•• •• aCl lC Cl lzen National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League Newsstand: 25¢ (60e postpaid) ISSN: 0030-8579 Whole No. 2,378!Vol. 102 No. 8 941 East 3rd St. #200, Los An eles, CA 90013 213 626-6936 Frida, February 28,1986 Secretary Frank Knox, who al­ JA court challenges recalled leged disloyal acts by Hawaiian Japanese after visiting Pearl by J.K Yamamoto viction for evading the intern­ Harbor. ''1 found in the National ment Archives a debriefing memoran­ LOS ANGELES-On the 44th an­ Herzig, with her husband, Jack, dum in which it clearly says that niversary ofExecutive Order~, uncovered government docu­ Secretary Knox ... had discussed three who have confronted the ments that were used as evidence the lack of any sabotage activity government's wartime actions in in the 1983 class action suit filed during the Pearl Harbor attack" court described their legal bat­ by National Council for Japanese tles to clear the reputations of American Redress and the re­ Files Closed opening of the Supreme Court Japanese Americans impris­ There remains in government oned during WW2. cases of Korematsu, Min Yasui and Gordon Hirabayashi. archives ''much more informa­ Appearing at a Day ofRem em­ tion that is still unavailable to brance program sponsored by In refuting official government the public that would strongly Nikkei Student Union at UCLA claims of military necessity in support our claims that there were archival researcher Aiko carrying out the internment, she was definitely no need to carry Henig former staff member of cited reports by the Office of out this action against us," said the Commission on Wartime Re­ Naval Intelligence, Army Intelli­ Photo by Sachi Yamamoto Herzig For example, "1943 pa­ location and Internment of Civil­ gence and other government in­ pers on the 'Japanese question' Frank Emi speaks at UCLA Day of Remembrance program. ians; Frank Emi, a member of vestigators that concluded J apa­ from the House Committee on the Fair Play Committee at the nese Americans were not a Un-American Activities ... can­ Heart Mountain camp during threat to national security. not be examined until 1900." Compensation awarded to JA WW2; and Dale Minami, lead at­ Government officials know­ ''But we have enough infonna­ torney for Fred Korematsu, who ingly concealed such reports, she tion on the lack of military neces.­ BERKELEY - Bess Fujimoto authored the act which awarded successfully challenged his con- said, citing the example of Navy sity," she added. Yasukochi was paid $5,000 in Yasukochi the $5,000, said, "Too A strong supporter of the compensation for her tennina­ often people have forgotten what NGJAR lawsuit, Herzig said she tion as a City of Berkeley em­ happened in 1942 and we don't San Francisco screening of 'Yankee thinks the redress bills in Con­ ployee in 1942, following the is­ want it to go unnoticed We want gress have "little chance of pass­ suance ofExecutive Order 9066. to show our children that we care Samurai' to benefit Go For Broke, Inc. age' because of the recently Yasukochi was a secretary in what happened in some other way SAN FRANCISCO-The Amer­ It also contains some historical passed Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Berkeley's health department in than words." ican premiere of the European footage of the camps and the bill, under which money spent 1942 when 1~ residents of that Yasukochi said she belie es documentary, "Yankee Samurai," 100th/442nd that ha e not had a on new programs would ha e to city were rounded up and sent compensation should be for the at the Palace of Fine Arts, 5 p.m., public viewing since WW2 JACL come out of existing programs. to concentration camps because general benefit of Japanese March 15, will benefit Go For National Director Ron Wakaba­ "Will our congressional lead­ of their Japanese ancestry. Americans and will donate her Broke, Inc. (GFB), the National yashi commented that some of ers risk losing their seats ... by On Feb. 18, at a ceremony $5,000 to the JACL and other or­ Japanese American Historical this footage is among the most voting for the redress bill in light proclaiming Feb. 19 as a Day of ganizations dedicated to helping Society. remarkable that he has seen in of the impact of the budget-bal­ Remembrance in Berkeley, the Japane e Americans. The film, by Israeli fIlmmaker the last several years. including ancing bill?" she asked Berkeley City Council gave Yasu­ The act also authorizes the Katriel Schory, examines the a eries of short interviews with "Judges, unlike congressmen. kochi $5,000 and an apology for City Manager to ''make payment wartime internment ofJapanese a Bay area re ident, Shigeo Doi do not worry about losing their the city's silence in 1942. of $5,000 to any person who can Americans and focuses on the of Alameda Doi is one of rela­ eats on the bench for rulings A year long search by the city, demonstrate that they were relo­ role of the 100th1442nd RCT, the tively few Nisei that swvi ed all that they issue. The will make assisted by JACL Berkeley chap­ cated and interned during WW2 all-Nisei unit which fought in se en major campaigns of the decisions based on the merits of ter, revealed that Yasukochi was and, as a result, were tenninated Europe during WW2 The docu­ 100th1442nd. He was a member the case." the only living person whose em­ from city [Berkeley] employ­ mentary co ers a number of of I company, which had but She also suggested that sup­ ployment with the City of Berke­ ment, upon the submission of ap­ major figures such as Gen. Mark eight survivors in the Battle of port for redress from President ley was terminated in 1942. propriate evidence by Feb. 25, Clark, who indicates in the fUm the Lost Battalion. Reagan ''rna never materialize' Councilmember Ann Chandler 1007 and recommendation of the that the internment was an un­ The characterizations of the because Karl Bendetsen. who who, with Mayor Gus Newport co- City Attorney." necessary action. CoDtinued on Page 4 Continued 1m Page 5 properly rememb d by all Photo exhibit, proclamations, JA history American becau e it ignaled the beginning of a tim when a . emphasized in Sacramento ceremony single group of our nation's people were isolated and stripped SACRAMENTO--Over 100 Issei, Proclamations and greetings of their rights as m mbers of a Nisei, Sansei and friends were expressed by numerous dig­ free society." crowded into the Governor's nitaries, including State Senator He added that the Deukme­ Council room Feb. 19 for dedica­ Ralph Dills (!).Gardena), Sacra­ jian administration is "commit­ tion ceremonies commemorat­ mento Mayor Anne Rudin, Assem­ ted to ra ing the kind of ignor­ ing the "Day of Remembrance" blyman Patrick Johnston and ance and injustice that led to th and publicizing the Go For Gov. George Deukmejian, who internment of Japanese Am r­ Broke, Inc. photo exhibit, "East made a late appearance after a icans." to America," on display in the plane taking him to an evacua­ Deukmejian, upon his anival, East Wing of the State Capitol tion center in Sonoma County read his DOR proclamation. (se Calif. Gov. George Deukmejian (third from left) presents copies of Day of until March 1. (where victims of the heavy Jan. 17 PC). Remembrance proclamation to Tom Kawaguchi, executive director for Go The ceremony, marking the Northern Califomia rains and Sacramento County Super­ For Broke, Inc.; Shiro Tokuno, chair of the Capitol Exhibit committee; Ron 44th anniversary of Executive flooding were temporarily housed) visor IDa Collin presented a re­ Wakabayashi, national JACL director; Masatoshi Abe. representing the Order 9066, was sponsored by had to make an emergency land­ solution for the County Board of Issei; and Eric Saul. Presidio Army Museum curator. GFB and featured military histo­ ing because of engine trouble. Supervisors commenting on "th JACL national director Ron fa orable court d isions in the rian and Presidio Army Museum Dr. John McCarthy, director of importance of healing and Wakabayashi reminded tho e in NGJAR and th Hirabayashi curator, Eric Saul, who spoke the governor's Office of Commu­ enobling projects that would re­ attendance of "th positive d cases and the Smithsonian about the upcoming Smithsonian nity Relations, speaking on be­ mind us how to prevent such a velopments that aI happening exhibit to open in 1987 as exam­ exhibit and the "East to America" half of the governor, said, "Feb. tragic travesty of justic from right now on our long road to re- pIe exhibit 19, 1~ is a day that should be happening again" dress and justice." He noted the --MaIy Tsukamoto 2-PACIFIC CITIZEN I Friday, February 28, 1986 No. 2,378 Allow 6 weeks advance notice to report address change with label on front Japanese American educator ousted If you are moving / Wish to subscribe, Write New Address below. Effective date .. ............................................................. .. from community college presidency Please send the Pacific Citizen for: LOS ANGELES-Angry commu­ do. The response in support ofJack, o 1-Yr $20 0 2-Yrs $38 0 3-Yrs $56 nity leaders, upset at a Los particularly by the Asian communi­ To: ... .... .. ...... .. ...... ..... ... .. ................... ........... ... ........... .. .............. .. ..... ........ .. ty, shows the growing political sup­ Angeles Community College Dis­ Address: .. .. .. ............... .. ............... ......... ............... ...... ... ....... , .... .. .......... ... .. trict plan to demote west Los port of our community and we in­ Angeles Community College pres­ tend to continue to speak out City, State, ZIP: .. ... .. .. ....... ... ................ ... ......... ... .. ...... ............................... ident, Dr. Masakazu Jack Fuji­ against the kinds of injustice and Afl subscriptions payable in advance. Foreign: US$12.00 extra per year. Checks payable to: Pacific Citizen, 941 E. 3rd St., Los Angeles, CA 90013 moto, testified on his behalf at discrimination reflected by the EXPIRATION NanCE-If the last four digits on the top row of your label reads 1285, the the district's Board of Trustees Board of Trustees' action" IDda,y grace period ends with the lastissue in FebruaJy, l.986.
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