Vol. XXII, No. 21 [PRICE TWELVE CENTS] February 19, 1920 President Schurman Resigns Published weekly during- the college year and monthly in July and August at 220 B. State Street, Ithaca, New York. Subscriptions $8.00 a year. Entered as second class matter May 2, 1900, under the act 01 March 3, 1879, at the post-office at ITHACA, NEW YORK. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS ALUMNI PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HEMPHILL, NOYES & Co. Executor Trustee WASHINGTON, D. C. Investment Securities Chartered 1822 THEODORE K, BBYANT '97, '98 37 Wall Street, New York Master Patent Law '08 Boston, Philadelphia, Albany, Buffalo THE FARMERS' LOAN Patents and Trade Marks Exclusively Scranton, Baltimore, Syracuse 310-313 Victor Building Jansen Noyes '10 AND TRUST COMPANY Charles E. Gardner ITHACA, N. Y. Stanton Griffis '10 Nos. 16-22 William Street GEORGE S. TARBELL Clifford Hemphill Branch: 475 Fifth Ave. Ithaca Trust Building Member New York Attorney and Notary Public Stock Exchange at 41st Street Beal Estate New York Sold, Bented and Managed LONDON NEW YORK CITY PARIS HERMAN J. WESTWOOD '97 Attorney at Law ROMEIKE Letters of Credit 111 Broadway PRESS CLIPPING Foreign Exchange CHARLES A. TATJSSIG A. B. >02, LL.B., Harvard '05 SERVICE Cable Transfers 220 Broadway Tel. 1905 Cortland is prepared to supply you with General Practice current information from the Administrator Guardian newφapers and magazines on MABTIN H. OFFINGEB EE. '99 whatever subject may interest TAN WAGONER-LINN CONSTRUCTION CO. you. Be it politics, be it busi- λfember Federal Reserve Bank and New Electrical Contractors ness, be it science^ there is mailed York Clearing House Buildings Wired to you daily just what you want Anything IClectrieal Anywhere to read from General Electric Mazda Lamps 3000 newspapers 143 E, 27th Street , 1000 magazines PRESS CLIPPINGS are becom- The Mercersburg Academy NOBTON, BIRD & WHITMAN ing more and more a .necessary Utility and Industrial Engineers adjunct to progressive business. Prepares for all colleges New York Chicago 4 601 Fifth Avenue 111 W. Monroe St. 'If it's in the papers and universities: Aims Cleveland Sweetland Bldg. we get it out*' at thorough scholarship, Boston Baltimore 88 Broad St. Munsey Bldg. ROMEIKE broad attainments and FORT TyOBTH, TEXAS is synonymous with press clipping Christian manliness service. LEE, LOMAX, WREN & SMITH ADDRESS Lawyers General Practice Henry Romeike, Inc. 506-9 Wheat Building WILLIAM MANN IRVINE, Attorneys for Santa Fe Lines 106-08-10 Seventh Avenue Empire Gas & Fuel Co. New York President 0 'K. Lee, Cornell 1889-90;., P. T. Lomax, Texas 1899; F. J. Wren, Texas 1913-14; MERCERSBURG, PA. M. A. Smith, George Wash- ington 1916 Caseadilla School GRADUATES GO TO CORNELL THE CORNER BOOKSTORES College Preparatory School A High-Grade Boarding School for Boys are supplying dozens of old grad engineers and many of the Summer School larger plants with the same Standard Cross Section Paper we July to September, especially for Col- lege and University'Entrance sold you while in college. Can't you use some now in your Examinations. work? We will send samples if requested. Thin for blue Special Tutoring School printing—heavy and medium for other work. Private Instruction in Any Subject Throughout tfre Year. Trustees P. C. Cornell EraeβtBlaker C.D.Bostwick O*r 1919-80 Catalog will appeal to thai schoolboy you are trying to ITHACA TRUST COMPANY interest in Cornell ASSETS OVER THREE MILLION DOLLARS A po tal will bring it. Pres., Charles E. Treman Vicβ-Pres., Franklin 0. CornβH Vice-Free., Emmon L. Williams Vice-Pres. and See., W. H. Storm A. M. Drummond, M. A., Director, Treasurer, Sherman Peer Ithaca, N. Y. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Vol. XXII, No. 21 Ithaca, N. Y., February 19, 1920 Price 12 Cent* ISITING, farmers, Junior girls, 22, with appropriate exercises in the period of three weeks. A single fee of and chaperons have gone. The Lyceum Theater. five dollars secures the use of the shops V University has played the host— THE EASTMAN PRIZE for public speak- and laboratories of the Department of or alma hostess—an a way unequaled ing, most coveted of academic prizes in Farm Mechanics. Besides the shop work since 1917. And all has passed without the College of Agriculture, was won last there are two lectures each day. serious mishap. Quantities of snow and Thursday night by Harold Leroy Creal, THE NUMBER of college publications ice in the streets made traveling by a senior, of Jamestown, N. Y. His has been increased by The Home Eco- automobile difficult, in places danger- topic Λvas "The American Farm Bureau nomics Reminder, a leaflet which prom- ous; yet ΛVΘ have heard of only one or Federation.'' The prize is one hundred ises to appear either quarterly or once two collisions and of no personal in- dollars in money. A second prize of in a while. Its ambitions may be en- juries. Violation of the traffic regula- twenty dollars was awarded to James larged and more readily realized if the tions led to a few arrests. One young Lee Eothwell '20, of Elmira, N. Y., Department of Home Economics is man, coming to enjoy Farmers' Week whose topic was "Conservation." This erected into a separate college. The with his brother, a short course student, year, moreover, each of the remaining aims of the paper are sufficiently re- had his leg broken 011 the toboggan four contestants received a gift of fected in the title. The present editor slide. An occasional illness is reported. money equal to the second prize, eighty is Alice M. Blinn, extension instructor. On the whole officials and committee- dollars having been contributed for this Thυ principal article in the first issue men are satisfied. purpose by Wallace H. Hook of the is a review of work in domestic economy class of 1912. .The Eastman prizes are EXPECTATIONS of a-record-breaking at at Cornell. the income of a fund given by Mr. A. tendance of agriculturists proved too R. Eastman of Waterville, N. Y., "with A BRITISH-AMERICAN CLUB has re- confident. According to published re- the object of developing qualities of cently been formed at the University, ports the registration at the close of personal leadership in rural affairs." having as its object the discussion of the fourth day showed a decrease from This was the eleventh annual contest. topics and problems affecting the com- last year's of more than two thousand. mon relations of the Empire and the The falling off is attributed in part to THE CHAMPIONSHIP CUP for excellence Republic, with a view to better inter- sickness or to the fear of it, especially in cattle fitting, another prize associated national understanding and comity. The the prevalent influenza; and in larger with Farmers' Week, was awarded to new association is affiliated with a like part to the difficulties of transportation, Ellery R. Barney '22, of Milford, N. Y. organization founded in 1919 at Oxford since blocked highways in many rural The championship class was made up University; indeed it owes its inception sections made it impossible, inexpedient, of winners in special classes in the to the presence in Oxford of several Cor- or risky to leave home even when rail- grooming and care of cattle, horses, nell men during a term following the roads might be reached. Though dis- sheep, and swine. The honors as a whole armistice. Among these was Harold appointing on this respect, Farmers' wore about evenly shared by regular and Flack '12, secretary of the Cornellian Week in every other way scored its usual by short course students. Miss Ida A. Council, through whose interest and ac- successes. Eυperti, a special student, of New York tivity the club here has come into being. PROFESSOR LEWIS KNUDSON, of the City, was victor in a colt-training con- It is hoped that similar clubs may be College of Agriculture, will spend the test, and Miss G. A. Schenck '21, of organized at other American universi- months of March and April in Spain. Rochester, took second prize for an ex- ties. Membership is open to all persons He goes there to deliver a series of lec- hibit of Jerseys. having an interest in Cornell, students, tures on vegetable physiology. Since JOHN P. HENRY, coach of the 1920 alumni, matriculants, members of the leaving Ithaca last October for his sab- baseball team, has arrived in Ithaca, Faculty. Of the Oxford club Lord batic year, Professor Knudson has been ready for his season's work. He has Bryce and the American ambassador are studying in Paris; after fulfilling his already been in conference with the local joint presidents; of the Cornell club Spanish engagements, he will go to the authorities; and the presence of the President Schurman is honorary presi- University of Strasbourg. He will re- Yale basketball team last Saturday gave dent. turn to his college work next autumn. opportunity for a talk with Dr. A. H. PROFESSORS BRISTOW ADAMS and Her- Sharpe, Cornell's former coach. A call THE RECENT CAMPAIGN of the local man Dάederiehs '97 have been elected for baseball candidates will be issued post of the American Legion resulted honorary members of Quill and "Dagger. in the securing of 640 new members. shortly. At the outset Henry will be The team led by Lieut. Col. Bogert assisted by Hugh Jennings '04, man- PROFESSOR NATHANIEL SCHMIDT gave brought in the larger number. Of the ager of the Detroit team. a, public lecture at the Cosmopolitan 806 eligible veterans in Ithaca, all but Club on Wednesday evening on THE ANNUAL TRACTOR SCHOOL iii the 1 ί 166 are now enrolled. A few of these College of Agriculture opened on Mon- Ukraiiia and Her Problems.'' have refused to affiliate.
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