Iranian Math. 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